At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 162: But that's all


The disturbance at night, the intimidation of bombardment in the middle of the night, and the despicable methods of scouting warfare can't scare Li Mi. Chen Yingliang really led the Qiaojun army to attack Menghai City, and Li Mi couldn't wait for it. The only Achilles' heel is the lack of water in Meng Haicheng. Because Li Mi knows very well that with the ability of his old opponent Chen Yingliang, it will only be a matter of time before he discovers this fatal weakness.

No matter how much you worry about it, it is useless. No matter how powerful Li Mi is, there is no way to turn Meng Haicheng next to the Makeng River with a large amount of water, and there is no way to turn Menghai City, which lacks groundwater, into hundreds of wells with sufficient water. What Li Mi can do Yes, that is to say, while praying that the old opponent, the wise man, made a mistake this time, and didn't notice this weakness or noticed it later, while trying to find a way to store as much drinking water as possible in the city as a precaution.

If you want to store a large amount of drinking water, the best way is of course to dig more pools in the city to store water, but this requires the consent of Meng Haigong and his wife, and you must also point out to Meng Haigong that the site selection of the city was inappropriate, but Meng Haigong always likes to build it with his own hands. He is proud of Meng Haicheng, and pointing out this fatal weakness in person is undoubtedly slapping Meng Haigong in the face. Li Mi, who is currently living in Meng Haicheng as a guest, thought about it for a long time, and then made up his mind to take the risk of making this suggestion to Meng Haigong.

Just like what Li Mi was worried about, even though he had already chosen a man to speak out when he was happy, Meng Haigong immediately went into a rage, "What? The location of my city is not chosen properly? I have spent countless efforts and money to build this city. It was not easy. The city is built high and the moats are deep, and you fucking say that the site is not selected properly, and it may be broken by the officers and soldiers at any time?"

"Recorder, your city is indeed strong, but the only flaw is that the water source is insufficient, and drinking water is too dependent on the Gourd River." Li Mi said earnestly: "Please think about it, my lord, if the government and army suddenly cut off the Gourd River, the What do we do if we lose our water?"

"Cut off the Gourd River?" Meng Haigong laughed loudly, and said confidently, "Don't think that I haven't considered this point. The upper reaches of the Gourd River are flat and there is no place to store water. In a day, the river can also break their dams."

"Then what if the officers and soldiers divert the river water to a low-lying place?" Li Mi asked calmly, and then reminded: "Meng Lushi, you grew up here, so you must know that the area northwest of Menghai City is low-lying. If the officers and soldiers dug a drainage canal to divert the river water to a low-lying area and then blocked the Hulu River, how much water do you think the Hulu River can still flow down?"

Meng Haigong's face changed a little, and Li Mi said again: "Also, Meng Lushi, after the officers and soldiers cut off the Gourd River, although the Makeng River, which is at the same level as the Gourd, will pour in a lot of river water, but if the officers and soldiers cut off the Gourd River The mouth of the Hulu River is blocked, and we can only survive by storing water. If we don’t store more drinking water, how can we hold on to the city? How can we resist the attack of the government army?”

Meng Haigong's face changed even more, and Ma Saifei next to him asked suspiciously: "Master, why didn't you say this earlier?"

"Because I don't want to startle the snakes." Li Mi replied in a deep voice: "Digging a pool will inevitably require a lot of manpower to attract the attention of the whole city. When we fight the old dog Zhang Xutuo, it is inevitable that some soldiers will be captured by the officers and soldiers. Once Zhang Xutuo's old dog finds out about this, he will immediately understand that we are short of water, and he will immediately find a way to cut off our water source, so I didn't dare to act rashly. Now it seems that this move is still very effective, Zhang Xu Tuo has never taken any action to cut off our water source, which proves that he has never discovered our weakness, and has always believed that our water source is sufficient."

"Since this is the case, why don't we continue to bluff?" Ma Saifei became even more confused when he heard this, and said, "Why do we need to dig more pools to let the whole city know that we store water, and the officers and soldiers know about our exposure?"

"Because that traitor Chen Yingliang is here." Li Mi said with a wry smile: "Zhang Xutuo is brave and foolhardy. He likes to attack directly and not to win by surprise. It is easy to deceive him. The little thief Chen Yingliang is completely the opposite. This little thief likes to win by surprise. , to achieve the greatest victory at the least cost, he will definitely discover our weakness and think of countless tricks to cut off our water source if he racks his brains to break through our city, so we must prepare in advance and take precautions."

