At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 24: Virgin fight


"Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi, Yuan Wendu, you cowardly trash, if you have the guts to come out and fight us to the death, what are you doing hiding in the city? Come out! Come out!"

"Yuan Wendu, you can think clearly. Now that you open the city gate and surrender, you must have what you want. If you resist stubbornly, when we break through Luoyang City, your whole family will lose their heads! It's not decided! "

"Fan Zigai, old man, you are old, come out and fight us, fight us! Old man, come out!"

It was so hot, the sun was so red that there was not a single cloud in the sky, the ground was covered with smoke, and everyone in the rebel army was sweating profusely. Yang Wanshuo, the fifth younger brother of Yang Xuangan, the fifth younger brother of Yang Xuangan who was the general of the Sui Army not long ago, dismounted from his horse and sat on the ground early, asking his soldiers to take off their clothes to shield him from the sun, cursing from time to time, "Luck is so fucking It’s so bad, but the sun is so bright today, it’s killing General Ben.”

"Fifth General, why don't we go back." Yu Rou, a powerful son who has newly defected to the rebel army, wiped his sweat and suggested, "Anyway, that old man Fan Zigai will definitely not leave the city. Go back to Kim Yong City, the weather is too hot."

"You think I don't want to go back to Jinyong City to take shelter?" Yang Wanshuo said angrily, "But this is the order of the elder brother before he left, and he is not allowed to withdraw troops until the afternoon. In violation of his military order, even if I am his fifth younger brother You have to be punished! You, Henan Zanzhi, can't escape!"

Yu Rou thought about it, so she changed her focus and cursed: "It's that rotten man who herds cattle who came up with bad ideas, which caused us to suffer here. When I have a chance, let's see how I deal with him!"

"Li Mi is still very capable. My father admired him very much back then." Yang Wanshuo was not as good as Yu Rou, and he did not agree with Yu Rou's accusation of Li Mi who offered advice. Let them scold louder, and make sure to act like they are scolding Fan Zigai. Also, let the ambush scouts guard the roads, and never let any of the enemy scouts go."

The personal soldiers took the order and brought Yang Wanshuo's order to the team who were scolding at the base of the city, but the weather was still too hot, no matter how much energy the rebel soldiers who were insulting and surrendering under the city could cheer up, they couldn't swear louder , and continued to yell and surrender feebly, and many rebel soldiers simply took off their simple armor and yelled under the city with bare arms. Some courageous rebel soldiers even ran to the moat to drink water. Completely regard the defenders on the city as nothing.

The rebel soldiers really didn't need to worry about the defenders on the city wall. Facing the insults from the rebels, few of the defenders on the city walls dared to speak back, let alone come out of the city to fight with them. The rebel army, which was in full swing, was fighting to the death. From top to bottom, they were weaker and listless than the rebel army. Many defenders simply sat down and squatted down, hiding as much as possible in the pitiful shade under the arrow stacks.

Yuan Wen, the doctor in charge of guarding Anxi Gate, turned a blind eye to this, and took the lead in hiding in a cooler tower to enjoy the shade, explaining that unless the rebels attacked the city, they were not allowed to disturb him.

After half past noon, the almost lifeless situation finally changed. The Dongdu, which has always been known for its strict military management, stayed behind at Fanzigai. Returning to Anximen City, the defenders who were slacking off in the cold were frightened, and hurriedly scrambled to face the outside of the city and stand up straight again. Yuan Wendu, who received the news, rushed out of the tower in a hurry , ran to Fan Zigai to salute in a hurry, and waited tremblingly for Fan Zigai to lose his temper.

Yuanwendu's luck was pretty good, Fan Zigai just gave him a vicious look this time, reminded Yuanwendu that the official uniform was not correct enough, and then stood by the arrow pile to observe the rebel army outside the city, while At the same time, the rebel scolding team outside the city also saw Fan Zigai with a snow-white long beard, and all of them suddenly became energetic, pointing at the feet of Fan Zigai on the city. Cursing, desperately trying to anger Fan Zigai himself, and at the same time sending someone to the rebel brigade behind to report the situation to Yang Wanshuo.

