At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 23: East and west


"Master Lu, please report to Fan Liushou on your behalf. Ten days later, the Baoguo Army will always be the vanguard of the Eastern Capital's counter-insurgency army. The villain will not die in battle, and will only bring back the good news of victory for Fan Liushou."

This was Chen Yingliang's answer to Fan Zigai's request to lead the army to fight. After sending Lu Chu away with these words, he immediately returned to the team of the Nationalist Army who was training, and continued to lead the soldiers of the Nationalist Army to train rigorously. The calm and self-confident demeanor made Lu Chu, who admired Chen Yingliang quite a lot, feel admiration and worry at the same time. At the same time, he also had a strong sense of anticipation. He hoped that the ten days would pass sooner and he could witness the Nationalist Army on the battlefield sooner. The performance of Chen Yingliang has also been verified through actual combat earlier whether Chen Yingliang, a young man who has been reused by the defenders of the Eastern Capital, has real talents and real learning.

Lu Chu felt uneasy, and Chen Yingliang himself felt equally uneasy, because although the current Baoguo Army has improved in morale and fighting spirit, and its organizational discipline has completely outmatched all the defenders in Luoyang City, but in the single In terms of combat effectiveness, there is still a huge gap with the elite Sui army on the front line, and the number of troops is too small. In addition to Chen Yingliang himself, there are only 423 rebel troops, and the number of the newly mastered rebel troops has exceeded six. Ten thousand people, if Yang Xuangan tried his best to besiege the Nationalist Army at any cost on the battlefield, no matter how high the morale of the Nationalist Army was, no matter how strong their fighting spirit was, the entire army would definitely be wiped out.

The main reason why Chen Yingliang uttered wild words was another news introduced by Lu Chu, that is, the news that Wei Xuan, who was left behind in Daxing, personally led an army of 40,000 to the east to reinforce Luoyang, although Chen Yingliang could no longer remember the process and result of the battle between Wei Xuan and Yang Xuangan , but with so many Sui troops coming to rescue from the east, Yang Xuangan will definitely not ignore it, and will definitely send the main force to meet Wei Xuan's reinforcements. The pressure on the rebels in Dongdu will be greatly reduced. If the garrison of the Eastern Capital is to gather all the elite main force to go west to block Wei Xuan, then the nationalist army will go out of the city to fight the rebels, which will undoubtedly increase the chances of winning.

It was also because of this analysis that Chen Yingliang dared to hold his head up and utter wild words to Lu Chu sent by Fan Zigai. At the same time, Chen Yingliang inevitably prayed secretly in his heart, praying that Yang Xuangan would be able to send the main force westward to take the initiative as he had judged. To face Wei Xuan, don't make any plans to fight the Sui army under the city of the Eastern Capital, then the Nationalist Army team with only more than 400 people will be in jeopardy.

Chen Yingliang's continuous good fortune after arriving in Luoyang seemed to be coming to an end. Three days later, when the Sui army's reinforcements were gradually approaching, the main force of the rebel army went east to Anxi again on the morning of the fourth day. The gate launched a strong attack, and also used two newly-made large-scale crash vehicles. The battle was extremely fierce. It lasted from the morning until after noon. On the city wall of Anximen, a large ramming vehicle almost smashed through Anximen, forcing Fan Zigai to come to Anximen to command and supervise the battle, and was forced to use Liu Changgong's reserve team stationed in Beishi.

Hearing Anximen's cry of killing is wrong, Chen Yingliang has already organized the Nationalist Army and prepared to fuck the guys to Anximen for reinforcements, and there was cheering from Anximen in time. It turned out that the torches and oil pots thrown by the Dongdu defender Finally, the last siege engine of the rebel army was burned down, and the morale was greatly boosted. The defensive reserve team led by Liu Changgong also drowned more than 20 rebel soldiers who rushed up the city wall with crowd tactics, and recaptured the city wall In the position, Yang Xuangan, who hadn't had time to prepare too many siege weapons, was forced to call for gold, and the defenders of the Eastern Capital managed to win the defense again, and at the same time, it was useless to report to the national army. fighting.

