At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 27: Enter the imperial city again


He arranged for Guo Feng and Chen Zhihong to lead the Baoguo Army back to Jiaoyefang, and begged Lu Chu, who came to greet him, to boil more ginger syrup for the soldiers of the Baoguo Army. Follow Pei Hongce back to the Imperial City of the Eastern Capital, and meet with King Yang Tong of Yue, Fan Zigai and others left behind in the Eastern Capital.

It was the second time to enter the imperial city, and also the second time to come to the meeting hall where Pei Hongce was rescued by his righteous words. When they arrived in the hall, Chen Yingliang took the initiative to take off the saber very carefully, handed it to the guards in both hands, and then followed Pei Hongce into the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, Chen Yingliang took a rough look at the situation in the hall, and found that the situation was similar to last time. The nine-year-old Yue King Yang Yu was sitting high in the middle, and Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wu Yidong were two important officials sitting on both sides. At the head of the squad, there were four imperial guards escorting a man standing in the hall, and there were only a few more officials from the Eastern Capital that Chen Yingliang could not name. Then Chen Yingliang didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed Pei Hongce to salute Yang Yu and the others, and said respectfully: "Chen Yingliang, the secretary of the Zanzhi Yamen in Henan Province, pays homage to His Royal Highness, King Yue, and honorable lords."

The man who was escorted by four guards seemed to have injured his leg. He sat on the floor with his right leg flat. When he heard the sound, he turned around and saw Chen Yingliang. He cried out, crying like crazy: "White-robed army! Why are the white-robed army coming again? His Royal Highness, Fan Liushou, General Huangfu, the criminal did not tell lies, the criminal said half a lie You didn’t say anything, why did you call the White Robe Army here again? The guilty minister is not lying, don’t tell the White Robe Army to kill me, don’t tell them to kill me again, please!”

"What's the matter?" Chen Yingliang and Pei Hongce were both confused, but the man cried louder and struggled forward like a dog with his hands on the ground, trying to stay away from Chen Yingliang as much as possible, the guard of the Imperial Army Hurry up and hold him down, while he struggled desperately, and then simply burst into tears.

"Shut up!" Fan Zigai said, roaring: "You are still an official of the imperial court, the dignified Xuan Yilang, what are you afraid of if this happens?"

"I'm not afraid, they are all lunatics!" The man burst into tears and snot, pointing at Chen Yingliang emotionally and crying: "It's them! It's them! Cut eight or nine of my soldiers into pieces in front of me!" shards, intestines and brains poured out, blood sprayed all over me, I knelt on the ground and surrendered, and they stomped my leg off, stomped my leg off! They're crazy! They're cunts A lunatic from hell!"

"Shut up! You are the lunatic!" Fan Zigai yelled again, but the man still cried and shouted like he was suffering from a mental illness, desperately begging Fan Zigai to let Chen Yingliang go, Fan Zigai had no choice but to order the guards of the Imperial Army Take that man out of the main hall temporarily, lest he see Chen Yingliang get irritated.

The man with the broken leg was dragged out crying and shouting, and Fan Zigai gradually showed a smile on his serious face, and said to Chen Yingliang with a smile: "Chen Jishi, it seems that the military order you issued in front of the old man is Not only has it been fully achieved, but it has also been overfulfilled. It is not easy to make Xuanyi Lang Yurou, who is quite famous as a hero in Daxing City, be so afraid of you! great merit!"

"This battle is entirely due to the great fortune of the Emperor and His Royal Highness the King of Yue. You have to stay behind the adults and General Huangfu to strategize, and rely on Liu Changgong to command well and the soldiers to use their lives. This is a lucky victory. The boy has no merits. The stay-at-home adults are ridiculously praised. The boy is really ashamed I dare not take it." Chen Yingliang hastened to be humble.

