At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 140: Layout fuzi


In the battle of Yongcheng, the performance of the new army in Qiaojun was actually quite average. Although the casualties were not very large, there were not many real gains. Even though Du Fuwei's troops had already suffered heavy losses, they still did not seize the opportunity to completely defeat Du Fu. Wei, allowing Du Fuwei to escape from the battlefield while preserving a certain amount of strength, did not achieve the tactical goal Chen Yingliang expected, which made Chen Yingliang very disappointed.

Of course, there are many reasons for this situation, and the Sui army cannot be completely blamed for its ineffectiveness in combat. First of all, the Sui army's strength is insufficient. Chen Yingliang's available soldiers are only ten regiments with more than 2,000 soldiers, and one army has only received one. The combat effectiveness of the new army, which had received regular military training for many months, was still very low; the second was that the Sui army had no cavalry, and its maneuverability was insufficient; The elite troops were sent to the back of the palace, which effectively restrained the Sui army and weakened the already insufficient combat power of the Sui army. It was logical that the Sui army could not completely defeat Du Fuwei.

However, it was almost enough. After most of the night's internal strife and fire, coupled with the slaughter of the Sui army, after Du Fuwei and other big and small thieves escaped from Qiao County in embarrassment, there were still nearly 10,000 corpses left on the battlefield. The corpses of soldiers of the civilian army allowed Chen Yingliang, who was thick enough to brazenly claim to have beheaded tens of thousands of people in the memorial. At the same time, he seized a large number of military supplies, and many valuable objects that Du Fuwei's team robbed thousands of miles away. Chen Yingliang, the real big thief, has been cheated.

The harvest is not only these, Chen Yingliang also has two major gains, the first is of course that the new army has been trained in actual combat, allowing soldiers to see blood, kill people and win battles, which has helped many soldiers overcome their fear of war. Pass, and build confidence in the battlefield, such gains are priceless. And the second huge achievement is Kan Leng. A general like Kan Leng who is so loyal, dares to fight and can lead troops is definitely an accomplice who can't be met but can't be asked for. You can use it with peace of mind. You don't have to be careful like using Zhu Can. If you are not careful, you may be bitten back.

In view of these rich harvests, even though he was not very satisfied with the results of the battle, Chen Yingliang basically accepted it. After returning to the camp, the first thing Chen Yingliang did was to order rewards to the three armies. , and arranged for Dong You to organize the common people to clean up the battlefield, and bury the corpses quickly while the weather was still cold, so as to avoid the outbreak of the plague when the weather turned warmer. Emperor Sui Yang said that he did not live up to the expectations of Emperor Sui Yang, and asked Emperor Sui Yang to quickly reward himself with some more rewards.

Because of the lack of combat power, the Qiaojun New Army still lost more than 300 soldiers in this battle. Fortunately, the Sui army recruited many prisoners in the battle, and the number was more than 1,000. Most of them were middle-aged soldiers, and some of the most heinous criminals who killed innocent people and raped civilian women were identified and executed, and a group of old, weak, sick and disabled were sent home, and the prisoners were incorporated into the army. There are also two extra regiments of soldiers, which can just be used to form a Mo Dao soldier team for Chen Yingliang.

Of course, the newly surrendered captives cannot be allowed to form an army alone. In order to use these recruits with confidence, Chen Yingliang rarely had to break up the old and new troops and reorganize them, and then ran to the new army team and said nonsense about loyalty to the army, patriotism and love for the people. , pointing out that the root cause of the low combat effectiveness of the militia is the lack of organization, emphasizing the importance of organizational discipline, and then spending painstaking efforts to train these new army teams, and by the way, let Shaoqing Yunda visit and learn his own training methods, he is too busy.

