At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 146: Li Miban repays grievances with virtue


Even after many years, Chen Yingliang still feels lingering fear whenever he thinks of the scene at this moment, and wakes up from the nightmare more than once. It takes a lot of effort and time to sit on the bed to calm his beating heart, because it is really Too risky.

This is also the closest Chen Yingliang has been to the god of death since he came to this era. He was so close that he could almost scream from hell. Unable to move his body at all, he could only turn his head reluctantly, and happened to see Yang Xuanting holding the sword behind his back with both hands, and stabbing himself fiercely, "Death!"

At that moment, Chen Yingliang was completely desperate. He believed that the retribution for buying a mobile phone with his own public funds and helping the famous tyrant Emperor Sui Yang had arrived. At that moment, in Chen Yingliang's desperate mind, a figure of a girl in green shirt suddenly appeared, and he also remembered his promise to her. Not reconciled, the adrenaline in Chen Yingliang's body was secreted crazily, and the muscles all over his body also exploded with unimaginable power. He yelled and turned his body with all his strength, "Yu'er!"

With a loud bang, Chen Yingliang flipped with all his strength, forcing his body to sideways. The sword Yang Xuanting inserted with all his strength cut through the clothes on Chen Yingliang's chest. There was a bloody sword mark, and then the tip of the sword was heavily inserted into the ground, more than a foot into the ground, the force was so great that even the blade could not withstand such a violent shock, and there was another crisp sound, and it was broken into two pieces.

The deadly sword was dodged by Chen Yingliang, and even the sword was broken in two. The anger and hatred in Yang Xuanting's chest could no longer be described in words. Chen Yingliang also pinched Yang Xuanting's throat with red eyes, and also pinched Yang Xuanting's throat crazily, with such force that even the nail of his thumb was broken, and his hand was covered with blood, but Chen Yingliang didn't care about it at all. He ignored it, but ruthlessly grabbed Yang Xuanting's throat, competed with Yang Xuanting like a wild beast, and competed to see who would be the first to be suffocated.

According to common sense, Chen Yingliang is far inferior to fierce general Yang Xuanting in terms of explosive power and endurance, and he will undoubtedly lose in this power competition. He had already wrestled with Yang Xuanting and didn't dare to use a knife, so he could only throw down his weapon and pull Yang Xuanting's arm in a hurry. Yang Xuanting didn't dodge or evade, and roared, but he used his fingers crazily, pinching the weak Chen Yingliang's eyeballs. Turning white, gradually approaching death.

At the critical moment, Kan Leng, a strong man, also rushed to the scene. Seeing that Chen Yingliang was in danger, Kan Leng didn't even care to drop his knife. With a loud roar, he raised his foot and kicked Yang Xuanting heavily on the shoulder, hitting his shoulder with a big leather shoe embedded with iron plates. , There was a crisp sound, Yang Xuanting's right shoulder blade was shattered directly, and some of Yang Xuanting's strength was removed first, then Kan Ling quickly dropped the Mo Dao, grabbed Yang Xuanting's hair with his left hand, and pulled upwards frantically, pulling Yang Xuanting's The head and right hand punched Yang Xuanting's temple heavily, and when the bones slammed again, Yang Xuanting, who had been hit hard, passed out on the spot. Chen Yingliang, who rolled his eyes, was dragged back from the death line.

Rubbing his bruised throat and panting heavily for a long time, Chen Yingliang stood up again with Kan Leng's support, and several Mo Dao soldiers from the Sui army couldn't wait to retaliate against Yang Xuanting by beating them to show their loyalty. He smashed and stomped off several of Yang Xuanting's fingers in an extremely vicious manner one after another. The severe pain in his fingers made Yang Xuanting wake up from his coma. After struggling, he wanted to pounce on Chen Yingliang again. He wouldn't be given this chance anymore, several soldiers worked together and immediately knocked Yang Xuanting to the ground again, then continued to punch and kick, smashing one of Yang Xuanting's ankle joints extremely viciously.

"Traitor! Dog thief! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!" Even though his face was covered with blood, his mouth and nose were sprayed with blood, and his whole body was broken, Yang Xuanting still didn't give up fighting Chen Yingliang desperately, struggling and shouting again and again, wanting to Chen Yingliang rushed forward, was knocked down again and again, and kept yelling from his bloody mouth, "Chen Yingliang! Little thief! I want your life! I want your life! Give back my elder brother's life! Give me back my brother!" The lives of my fifth brother! Give me the lives of a hundred thousand soldiers! Dog! Dog! You tyrant lackey, I want your life!"

