At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 168: Digging corners is a technical activity


"Boy Chen, although your team's victory in this battle of Menghai City is not great, I also admit that without you and your team, this old man would not have taken down this city of thieves so easily, and the ship might capsize in the gutter. Killed by thieves."

"This old man is not the kind of person who knows how to thank you but never repays it. Now that Meng Haigong's Thieves City has been taken down, you should enter the city."

Hearing Zhang Xutuo's words, the proud Qijun soldiers finally did not show any anger this time. On the contrary, they still stood upright on both sides of the road entering the city, with their chests raised high, waiting for Chen Yingliang to enter the city first. Only Mulan turned her face away, not bothering to look at Chen Yingliang's filthy appearance. And Chen Yingliang also took it seriously, bowing and bowing to Zhang Xutuo, repeatedly emphasizing that he was only an assistant in this battle, and only played an auxiliary role. The real main force to destroy the enemy is still the Sui Army of Qi County, and insisted that Zhang Xutuo Tuo entered the city first.

After repeatedly pushing back for a long time, Yang Wang couldn't stand it anymore and asked the pretending Chen Yingliang and the honest and selfless Zhang Xutuo to give in each other and enter the city side by side, and the dispute was resolved. Then Chen Yingliang respectfully invited Yang Wang to join the ranks of entering the city side by side. Zhang Xutuo also nodded in agreement, and the leaders of the three Sui armies entered Menghai City together. , expressing respect for the two seniors, and interpreting the hypocrisy to the fullest, and it also made the soldiers of the Sui army waiting in line next to them curse secretly, "You better get out of here, don't let me bask in the sun Already!"

The thieves in the city had already been cleaned up repeatedly, and there were soldiers standing guard on both sides of the street, so Zhang Xutuo, Chen Yingliang and others were able to observe the situation in the city carefully. As a result, Chen Yingliang and others discovered that Meng Haigong had spent countless money and food to build the city It is indeed not bad. There are many houses in the city, the streets are planned in an orderly manner, and various military and civilian facilities are quite complete. It is not only suitable for stationing troops, but also quite suitable for living. In addition to admiring it, Yang Wang couldn't help but said: "Ambassador Zhang, it's not easy to build this city. It's a pity to just destroy it like this. It's better to stay for our garrison."

"Yes." Zhang Xutuo readily agreed, and said casually: "Yang Tongshou, you can stay here with 1,000 troops, and then recruit new recruits to expand the garrison to about 2,000. It will be used as an official military stronghold to defend the surrounding counties. , to prevent the remnants of Meng Haigong’s remnants here.”

Yang Wang picked a new city for no reason, of course Yang Wang was overjoyed, Chen Yingliang carefully advised Yang Wang to pay attention to protecting the water source in the city, but Yang Wang laughed, saying that the surrounding thieves did not have the strength to besiege the city for a long time. Although Chen Yingliang didn't insist on the suggestion, he couldn't help thinking to himself: "The bandits don't have the strength to be trapped in the city for a long time? Just wait, there is a good emperor like Yang Guang, and you will cry behind."

All the way to Meng Haigong's Recorder's Mansion, the Sui Army of Qi County had already seized this luxurious mansion unceremoniously, and used it as Zhang Xutuo's residence and headquarters in the city, and Zhang Xutuo also sat down even more unceremoniously. On the main seat in the hall, Chen Yingliang and Yang Wang sat on the left and right respectively, and then Zhang Xutuo ordered to reward the three armies, and to reward the meritorious soldiers who fought bravely. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xutuo smiled and said to Chen Yingliang: "Chen Tongshou, it's not that this old man is stingy. It's that this old man is not in charge of Qiao County and cannot exceed his authority, so today's reward of wine and meat can be paid for by this old man. The promotion of your officers and men in Qiao County Rewards and punishments, but you have to figure out your own way."

The iron rooster Chen Yingliang agreed with a grunt, expressed understanding of Zhang Xutuo's difficulties with a frowning face, and then asked more carefully about other situations in the city—for example, when Meng Haigong retreated, did he set fire to the money and food in the city? When Zhang Xutuo heard the string song, he immediately smiled and said, "What are you pretending to do? Are you afraid that the old man will renege on his debts? The old man has already sent someone to count the money and food in the city, but there are too many money and food, and it is impossible to count them all in a short time." Finished, after counting the number, the old man will give you 30%."