At the same time, Du Fuwei's team, who was defeated and escaped from Qiao County, also confirmed its move. With the betrayal of allies, Du Fuwei, who was seriously injured, did not have the courage to turn around and come back for revenge. Pi—Chen Yingliang guessed that it would be difficult for Du Fuwei to pay his own way to break through the Huaihe defense line of the Sui army. At the same time, the fierce Wang Shichong also got approval from Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty and was recruiting troops in the Huainan area. Going south is likely to encounter tough bones , That's why Du Fuwei chose to return to Xiapi, intending to fish in troubled waters in the East China Sea area of Xiapi, looking for opportunities to make a comeback.

As long as Du Fuwei doesn't come to Qiao County again, it's nothing to do with Chen Yingliang, the general guard of Qiao County. Naturally, Chen Yingliang doesn't need to worry about Du Fuwei's next step causing trouble for the unlucky county. Chen Yingliang is currently the only one worried Yes, the spy in charge of Changsun Wuji discovered that Zhu Can, the future cannibal king, had a fierce fight with Yunda Shaoqing in the past few days, and was very likely to have an affair under his own nose. , has become Chen Yingliang's biggest thorny problem at present.

No, on the morning of the seventh day after the war ended, after all the aftermath matters had been dealt with, the eldest grandson Wuji sneaked up to Chen Yingliang again, and reported furtively: "Brother, we arranged for Zhu Can The eyeliner around me came to report that Yun Dingxing held a banquet at the post house last night and invited Zhu Can alone. The two of them did not know what they said during the banquet, but when our eyeliner accompanied Zhu Can to leave, we heard that Yun Dingxing Xing said something to Zhu Can—don't worry, everything is on the old man, Ying Liang is the old man's nephew, if the old man asks him for someone, he will not lose face."

Chen Yingliang, who was acting as an official document, stopped his brush, and his face became a bit ugly, while Changsun Wuji said again: "Brother, from Yun Dingxing's tone, I suspect that this shameless old man might want to take Zhu Can away. Let's go, maybe I will ask you for someone soon, how to deal with this Zhu Can, brother, it is best to plan ahead and make plans early."

Chen Yingliang is also suspicious of this, because Zhu Can is actually outstanding, with both force and intelligence, and this time he performed extraordinary in the battle of Yongcheng, brave, resourceful, and responsible. At the critical moment when Da Shaoqing was about to be promoted to General Zuo Yuwei, it was not surprising that he had his eye on Zhu Can, an outstanding talent, but he himself had never promised Zhu Can any position. It is only natural for Qing to act in collusion. After considering these circumstances, Chen Yingliang asked Changsun Wuji: "In your opinion, how should we treat this Zhu Can?"

"My younger brother thinks that we should try our best to keep him." Changsun Wuji replied, "Just like Ma Sanbao and Kan Leng, Zhu Can is also a rare general. It would be a pity if such a talent was taken away by Yun Dingxing. I think brother, you'd better arrange a formal and important position for Zhu Can as soon as possible, so that he can stay under your command as a general. Yun Dingxing's place, Just find a way to find an excuse to decline."

Of course, Chen Yingliang also knew that talents were hard to come by, and he had considered taking the risk of using Zhu Can on more than one occasion to exercise his ability to control talents. Every time I gave up on this plan. This time was no exception. After thinking for a moment, Chen Yingliang shook his head and said, "Forget it, let him go. He was taken away by Yun Dingxing, which saved me a lot of worry."

"Brother, are you really willing?" Changsun Wuji asked in astonishment.

"It's a lie to say that I'm really willing to part with you." Chen Yingliang replied frankly, "But it's not okay if you don't want to. First, I really don't like Zhu Can and don't worry about it. Second, it's too late to keep him. Yun Dingxing will soon be promoted to the left. General Yuwei has already promised Zhu Can to take him away. If I force Zhu Can to stay, it will only make Zhu Can more dissatisfied and unreliable. It's better to let him go directly and stay on the line so that we can meet in the future. "

He felt that Chen Yingliang's analysis was very reasonable, although Changsun Wuji still felt a little pity, he did not insist on persuading Chen Yingliang to keep Zhu Can, but only nodded regretfully. But the matter was not over yet, Chen Yingliang said again: "However, we can't let him leave just like that. We have to make a favor and find a thread to hold him. It may play a huge role in the future. Wuji, you Now go see Zhu Can and ask him to come to me after training the army, I want to see him." Changsun Wuji nodded and took orders to deliver a letter to Zhu Can in the barracks outside the city.