After sizing up the rebel team expressionlessly, Fan Zigai turned his gaze to Chen Yingliang next to him, and said, "Chen Jishi, Liu Changgong is already sorting out the rear team, and the striker is counting on you. Go down and prepare the whole team to attack."

"Fan stay behind, please wait a moment, let the villain observe the enemy's situation for a while." Chen Yingliang hurriedly cupped his hands and begged, then turned his head to look at the situation of the rebel brigade in the distance.

At this time, after receiving the news of Fan Zigai's appearance, the rebel army, which had been a little slack, immediately began to regroup, and even shouted orderly slogans, and the formation of the slightly scattered troops quickly returned to order. Seeing this, Chen Yingliang immediately bowed his hands to Fan Zigai and said: "Fan stays behind, the enemy's morale is not exhausted, please wait another half an hour, and then let the villain lead the army to attack."

"Wait another half an hour?" Fan Zigai frowned slightly, and said, "What? Are you afraid again? Didn't you promise the old man that the first battle of the national army would win?"

"Because the villain wants to ensure that he will win the first battle and win the first battle, he must seize the best opportunity to attack." Chen Yingliang respectfully replied: "On the battlefield, courage is of course important, and it is equally important to be able to fight with your brain. He who fights with courage is a fierce general, and he who can fight with his mind is a great general."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yingliang hurriedly added another sentence respectfully, saying: "Your stay-at-home master has read military books and has a deep understanding of strategy. After seeing the weather and the environment of the thieves' team, he must have known that the villain asked for a later date." The reason for the attack. It is only half past noon, and we still have plenty of time."

Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, and at the rebel team in the open area exposed to the scorching sun, Fan Zigai rarely showed a smile on his staid and serious face, and said, "Okay, just wait another half an hour. Time. The old man is not leaving, after half an hour, let's see how you can smash the thieves."

"Thank you Fan for staying here." Chen Yingliang cupped his hands to thank him, and then said: "Fan Liushou, General Huangfu, I would like to invite you to wait in the tower for a while. Seeing you appear, that's why the morale is boosted, after you leave the city wall, the morale of the rebel team will definitely fail again."

Hearing that what Chen Yingliang said was reasonable, Fan Zigai didn't speak, turned around and walked into the tower, sending someone to order Liu Changgong to let the three thousand rear team take a break temporarily, and the sick Huangfu Wuyi also hurriedly followed, and Chen Yingliang ran to Under the city wall, the soldiers of the Nationalist Army were required to disarm and rest in the shade, and to replenish the light salt water. The result was just as Chen Yingliang expected. After Fan Zigai and others disappeared from the top of the city, the rebel army first burst out with triumphant laughter and curses, and then their morale quickly declined again. Yang Wanshuo and Yu Rou returned cursing. When they arrived under the awning made of clothes, the rebel army's well-organized team also scattered again.

For Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi and other important ministers of the Dongdu who may have sent false military reports, this half hour is probably the longest half hour of their lives. The air in the tower seemed to freeze, depressing. It was breathless, even though Fan Zigai was nearly 70 years old and had experienced countless storms, it was inevitable that he was extremely nervous in this one, and his palms were slightly sweaty.

Chen Yingliang was not nervous, he fought countless times with criminal suspects, and went undercover twice to arrest criminals. Chen Yingliang had already cultivated a steel-like mental will, so looking at the rebel army whose morale was gradually declining outside the city, Chen Yingliang Not only is there no tension at all, but even the excitement of being about to show off his skills is not much. All the calculations in his head are all possible situations and contingency methods that may be encountered on the battlefield.

Pei Hongce, who received the news, came to Anxi Gate at some time, looked at the rebel army beside Chen Yingliang for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Don't count too much on Liu Changgong's rear team, he is a general of Huben who became a hereditary official. I have never been on the battlefield. The first three regiments I rebelled in Bai Sima Ban were all under his command. Yuan Jinwei, who took the lead in the rebellion, was also a confidant he single-handedly promoted. His team is unreliable, and everything can only depend on you be careful."