Chen Yingliang immediately beamed with joy, and hurriedly saluted Zhang Xutuo to thank him. As a result, not only the general of Qi County next to him showed disdain, but even Yang Wang couldn't stand it any longer, and shouted: "Ying Liang, don't give me much, you boy!" Be snobbish, old man! Is your Qiao County short of money and food? Qiao County’s money, food and taxes are better than Liang County’s, and the army it raises is far less than Liang County’s. You are still so greedy, what are you talking about?”

"My nephew is rude, please forgive my uncle." Chen Yingliang quickly apologized, and then said respectfully: "Uncle, it's not that my nephew is greedy, but my nephew just wants to do his best to lighten the burden on the people of Qiao County. There are only twelve regiments, but these twelve regiments, just for food every day, have to eat all the grain harvest of the people in Qiao County's 30 mu of land for a year, plus other various expenses, even in a country where there is no war. Under normal circumstances, the daily consumption of money and food by the twelve regiments is equivalent to the annual harvest of the common people's 60 mu of land. If there is a war again, the road expenses for food and grass transportation, the consumption of war horses, the consumption of weapons, and the consumption of luggage will be even more expensive. It’s difficult to calculate, that’s why my nephew attaches so much importance to money and food.”

Zhang Xutuo, who was born as a commoner, was silent, but Yang Wang, who was born as an aristocrat, snorted, "Is there a war that doesn't cost money and food? With the money and food and taxes of your Qiao County, can't you afford this amount?"

"Qiao County can afford the money and food, but if there is an opportunity to reduce the burden for the people, my nephew still wants to reduce it as much as possible." Chen Yingliang replied confidently.

"Hehe." Zhang Xutuo smiled and said, "Chen Tongshou, you want to reduce the burden on the people of Qiao County, so you reach out to the twelve counties of Henan Province. Who are you reaching out to?"

Chen Yingliang was waiting for this sentence, and quickly cupped his hands and said, "Old general, if you want to reduce the burden of money and food for the twelve counties of Henan Province, then this junior has a way, as long as the old general agrees to one condition, then this junior is willing to ask for one less." Turn it into money and food, and leave it to the old general for military use."

"What condition? Let's hear it." Zhang Xutuo became interested.

"It's very simple. The junior wants to ask the old general for someone to help the junior train." Chen Yingliang said with a smile: "Presumably the old general also knows that the junior once captured a batch of war horses when he was fighting with the Mengrang bandit army, and it is possible to form an army." There are four regiments of cavalry, but the younger generation has no generals who are proficient in cavalry warfare, so the younger generation has the courage to exchange 10% of the money and rations with the old general for a general who is proficient in cavalry to help the younger generation train and form a cavalry team."

Zhang Xutuo laughed again, and said with a smile: "Chen Tongshou really knows how to do business. He exchanged other people's money and food for the old man's generals. He wanted to take advantage of the slightest loss. Originally, it's okay for the old man to promise you, but you Ask the old man's generals, who among them is willing to go with you? All the old man's beloved generals, who among you is willing to serve under Chen Tongshou's command?"

All the generals in Qi County were silent, only Mulan's eyelids moved slightly, and she couldn't help sneaking a peek at Chen Yingliang from the corner of her eyes. Chen Yingliang said with a wry smile: "Old general, you manage the army well, you love soldiers like a son, and the army is united. Qiang, this junior has known this for a long time, so the junior didn't dare to recruit, so I can only ask you directly, and please, for the sake of serving the court, assign me a cavalry general."

"These officers and men are all priceless treasures of this old man, and I won't give you any of them." Zhang Xutuo refused with a smile, and then suddenly said: "But, it seems that the same as serving the court and the 10% of the money For your sake, this old man can lend you a general who is proficient in cavalry warfare and let him serve under your command for a while to help you form and train cavalry."

"Just borrow?" Chen Yingliang scratched his head, but after a little calculation, Chen Yingliang still nodded and said: "Okay, I will ask the old general to lend me a general who is proficient in cavalry warfare to help the younger generation train cavalry. However, the younger generation still has One small condition, the junior wants to pick someone by himself."

"You choose someone yourself?" Zhang Xutuo raised his gray eyebrows, and then smiled a little weirdly, and asked, "Then who do you want? It won't be Mulan, right? She is the old man's tent." My dear general, if you want her, this old man will be a bit reluctant."

