At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 29: The reinforcements were frustrated


Chen Yingliang summoned two school lieutenants, four brigade commanders, and sixteen captains and deputy captains who were veterans of the national army to discuss matters. Of course, it was for the grassroots generals of the two newly formed regiments. The selection method is also very simple among the famous brigade commanders. The four brigade commanders are asked to report the number of personally killed enemies in the last war, and the two brigade commanders with the largest number are promoted to captains.

Although the method was a bit absurd, the four brigade commanders were already used to Chen Yingliang's style of handling affairs, so they were not at all surprised by this. They soon reported the number of enemies they had killed. What surprised people was that the most quiet-looking The Brigade Commander, Chen Ci, who also took the initiative to declare that he would give the rewards to the families of the fallen soldiers, reported that he had killed the most enemies, two more than Zhao Yu, who had the second most kills. The number of enemies personally killed reached an astonishing eleven.

Hearing this, Chen Yingliang was unavoidably suspicious, a little suspicious that Chen Ci was lying, but it was difficult to say anything without evidence. The straightforward captain Guo Feng quit, and said, "Chen Ci, you killed eleven enemies with your own hands, is it true or not? In the last war, I remember that you killed only ten enemies with your own hands. How many times have you killed 11 enemies?" Can you have one more than me?"

"I never lie! I happen to have evidence!" Chen Ci blushed and said loudly: "My fourth brother became a monk at the Jingtu Temple twenty miles south of Luoyang City. This time, he returned to the city with the abbot. He came to visit me a few days ago and begged me to remember the number of enemies killed on the battlefield. He said how many times I killed the enemy, and he would recite the scriptures in front of the Buddha as many times as possible to save the souls of the dead and eliminate my sins. So I always remembered this matter on the battlefield. My fourth brother came to see me the day before yesterday, and I told him how many enemies I had killed, and he immediately went back to the Buddhist hall in the city to chant sutras. My fourth brother called and asked him face to face."

"I can testify to this matter." A team of Chen Ci's brigade stood up, cupped his hands and said, "When Chen Lushuai's fourth younger brother came to visit him, I happened to be there, but I didn't hear what they were talking about."

Guo Feng shut up, and Chen Yingliang also smiled, and said: "Monks don't lie, Chen Ci has a compassionate fourth brother of an eminent monk, I believe he won't lie, so that's it, Chen Ci, you serve as the third regiment of the national army. Lieutenant Zhao Yu, you will be the captain of the Fourth Regiment, work hard, and strive to be like Guo Feng and Chen Zhihong, from the temporary brigade commander to the official captain as soon as possible."

Chen Ci and Zhao Yucheng saluted and thanked them, and promised loudly that they would do well in the position of captain. Then Chen Yingliang followed the same pattern and used this method to select six new brigade commanders from the sixteen captains and deputy captains. Twenty-two captains and deputy captains were selected, and all the grassroots generals after the expansion of the National Army were quickly finalized. He also ordered the mixed formation of recruits and veterans, with the old leading the new to strive to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

"Tell the recruits to respect the experienced veterans, and also tell the veterans not to bully the recruits because of their more experience and military exploits, but to unite and love each other. If the recruits are found to be disrespectful to the veterans, and the veterans bully the recruits, they will be severely punished and will not be tolerated!"

Finally, after explaining this sentence, Chen Yingliang, who was sick, was already exhausted, with sweat billowing on his forehead. Guo Feng, Chen Zhihong and others were also very sensible, so they hurriedly left to let Chen Yingliang rest, and said that they would continue to train recruits according to Chen Yingliang's method. The discipline of the organization made Chen Yingliang not have to worry. Chen Yingliang, who was really unable to bear his body, agreed with a smile and said goodbye to everyone.

The captains and brigade commanders all went out, and the servants sent by Pei Hongce hurriedly handed the medicine bowl to Chen Yingliang. While Chen Yingliang was drinking the medicine, the newly promoted captain Chen Ci came into the room again and said to Chen Yingliang: "Chen Yingliang Note room, I forgot to tell you something, my fourth brother Chen Yi also recited scriptures for you to pray for blessings and eliminate disasters, and pray for the blessing of Buddha, so that your illness will recover sooner, don’t look at my fourth brother Chen Yi who is only thirteen years old But the presiding master of the Pure Land Temple said that he has the roots of wisdom and will definitely become an eminent monk in the future, so the sutras he recites will definitely be useful."

"Thank you, I have the opportunity to meet your fourth brother, I will definitely thank him in person." Chen Yingliang nodded with a smile, and then wondered in his heart: "Chen Yi? I seem to have heard of this name before? ... I can't remember, and I can't remember it. I don’t know if it’s a historical celebrity of our old Chen’s family.”

