At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 138: The first battle of new recruits


"Mad with hatred, where the long knife is directed, how many loyal souls of brothers and sisters are buried in other places! Why do you regret a hundred deaths to serve your family and country? I can't help but sigh, and I am speechless, with blood and tears in my eyes..."

The neat and loud military songs echoed in the sky. Under the sunshine of early spring, on the snow-capped wilderness, the Sui army in Qiaojun lined up in a neat formation and advanced with a strict battle formation. Walking in the front are the heavy infantry of the four regiments led by Ma Sanbao, all wearing brand-new infantry armor, and they are the main combat force of the Sui army in Qiaojun; followed by Zhu Can and Zhang Di. The six regiments of light infantry had all put on brand new military uniforms and strode forward holding high a clear banner; the bow and arrow team led by Li Yi was at the end, and more than 120 archers drawn from the veterans of the new army, Everyone held two stone longbows and rattan arrow pots on their backs, with serious expressions, and the white feather arrows kept beating slightly in the quiver.

Chen Yingliang, in white robe and silver armor, rode a tall white horse that was extremely pretentious, and walked in the forefront of the line with great contentment. On the left was Qian Xiangmin, a full-time diplomatic liar, and on the right was Yun Da Shaoqing, who was also in full armor—the old thing listened. After hearing the news of the militant army's merger, knowing that the Sui army was sure to win, he decided to follow Chen Yingliang to observe and learn from the battlefield so that he could take over the position of General Zuo Yuwei in the future. It is not just a fluke to be able to get to this position after a great ups and downs. At least he knows to keep learning and accumulating experience, which is much better than many modern outstanding public servants.

This team is the biggest capital Chen Yingliang can afford at present. If he loses all unfortunately, Chen Yingliang really doesn't know how long he will have to wait until he wants to make a comeback. But this possibility is absolutely gone. The timing Chen Yingliang chose to attack could not have been more sinister. After most of the night of infighting and merging, the militia team was not only severely damaged in terms of overall strength, but also suffered a decline in morale and physical strength. At the lowest point, it was too late to regroup and face Chen Yingliang's attacking team in a strict formation. They could only scream and scream in fear on the battlefield of internal strife where corpses were scattered all over the place.

Hearing the neat military songs of the Sui army, and seeing the Sui army marching forward in a neat formation, the faces of countless soldiers of the militant army turned pale. Everyone's faces were ashen, and he quickly ordered the team to move closer to him, ready to gather and leave. Junyi, ask them to lead their troops to fight and block the official army. The other teams, continue to besiege Miao Haichao, and get rid of this traitor first."

Du Fuwei's order was quickly carried out, and Wang Xiongdan and Ximen Junyi's two capable sons quickly led the army westward to prevent Chen Yingliang from advancing to buy time for the main force to wipe out Miao Haichao. However, what made Du Fuwei angry was However, Wang Xiongyan and Ximen Junyi have faithfully carried out orders, but the soldiers under their command are more unreliable than each other. When moving westward, let alone shouting and charging, even the speed of normal marching can’t keep up. They got slower and slower one by one, and the voices of shouting for killing became weaker and weaker one by one. Many people looked around with pale faces, looking for the direction and way to escape.

And on Miao Haichao's side, seeing the officers and soldiers appearing, Miao Haichao's team, which had been completely desperate, suddenly burst into applause, and the morale and fighting spirit, which had fallen to the extreme, returned to its peak state, as if it had been beaten with chicken blood. With blood red eyes, he slashed and fought back desperately, shouting incessantly, and Miao Haichao kept yelling in the team, "Brothers, hold on! Hold on to me! Hold on, I will take you to Chen Tongshou! I will take you to Chen Tongshou! Go and join Chen Tongshou!"

In front of Miao Haichao's team, which has once again exploded with vigorous combat effectiveness, Du Fuwei's dream of quickly annihilating the remnants of Miao Haichao has naturally come to naught, and the situation on the other side is even worse. After meeting the Sui army head-on, Chen Yingliang, Yun Dingxing and others reined in their horses and stopped, followed by the Sui army's heavy infantry shouting forward, waving high-quality horizontal knives and long spears to catch the enemy, It is the first frontal battle with the enemy since forming an army.