Hearing Chen Yingliang's words, the upright Fan Zigai frowned slightly, and was quite displeased with Chen Yingliang's slickness. Huangfu Wuyi also coughed and scolded: "Chen Yingliang, how old are you, how did you learn these things?" Are you hypocritical? Do you have any credit? We can see it clearly on the city wall. Why are you pretending to be modest? You are so slippery at a young age, and you will get it later?"

Chen Yingliang smiled awkwardly and did not dare to say anything, but sighed secretly in his heart, "I can't imagine that the morals of these officials in the feudal era are much better than that of my old boss. The credits of him are written the greatest, and he will keep it so that no one can eat it and walk around."

"Chen Jishi, how did you train your soldiers?" Yang Tong, who was only nine years old, relieved Chen Yingliang's embarrassment and asked curiously: "You only trained the soldiers of those two regiments for thirteen days. How did you train them so well? I heard that during the rainstorm today, you brought two regiments of soldiers and almost wiped out the three thousand soldiers of the rebels. If it wasn’t for Fan Liu Shou and General Huangfu personally confirmed that this king almost thought those servants were talking nonsense."

"Your Highness, forgive me, this is not something that can be explained clearly in one or two sentences." Chen Yingliang said respectfully: "If Your Highness is interested, you might as well come to the camp of the Serving National Army in person. The villain will guide the army to drill while explaining to His Highness. In this way, His Highness may You can understand it faster."

"Okay, I'll go tomorrow." After all, Yang Yu was a child by nature, so he agreed immediately, while Fan Zigai coughed, and reminded with a straight face: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has an order, you can't leave the palace privately, if Your Highness wants to If you want to go out of the palace to inspect the army, you need to be accompanied by veterans and others."

Yang Yu, who was completely a puppet, shut up, and then Fan Zigai shouted to Chen Yingliang: "Okay, get up, don't kneel down, it's the same sentence, it's a good fight, it's worthy of being a famous general in the previous dynasty, and it really has some skills , but the old man has something very strange, before you left the city today, how did you say that you have obtained the old man's consent, the reward will be doubled after the victory, and the number of those who died in the battle will be tripled, when did the old man promise to give such a reward?"

"My lord, stay behind, forgive me. The villain made up these words to boost morale at the time." Chen Yingliang respectfully apologized, and said frankly: "The villain thinks so. After repeated battles and repeated defeats, if the villain leads the Nationalist Army to win the first field victory, such a reward will definitely be accepted by the adults staying behind. If unfortunately defeated... "

Speaking of this, Chen Yingliang raised his head and added more frankly: "If the villain is unfortunately defeated, then there will only be two fates, one is to be killed by the rebel army on the battlefield, and the other is to fulfill the military order and be beheaded by the remaining adults To show the public, when the time comes, people will die, and the villain will not be afraid that the soldiers will find me to settle the score."

Laughter erupted in the hall, Yang Tong, Huangfu Wuyi and the others burst into laughter, Fan Zigai also laughed out of nowhere, and then shouted: "This old man really doesn't want to honor your random promise of rewards, look at your kid now!" What should I do? How dare you even fabricate the old man's words, you are simply lawless, your courage is boundless!"

Chen Yingliang continued to press his forehead to the ground, pleading guilty respectfully, but he was not worried at all - if Fan Zigai still cares about such trivial matters at this time, then Fan Zigai must be really stupid. Sure enough, after scolding Chen Yingliang a few more words, Fan Zigai waved his hand and said, "Get up, because you won two battles today, I will honor the reward you fabricated for you. But I have something to say first." , only this time, next time you dare to fabricate military orders, be careful with your head!"

Chen Yingliang thanked him hypocritically, then stood up respectfully, and then Chen Yingliang immediately asked: "Fan Liushou, General Huangfu, what did Yu Rou recruit just now? The villain chased the rebels and approached Jinyong City before he could report it." , did not encounter the main force of the rebel army, so it is impossible to judge whether the main force of the rebel army is still in the city."