Knowing Chen Yingliang's invitation, Zhu Can was of course both proud and excited, but also a little bit regretful. What was proud and excited was that Chen Yingliang, who had been keeping quiet all this time, finally noticed him, but unfortunately, he had already agreed to Yunda Shaoqing's invitation. Invitation, ready to leave Qiaojun and follow Yunda Shaoqing. Without daring to offend Yunda Shaoqing, if Chen Yingliang has any official appointment, Zhu Can really has to weigh the consequences before he dares to accept it. Maybe he will be in a dilemma Realm, forced to offend one of Chen Yingliang or Yun Da Shaoqing.

"If Chen Yingliang rewards me with a higher official position, I will stay. If the level is the same as Yun Dingxing's promise, then I will go with Yun Dingxing! Being a Beijing official is promoted faster than a local official, I understand this truth !"

With this in mind, after finishing the training that afternoon, Zhu Can came to Tongshou Mansion to meet Chen Yingliang according to his order. Chen Yingliang also received him very kindly, and arranged a banquet for dinner with Zhu Can. Can kept asking about the cold and the warmth, asking east and west, and putting his heart to his heart. When Zhu Can, who finally got Chen Yingliang's attention, was secretly happy, Chen Yingliang suddenly said: "Bantou Zhu, our army has won the battle of Yongcheng this time. You have contributed a lot, but I haven't appointed you an official position so far. You didn't blame me." Are the rewards and punishments unfair?"

"You dare to be in a lowly position." Zhu Can said respectfully, as if his mouth had been wiped with honey: "The main reason for the great victory in Yongcheng this time is that Chen Tong was able to defeat the strong bandits in one fell swoop because of Chen Tong's skillful deployment, his use of troops like a god, and his clever plan to disrupt the enemy. After the war, Chen Tongshou, you also gave the humble job generous rewards, how dare the humble job be more greedy?"

"It's fine if you don't have one." Chen Yingliang nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Bantou Zhu, do you want to know why I still refuse to appoint you a formal official position?"

"Chen Tongshou please advise." Zhu Can had been wondering about this question for a long time, so he naturally refused to miss the opportunity to know the answer.

"There are two reasons." Chen Yingliang raised two fingers and said solemnly: "The first reason is because I want to leave my mark on you, so that people will know that you are mine. The second Reason, I want to give you a better future."

"What do you mean by Chen Tongshou's words? Why can't you understand me?" Zhu Can asked in amazement.

"Don't worry, I will let you know the answer." Chen Yingliang said with a smile: "Let's talk about the second reason first, in fact, I have already seen it, Zhu Bantou, you have outstanding talents and abilities, and you will become a great weapon in the future. The achievements must be higher than those of Ma Sanbao and Kan Leng. I feel that keeping you under my command is too condescending and will affect your career prospects, so I plan to recommend you to other high-ranking officials in the court to make them better Promote you faster and give you a better future."

Glancing at Zhu Can with an unbelievable expression, Chen Yingliang smiled again and said, "Originally, I planned to recommend you to Doctor Guanglu, Pei Renji, Uncle Pei, but now I have a better chance, my old uncle Yun Dingxing Yun Shaoqing happened to come to Yongcheng, and also happened to witness your bravery and invincibility on the battlefield. Daxing, I will reuse you."

"What a coincidence?" Zhu Can was overjoyed in his heart, but he said hypocritically, "Chen Tongshou, in fact, I only want to serve under your command, and I dare not covet him for anything."