There is no suspense about the outcome of the battle. The heavy infantry of the Sui Army, who are almost armed to the teeth, rely on their sophisticated equipment. Army soldiers must be careful to dodge official army knives and guns. At the same time, the tattered horizontal knives and simple spears in their hands can hardly hurt the army soldiers in iron armor. Almost immediately after the battle, there are dozens of militia soldiers He died tragically under the horizontal knife and iron spear of the official army, and the loss of the official army was minimal.

The dense rain of arrows roared and drew countless beautiful arcs in the sky, passed over the Sui army's head along a parabola, and spun and fell into the ranks of the militiamen behind. The thin armor of the militia soldiers could not resist these The piercing of the sharp spike arrows, one after another was shot in the face and chest by the feather arrows, screaming and falling in a pool of blood, and many soldiers were directly pierced by the feather arrows, nailed to the ground alive with blood rushing back and forth, Die more miserable.

The second round of arrow rain came, and more soldiers of the militia army wailed and fell to the ground. The rear team, which was being taken care of by bows and arrows, was also in chaos. Although Dan and Ximen Junyi tried their best to stop them, but there were too many deserters, they couldn't restrain them at all, and then the soldiers of the mutiny army in front also fled, and the heavy infantry of the officers and soldiers drove straight forward, hacking and killing the fleeing enemies to their heart's content, Wang Xiongyan and Seeing that the defeat was decided, Ximen Junyi didn't insist on it, and immediately led the team that could be restrained to flee for their lives. After a short battle, the team of militiamen sent by Du Fuwei to intercept it had already collapsed.

The militia army on the camp battlefield began to be in chaos. Although they still had almost ten times the strength of the army, their most elite soldiers had already suffered heavy losses in the previous fire. Most of the soldiers were also injured, their physical strength was greatly reduced, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Although there are many remaining auxiliary soldiers and civilians, their equipment is poorer, and their morale and fighting spirit are even lower. Seeing the well-formed officers and soldiers approaching in stride, these auxiliary soldiers and civilians have already fled with their heads in their hands before the battle. Fleeing all over the mountains and plains.

The morale of Miao Haichao's team has become stronger. Seeing that there is hope for survival, the surrounded Miao Haichao team not only killed the enemy and retreated steadily, but also crazily directly attacked Du Fuwei's flag formation, shouting constantly to capture Du Fuwei alive He was determined to use Du Fuwei's head as a gift to surrender Chen Yingliang. Du Fuwei's main force was forced to resist, unable to put all its strength into the frontal battlefield.

The situation is taking a turn for the worse. It's not that Du Fuwei has never thought about withdrawing his troops to the east immediately, but Du Fuwei, who has already had a lot of battlefield experience, knows very well that once he orders a retreat, the demoralized self-army troops will all collapse immediately. The Sui Army team can chase their own buttocks like chasing ducks, and a large number of soldiers will take the opportunity to escape from their own team alone. There was no other way but to grit their teeth and order to fight with all their strength, hoping to retreat a little with a small number of officers and soldiers, and then escape calmly.

Du Fuwei soon began to regret his decision. With the entry of the army into the battlefield, his team soon fell into the dilemma of fighting on two fronts. The eye-catching Miao Haichao team rushed and fought, panicked at the same time, with feathered arrows falling from their heads, killing Du Fuwei's main direct line team, crying like ghosts and howling with corpses everywhere.

Originally, Du Fuwei wanted to count on the friendly army to attack the Sui army's flanks and share some positive pressure for himself. However, after the order was delivered, Du Fuwei was extremely angry to see that the third-ranked army in the ranks of the Mutant People's Army Wang Dabaozi was the first to run eastward with his team, and left the battlefield first without showing any loyalty. Immediately afterwards, several little thieves also led their teams away, running faster and faster one by one, just like when they were fighting with the wind to grab the results.

Only another powerful Xia Da Chong didn't run away, and led the team to detour to the north. It seemed that there were signs of encircling the flank of the army according to the order. Of course Du Fuwei was overjoyed when he saw this, and he even praised Xia Da Chong for his loyalty My friend, but before the words of praise were finished, the messenger who went to send the order had already rushed back, and reported in a tearful voice: "To King Du, Chief Xia said that he found signs of military activities in the north, and he was afraid After attacking our flank, he led his troops north to meet the enemy! He also said, please rest assured, King Du, even if he fights until only one soldier is left, he will defend our flank!"