Although the rebels' siege was once again blocked, the casualty statistics after the war made Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi and other important officials of the Eastern Capital very angry. The rebel teams were almost the same, although the rebel team captured a large number of bows and arrows in Jinyong City, but after more than 20 rebel soldiers rushed up the city wall and fought with the defenders, they caused more than three times the damage to the defenders. Casualties, and at the same time, more than 30 defenders and deserters died under the swords and axes of the supervising team. The defenders lacked the courage to see blood with swords and guns. Wuyi and the others were unavoidably worried. They were worried that once the rebel army built siege weapons such as ladder carts, so that the rebel soldiers could quickly rush up the city wall in large numbers, would the defenders be able to regain the city wall positions like today? It must be a huge question mark.

While Fan Zigai and other important officials in the Eastern Capital were worried, Chen Yingliang was full of doubts in the camp of the Baoguo Army. He really didn't understand the significance of Yang Xuangan's attack on the city today, because since Yang Xuangan could build a large siege vehicle, he didn't have much preparation Some heavy siege weapons, and even fill up the moat before attacking the city? Why once again launch a tough battle when preparations are clearly insufficient? If it's about avenging the arrow, Yang Xuangan should also forcefully attack the Shangchunmen. Even attacking Anximen can't wash away the humiliation he received at the Shangchunmen? So Chen Yingliang came to two conclusions. One was that Yang Xuangan's head was flooded and he wanted to give experience points to the defenders of the Eastern Capital to level up, and the other was that Yang Xuangan had ulterior motives in doing so!

No matter how many doubts and conclusions there are, it is useless. With Chen Yingliang's current status, he is not qualified to participate in the decision-making meeting of the Dongdu garrison, and it is impossible for the decision-makers of the Dongdu garrison, such as Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi, to treat him He obeyed, so Chen Yingliang could only try his best to improve the morale and cohesion of the rebel army, and at the same time, through the channels of Pei Hongce and Lu Chu, he learned as much as possible about the military situation outside the city, so as to analyze and guess the real intention of the rebel army.

On the morning of the fifth day, the rebel army again sent more than 3,000 troops to fight at Anximen. They insulted and surrendered, trying to provoke the defenders to go out of the city to fight. Of course, the frightened defenders did not dare to fight. Hiding on the city wall, they were just trembling, and there were not many defenders who even opened their mouths to scold the rebels—these defenders were not fools. It can block the advance of the rebel army. If the rebel army is annoyed now, at that time, there will be no chance to surrender and save their lives.

Perhaps it was because they couldn't scold the defenders. In order to further anger the defenders in the Eastern Capital, the rebels also greatly intensified their scouting operations and sent a large number of cavalry to frantically kill the Eastern Capital defenders. The scout Qingqi outside the city who was scouting the enemy's situation, in less than a day, more than 20 defender scouts were killed by the rebel sword, and more defender scouts were chased and killed by the rebel cavalry like rabbits. Fleeing back to the city in embarrassment, for a whole day, none of the Dongdu scouts could get within ten miles of the rebel camp.

On the sixth day, the rebel army repeated their old tricks and once again sent troops to fight under the Eastern Capital city. At the same time, they continued to strangle the scouts sent by the Eastern Capital defenders with all their strength. The news that the main force of the rebel army is still stationed in Yong Jin City. But this time, Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi, who had already suffered from the false reports of the scouts who were afraid of death, did not dare to believe it anymore. Apart from interrogating the scout severely, they also sent scouts out of the city at night to investigate the enemy's situation in Jinyong City. , to scout the movement of the main force of the rebel army.

On the seventh day, the rebels still went to the city to fight again. At noon, several scouts who had left the city the night before fled back to Dongdu, and brought them with them. With this news, Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi and others were relieved, and quickly sent several messengers to Tongguan to contact Wei Xuan's army, which was rushing eastward for reinforcements, and informed that the main force of the rebel army was still captured. Contain the news in Dongdu.

On the eighth day, less than three days were left before Wei Xuan's reinforcements arrived in Dongdu, and it was also the thirteenth day since the formation of the Baoguo Army. There were about 3,000 people, but they still did not carry siege weapons and put on a posture. After personally inspecting the situation at the Anxi Gate, Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi and other important officials of the Eastern Capital were relieved, and at the same time remembered Three days later, they will leave the city to serve as the vanguard of the national defense army team, so they rise up temporarily and come to the national defense army camp together to inspect the training situation of the national defense army in person.