"Thank you uncle for your advice." Chen Yingliang replied respectfully, and added in his heart, "I never counted on him either."

Half an hour finally came. After obtaining Fan Zigai's consent, Chen Yingliang strode down the city wall and assembled his team in the open area under Anxi Gate. At the same time, Fan Zigai sent someone to order Liu Changgong to organize the rear army Ready to strike.

The organization and discipline in the past thirteen days was not for nothing. Chen Yingliang gave an order in the city, and the soldiers of the Baoguo Army, who had only 411 people left, immediately put on their armor and helmets, and put on the white color that distinguishes them from ordinary Sui soldiers. With cloaks, they quickly lined up in front of Chen Yingliang, everyone's faces were full of excitement and apprehension, but there was no fear or shrinking in the slightest.

At the same time, Liu Changgong, the Sui army general with the fourth highest official position in Youwuwei, also started to form a team. Three thousand Sui army soldiers were like a group of ducks, screaming and screaming. Fear and worry were written all over it, and his expression was as dull as if he was about to go to the execution ground. In order to cheer up the soldiers, Liu Changgong also blatantly yelled, "Brothers, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are just the rear team, just lined up on the side of the moat, cheering with great momentum, and the forwards are the four hundred in filial robes. Boy, let's just kill the deserters, if not, we can withdraw back to the city at any time! Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!"

While Liu Changgong was shouting, Chen Yingliang declined the horse sent by Fan Zigai. Chen Yingliang, who is still a mediocre rider, rode a horse. It is safe for the soldiers to fight together on foot. In this regard, Chen Yingliang, who has both courage and resourcefulness, has made a good plan.

Randomly appointed a soldier as the banner bearer, and handed the banner of loyal service to the country to him with both hands. In front of more than 400 soldiers of the national service army, Chen Yingliang said loudly: "Brother, the military banner will be handed over to you. Holding up the military flag and rushing with me, the remaining 410 brothers rushed with the military flag. The military flag is the soul of the army, so from now on, you are our soul! You must protect the military flag as you protect your life. People are alive, flags are dead and people are dead!"

Under the gazes of all the soldiers of the Nationalist Army, and countless civil and military soldiers of the Sui Army, the soldier blushed, knelt down to Chen Yingliang, kowtowed three times, and then stood up with his hands After receiving the military flag, he stood beside Chen Yingliang without saying a word.

"Soldiers, I didn't have time to tell you the reason just now. Our attack time has been advanced." Chen Yingliang said loudly: "I asked Fan Liushou to advance the time. There are two reasons. One is that I can't tell you yet, and the other is that This is our chance to win the first battle! Outside the city, there are only 3,000 mobs of Yang's Rebel Army. Who is the general leading the team? The scouts sent by Master Fan dare not come close to reconnaissance. We don't know yet, but we can know Who is the general of the thief army leading the team! As for how we know who the general of the thief army is, tell me, what method should we use?"

Facing Chen Yingliang's strange question, the officers and soldiers of the Bao Guojun were a little confused for a while, but Chen Zhihong, one of the only two school lieutenants in the Bao Guo Army team, reacted and was the first to answer loudly: "Catch the general of the bandit army!" Come here, or kill him on the battlefield, and we will know who he is!"

"You're right, if you don't know who the enemy general is, you'll find out if you capture him and ask him!" Chen Yingliang said loudly, "This is the easiest way, and it's also the most effective way!"

After speaking loudly, Chen Yingliang raised his voice again, and shouted: "Soldiers of the national defense army, tell me, what are we fighting for?"

"Kill the thieves and put down the rebellion! Serve the country faithfully!" More than 400 soldiers answered loudly in unison.