"These shameless bastards!" Du Fuwei thumped his chest and scolded, angrily said: "When I let them join the team, I should reorganize their team and kill them all!"

No matter how much you regret desperately trying to recruit people to join the gang, it’s useless if you don’t reorganize the team. After a few big thieves took the lead and escaped, the remaining little thieves all immediately pulled their team east or south in order to preserve their strength. The Du Fuwei team, which had already been seriously injured, was left struggling to support it. Not only was the advantage of a large number of people greatly reduced, but the morale value also plummeted downwards, almost approaching the bottom. Sui Jun and Miao Haichao's team Then the morale increased, and the charge became more fierce and powerful.

Of course, Du Fuwei didn't have every chance. If he could quickly kill Miao Haichao's remnant team, he would be able to free up his hands to deal with the Qiaojun Sui Army, who was still a recruit. He might not be powerless. However, the facts are very cruel. With the fleeing of the big and small thieves, a huge loophole has appeared in the encirclement circle against Miao Haichao's team. Not to mention that Fu Wei killed Miao Haichao quickly, it was as difficult as ever to get rid of Miao Haichao's restraint quickly.

The situation on the battlefield continued to deteriorate towards Du Fuwei's unfavorable situation. As the battle continued, the enemy continued to escape, as well as the self-army continued to advance and the blood was baptized, the Sui army's four regiments under Ma Sanbao's command were heavily armed. The infantry had already overcome the nervousness and fear when they first entered the battlefield, accumulated confidence and courage little by little, and became more and more brave and swift between the charges. Not only did Du Fuwei's team retreat steadily, but they also began to try to attack the enemy's most In the dense Du Fuwei flag formation, Du Fuwei tried to divide his troops to copy the flanks of the Sui army's heavy infantry several times, but was quickly repelled by the Sui army's heavy infantry wielding knives and guns fiercely, without receiving the slightest containment effect.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yingliang, who had already retreated to the light infantry to command the battle, was of course very happy, and Yun Da Shaoqing, who was next to him, was already beaming, and kept urging Chen Yingliang: "Eldest nephew, good nephew, should you give me an order?" A general attack? Let our light infantry go up and charge, and we should be able to secure the victory in one fell swoop."

"No hurry, just wait." Chen Yingliang always replied like this, because first, Chen Yingliang didn't have many cards to play, so he had to keep the light infantry as a reserve team, and second, Chen Yingliang hoped that the heavy infantry could get more actual combat Exercise and become the trump card in your hand as soon as possible.

Chen Yingliang's wishful thinking didn't last long. Seeing that his main combat force was constantly being consumed, and there were still a large number of reserve troops standing still, the hope of victory was very slim. In order to preserve the strength to continue running, Du Fuwei finally made a He made a difficult decision and ordered: "Ming Jin, retreat to the east, if you continue to fight, I will lose all my money!"

"Wait a minute!" Fu Gonger stopped the messenger in time, and said to Du Fuwei: "Brother Du, we are already a exhausted army, but the official army still has thousands of fresh troops. Now we are retreating, and our team must retreat." The chaos will give the official army a great opportunity to easily chase and kill us. In order to reduce losses, we must leave a reliable army behind to contain the official army for us and buy time to retreat."

Du Fuwei, who already had a lot of battlefield experience, nodded, looked left and right, and finally fixed his gaze on the most reliable Kan Ling, and asked, "Kan Ling, would you like to lead a thousand troops to our queen?"

"Godfather, don't worry, my son will definitely block the pursuers for you." Kan Leng replied with cupped fists.

"Then please." Du Fuwei nodded, and ordered again, "It doesn't matter if you come back alive, the army is wiped out, you will come back alive for me."

After quickly arranging the affairs of the rear, the golden gong rang, and Du Fuwei's team, which still had 6,000 or 7,000 people, began to retreat. At the same time, Chen Yingliang decisively issued the general attack order and personally led the light infantry to launch Pursuing, a battle of escape and hunting begins. The still large and powerful militia army retreated eastward like a tide, while the small and elite Qiaojun army was like a dragon sailing out to sea, united under Chen Yingliang's handsome flag, rushing straight to the enemy group, shouting loudly. Earth-shattering and unparalleled momentum.