"Don't be so polite." Chen Yingliang said kindly: "Have you heard the story about Qin Prime Minister Li Si? When he was a petty official, he saw the rats in the toilet being frightened by people and dogs, and saw the rats in the granary eating oily Shui Shui is not disturbed by people and dogs, and realized the truth that environment determines destiny, so he resigned as a small official and went to Xianyang to be Lu Buwei's disciple. Above people! Therefore, if you stay under my command, it is very likely that you will be a county post for the rest of your life, and if you are under Yun Shaoqing's command and work in Daxingdongdu, your future achievements will most likely be ahead of me. up."

Taking another look at Zhu Can with complicated expressions, Chen Yingliang lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "I'll tell you a secret, my old uncle Yun Dingxing is going to be promoted again soon, and he still wants to be promoted to the position of General Zuo Yuwei." Now that you are under Yun Shaoqing's command, you not only have a future, but you also have the opportunity to show your strengths. You can't miss this kind of opportunity, and I can't let you miss it!"

The intelligent Yun Da Shaoqing didn't have such a big mouth like Chen Yingliang, who spread the news that he was about to get promoted and made a fortune. Zhu Can didn't know about it yet, but when Chen Yingliang suddenly mentioned it, Zhu Can was of course overjoyed, and hurriedly asked Chen Yingliang saluted first, and said excitedly: "Chen Tongshou loves the humble job so much, even if the humble job is smashed to pieces, it will be difficult to repay Master Tongshou's kindness!"

"Get up, get up." Chen Yingliang quickly helped Zhu Can up, and said in a low voice: "Ban Zhu, when it comes to repaying, I dare not covet your repayment. I only have one small request for you."

"Please Chen Tong obey your orders, and go through fire and water for a lowly position." Zhu Can quickly replied.

"As I said just now, I didn't directly appoint you an official position. There are two reasons. I've already said the second one. Now it's time to talk about the first one." With Zhu Can on his side, Chen Yingliang lowered his voice and said, "I don't want to It makes people think that you are my person, and I want you to approach a person for me after I promote you through other channels, to communicate with him as a third party, to gain his trust, and to share some important situations at critical moments. Tell me! Or stab him hard in the back for me!"

"So you want me to be a traitor!" Zhu Can's heart trembled, and he hurriedly asked, "I dare you, Chen Tongshou, who are you talking about?"

"Tang Guogong Li Yuan." Chen Yingliang did not hide anything, and said frankly: "Ma Sanbao must have told some of the grievances between me and Li Yuan, but in fact, what he knows is only superficial, the real relationship between me and Li Yuan , After you get in touch with him, you will gradually understand. How about it, Zhu Bantou, can you help me with this?"

"I would like to work for Chen Tongshou, my lord, please don't worry, if the villain has the opportunity, I will try my best to do this for my lord!" Zhu Can didn't even bat an eyelid, and immediately agreed - as for what he thought, only Zhu Can Only in your own heart can you know.

"Then thank you, Team Leader Zhu." Chen Yingliang was overjoyed, and hurriedly thanked Zhu Can, and said in a low voice: "Remember two points, the first is that after you arrive in Daxing or Dongdu, you must publicize my respect for you." The rewards and punishments are unclear, and it can even be said that I am jealous of the virtuous and unwilling to use you. It makes people feel that you are full of resentment towards me, but don't let people know that I recommended you to Yun Shaoqing. Second, Li Yuan's son Li Shimin, is His powerful accomplice, if you really can't get in touch with Li Yuan, it's the same if you make friends with this Li Shimin! You can also get the same effect! Remember?"

Zhu Can nodded vigorously, and replied solemnly, with an extremely resolute expression. Chen Yingliang was overjoyed, and quickly patted Zhu Can on the shoulder and smiled and said: "Zhu Bantou, don't worry, after you officially enter the official position, I will use all my power to take care of you in secret, and try my best to smooth out the inevitable problems that you will encounter in the officialdom." Trouble. Also, after you leave Qiao County with Yun Shaoqing, I will secretly take care of your parents and family members, and will not let them suffer any grievances. I will also give them money and food from time to time. Stretch your fists, don't have any worries!"