"Yes! Kill the thieves and put down the rebellion! Serve the country faithfully!" Chen Yingliang roared: "The slogan has been shouted, and our opportunity has come. Fan Liushou has already given the order. If you win this battle, the reward will be doubled! The reward will be doubled if you come back alive! The reward for dying on the battlefield is three times! For the sake of the emperor, for the court, for the millions of innocent people in Luoyang City, and even for ourselves, we must win this battle!"

Roaring, Chen Yingliang raised his arms and yelled again: "Kill the thief and put down the rebellion! Serve the country faithfully!"

"Kill the thieves to suppress the rebellion! Serve the country loyally! Kill the thieves to suppress the rebellion! Serve the country with all the loyalty! Kill the thieves to suppress the rebellion! Serve the country with all the loyalty!" The soldiers of the national defense army, who had long been accustomed to Chen Yingliang's request, shouted in unison, raising their weapons repeatedly and shouting loudly. Infects teammates in the team, and is infected by teammates in the team.

"Soldiers, sing our military song, and follow me out of the city!" Chen Yingliang ordered loudly, and then shouted: "City gate officer, open the city gate!"

"The smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north, the dragon rolls up, the horse neighs, and the sword is like frost..."

Amidst the resounding military song, the city gate of Luoyang opened slowly. Chen Yingliang walked out of the city gate holding a horizontal knife with his head held high and his chest held high. Surrounded by the lieutenants, the remaining 408 soldiers of the Nationalist Army lined up to follow, and the singing of the army echoed in the ranks of the Nationalist Army all the time, "...I would like to defend the land and restore the frontiers. Hey!"

Hearing the slogans and military songs, and seeing the gate of the Eastern Capital slowly opening, the rebel army was already in chaos, and hurriedly put on their armor. The defenders of Dongdu, who have lost consecutive battles, will have the courage to go out to the city for a decisive battle. It was not until they saw the soldiers of the Nationalist Army marching out of the city that Yang Wanshuo and Yu Rou came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream. .

The rear of the Sui Army led by Liu Changgong, Huben Lang, was still slowly walking into the city gate. Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi, Pei Hongce and other important officials from the Eastern Capital had already walked to the edge of the city wall, watching Fan Zigai's betting with his own eyes. It is the first battle of the debut of this national service army that took the risk to form a lifetime of fame.

As if infected by the tense atmosphere, a gust of cool wind suddenly blew up, slightly curling up a corner of the flag of loyalty and dedication to the country written by Fan Zigai himself. By the way, the reason why Fan Zigai agreed to give Chen Yingliang this opportunity was that A big reason is the slogan Chen Yingliang yelled and the military flag he requested.

Chen Yingliang was the first to cross the stone bridge over the moat. The rebels on the side of the moat were few and dared not fight. They fled back to the main brigade one after another, and let the soldiers of the patriotic army strode past singing military songs. The bridges are gradually assembled on the outside of the moat.

The wind gradually picked up, gradually unfolding the entire Jingzhong flag, and saw black clouds in the northern sky. Chen Yingliang looked at the enemy line 500 paces away, and found that the rebel army was still in a hurry to regroup, and looked back at the Baoguo army. The team found that the Nationalist Army had all left the city and quickly formed a team, but the 3,000 rear troops led by Liu Changgong were still slowly crawling like turtles in the corridors of the city gate.

"This is my only chance, Chai Shao, Li Yuan, I must make you regret it!" Chen Yingliang muttered in his heart, raised his horizontal knife and swung it twice, the military singing behind him stopped abruptly, and then Chen Yingliang Raising the horizontal knife again, he shouted: "Soldiers, our life and death, we will fight here! Follow me! Kill!"

Shouting, Chen Yingliang was the first to rush towards the opposite rebel team with his sword raised. Four hundred and eleven soldiers of the Nationalist Army roared like thunder, and each followed Chen Yingliang with their swords and banners. The rebel team five hundred steps away was almost eight times larger than his own, "Kill!"

"The rear team hasn't left the city yet, so why are they charging now?" Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi and the others on the city wall were shocked, and Pei Hongce even punched the arrow stack, feeling extremely annoyed at his nephew who was only talking about war on paper. pole.