Fan Zigai's face became gloomy again, while Huangfu Wuyi coughed and said weakly: "You guessed it, Yurou just confessed that Yang Xuan felt that the rebels were fighting every day these days, and deliberately increased the intensity of the scouting battle. It was to cover up his secret division of troops to sneak attack on our Daxing reinforcements, this traitor had already secretly divided his troops two evenings ago, and the commander-in-chief flag on Jinyong City was just a trick to play on us."

Chen Yingliang didn't dare to say anything anymore, and he really didn't dare to say anything. In this matter, Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi made a huge mistake together, which might even lead to the annihilation of the Daxing reinforcements. It's okay to redeem it, but if it can't be redeemed, Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi may be blamed and punished, and if they open their mouths at this time, they may have to be a punching bag for Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi .

Sure enough, Fan Zigai looked up to the sky and sighed: "It's a shame, there are more than 25,000 defenders in the Eastern Capital City, but in the end, they don't even know that the enemy's main force is dividing their troops under their noses, and they sent the wrong military information. Misleading Wei Wensheng's reinforcements, we Eastern Capital officials are ashamed of the court and the emperor!"

Chen Yingliang was even more afraid to say anything, and Huangfu Wuyi and Pei Hongce and others were even more afraid to say anything. Fortunately, Fan Zigai did not continue on this issue. After shaking his head, he said to Chen Yingliang: "The traitor For the news of the division of troops, the old man has already sent ten messengers to Xiaohan Road to contact Wei Wensheng. No matter how trash they are, there will always be one who can deliver the letter. You only have credit for this matter. The responsibility is ours, you just need to lead the soldiers well."

Chen Yingliang quickly nodded to express his understanding, Fan Zigai sighed again, forced a smile, and said: "Okay, now let's talk about your rewards, since you came to Dongdu to join the army, you have done a lot for us. The Dongdu army has made some contributions, but the previous contributions were all suggestions and ideas. I am inconvenient to ask for rewards for you. Today, you fought a beautiful battle. You defeated 3,000 rebels with 400 troops, beheaded more than 1,000 rebels, and captured the rebels alive General Yu Rou joined forces with Liu Changgong to defeat the rebel reinforcements for a while, and he has made great achievements, if I don’t ask His Royal Highness Yue for your merits and rewards, I will feel ashamed myself.”

"Chen Yingliang, you are indeed the great-grandson of Chen Xin, the famous general of the previous Zhou Dynasty. You are a rare general without embarrassing him." Huangfu Wuyi also smiled and said: "How is it? Do you want to enter the Youwuwei? Here, Fan Liushou and I will jointly recommend you for the position of Youwuwei Xiazhen Yingjilang General?"

Huangfu Wuyi had just finished speaking, and without waiting for Chen Yingliang to speak, Fan Zigai immediately took up the conversation and said to Pei Hongce: "Duke Li, your nephew is a general, don't let him go to waste in your Zanzhi yamen, cut him off. "

"Fan Liushou has a fate, how dare you refuse to obey?" Pei Hongce smiled and cupped his hands, pushed Chen Yingliang again, and shouted: "Ying Liang, why don't you kneel down and thank Fan Liushou and General Huangfu for their joint recommendation? Don't say that." In the Eastern Capital City, that is, in the imperial court, you are the first person to be jointly recommended by them! Go have fun!"

Chen Yingliang hesitated for a while, then knelt down to Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi, kowtowed and said, "Villain Chen Yingliang, thank Fan Liushou and General Huangfu for their joint recommendation—but villains cannot accept it!"

The smiles of Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi, and Pei Hongce froze on their faces, and the eyes of the other Dongdu Wenwu present widened again. Then Pei Hongce became furious, kicked Chen Yingliang's ass, and said angrily: " Little bastard, why are you so crazy? General Ying Jilang of Xiazhen is from the sixth rank, Fan Liushou and General Huangfu have given you a huge face, do you think it is too low?"