"Little thief Chen Yingliang, how can he be so powerful?" Ma Saifei asked again in surprise.

"Auntie, forgive me." Li Mi cupped his hands and said solemnly: "My nephew has always been confident that he is superior in strategy, and it is rare to meet an opponent in the world when using tactics. The person who deserves it is this little thief Chen Yingliang. With his talent, it will only be a matter of time before he discovers our weakness."

After looking at Li Mi up and down, and thinking for a while, Ma Saifei also made up his mind, put his arms around Meng Haigong's arm and said: "Husband, the Master of the Law is also thinking about us, planning for a rainy day is better than digging a well when you are thirsty. Anyway, it doesn't cost much. Let’s dig some pools and prepare more water, if the officers and soldiers really think of the idea of cutting off the water, we don’t have to worry about the lack of water.”

Unable to withstand the softness of his beautiful wife, and knowing that his city lacks wells, Meng Haigong nodded and said: "Okay, send someone to call Jiang Shanhe, and ask him to bring some people to dig dozens of large pools. "

Seeing that Meng Haigong had finally listened to his harsh advice, Li Mi breathed a sigh of relief, and prayed in his heart again: "Chen little thief, I hope you, a traitor, will find out later, and I hope you, a little thief who doesn't understand hydrology, even There is no way to exploit our weaknesses if we find them.”

Li Mi seemed to be worried for nothing. On the second night when the Sui army from Qiao County arrived in Menghai City, although the Sui army team was beating drums and gongs in the city every half hour, the Menghai police stepped into the inside line of the Jiyin County team. However, a shocking news was sent. It was rumored among the officers and soldiers that Chen Yingliang, the commander of Qiao County, had brought a new type of siege weapon, which could easily break through the city of Menghai within three to five days. At present, the officers and troops of all counties are hurrying to prepare for the battle. , ready to cooperate with the Qiaojun army to attack the city and hunt down the remnants of the enemy.

Hearing this news, Meng Haigong and his wife were of course skeptical. To be cautious, they also summoned Li Mi who was the most proficient in weapon manufacturing in the city overnight, and asked Li Mi for advice. After hearing the news, Li Mi did not rush to express any opinions. What is serious is just calculation. Meng Haigong waited impatiently, and urged: "Why don't you speak? Tell me quickly, Officer Chen Gou of Qiao County, is it possible to have such a weapon?"

"I can't judge." Li Mi's answer made Meng Haigong and his wife angry, and then Li Mi said: "If someone else has such a weapon, I absolutely don't believe it, but if Chen Yingliang's little thief has such a weapon, I'm not sure. Because that little thief is not only good at strategy, but also very good at making weapons. When I followed Yang Xuangan, Yang Xuangan was defeated by a strange weapon of his. Until now, I don’t know what that weapon looks like , what is the effect, so I really can't judge whether this little thief has such a weapon."

"It's that little thief Chen Yingliang again! I think you're scared of being beaten by this little thief...!"


A sudden thunderous noise interrupted Meng Haigong's roar, and this time the loud noise was far stronger than last night's. Even though there was more than a mile away from the city wall, Meng Haigong, Li Mi and others were still shocked. The eardrums were buzzing, and some dust clustered on the beams. Then Li Mi had something to say, and said with a wry smile and spread his hands: "Recorder, did you hear that? During the decisive battle of Hongnong, the little thief Chen Yingliang suddenly used this weapon, which shocked Yang Xuangan's elite cavalry into chaos. Taking the opportunity to break through the cavalry, Yang Xuangan was captured alive. Tell me, with such a traitor, can the student be careless?"

Meng Haigong finally stopped scolding Li Mi for being cowardly like a mouse and fearing Chen Yingliang like a tiger, but stood up with a livid face, and shouted: "Go, go to the city wall to see the situation."

Leading a large group of soldiers to the city wall, the generals on duty hurried up to meet him, and in shock, he introduced the previous situation to Meng Haigong, saying that a black object suddenly flew up and exploded on the city wall, making a loud noise. There were many iron horns and nails flying around. The two bandit soldiers near the explosion point died on the spot because they were too close together. Several soldiers were injured by iron horns and nails. One of the bandit soldiers happened to be shot. In one eye, one eye was pierced and blinded, bleeding profusely, and passed out from the pain, whether it can be rescued or not is another matter.