"No wonder you want to wear a filial robe, because you want to die in a hurry." Liu Changgong, who hadn't walked out of the city gate, gloated at his misfortune, and almost all the soldiers of the Sui army around him had the same thoughts.

There is a saying that the authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear, but sometimes only the authorities can understand what happened. The Sui army was puzzled and gloated at the advance charge of the Baoguo army, but it was incomparable to the rebels. I was surprised and surprised. I have never encountered such a situation since the rebellion. I have never encountered a Sui army with low morale who dared to charge against our own army, let alone an absolutely weak Sui army. Charge to the army!

Unexpectedly, Yang Wanxiang and Yu Rou yelled out in shock, while the rebel soldiers faintly developed a kind of fear, and gradually began to be afraid of these soldiers of the Nationalist Army who dared to fight their lives and dared to fight their lives - after all , the soldiers of the rebel army are also human beings, and the team is composed of ordinary people, peasants, boatmen, and soldiers of the Sui Army who surrendered. They are extremely typical mobs. During the bloody battle... huh, huh, everyone understands.

Another point is that the white robes that Chen Yingliang insisted on also played a big role. It's not that Chen Yingliang made the soldiers of the patriotic army wear white robes and became Chen Qingzhi's white robe soldiers, but that Chen Yingliang copied a little bit of Chen Qingzhi's psychology. Tactical skills created the sense of belonging, cohesion and uniqueness of the patriotic army, and also made the rebels understand that this army is different as soon as they see the patriotic army. The psychological advantage in front of the Sui army who had lost consecutive battles.

In a blink of an eye, black clouds rolling like a tidal wave covered half of the sky, the wind blew fiercely, and the banner of loyalty and devotion fluttered in the wind, hunting towards Chen Yingliang, who was at the front, less than 200 steps away from the rebel team.

"Beat the drum! Cheer for the warriors of the Sui Dynasty!" Fan Zigai finally remembered this important event when dark clouds completely covered the entire sky.

"Beat the drum, charge! You can't lose in morale!" Yang Wanshuo finally remembered this important event, and hurriedly shouted and ordered the army to charge.

"Boom!" The sudden explosion of thunder completely covered the drums of the two warring parties. There was a red flash in the distance to the north, as if a piece of black cloud had been lifted to reveal a large area of blood. The cool wind mixed with rain stars slapped on the faces of Chen Yingliang and the soldiers of the Baoguo Army. Chen Yingliang kept walking, serving the country. The footsteps of the soldiers did not stop, and the roar in their mouths seemed to cover up the thunder in the sky, "Kill!"

Some rebel soldiers began to countercharge, but their footsteps were obviously not as fast as when they confronted the Sui army a few days ago. Some rebel soldiers were already worried, "Who is coming from the other side?"

"Boom!" Another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, covering the ground brightly. When the first bean-sized raindrop hit Chen Yingliang's face, the soldiers of the Nationalist Army led by Chen Yingliang were less than three days away from the rebel army. In ten steps, Guo Feng and Chen Zhihong, who were temporary captains, also passed Chen Yingliang in the charge together, and both rushed to the front.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Chen Yingliang, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, really didn't slow down on purpose this time, but Chen Yingliang's malnourished body couldn't outrun the strong Guo Feng and Chen Zhihong, Guo Feng who wanted to marry a beautiful wife, and Chen Zhihong who wanted to marry Fengjie, In order not to let his dreams be shattered, in order not to lose the position of temporary captain quickly again, he desperately rushed to the front.


Another thunderstorm exploded near the battlefield, and the bright white raindrops poured down, hitting the ground scalded by the sun. The raindrops evaporated quickly, and a white mist rose up, covering the ground in a short time. Completely shrouded, like clouds, Chen Yingliang and the soldiers of the Baoguo Army were like the heavenly soldiers and generals of the clouds, directly inserted into the rebel ranks, and the thunderous shouts of killing also echoed in the rainstorm, "Kill! "