To the surprise of Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi and other important officials from the East Capital, when they arrived at the camp of the Baoguo Army, the Baoguo Army, which had never stopped from morning till night, unexpectedly stopped their drills. The man was sitting on the ground under the scorching sun, facing a huge blackboard motionless. Chen Yingliang, who was in full armor, was also standing in front of the blackboard under the scorching sun, pointing with a bamboo pole on the blackboard on which mountains, rivers and rivers were painted with white ash, and said Explain loudly, "The battle of Jingxing fought by Han Xin, the reason why the weak can defeat the strong and the few can win the many, the most important thing is two tactics of attacking the heart. There is no way to retreat, but to fight to the death and fight for a way out."

"The second heart attack tactic is the two thousand ambush troops arranged by Han Xin. I told you just now that the terrain around Jingxing is not suitable for ambushes. At the same time, the strength of the Zhao army is more than five times that of the Han army. Even if the two thousand ambush soldiers attack It is also difficult for Zhao Jun's flank to turn defeat into victory. At most, it can only receive the effect of disturbing part of Zhao Jun's army. The effect is better than directly attacking Zhao Jun! As for why you can receive better results, you can think about it. If you leave your home and leave the village, you suddenly see a fire in the direction of your home in the village, and a fire Thick smoke, are you anxious? Are you anxious to go home and check the situation? Zhao Jun had such a panic when he was fighting with the Han army. Han Xin couldn’t do without winning the battle. I understand Already?"

"Understood!" More than 400 soldiers of the Nationalist Army answered in unison.

"It's good to understand." Chen Yingliang nodded in satisfaction, and said loudly: "As for the mistakes made by General Zhao in this battle, I will explain to you later why Ma Di followed Han Xin's tactic during the Three Kingdoms period and failed miserably. Get up and meet Fan Liushou! Meet General Huangfu!"

"Promise!" More than 400 soldiers of the Nationalist Army sang promise in unison, stood up straight together, then knelt down on one knee to Fan Zigai and others who had come to the blackboard, clasped their fists and shouted in unison: "Fan Liushou! Farewell! General Huangfu!"

"Greetings to Fan Liushou, general Huangfu, and all your lords." Chen Yingliang also bowed to Fan Zigai and others on one knee.

Looking at the Nationalist Army team that was still fully armored and moving neatly under the scorching sun, and looking at the map of Jingxing Battle in Han Dynasty that Chen Yingliang had drawn on the blackboard, both Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi were satisfied. Nodding his head, Fan Zigai said, "Excuse me."

"Xie Fan stay behind!" Chen Yingliang agreed loudly, standing up straight.

"Xie Fan stay behind!" More than 400 officers and soldiers of the Nationalist Army replied in unison and loudly, like a thunderstorm exploding on the ground, they got up neatly, and their movements were standard and orderly, more than 400 people were like one person.

"It takes more than ten days to train an army to form and discipline like this. This kid is really good at it." Fan Zigai secretly praised, and then asked Chen Yingliang with a smile: "Why didn't you train today?" ?”

"Fan stays behind. Three days later, our army will go out of the city to kill the enemy. In order to let the soldiers rest and build up their strength, the villain has reduced the training intensity from today, and only do 30% of the usual training." Chen Yingliang replied loudly. .

"Then what does that mean?" Huangfu Wuyi asked with a smile, pointing at the blackboard made of lacquered wood.

"General Huangfu, in order to make the soldiers familiar with the battlefield, know what is the most important on the battlefield, what can and cannot be done, and also to cultivate grass-roots talents for You Wuwei, the villain selected several previous battles to give them tactical explanations " Chen Yingliang replied loudly: "Just now I explained the battle of Jingxing, tomorrow I will explain the battle of Feishui, and the day after tomorrow I will explain the battle of Hefei New City defended by Cao Wei Shizhang Te!"

"Zhang Te's Hefei New City Defense Battle?" Huangfu Wuyi was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "I can't see that you are only seventeen years old, and you even know such a remote war. You usually read history books and military books, right?"