"Thank you Chen Tongshou, thank you very much." Zhu Can thanked again and again, but he snorted coldly in his heart, and said with a dark smile: "You want to take my parents and family as hostages to manipulate me? If you like it, you can take it, those two elders Immortal and that ugly woman were really slaughtered by you, and I will save two funeral expenses, and I can also take the opportunity to change to a well-known lady to be my daughter-in-law!"

After saying these words to Zhu Can, Chen Yingliang really proposed in private to send Zhu Can to Young Master Yun in the early morning of the next day. Young Young Master Yun, who was planning to ask for someone, was overjoyed when he heard that, so he hurriedly did the same. Hypocritically modest, he said that he was embarrassed to let Chen Yingliang give up his love, while Chen Yingliang was eloquent, saying that he was worried that his old uncle would not have reliable and capable people around him after he became General Zuo Yuwei, and he would be bullied by Lao Qiuba veterans, so this Deciding to give filial piety to the old uncle Zhu Can, who can both fight and lead soldiers, Yunda Shaoqing was very happy when he heard it, and after thanking him again and again, he unceremoniously accepted the precious gift from his little nephew.

The matter was not over yet, after Yun Da Shaoqing accepted Zhu Can, Chen Yingliang made another request, that is, he hoped Yun Da Shaoqing would take the surrender general Miao Haichao away, Yun Da Shaoqing asked why, and Chen Yingliang finally said To tell the truth, Miao Haichao was the first thief in Xiapi to raise the banner of righteousness, and he had registered a mission in front of Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty. If he left Miao Haichao in Qiao County, he might bring trouble to both himself and Miao Haichao. Trouble—that's a fact, not an excuse. Therefore, after Chen Yingliang explained the situation to Miao Haichao, he wanted to beg Yunda Shaoqing to bring Miao Haichao back to Emperor Sui Yang, plead guilty to Emperor Sui Yang face to face, beg Emperor Sui Yang to forgive Miao Haichao's previous crimes, and at least give him an official position Make a commendation and set an example of returning to the shore.

Considering that Miao Haichao contributed a lot in this battle of Yongcheng, it is not a big problem to ask for a pardon for him. At the same time, he also knows that if Chen Yingliang dares to appoint Miao Haichao, a big thief who has been registered in front of Emperor Sui Yang, as an official Because of this, it will indeed cause a lot of trouble and doubts, and in addition, Chen Yingliang gave some credit to Yun Da Shaoqing in the victory memorial this time, Yun Da Shaoqing, who was soft on people, hesitated for a while, and nodded in agreement He complied with Chen Yingliang's request, and promised that even if he could get Yu Wenshu to come forward, he would try his best to keep Miao Haichao, and set an example of surrender for the court and Chen Yingliang.

After sincerely thanking Young Master Yun again, Chen Yingliang said to Young Master Yun again: "Old man, after you have obtained a pardon for Miao Haichao, if you can obtain an official position for him, you might as well let Miao Haichao join you." Although Miao Haichao is not a strong general, he can manage the army, gather the morale of the army, and make soldiers die for him. If you let him run the army for you, old man, I believe that there will be an absolute army under your command. A reliable personal guard can make you as stable as Mount Tai on the battlefield where there are thousands of troops and thousands of horses, and you will be safe and secure."

"Nephew is right." Yunda Shaoqing nodded, agreeing with Chen Yingliang's point of view, and said: "During the Yongcheng battle last time, the old man also saw with his own eyes that Miao Haichao's team was surrounded so tightly that there was almost nothing A person who betrays and surrenders to the enemy would rather die in battle than betray him, such a talent is worthy of my reuse."

Chen Yingliang agreed, but said in his heart: "Miao Haichao, Zhu Can, I gave you the opportunity, it's up to you, I hope you don't let me down. Also, Li Er, I hope you don't let me down either." Disappointed, I remember that when you first debuted, the first official position was obtained by this old shameless Yun Dingxing, I hope this historical detail will not change."