The hysterical cries and shouts were exchanged for even more brutal beatings and torture by the soldiers of the Sui army. He shook his head, coughed and ordered: "Give him a good time, keep the head."

Kan Leng agreed, pulled out his waist knife and stepped forward, motioning for the soldiers to hold Yang Xuanting down. Yang Xuanting was powerless to resist, and knowing that his death was approaching, he hissed with tears in his eyes, "Brother! I'm sorry for you! Just a little! Just a little bit!" A little bit and I can do it for you..."

The horizontal knife falling with the sound of the wind ended Yang Xuanting's screaming, but after the head fell to the ground, Yang Xuanting's bloodshot eyes were still round, and he couldn't close them no matter what, and he would die with regret—and it is true that he would die with regret. If Yang Xuanting could recognize it earlier If Chen Yingliang is out, it will not be him who will be killed today, but Chen Yingliang, who has a blood feud with him.

After asking the soldiers to take good care of Yang Xuanting's head, Chen Yingliang then turned his attention to the battlefield outside the city. The situation on the battlefield is now very clear. The Sui army, which has an absolute advantage in both equipment and training, has a good chance of winning. The team of the Yang brothers who had been formed for a month was strewn with corpses and blood flowed into canals, driving the team of rural braves in Qiao County to fight bravely, desperately waiting for opportunities to make merit, while the team of the Yang brothers continued to scatter and flee for their lives. The collapse and fiasco were a foregone conclusion .

Seeing this scene, Chen Yingliang, who was somewhat injured, didn't bother to command any more, and arranged for Kan Leng to continue to lead the army to fight, and then returned to the city under the protection of a group of Sui soldiers to join Xu Minlian and others. Already freed, Chen Yingliang found out after meeting him that after asking, it turned out that Yang Xuanting had left Xu Minlian to chase after Chen Yingliang and left the scene. Yang Xuanting's two helpers didn't know what to do because they didn't get the order, so they didn't immediately grab Xu Minlian and continue. As a hostage, Xu Minlian took the opportunity to flee far away, while the guards from Qiao County rushed forward and hacked the two bandit soldiers to death.

Seeing that Xu Minlian was safe and sound, Chen Yingliang, who was still worried that Xu Minlian would not be able to explain to Sui Yang Emperor, was relieved again, so he generously forgave San Gouzi and other two guards for their lack of protection, and said: " I don’t blame you, that guy just now was the famous general Yang Xuanting who defeated my uncle five times at the Luoshui River last year, it’s normal that you couldn’t stop him.”

Consolation is comfort, Chen Yingliang had to make up his mind again, and vowed to bring ten armored soldiers by his side no matter what in the future, so as not to repeat the same mistakes. Over there, Xu Minlian asked in amazement: "Chen Tongshou, that thief just now, is he really the famous Yang Xuanting?"

"It's him." Chen Yingliang nodded, and then said sullenly: "I was too careless this time, in fact, I should have suspected it a long time ago, Chen Yingshang, Chen Yingjue, this clearly means that I should be seriously injured and killed , I never noticed it.”

"Chen Yingshang is Yang Xuanting, so who is Chen Yingjue?" Xu Minlian asked curiously.

"It might be Yang Jishan. He also escaped from Weihan Road at the beginning." Chen Yingliang replied casually, then suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked Wang Youfang, Xu Minlian's aide, "Master Wang, Liu, the third leader of this rebellion." Zhiyuan, is he a man in his thirties with a dark face?"

"Yes, Chen Tongshou, how do you know?" Wang Youfang asked in shock.

"It really is him!" Chen Yingliang roared like thunder, "No wonder even I almost suffered a disadvantage this time, it turned out to be Li Mi again! The only Li Mi who can fool me on the battlefield!"

Roaring, Chen Yingliang quickly ordered San Gouzi to contact Ma Sanbao and Kan Leng, and asked them to search and kill Li Mi, an old enemy who was aliased as Liu Zhiyuan. You must pay attention to such an enemy. San Gouzi led the order and rushed away. Xu Minlian, who was already dumbfounded, patted his chest and said to Chen Yingliang: "Chen Tongshou, we are really lucky this time. Brothers and Li Mi rebels are sitting around us, and if there is any major incident that alarms the emperor, once the Holy Majesty is blamed, we will be in big trouble."