"General Huangfu, the villain's family was not bad when he was young, and he has read a lot of books on history and war." Chen Yingliang replied.

Huangfu Wuyi smiled even more gratified, and wiped off the sweat from the sun. Huangfu Wuyi, who was in poor health, couldn't bear such a long exposure to the sun, so he said: "Since it is for the soldiers to rest, then Don't let them continue to bask in the sun, let them disband and rest, and let's find a shady place to sit and talk."

"Thank you, General Huangfu!" Chen Yingliang cupped his hands in thanks, then turned to the soldiers of the Baoguo Army and shouted: "Dismiss and rest."

"Kill the thieves and suppress the rebellion! Serve the country faithfully!" More than 400 soldiers of the Nationalist Army shouted a slogan, and then saluted Chen Yingliang, Huangfu Wuyi and others, and then disbanded and went to rest in the shade. Gai and Huangfu Wuyi nodded slightly again, very satisfied with the organization and discipline displayed by the national army.

Accompanying Huangfu Wuyi, who was in poor health, and Fan Zigai, who was nearly seventy years old, came to the cool place next to the camp. Chen Yingliang wanted someone to set up seats for Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi, but Fan Zigai waved to stop him and said: "You don't need to sit down. We still have work to do. We will leave as soon as we talk. I heard that you drove some soldiers out of the Nationalist Army. Is there such a thing?"

"Reporting to Fan to stay behind, this incident happened. The villain expelled eleven people from the Nationalist Army." Chen Yingliang replied: "Some of them couldn't stand the strict requirements of the Nationalist Army and neglected the military law. Three of them were dissatisfied with being reduced to soldiers. , The bad words affect the morale of the army, the villain beat each of them with twenty army sticks, and drove them out of the Nationalist Army!"

"Well done, I support you in such a matter. In the future, if you have the courage to act in accordance with military law, I will support you." Fan Zigai praised him, and then asked: "Then do you want me to support you?" Add some soldiers to make up the strength of the two regiments?"

"Xie Fan stayed behind." Chen Yingliang thanked, then shook his head and said: "But there is no need, the villain will lead the army to battle in three days, and now the new recruits have no time to train."

"That's right." Fan Zigai nodded, and said again: "It will be up to you in three days. If there are no other accidents, the reinforcements from Minister Wei Wensheng of the Ministry of Punishment will arrive at the city of Dongdu in three days. We will definitely send troops to support them at that time. With both internal and external attacks to defeat Yang Ni, the old man will still say the same thing, the army you have trained to serve the country must be the vanguard."

"Please don't worry Fan Liushou, the villain will never let you down." Chen Yingliang answered with cupped hands, and then asked cautiously: "The villain dares to ask Liushou, the main force of Yang Ni's rebel army, is there any move westward to meet Daxing's reinforcements? ?”

"Why do you ask this?" Fan Zigai was a little annoyed, and said, "What is the crime of spying on military planes, you don't know?"

"The villain deserves to die." Chen Yingliang hurriedly pleaded guilty, and said more carefully: "The villain just thinks that there is one thing that is very abnormal. Yang Ni's army has been fighting outside Anxi Gate for four consecutive days. Our army has always refused to fight, but Yang Ni I never gave up on this action, worried that Yang's rebel army was playing tricks, so I couldn't help but inquire about the movements of the main force of the rebel army."

"Handling?" Fan Zigai was slightly taken aback, and asked proactively, "How did Yang Ni play the trick of making a sound?"

"Go to the city to fight every day, create the illusion that the main force is still on the battlefield in Luoyang, and then take the opportunity to secretly divide the troops, lay an ambush on the only way our reinforcements must pass, and sneak attack our reinforcements." Chen Yingliang explained.

Fan Zigai's and Huangfu Wuyi's expressions changed a little, Chen Yingliang observed his words, and said again: "Fan Liushou, General Huangfu, the villain dares to ask another question that is not a secret in the army, dare to ask Wei Shangshuxi To save Dongdu, should we take the Heyang Road on the north bank of the Yellow River, or the Weihan Road on the south bank of the Yellow River?"

"It's the Xiaohan Road on the South Bank." Huangfu Wuyi replied smoothly.

