At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 139: That's it?


The left foot that was supporting the body hit the severed limb on the ground again, slipped backwards, and the right foot was raised again. This time, Kan Leng had no strength to forcefully keep his body balanced, so he could only kneel down on his own On the ground, the slap blade in the hand that was raised above the top was still slashing forward with all its strength, and it hit a Sui army heavy infantry on the head with a terrifying sound of wind. Although the Sui army heavy infantry was wearing a beautiful and sturdy iron helmet, However, the iron helmet was still deformed by the slap blade, his brain was shattered, and both eyeballs spurted out of the eye sockets at the same time, blood dripped on his face, and he fell to the ground and died miserably.

In the usual way, after Kan Ling's saber strike, he immediately raised the saber, and with the back edge of the double-edged saber, he picked and sliced through the belly and chest of the other enemy on the opposite side, and even split the enemy into two pieces from the crotch to the neck. , to kill or stop the enemy who took the opportunity to come forward, but Kan Leng couldn't do it this time. After the blade fell to the ground, Kan Leng's arms seemed to weigh a thousand catties, sore and painful. The slap blade, which weighed more than ten kilograms, lifted slightly, and then fell back to the ground feebly.

"He has no strength, hurry up!" The Sui heavy infantry on the opposite side saw that Kan Ling was at the end of their crossbows, and immediately cheered and swarmed up, slashing their knives and slashing their guns frantically to greet Kan Ling. The militia soldiers stepped forward in time and fiercely waved the Mo Dao, which was also more than ten feet long, to catch the heavy infantry of the Sui Army, and saved Kan Leng from being hacked to death by a random knife. Then Kan Leng took a deep breath, and suddenly exhaled With a loud roar, he lifted the blade with all his strength, and the tip of the knife brushed against the chest armor of a Sui army heavy infantryman and rose into the sky, drawing a series of sparks on the solid iron armor of the Sui army heavy infantryman, leaving a deep line. The dent also frightened the heavy infantryman of the Sui Army to the point of crap, and quickly backed away screaming.

Seeing Kan Ling's slap blade raised to the sky again, the heavy infantry of the Sui Army who originally planned to pick up the cheap ones screamed and retreated again, because in the previous battle, the soldiers of the Sui Army had already seen Kan Ling's long sword with their own eyes. The horror of the Pai Blade was that no less than 20 companions had their heads smashed by the Pai Blade, their armor and shoulders were cut off, their lower abdomen was cut open by the crotch, and their intestines were bleeding all over the ground. Even though the soldiers of the Sui army were wearing solid iron armor, they did not dare to come forward to fight Kan Leng head-on.

Kneeling on the ground with Pai Ren in his hand, Kan Ling panted heavily, and took the opportunity of the officers and soldiers on the other side to retreat temporarily to observe the battlefield, and found that he was surrounded by heavy infantry of the Sui Army in iron armor. , the soldiers of the Sui army kept shouting the slogan of surrendering and not killing. Those soldiers who had nowhere to go under their command threw down their weapons and surrendered on their knees one by one. , but each of them was blood-stained, with wounds all over his face and body, his physical strength and energy were almost exhausted, and only his spirit and will were still struggling to support his broken body.

"Godfather, it's not that I don't want to break out of the encirclement to join you as soon as possible. It's because the officers and soldiers are well equipped, all wearing iron armor, and they surrounded me too quickly. I have never had a chance to break through. Now it seems that there is no hope of breaking through."

Said softly in his heart, and then spat out a mouthful of blood, Kan Leng stood up again, the wound on his right leg that was shot by the arrow was pulled by the muscles, and the blood began to bleed again, dripping along the broken shaft of the arrow. On the ground, Kan Leng ignored him, but shouted in his signature dull voice: "Brothers, we are surrounded heavily, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" Twenty or so soldiers of the militia armed with mo knives yelled and answered while fighting with the soldiers of the Sui army. Although the voice was not neat enough, blood was dripping from the corners of their mouths when they yelled, and their faces were covered with blood. Their faces were equally resolute and unyielding, seeing death as home, because they were not only Kan Leng's direct subordinates, but also apprentices and students taught by Kan Leng.

"It's fine if you're not afraid." Kan Leng nodded in satisfaction, slammed the tail of the blade on the ground, and shouted: "Then we will continue to fight, break out to the east, and meet our godfather! Even if we can't get out, we must Killing one is enough money, killing two earns one!"

"No!" The last twenty or so Mo Dao soldiers agreed abruptly, and the exhausted strength seemed to return to their bodies.