Chen Yingliang didn't say a word, because Chen Yingliang had already guessed the general truth of the matter, knowing that Li Mi was probably deliberately taking advantage of his own psychological misunderstanding, intentionally causing trouble near the vicinity of Qiao County, and deliberately not infringing on an inch of land in Qiao County, creating a There is a huge darkness under the lamp, so I never noticed that Li Mi was quietly rising under my nose. If I hadn't been lucky this time, I would continue to let Li Mi sit down again, and once there was a big commotion , then not only will his own reputation be severely damaged, but the tempered Sui Yang Emperor may also be furious because of this, using himself as a punching bag.

Secretly rejoicing at his luck, Chen Yingliang showed some smiles again, and secretly said: "Li Mi, it seems that we are both unintentional and unintentional this time, you didn't expect that I was in Qiao County, and I didn't expect you to surrender, everyone We were all caught off guard, this time we have another draw. If you still have a chance to fight me again, next time we will see who can learn the lesson better."

The battle in Qiao County was basically over when it was getting dark. Li Mi's team, who had no time and opportunity to train at all, was completely defeated. Soldiers in ragged clothes fled all over the mountains and plains. San Yong fled everywhere, but Li Mi and Yang Jishan, whom Chen Yingliang called out by name, were nowhere to be found, and it was impossible to confirm whether they followed the brigade or not. Seeing this scene, Chen Yingliang frowned, and after thinking for a while, he ordered: "Order Kan Leng to be in charge of chasing and killing the enemy brigade. Wu Que and Ma Sanbao's team will go south and north, and the enemy soldiers who are chasing and killing will disperse Yong, continue to search for the whereabouts of Li Mi and Yang Jishan."

The messenger rushed to convey the order, but Xu Minlian who was beside him was puzzled and asked Chen Yingliang, "Chen Tongshou, why did you send out so many troops to chase down the enemy's scattered soldiers? Couldn't our gains be much greater?"

"Even if these mobs are all chopped off, they are not as important as Li Mi's head." Chen Yingliang replied bluntly: "Li Mi is treacherous, and he knows that fleeing with the brigade is the most dangerous. Escaping, it is even possible to change clothes on the battlefield and escape by dressing up as an ordinary soldier, so the chances of catching him will be higher for the scattered soldiers chasing and killing the enemy." Xu Minlian suddenly realized, and quickly nodded in agreement.

Although Chen Yingliang's analysis is reasonable, it's a pity that Li Mi's ability to escape has surpassed Chen Yingliang's imagination. The soldiers divided up into three groups and chased them down with all their might. Their people didn't even realize which direction and which route they took to escape. At the same time, the night was getting dark, and the Sui army, which was not ready for a night battle at all, had no torches to light up, and no dry food to satisfy their hunger to ensure that they would chase and kill them all night. Chen Yingliang In desperation, he had no choice but to order the troops to withdraw and let the troops under his command withdraw to the city to rest.

In the dark night, the Sui Army team, lit only by a few simple torches, gradually retreated back to the city. As the Sui Army soldiers walked away, at the banks of the Woshui River five miles northwest of Qiao County, in the depths of a dense reed, people dressed in ordinary clothes Li Mi, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, stood up quietly. First, he carefully observed the surrounding movement, and then listened for any abnormal sounds. Finally, he threw stones very carefully to make some noises. Yang Jishan said in a low voice that it was all right, and finally got out of the reed marsh with Yang Jishan who was also wearing civilian clothes, and returned to the shore.

When he returned to the shore covered in muddy water, Yang Jishan was crying in a low voice all the time, but Li Mi looked as usual, taking off his clothes very carefully, wringing off the muddy water, and then said to Yang Jishan: "Seventh General, Don't be sad, just wring out your clothes, it's cold at night, don't catch a cold, in this situation, if we get sick, we will be in big trouble."

Yang Jishan wept and nodded, while twisting his clothes, he asked in a low voice: "Military Master, what shall we do in the future? The third brother is gone, and the more than 3,000 troops we managed to pull together are also gone. What will we do in the future?"

"What should we do?" Li Mi smiled, and said with a smile: "Is there any need to ask? Of course, we need to find a way to find a way to make a comeback in another place. Thanks to the tyrant Yang Guang, the world is so chaotic, no matter where we go, we have a chance to make a comeback , seek revenge for the little thief Chen Yingliang."

"But we have nothing?" Yang Jishan choked up and said, "The third brother is gone, the army is gone, even the armor and weapons are gone, how can we make a comeback?"

"We still have life, and life is our biggest source of success." Li Mi said confidently: "This time, although we lost again, we didn't lose in resourcefulness and military use, but in lack of strength. I can be sure Well, Chen Yingliang didn't expect that we were pretending to surrender this time, and he never knew our true identities beforehand, otherwise, none of us would be able to escape. Such a lucky chance."