"Uncle forgive me, my nephew is just grateful for the kindness of Fan Liushou and General Huangfu, so I can't accept their kindness." Chen Yingliang said loudly: "Please don't forget, uncle, my Sui decree requires a man to be at least two years old." You can only join the army at the age of eleven, and my nephew is only seventeen years old this year, not yet old enough to join the army, and my nephew can't be promoted for his own official position, which makes Fan Liushou and General Huangfu take the lead in abolishing the national law!"

Pei Hongce was taken aback, Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi were also taken aback, and then they remembered that Chen Yingliang was only seventeen years old, and indeed he was not qualified to join Youwuwei. After hesitating for a moment, Fan Zigai nodded and said: "You are right, this is a problem, but it doesn't matter, I can ask His Highness the King of Yue for extrajudicial grace, and grant you a license to join You Wuwei, and the emperor will also submit a petition for you." You plead."

"I don't want to enter Youwuwei, at least not now. Now that I'm in Youwuwei, even if I become some kind of Yingjilang general, there are still a lot of Yingyang generals, Huya generals and tiger generals on my head Never mind, coupled with Lao Tzu's current age and qualifications, it will be more difficult to climb up one step, I will not be fooled by this evil!"

Quickly murmured in his heart, Chen Yingliang kowtowed heavily, and said loudly: "Thank you Fan for staying behind for your good intentions, but the laws of the country are like a mountain, and grace cannot be taken lightly. God's grace is given lightly, and there will be endless troubles. The military orders of the army are strict, and the villain is willing to stay in the Zanzhi Mansion in Henan and continue to serve as a low-rank official!"

If the other important ministers were replaced, they would have to be furious after hearing what Chen Yingliang said, but who are Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi? Political achievements and well-known moral character climbed to today's position, so after hearing these words of Chen Yingliang, not only did not get angry at Chen Yingliang's refusal to appreciate, but they also nodded together, admiring Chen Yingliang for putting the court first in everything. They are even more satisfied and appreciative of Chen Yingliang, whom they are already very optimistic about.

After nodding secretly, Fan Zigai made some calculations again, made a very rare concession, and said: "Okay, since you are determined not to accept the kindness of the old man and General Huangfu, then the old man will not force it, and your age is indeed too old." It’s a little bit younger, you can talk about formally becoming an official, but you must be punished for your mistakes, and you must be rewarded for your meritorious deeds, how about this, the old man will ask His Highness Yue King for some rewards for you as a commendation.”

Huangfu Wuyi also nodded in agreement, and now Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi knelt down and saluted Yang Yu together, listing the various achievements Chen Yingliang had made in the past few days to the Sui court, the achievements of Edongdu and General Youwuwei. He begged Yang Tong to reward Chen Yingliang as a commendation. Nine-year-old Yang Tong was not ambiguous, and decided on the spot to reward Chen Yingliang with 300 pieces of colored silk, a thousand dollars, which was quite generous. Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi held the power of the Eastern Capital.

"You don't have to thank me, you deserve it." Fan Zigai shook his head and said, "Your reward, together with the rewards of the soldiers of the national army, will be sent to your camp tomorrow by Lu Chu, and you are also very grateful today." Tired, one more thing to discuss, you can go back and rest."

"Please stay and follow your orders." Chen Yingliang replied respectfully.

"Report to the national army, how many casualties are there today?" Fan Zigai asked.

"Twenty-one people were killed, two were seriously injured, and thirty-five were slightly injured." Chen Yingliang answered truthfully.

Fan Zigai raised his white eyebrows, and exclaimed, "It's amazing. More than 1,300 people were beheaded, and the casualties were so small. This kind of record is comparable to that of the white-robed army of the Southern Dynasty eighty-four years ago!"

Chen Yingliang was also a little proud, knowing that although there were many such horrible casualties in history, they were definitely not many! Then Chen Yingliang was habitually modest and flattering: "Thanks to the praise from the adults left behind, but the villain still said that the army in Dongdu is actually far superior to Yang's rebellious army in terms of equipment and training. The villain is just It is only for the soldiers to bring out their advantages in equipment and training normally, so this credit should be credited to the court and the adults, and the role played by villains is actually very small."