"What?! Take Xiaohan Road?" Chen Yingliang was taken aback, "Why did Wei Shangshu take this road? Why didn't he take the Heyang Road on the north bank?"

"Why do you want to take the Heyang Road?" Fan Zigai asked in displeasure: "Taking the Heyang Road not only requires a longer road, but also requires crossing the Yellow River twice. Rebels can easily defend the river. Is it convenient to go up Weihan Road?"

"But the Weihan Road is dangerous!" Chen Yingliang explained: "This time, the villain came to the west and east to join the army, and he took the Weihan Road. I have witnessed the narrow and steep road of the Weihan Road, and there are ambushes everywhere. The terrain is favorable, and now our Luoyang army is trapped in the city by thieves. We cannot stop and destroy Yang's rebel army's ambush. Although it is convenient for the reinforcements to take this road, it is extremely dangerous. It is far less safe than the Heyang Road on the north bank of the Yellow River. It is impossible to hide it from the eyes of our Hanoi army, so Yang Ni naturally cannot arrange an ambush."

The complexions of Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi changed again. After looking at each other, Fan Zigai said with some gratitude: "Fortunately, we can confirm that Yang Ni's main force is still in Jinyong City, and Wei Wensheng was killed There is little chance of an ambush."

Chen Yingliang, who was treacherous and suspicious by nature, did not dare to take it lightly. He quickly cupped his hands and saluted, and said solemnly: "Fan Liushou, General Huangfu, for the sake of the imperial court's 40,000 troops, I dare to ask again, how did you confirm that Yang Ni's main force is still in Jinyong City?"

"Of course it was investigated by scouts." Huangfu Wuyi replied casually, giving Chen Yingliang a rough introduction to the situation of the scout battle outside the city in the past few days, and also said that Yang Xuangan's commander-in-chief flag was still floating on the top of Jinyong City.

"So, Master Fan, you and General Huangfu think that Yang Ni's main force is still in Jinyong City because Yang Xuan feels that the commander-in-chief of the traitor is still in Jinyong City." Chen Yingliang said with an extremely serious face, "But Master Fan, General Huangfu, have you ever wondered if Yang Xuangan's traitor deliberately left that handsome flag to deceive our scouts? The villain remembers that Cao Cao played such a trick during the Three Kingdoms period, using a fake handsome flag After restraining Yuan Shao's Jizhou army, Cao Cao himself took the opportunity to surprise Xuzhou, and solved Liu Bei's worries."

Just a word to wake up the dreamer, Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi's complexion completely changed immediately, and after a little more calculation, Fan Zigai, who sent a messenger to contact Wei Xuan with unreliable information yesterday, turned even paler. Immediately shouted: "Come on, send more scouts out of the city immediately to investigate Jinyong City and Xiaohan Road. No matter what the cost, I must find out the real movement of Yang Ni's main force!"

"Wait!" Chen Yingliang stopped loudly, knelt down on one knee and cupped his hands to Fan Zigai and said, "Master Fan, it may be too late, not to mention that the rebel cavalry are frantically killing our out-of-city scouts outside the city, even if our scouts can We were lucky enough to be close to Jinyong City, and we were unable to enter the city to investigate whether the main force of the rebels had left. Also, there are high mountains and dense forests on the other side of Weihan Road, and it is difficult for our scouts to complete the investigation in a day or two!"

"Then what should we do?" Fan Zigai was a little confused, and said anxiously: "Can you find out where the main force of the rebel army is? The old man just sent a messenger to contact Wei Wensheng yesterday, saying that the main force of the rebel army is still in Dongdu. If Wei Wensheng is caught in this way, the old man will die forever."

Chen Yingliang's face changed from cloudy to cloudy, and he made quick calculations in his mind, and quickly clasped his fists and said, "Fan Liushou, there is only one way, firepower reconnaissance! Please Fan Liushou's grace, allow the villain to lead the Nationalist Army out of the city today, and come to fight against it." The traitors and rebels! Go all out to win, and capture prisoners to interrogate confessions!"

Fan Zigai's eyes lit up, and he returned a gift to Chen Yingliang for the first time, saying: "Chen Jishi, then I'll leave it to you!"