Kan Ling nodded slightly again, and when he was about to order everyone to follow him to charge, a strange thing happened. The Sui Army team, which was fighting close to Kan Ling's team, suddenly heard an order to retreat, and was about to kill Kan Ling in one go The heavy infantry of the Sui army who were waiting for them retreated one after another, and gradually gave way to a circular open space with a radius of ten feet. Kan Leng and the others who were surrounded in it inevitably looked at each other in blank dismay. Suddenly, he forgot to break through the siege.

There was a surge of people's heads in the encirclement circle of the Sui army. A white-robed general wearing a silver bright armor strode into the circle. At the age of seventeen or eighteen, it is not a good thing to look at with oily hair, pink face, red lips and fair skin. A team of Sui army soldiers in full armor, beside them were two Sui army generals who were also bloodied all over, one with a gun and the other with a horizontal knife, one left and one right to protect the white robed general - the one with the horizontal knife Kan Leng, a general of the Sui Army, saw the scar on Kan Leng's face. Although Kan Leng kicked him hard on the stomach, the reason why Kan Leng failed to break through was also because of this skill. The extraordinary general of the Sui army personally led the team to intercept, and did not give Kan Leng a chance.

"Kan Leng, General Kan." The greasy-haired and pink-faced white-robed general spoke up, and said loudly, "Get to know me, my name is Chen Yingliang, and I currently hold the post of general guard in Dasui Qiao County, and I am also the commander of all the Dasui Qiao County's officers and troops. , if you don't mind, you can call me Chen Tongshou, or you can call me by my name directly."

"Bah! Dog officer!" Kan Leng replied Chen Yingliang with a curse, and at the same time, Kan Leng was still thinking about whether he would be sure to rush forward and kill Chen Yingliang with a knife, and avenge the countless rebel brothers who died tragically under the tyrant's accomplice and butcher knife—in fact, Kan Leng Len should definitely do the same.

"General Kan, you are not the first person to call me a dog official." The thick-skinned Chen Yingliang didn't care, but said loudly: "But they usually only scold me once, because after they get to know me a little bit, They will change their words and call me a bit of a conscientious dog official, and after more contact with me, they will call me Chen Tongshou or Brother Chen. Brother Kan, I believe you will do the same."

"Dog officer!" Kan Leng cursed again, and said angrily: "You are despicable and shameless, taking advantage of the fire, if it wasn't for the sudden rebellion of that dog thief Miao Haichao, I would have killed you dog officers and soldiers long ago!"

"Soldiers never tire of deceit. On the battlefield, there are only victories and defeats. There is no nobleness or meanness." Chen Yingliang said calmly: "Also, General Kan, that rebel Du Fuwei has killed innocent people and indirectly killed innocent people since he rebelled. Are there fewer old, weak, women and children? Isn’t he despicable and shameless? Vicious and cruel?”

"Shut up! Don't insult my godfather! Otherwise, I'll cut you off!" Kan Leng was furious, and slapped the blade on the ground again.

"General Kan, I don't understand." Chen Yingliang quickly took over the conversation, and said loudly: "I know, Du Fuwei is one year younger than me, only sixteen years old, and you are younger now." Are you in your twenties? You are obviously much older than him, and you have no blood relationship with him, why do you still call him godfather?"

Kan Leng was stopped by Chen Yingliang's questions, and he answered after a while: "You don't care anymore, I am willing!"

"General Kan, you are not willing!" Chen Yingliang changed his serious expression and said loudly: "You say you are willing, but you are definitely not willing in your heart, because you are an imposing man of seven feet, standing above heaven and earth! Condescending to your younger brother You will never want Du Fuwei to be called a godfather if you have too many! You will definitely feel humiliated!"

Kan Leng fell silent, but Chen Yingliang said loudly again: "General Kan, I don't know much about your background, but I can roughly guess why you recognize Du Fuwei as your godfather. It's nothing more than your poor background. He was oppressed by corrupt officials, local tyrants and bullies, and had nowhere to go. In order not to starve to death, he rebelled with Du Fuwei, and Du Fuwei was good to you—at least you thought he was good to you, and saw his godson again One by one is doing well, commanding thousands of troops, drinking big bowls and eating meat, you also want to live a better life, so you recognize Du Fuwei as your godfather against your will. General Kan, I said Right?"

Kan Leng continued to remain silent, and after a while, he slapped the blade hard on the ground again, and shouted: "Officer Dog, have you finished speaking? Then continue to fight, I will accompany you to the end!"

"General Kan, don't worry." Chen Yingliang shook his head with a smile, and said loudly: "General Kan, I want to ask you one more question, do you want to have a big bowl of wine and a big piece of meat without having to call someone a godfather? Thousands of troops are galloping across the battlefield, display your extraordinary martial arts to your heart's content, and stretch your grand ambitions? Please answer if you want to!"