After carefully inspecting the corpses of the dead soldiers, it was found that they were all bloody and bloody, with bleeding from the ears and nose. Meng Haigong's face inevitably became gloomy. This is Chen Xiaozei's siege weapon? Is there any way to crack it?"

"Students have to see the real thing before they can come up with the solution." Li Mi replied respectfully, "Also, the students are not sure that this is the trump card of Chen Yingliang's little thief. With that little thief's temper , his real killing move is usually hidden until the end before he uses it suddenly, and it is unlikely to be exposed in advance. Therefore, the students are worried that this may be done on purpose by Chen Xiaozei. Concentrate on dealing with his huge thunder weapon, and when it comes time to attack the city, he will use a real and even more powerful ultimate move to catch us by surprise!"

"Is there a more powerful killer move?" Ma Saifei exclaimed, "Who is that little thief Chen Yingliang? Why is his method so vicious?"

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Meng Haigong patted his wife again, and then ordered to Li Mi: "From now on, you will guard the city and pay attention to the movements of the officers and soldiers. If the officers and soldiers use this weapon to attack the city, Just take a good look at it and come up with a strategy to deal with it!"

"I will obey you." Li Mi agreed with his hands clasped, and then hurriedly said: "Reporter, the inside information is also very important, please contact the inside as soon as possible, and promise a big reward, so that they can visit the camp of Chen Yingliang's bandit army as much as possible, and inquire about it. What kind of siege weapon does the little thief Chen Yingliang have, so that I can arrange a strategy for you to defend against the enemy."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away!" Meng Haigong agreed without hesitation, and his face was terribly gloomy.

The penny-pinching iron rooster Chen Yingliang was generous once in a while. He took a larger primitive bomb and threw it on the head of Meng Hai City. The courage of the Sui army was very timid, and the army was very frightened. The decision-makers of the bandit army, including the cunning Li Mi, also focused their attention on this new weapon, worrying that the Sui army would use it in large quantities when they launched another siege. Killed so that the army could not resist - of course, if Li Mi knew how expensive this weapon was, he would definitely not have the slightest fear.

Chen Yingliang's bluff tactics also had an unexpected effect, that is, Li Mi didn't think about the important matter of water storage until the afternoon of the next day, and when he rushed to the scene of digging the pool to check the situation, Li Mi's nose almost turned out of anger—thief The army Jiang Shanhe organized the army to dig the pool, but they didn't dig the pool alone, but on the basis of the original culvert, they widened the culvert to divert water into a pool! Seeing this scene, no matter how good-tempered Li Mi was, it was unavoidable that he would get a little angry. He yelled at Jiang Shanhe: "Can you use your brains? What's the use of digging such a canal? If the river outside becomes shallow, the water in the pool will flow out immediately." city?"

"Can you use your brain? Stop talking stupid things?" Jiang Shanhe retorted unceremoniously: "Dig a pool alone. If there is no bricks on the bottom of the pool, and no bricks and stones on the side of the pond, no matter how much water is In such a short time, you asked me to go there and build so many bricks and stones to form a pond? Besides, even if there are so many bricks and stones, you still need to stick them with lime glutinous rice paste, otherwise the water will still seep!"

With a bang, Li Mi sat down on the ground, his face suddenly turned pale, and he screamed in his heart, "Oops! Why am I a wise man who is always worried about something, and I have forgotten that the pool water will seep into the ground? I At the beginning, we shouldn’t have worried that Zhang Xutuo would be aware of it, and should have reminded Meng Haigong to build a masonry pool that can prevent seepage!”

Shocked, Li Mi quickly changed his tone and begged Jiang Shanhe to suspend the doomedly useless construction, and then rushed to Meng Haigong and his wife, begging Meng Haigong to build an anti-seepage pool, but Meng Haigong could only show his hands this time, saying : "I can't help it, let alone bricks and stones. I used up all the glutinous rice I could collect to build the city. Now that the officers and soldiers are guarding the city again, I can't get so much glutinous rice anyway. "

Hearing Meng Haigong's words, Li Mi immediately became extremely depressed, and Meng Haigong said: "Since digging a pool is useless, then don't dig it at all. I will order the soldiers and civilians in the city to use more tanks to store water. You should concentrate on giving it to you." I'm wary of Chen Xiaozei's siege weapons, and I'll find a way to defend the city first."