The 1,000 troops led by Kan Ling blocked the pursuit of the heavy infantry of the Sui army, and tried to divide the troops to contain the pursuit of the light infantry of the Sui army. Under such circumstances, Chen Yingliang did not dare to let the new army team divide up to pursue, and chose to order to defeat the enemy and then pursue with all his strength. As a result, after two pillars of fragrant time, although Zhu Can, who took the lead, successfully shot the enemy's leading general, causing the enemy's attack The two regiments quickly collapsed, and most of them were killed by the Sui army, but the main force led by Du Fuwei still took the opportunity to distance themselves from the Sui army's light infantry.

It was not easy to catch such an opportunity for the army to exercise. Of course, Chen Yingliang would not give up easily. He personally led the light infantry team to chase for seven or eight miles, took advantage of the situation, hacked to death and wounded a large number of soldiers of the militia, and successfully made almost Every soldier was stained with blood, but what puzzled Chen Yingliang was that the heavy infantry unit led by Ma Sanbao had not yet settled down even though the equipment was far superior to that of the opponent and the archery team assisted in the battle. The rear troops of the civilian army caught up to help, and saw that Du Fuwei's brigade had not collapsed, and they still followed Du Fuwei's commander-in-chief as much as possible. In the case of insufficient troops, Chen Yingliang decisively ordered gold and let the light infantry The team stopped chasing and regrouped.

The big demon king Zhu Can who was able to kill him ran back and asked Chen Yingliang why he stopped chasing. Yunda Shaoqing also asked the same question, and Chen Yingliang said calmly: "Our soldiers are few and we don't have much experience. The enemy is defeated. Not collapsing, retreating and not dispersing, it is enough to prove that the enemy's commander is still effectively controlling the army, and Ma Sanbao has not caught up. Once we chase too far, and the front and rear are seriously out of touch, we may turn victory into defeat. It is better to see Take it, and hold on to the results in your hands."

Young Master Yun, who was learning how to fight, nodded and kept Chen Yingliang's words firmly in his heart. Zhu Can was a little unconvinced but did not dare to refute. When he came back, the news that Ma Sanbao was still fighting fiercely with the enemy, Chen Yingliang was surprised when he heard the news, he immediately ordered to go back to the main battlefield of the master, and came back to check the situation in person.

I hurried back to the main battlefield and saw that the situation was exactly as reported by the scouts. Although the heavy infantry of the Sui army had already surrounded the rear team of the Bianmin Palace with only a hundred people left, Miao Haichao's team was also helping the Sui army to besiege the enemy. However, the army that Du Fuwei left behind was still fighting desperately. Chen Yingliang was even more surprised when he saw this, and decisively ordered to shout the slogan of surrender and not kill, to shake and attack the enemy's will to fight, and then immediately climbed to a high place to observe the enemy's situation condescendingly.

Miao Haichao rushed to Chen Yingliang and knelt down to ask for his surrender. Chen Yingliang held his hands together, comforted him, and agreed to accept the surrender of the remnants of Miao Haichao. At the same time, after the soldiers of the Sui Army chanted the slogan of surrender without killing, there were indeed many soldiers of the mutated militia army who saw that there was no hope of breaking through, dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender, but Kan Leng, who was holding a long sword in his hand, However, he still led twenty or thirty people to fight endlessly, and he was so brave that many Sui army heavy infantry in iron armor were killed and injured by his sword.

Chen Yingliang had never met Kan Leng, so of course he hurriedly asked Miao Haichao about his identity. Miao Haichao truthfully introduced Kan Leng's name and identity, and said, "I heard that Kan Leng is from Linji, Qi County. He came from Du Fuwei. He defected to him when he raised his troops, he is the most powerful general under Du Fuwei's command, he is good at using the blade, and he can often kill several enemies in one fell swoop, which is very powerful."

"Bullshit beat blade! Mo Dao! The famous Tang Mo Dao! The nemesis of nomadic cavalry!" Chen Yingliang cursed in his stomach, and then became greedy, thinking: "My subordinates are short of such a good at using People from Modao, seeing how tenacious this guy is fighting, he must be a loyal and reliable person. If he can be brought over, he can not only have another reliable general, but also train an infantry with Modao. Restraining the enemy's cavalry will serve multiple purposes!"