Mulan's face turned slightly red, and she quickly withdrew her peeping gaze at Chen Yingliang, feeling quite hopeful in her heart, but Chen Yingliang hurriedly shook her head in a wolf-hearted manner, and said in Zhang Xutuo's tone: "The younger generation knows that General Mulan belongs to the old general. I love a general, and I dare not take away people's love, so this junior also dare not name her, this junior is so bold, I just want to ask the old general to lend General Qin Qiong to this junior for a while."

Mulan's body trembled, and her mind was at a loss. Qin Qiong, the future famous general of Lingyan Pavilion, looked up in surprise and said, "Chen Tongshou, don't you praise the last general too much? Although the last general is under the leadership of the general Cavalry, but the general doesn’t know much about cavalry, so I really can’t afford to take on the important task of forming a cavalry for you?”

"General Qin, you must not be polite, let alone humble." Chen Yingliang said with a smile: "Actually, I have heard about your heroic deeds. A well-known cavalry general, later came to the tent of General Zhang, and has always been in command of the cavalry for the old general. He is invincible and invincible. After the cavalry is trained by you, there will be a great improvement in combat effectiveness, and it will become a famous cavalry army."

"Thank you Chen Tongshou for your love." Qin Qiong still shook his head, then cupped his hands and said: "Chen Tongshou is so ridiculously praised, the general is really ashamed, but the general is treated with courtesy and kindness by the commander, and the commander shoulders the responsibility of the twelve counties." Suppressing thieves is an important task, and the general needs to be guarded at all times, and the general cannot be away from the commander for a long time, so I ask Chen Tongshou to forgive the crime, and I also ask Chen Tongshou to hire another Gao Ming."

Seeing Qin Qiong's extremely resolute attitude, Chen Yingliang couldn't help being disappointed. In fact, Zhang Xutuo, who was very reluctant to lend Qin Qiong's right-hand assistant, also took the opportunity and said: "Chen Tongshou, since Shubao doesn't want to go to your Qiao County, the old man will give you another How about you arrange for a cavalry general to help you form and train the cavalry? Mulan, are you willing to go to Qiao County?"

It doesn't matter if there is no fish or shrimp, Chen Yingliang couldn't help but had a glimmer of hope in his heart. He thought that it would be easier to build a good relationship with Mulan first, and then recruit super fierce people like Qin Qiong and Luo Shixin. In anticipation, Chen Yingliang turned his head to look at himself The most suitable candidate for the captain of the personal army, but unfortunately Mulan didn't expect so much this time, her attitude was even more determined than Qin Qiong, and she immediately bowed her hands to Zhang Xutuo and said: "Commander, the last general doesn't want to go to Qiao County! The last general doesn't want to go either!" Leave your side!"

"Just go for half a year." Zhang Xutuo also loved Mulan, and said, "Go to Qiao County for half a year, help Chen Tongshou train cavalry, and then you can return to the old man."

"The last general will not go!" Mulan turned her face away, and said firmly, "The last general would rather die than leave the commander's camp!"

Knowing that Mulan was angry, Zhang Xutuo couldn't say too much in front of too many people, so he could only look at Chen Yingliang with a wry smile. He was not a famous cavalry general, but he was also a stubborn one. He opened his mouth to borrow people and was rejected in all likelihood. In desperation, Chen Yingliang had no choice but to cup his hands and said: "I never imagined that the old general's soldiers are so cohesive. Since General Qin and General Mulan I and all the generals are unwilling to leave your tent, so I will assume that this junior has never said what I said just now, and this junior will just find another way."

Zhang Xutuo also smiled wryly, and said: "Well, since everyone doesn't want to earn money and food for the old man, let's forget it. We fought all night last night, so everyone should leave, go down to rest, and have a banquet at night Celebrate the victory. But one thing, at the banquet tonight, no more money is allowed."

The generals of Qi County, who had suffered a lot long ago, agreed in unison, and each dispersed. Zhang Xutuo left Mulan alone and reprimanded her in a low voice. Chen Yingliang followed Yang Wang to leave Zhang Xutuo's new headquarters in a sullen mood , I was very depressed, lamenting that my general luck was too bad, and I passed by countless future famous generals. Pei Xingyan, who was supposed to be a cow and a horse for himself, was helpless because of Pei Cuiyun and his eldest grandson Xiao Luoli. Ma Sanbao and Kan Leng, who were acquired with great difficulty, were proficient in infantry, and the other was a jack of all trades, who knew everything and was not good at anything.