Li Mi nodded weakly, and agreed helplessly, thinking in his heart, "Looking at the situation, it's time to prepare a change of clothes for escape in advance."

Much to the disappointment of Li Mi and Meng Haigong, on the third night after the Qiaojun army arrived at the Menghai City battlefield, not only did the Qiaojun Sui army no longer use the weird weapons that could make loud noises, even the drum gong team disappeared without a trace. Without a trace, the tortured bandit defenders had a good night's sleep. At the same time, the insiders in the Jiyin team also took the risk to send news that Zhang Xutuo had ordered the siege the next day. Combined with the signs that the officers and soldiers would no longer harass, Li Mi, Meng Haigong, his wife and others agreed that the decisive battle would be the next day, and there was no Dare to take it lightly, and quickly ordered the army to prepare for war without mentioning it.

What puzzled Meng Haigong, Li Mi and others was that on the morning of the fourth day, the Sui army did not send troops to attack the city immediately. It was not until noon that the scouts of the bandit army, whose activity space had been severely compressed, returned to the city to report. Said that they found signs of the army dispatching troops, Meng Haigong, his wife and Li Mi did not dare to be negligent, and hurried to the main battlefield of the South Gate together to supervise the battle in person.

After noon, the Sui army team swaggered to the south gate of Menghai City. At the same time, as last time, a Sui army under the banner of Liangjun crossed the Hulu River and came back to the north gate of Menghai City. , Putting on an auxiliary offensive posture. Li Mi and Meng Haigong didn't care about the auxiliary army of the Sui army at the north gate, they just watched the lineup of the Sui army nervously, looking for the legendary new siege weapons, but to the disappointment of Li Mi and Meng Haigong, they only saw Chen Yingliang The hateful Chen character flag, and Zhang Xutuo's handsome white tooth flag with flailing teeth and claws, and nothing else was found abnormal.

After setting up the lineup unhurriedly, amidst the rhythmic sound of war drums, the long shieldmen of the Sui army strode forward, followed by not only the archers of the Sui army holding bows and arrows, but also a famous man carrying firewood bundles. Seeing this scene, Meng Haigong and his wife, the little country bumpkins of the regiment, were of course puzzled by the purpose of the Sui army, but Li Mi immediately exclaimed, "Burn the city! The little thief Chen Yingliang wants to Set fire to our gates!"

"What should I do?" Meng Haigong asked quickly.

"In addition to shooting arrows to stop them, there are three ways." Li Mi gritted his teeth and replied: "First, pour water on the city gate; second, set fire in the city gate corridor to block the way for the officers and soldiers to enter the city; third, Just block the city gate with sandbags!"

Earlier, as a precautionary measure, Li Mi suggested that Meng Haigong prepare enough sandbags next to the city gate. As long as it is needed, the city gate corridor can be completely blocked in a short time, so Meng Haigong did not worry too much about this, and ordered: " Let the city gate soldiers prepare water, it is of course best if the city gate can be kept, if it cannot be kept, then block it immediately. Check the sandbags and prepare more just in case."

"Recorder, please order to prepare torches and dinner." Li Mi suggested again: "The officers and soldiers are only dispatching troops at this time. It looks like they are preparing for a night battle, and it is very likely that they will not really exert their strength until night. We must also prepare for night battles. .”

Meng Haigong agreed immediately, and immediately ordered the reserve team to prepare dinner and torches, while Li Mi turned his gaze to the enemy line in the distance again, looked at Chen Yingliang's abominable banner, and murmured in his heart, "Chen little thief, come on, this time it's my turn." I'm defending your attack. As long as you don't cut off my water source, no matter how many siege weapons you have, I won't be afraid!"

At the same time, the battle drums in the Sui army's flag array suddenly sped up the rhythm, and the Sui army team also accelerated their pace and charged vigorously. The long shields formed temporary fortifications, and the archers fired arrows to suppress the cover. He raised his hands and threw them at the city gate one after another, and then ran away. Seeing this scene, Li Mi couldn't help but smile slightly, and said to himself: "Little thief Chen, your methods of attacking the city are nothing more than this."