Chen Yingliang's words were very explicit. Kan Leng is not stupid, so of course he could hear Chen Yingliang's implication, but Kan Leng, who came from a humble background, couldn't believe it for a while, so he asked in surprise, "You want to recruit me?"

"Wrong, I am not recruiting you, I am discovering a rare general in the Sui Dynasty." Chen Yingliang said loudly: "General Kan, I have seen your extraordinary martial arts with my own eyes, and you can definitely rank among the top in the world." Row! I have already seen your military talents. There are more than 20 strong men around you. They all carry the same weapons as you, which proves that they should be your direct soldiers, and it is very likely that they were trained by you. My students and apprentices, now my army has surrounded you and them, and I have shouted slogans to allow them to surrender, but they still insist on not surrendering, and would rather die with you than bow to us! Based on this, I can conclude that you are a great general who can be met but not sought after!"

After talking endlessly, Chen Yingliang paused, moistened his throat with saliva, and then said loudly: "General Kan, now you have two choices, the first is to die in battle, for your 16th The so-called godfather died in battle! Second, lay down your weapons, surrender to the imperial court with the loyal and brave soldiers beside you, and then follow behind me, and serve the imperial court together, killing thieves and suppressing rebellion for the imperial court, opening up territories Earth, let us spread the prestige of the Sui Dynasty in all directions and barbarians! Get a future marquis, wife and son, and ancestors! Then you can not only get rid of the reputation of thieves, but also let your ancestors and family Proud of you!"

"One more thing!" Chen Yingliang yelled again in a roaring tone: "After you surrender, I will not let you recognize me as a godfather, I will only treat you as a brother! Treat you as a real brother Where to go, life and death, honor and disgrace, are all in your mind, General Kan, you decide!"

The battlefield full of dead bodies was quiet, only some seriously wounded groaned dying among the corpses, everyone's eyes were focused on Kan Leng, but Kan Leng, who had a straightforward personality, looked blank, his eyes were confused, and he didn't know what to do in his heart Thinking—in fact, Kan Leng's mind was blank, and he didn't even know what he was thinking.

"General Kan, the sea of suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore!" Yun Da Shaoqing, who had followed up at some time, yelled loudly again, lending support to Chen Yingliang, "Old man Yun Dingxing is your example. In terms of crimes, the old man's sins are much greater than yours! But now the Holy Majesty is wise and benevolent, after forgiving the old man’s sins, the Holy Majesty will still reuse the old man, you are so good, if you surrender, the emperor will not treat you badly!”

Yun Da Shaoqing opened his mouth, Ma Sanbao and Qian Xiangmin also joined in, and Miao Haichao helped Chen Yingliang persuade Kan Leng to surrender. The last twenty or so Mo Dao soldiers around Kan Leng didn't say anything, they all looked at Kan Leng in silence, waiting for Kan Leng to make a decision, and at the same time made up their minds that if Kan Leng was willing to surrender, he would love and protect him. The soldier was honest and selfless Kan Leng surrendered. If Kan Leng refused to surrender, he would accompany Kan Leng to fight to the end. Anyway, he had a bowl-sized scar on his head, and killing one would be enough.

Amidst the voices of persuasion, Kan Leng finally opened his mouth, bowed his hands to Chen Yingliang, and said loudly: "Chen Tongshou, I appreciate your kindness, but Du Fuwei treated me well, and I have also been treated badly by him." Little kindness, if I betray him and surrender to you, I myself will be the first to not agree."

Chen Yingliang, who was still holding out hope, was completely disappointed. Chen Yingliang really admired Kan Leng, and he really wanted to get Kan Leng's powerful arm. He was very disappointed, and at the same time secretly hated his bad luck, not being able to get such a loyal and brave thug to be his accomplice and running dog, and he couldn't bite the fat on his lips.

"Chen Tongshou, I won't talk nonsense!" Kan Leng slapped the blade to the ground again, and said proudly: "Order to attack, I will fight with all my strength, and try to break out of your encirclement. There is no regret in this life! Brothers, raise your sword!"

"Promise!" The last twenty or so Mo Dao players agreed in unison, and raised the Mo Dao in their hands together, pointing all the blades at Chen Yingliang himself.

This time it was Chen Yingliang who bowed his head in silence, while Zhu Can beside him couldn't wait to say: "Chen Tongshou, these thieves are stubborn, even if they are recruited, they can't be trusted to use them. It's better to kill them all! Give the order, and I will replace them with my own hands." You cut down this ignorant Kan Leng rebel!"

Chen Yingliang didn't even look at Zhu Can, but slowly raised his head and looked at Kan Leng with a complicated expression, his lips trembling slightly several times, he wanted to order an attack but he closed his mouth again, after a long time, Chen Yingliang gritted his teeth, He shouted: "All the troops listen to the order!"