"You don't have to be modest, if there are so few generals in the Eastern Capital who can do what you do, then the Eastern Capital Army has already killed Yang's rebellious army." Fan Zigai shook his head and asked again : "How many elite soldiers like this can you train in a short period of time? Your two regiments have too few troops. The old man wants you to train more elite soldiers."

"As long as you have the guts, it's fine to hand over all the troops in Luoyang City to me." Chen Yingliang muttered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say such stupid things. After thinking for a while, Chen Yingliang replied: "Two regiments, If the adults left behind hope that the villain can train some elite soldiers like the Nationalist Army in a short period of time, the villain probably has at most two regiments. The new recruits and veterans who are less than a year old have already set their shape, and practicing them will only get twice the result with half the effort."

Chen Yingliang used a bit of psychological skill in this request. If he wanted two more regiments, then the Bao Guojun would only have more than 800 men, which gave Fan Zigai a feeling that less than a thousand men were insignificant. The number of troops in the national army has reached more than a thousand, which will make Fan Zigai feel hesitant when the number of troops is more than a thousand. The result is just as Chen Yingliang expected. After hearing what Chen Yingliang said, Fan Zigai immediately nodded and said: " Alright, then the old man will let you lead two more regiments, General Huangfu, tomorrow you will give Chen Yingliang an official document, asking him to choose soldiers from each battalion of the Right Martial Guard, and the generals of each battalion must fully cooperate and not make things difficult."

Huangfu Wuyi agreed with a smile, and said: "Please don't worry about Fan staying behind, the subordinates believe that no one will deliberately make things difficult, and the generals of each battalion will definitely scramble to hope that Chen Yingliang will pick more soldiers from their command, no matter how incompetent they are. If you don’t use it, you will definitely not think they have too many elite soldiers.”

After finalizing the decision to double the size of the national army, Chen Yingliang bid farewell to Fan Zigai, Huangfu Wuyi and others and returned to the camp to rest. Pei Hongce also left the imperial city with Chen Yingliang. On the way back, Pei Hongce had to get angry with Chen Yingliang , complained: "You silly boy, what an honor is it for Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi to jointly recommend you for an official position? Why are you making so many excuses to refuse? You think you are a junior from the sixth rank, and your uncle and I are only the fourth rank , and I are only five levels behind, such a good opportunity to become an official, why are you willing to give up?"

With just one sentence, Chen Yingliang turned Pei Hongce's anger into nothingness—Chen Yingliang said with a smile: "Uncle, if your other subordinates also abandon you immediately because of their promise of a high position and rich salary, they will go to work for others." What do you think in your heart?"

Pei Hongce was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses, realizing that Chen Yingliang was showing his loyalty to him, and he was determined to hold on to his thigh forever, so Pei Hongce quickly turned his anger into joy, patted Chen Yingliang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Xian That's what my nephew meant, and my uncle understands, so don't worry, you won't let your uncle down, and your uncle won't let you down either, and you will definitely get a sixth-rank official position."

Chen Yingliang smiled, and said in his heart that if you find me a position with real power in the local area, where he can lead troops and govern, then I will respect you as my own uncle. After saying this in his heart, Chen Yingliang, who had already felt sore all over his body, suddenly felt dizzy and couldn't help but limply leaned against Pei Hongce. Pei Hongce was shocked, and quickly hugged Chen Yingliang. When he went to touch Chen Yingliang's forehead, he found that Chen Yingliang's forehead was so hot that he could fry an egg.

Don't blame Chen Yingliang for being useless. It's because the dead ghost Chen Yingliang left behind a poor body. During the growth period, he was undernourished, and Chen Yingliang was mentally and physically exhausted after days of military work. The rainwater hit the dilated pores, and Chen Yingliang really didn't want to be sick.