"Chen Tongshou, Chen Tongshou, please stay."

After leaving the gate, a greeting came from behind his ears. Chen Yingliang looked back, but saw that it was Qin Qiong chasing up quickly. Chen Yingliang rekindled hope in his heart, and hurriedly greeted Qin Qiong. It's a pity that Qin Qiong cupped his hands like this and said: "Chen Tongshou forgive me, you want the general to train the cavalry for you, but the general doesn't want to shirk it, and he doesn't have any prejudice against you, it's just that the commander-in-chief is old, and Shi Xinhe Mulan and the others are too young, and their tempers are somewhat impulsive. Many times they not only don't help, but also cause trouble. If I leave the commander in chief, he will definitely work harder and harder, so he will have to refuse your invitation in the end. On this point, I hope you can understand the last general’s difficulties.”

"General Qin doesn't need to explain, I understand." The disappointed Chen Yingliang reluctantly nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Old General Zhang is old and weak, we as juniors should be more considerate of his hard work, you can't bear to leave him, of course I understand. "

"Thank you Chen Tongshou for your understanding." Qin Qiong thanked you sincerely, and then said seriously: "Chen Tongshou, you lack cavalry generals under your command. If you are willing to use talents in an eclectic manner, the last general would like to recommend someone to you. , this person is a close friend of mine, a friend from childhood to adulthood, he practiced martial arts diligently since he was a child, his riding skills are far superior to mine, and he is especially good at using... "

"He's good at using a sharp ax, isn't he?" Chen Yingliang, who had been poisoned by TV dramas and romances, blurted out, "He's still a private salt dealer, isn't he?"

"Chen Tongshou, what do you mean by that?" Qin Qiong was a little dumbfounded, and said: "Although the last general is not from a famous family, he is also a child of an innocent family. How can he make friends with a small generation like a private salt dealer?"

"What? Not a private salt dealer?" Chen Yingliang was even more dumbfounded, and the flame of hope that had just been ignited was completely extinguished immediately.

"Of course not a private salt dealer." Qin Qiong replied truthfully: "My friend is still from a famous family. He has been a court official since his great-grandfather's generation, and his father was a high-ranking official in Yingzhou Governor. He passed away early and failed to promote him into an official position, so he is still in vain. Five years after his great career, there were thieves in Qilu area. He also organized a team of hundreds of local soldiers to protect his relatives in his hometown. Also, The weapon he is good at is not an axe, but a horse lance. He is very proficient in riding and cavalry warfare. The general thinks that if you can recruit Chen Tongshou to your command, he will definitely be qualified for the position of cavalry general .”

"I'm probably an unknown idiot." Chen Yingliang sighed secretly in his heart, he was extremely disappointed and couldn't show it, so he could only force a smile and ask: "Thank you General Qin for your guidance, General Qin, what's the name of your friend? "

Qin Qiong suddenly got a little awkward, and said with a weird expression: "Chen Tongshou, I said that friend's name, don't laugh, actually I don't know why his parents gave him such a weird name , I once asked him himself, and he refused to say why he had such a weird name."

"It's okay, of course I won't laugh." Chen Yingliang encouraged.

"My friend is called Cheng Yaojin." Qin Qiong replied truthfully.

Of course Chen Yingliang didn't smile, not only didn't laugh, but also rushed up like a hungry wolf and a tiger, grabbed Qin Qiong's neck, and shouted with an extremely ferocious expression: "Where is he? Where is Cheng Yaojin now?"

"Jibei County, Dong'e County, Turtle Dove Shop... Chen Tongshou, please let go, you will soon be strangled by you... strangled to death."

"Nephew, where are you going?" Yang Wang hurriedly grabbed Chen Yingliang who was running away.

"Jibei, Dong'e, Turtle Dove Shop, find Cheng Yaojin!"

"Are you stupid? You are now the general guard of Qiao County. Although Jibei County is not far from here, it is still hundreds of miles away. If you go to Jibei County for no reason, it is AWOL! If you are told by the censor The official knows, if you read any book, you will have to eat and walk around!"