"No!" The Sui army team, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, sang promise in unison, the sound was like thunder, and they all pointed their swords and guns at Kan Leng and the others. The bow and arrow team led by Li Yi also drew their bows and arrows, aimed Kan Leng and others were surrounded heavily.

Chen Yingliang pursed his lips, and suddenly issued a shocking order, "Get out of the way, let General Kan and the others go!"

"What?" Everyone screamed, and Zhu Can also shouted: "Chen Tongshou, did I hear you right? You tell us to get out of the way and let them go?!"

"You heard me right!" Chen Yingliang replied coldly, and shouted again: "Get out of the way immediately! This is a military order, and anyone who violates the order will be executed immediately!"

The new army of Qiao County, who had been strictly trained and disciplined, had no choice but to give way to a wide road according to the order. Then Chen Yingliang said to Kan Leng: "General Kan, let's go, take your loyal and brave companions, let's go. I let you go."

"Why did you let me go?" Kan Leng, who was already stunned, blurted out.

"Because you are a rare talent, and you have no obvious crimes." Chen Yingliang said sincerely: "So I decided to give you a chance to let you go. If you figure it out in the future, come to me. My door is open at any time." You are open, but if you meet me on the battlefield again, don't expect me to show mercy a second time."

Kan Leng and the others were speechless. After a long time, Kan Leng murmured, "Really? Are you so magnanimous?"

"Our Chen Tongshou's magnanimity, you don't even dare to think about it!" Ma Sanbao yelled, "My original master, Chai Shen, Chai's family, broke the contract and broke the marriage, and almost killed Chen Tongshou several times. , but when their heads were about to fall to the ground, we, Chen Tongshou, saved them! This incident is known all over the world! Me! I once injured Chen Tongshou's third uncle, but after the Chai family kicked out the house, Chen Sanbo But Chen Tongshou and Chen Tongshou took me in regardless of previous suspicions, and even made me, a house slave, a general! Our Chen Tongshou has no one in the world with a better mind!"

The corners of Kan Ling's eyes flickered, and after hesitating for a moment, Kan Ling put down the Mo Dao in his hand, cupped his hands to Chen Yingliang, and then ordered to his companions: "Put down the sword, let's go."

The twenty or so Mo Dao hands all put down their knives, and a few of them were hesitant to speak, while Kan Leng didn't say a word, and limped towards the path made by the Sui army with a wave of his hand. Mo Daoshou also imitated Kan Leng and bowed his hands to Chen Yingliang, supporting each other to keep up with Kan Leng. Seeing this scene, Chen Yingliang suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

The Sui troops who had put down their swords and guns all raised their weapons again, and Kan Leng stopped abruptly, clenched his hands vigilantly and slapped the blade, watching Chen Yingliang not speak, Chen Yingliang did not give the order to attack, but turned to Ma Sanbao next to him to order Said: "Three treasures, give them some dry food and gold sore medicine."

Ma Sanbao, who was familiar with Chen Yingliang's hypocrisy, didn't hesitate, and immediately asked for some dry rations and hemostatic gold sore medicine from the soldiers under his command, and packed them into a big bag. He wanted someone to send it to Kan Leng, but Chen Yingliang snatched the dry rations. , raised his right hand and strode towards Kan Leng, Ma Sanbao and Zhu Can were shocked, and hurriedly followed with weapons.

Striding up to Kan Leng, Chen Yingliang picked up the dry ration package with both hands, handed it to Kan Leng, and said softly, "General Kan, take these dry rations and sore medicine, Du Fuwei has already gone far, and the road is very long." Long, take care of yourself."

Two tears slowly slid down Kan Leng's cheeks, and suddenly, Kan Leng threw the paddle in his hand to the ground, knelt down to Chen Yingliang with a plop, and cried out from the bottom of his heart: "Chen Tongshou is magnanimous!" Conquer people with virtue, Kan Leng is willing to surrender! Kan Leng is willing to surrender!"

There was a sound of bang bang, all twenty Mo Daomen dropped their weapons, knelt down in front of Chen Yingliang, and kowtowed to express their willingness to surrender. On the bloody battlefield, there was only one thought left in my mind, "This is it? These guys are too easy to buy, right? When I was an undercover agent last time, it took almost a month to let the poisonous Xiao believes that I am the real buyer!"

"Damn it! There is one more competitor!" Zhu Can was the only soldier in the Sui Army who was not cheering and excited, and was still a little disappointed and resentful in his heart. Turning around depressed, Zhu Can suddenly saw Yunda Shaoqing who was smiling with his beard. My heart couldn't help being moved again, and I thought to myself: "This old man is not low-ranking. If I hug his thigh, it may not be worse than being under Chen Yingliang's command?"