Yang Jishan bowed his head, not daring to be as confident as Li Mi, but Li Mi suddenly asked: "Seventh General, I have a question for you, and you must answer it truthfully—the power of Yang Sugong in the old Zhu Kingdom was overwhelming, and under one person, ten thousand Above people, there are many old and new disciples in the imperial court, now in front of the tyrant Yang Guang, is there anyone in your Yang family who can speak up?"

"Why do you ask this?" Yang Jishan was stunned at first, and then said in shock: "You want to ask for a tyrant's pardon? It's impossible! No one dares to ask for this pardon for us!"

"Keep your voice down!" Li Mi made a silent gesture first, and then smiled and said: "You misunderstood, I didn't want to ask for pardon for us, I heard that Zhang Xutuo, the running dog of the tyrant, was promoted to an official position by Yang Guang. He was appointed as the ambassador of the 12 counties of Henan Province to depose and arrest him. He wanted to help the little thief Chen Yingliang to be promoted. He arranged for someone to come forward and asked the tyrant to appoint Chen Yingliang as the deputy envoy of the 12 counties of Henan Province to depose and arrest him. As a deputy, help Zhang Xutuo conquer all the rebels in the Qingxu area."

"Are you crazy?!" Yang Jishan was taken aback, and blurted out: "The little thief Chen Yingliang is already so difficult to deal with now, and you still want to help him get promoted and control more troops?"

"Keep quiet." Li Mi made another silence gesture, and said with a chuckle, "Of course I'm not crazy. When you and I were hiding in the reeds just now, I was always thinking about how to avenge Chu Gong and us, how to get rid of Chu Gong, and how to get rid of him." After thinking about it, I finally came up with this idea. Don't worry, if we can really help Chen Yingliang find this position, his death will not be far away."

"Why?" Yang Jishan asked in surprise.

"There are two reasons. First, if the tyrant does not die, the rebel army in the world will not be extinct." Li Mi said softly: "As long as the tyrant Yang Guang is still there, the world will never be peaceful, and the people who can't stand the tyranny and rise up will only become more and more. Under such circumstances, if the little thief Chen Yingliang only guarded Qiao County, he could easily sit on the Diaoyutai, but if he was appointed as the Deputy Envoy of the Twelve Counties of Henan Province, he would have to run around Let’s go and put out fires, and it won’t be long before we’ll be exhausted and burnt out, and if there’s even a slight mistake, we’ll either die at the hands of other rebels or at the hands of the tyrant Yang Guang.”

Considering Emperor Sui Yang's unruly temper, and seeing with his own eyes the green land that is now full of wars and smoke, Yang Jishan nodded and asked, "Then what about the second reason?"

"The second reason, of course, is that the little thief Chen Yingliang will never get along with Zhang Xutuo." Li Mi smiled and said: "Although I don't know much about Zhang Xutuo, I also know that he is a hot-tempered and straightforward person. , the little thief Chen Yingliang has a soft personality and a deep mind. This kind of temper just doesn't suit Zhang Xutuo's appetite. Once the two fight together, they will inevitably have disputes over various matters such as money, food tactics, and responsibility. It is absolutely impossible to get along with each other. At that time, Chen Yingliang, the little thief, will inevitably be constrained everywhere, made things difficult for him, struggling to move forward, and may even be dismissed from office, beheaded and ransacked because he offended Yang Guang's favorite minister Zhang Xutuo, understand?"

"A great plan!" Yang Jishan, who is familiar with the officialdom, his eyes lit up, and said, "That's right, Zhang Xutuo has a hot temper and is upright, while Chen Yingliang's little thief has a treacherous and vicious personality. The little thief got under Zhang Xutuo's command, maybe Zhang Xutuo might kill him directly, so that this little thief would not even have a chance to complain!"

"That's right." Li Mi nodded, then smiled and said, "Seventh General, since you already know why I repay my grievances with virtue, don't hide my secrets now? Don't leave them idle, ask them to do this."

Yang Jishan hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "It's not that I hid my way out, my father still has some people in the court, but they are not necessarily reliable, even if there are one or two who are absolutely reliable, they are not so high. With a high status, he can speak in front of Yang Guang."

"It's okay, take your time." Li Mi greeted: "Let's go, discuss slowly on the way, tell everyone you know, we can screen out those who are not necessarily unreliable, or find a way to make them reliable. Those whose status is not enough, We can also let him go in a detour and help the little thief Chen Yingliang get promoted through the channel of a third person."