Maybe it was because there was a troubled monk who chanted scriptures and prayed for blessings. After resting for another night, Chen Yingliang's condition improved a lot. In the end, Guo Feng, Chen Cihe and other school lieutenants teamed up to fight him out of the school grounds, and refused to let Chen Yingliang continue to ruin his body. Chen Yingliang had no choice but to accept the kindness of a few accomplices and lackeys, and found a bench I sat in the shade next to the school grounds to watch the training of the reorganized Nationalist Army.

It is good to have veterans leading the training. Although it has only been three or four days since joining the National Defense Army, the organization and discipline of more than 400 recruits have been improved qualitatively under the leadership of veterans. This is reflected in the formation and marching troops. It is very obvious that there are no traces of You Wuwei's lazy soldiers in the neat queue, and there are few deviations when marching forward. Occasionally, someone who makes a mistake can be corrected with the help of his companions, and there is no misleading or affecting the companions. Condition.

What made Chen Yingliang most happy was the mental outlook of the Nationalist Army. After the victory over the rebels in the heavy rain, the self-confidence of the Nationalist Army had obviously been established. Payback, so in the training, not only the veterans worked harder, but also drove the recruits to rise up and train hard. The slogans on the small school field were loud, and the neat steps made the sound of the mountains, forming a sharp contrast with the lifeless Youwuwei camp around. Compared.

Just as he was nodding in satisfaction, Chen Yingliang suddenly caught sight of Pei Hongce leading a few soldiers coming in from outside the camp out of the corner of his eyes. There is no enemy at Chunmen, so I took the time to come over to see you, how is your illness?"

"Thank you uncle for your concern. My nephew is already well." Chen Yingliang replied, "If uncle needs it, my nephew can lead the army out of the city at any time, and then fight to the death with Yang's rebel army!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, we'll talk about it when you're completely cured." Pei Hongce waved his hand, pulled Chen Yingliang to a cool place and sat down, and said lovingly: "The imperial doctor said that although your illness was caused by the heavy rain, the root cause is still yours. Your body is too weak, you need to rest more and eat more nutritious food, you have to eat the ginseng sent by uncle to you every day, just open your mouth after eating, and uncle will send someone to bring it to you."

In the past two years, Da Sui has completely turned against Goguryeo. The land roads with Silla and other countries are blocked, and the price of folk ginseng has risen sharply. Chen Yingliang knows this. Thanks to Pei Hongce, who is a cheap uncle, Chen Yingliang hastened to sincerely thank Pei Hongce. Pei Hongce smiled and waved his hands, expressing that there is no need to say thanks, and then Pei Hongce said: "Nephew, uncle came here today, in addition to checking your situation, there is also one thing to tell you, so that you can prepare yourself."

"Uncle please enlighten me." Chen Yingliang replied respectfully.

Pei Hongce's face was a bit serious, he looked around first, and then lowered his voice and said, "Don't leak it to the outside world, so as not to affect the morale of the army. The news just received is that our Daxing reinforcements suffered a disastrous defeat and suffered heavy losses. Yang Xuangan's rebels won a complete victory." , Maybe you will lead the main force back to Luoyang in a few days, then you will definitely be under a lot of pressure, and you must be prepared for a hard battle."

"Daxing's reinforcements failed miserably?" Chen Yingliang was a little surprised, and hurriedly lowered his voice and asked, "Uncle, is it because of Fan Liushou's false report? Didn't the ten warning messengers sent by Fan Liushou not send the news of the rebellion's division to the police?" In front of Lord Wei Xuanwei?"

"Among the ten messengers, three sent the alarm message to Wei Xuan, and the other seven were missing." Pei Hongce introduced in a low voice with a solemn expression, "Wei Xuan knew that Yang Ni might set up an ambush on the dangerous Xiaohan Road. Then, in turn, they set up an ambush and sent a decoy army to the east, trying to lure out the rebels' ambush and lead the main force of the rebels into the ambush circle to wipe them out. Knowing the location of Wei Xuan's ambush, he suddenly stopped advancing when he was about to enter the ambush circle, and took out a lot of kerosene and firewood to set fire to the mountains on both sides of the road. Take the opportunity to attack aggressively, and our reinforcements will be defeated."

"Ninety-nine out of ten there are internal traitors!" Chen Yingliang, who has been relying on analyzing the case for a long time, said firmly, "If the scouts of the rebels found our reinforcements in ambush, Yang's rebel army must have no time to prepare firewood and kerosene. Since Yang's rebel army was able to quickly take out firewood and firewood, it can be concluded from this alone that 99% of Wei Xuan's team has a traitor who secretly told Yang Xuangan about our reinforcements' ambush!"

Pei Hongce rolled his eyes a few times, then nodded quickly and said, "That's right, that old guy Yang Su has been in power for a long time, and he has many acquaintances in the Guanzhong army. It's too easy for Yang Xuangan to find a few traitors."

"Uncle, how is the current military situation?" Chen Yingliang hurriedly asked again: "After our reinforcements were defeated, what countermeasures did they take? What actions did Yang's rebel army take?"

"Wei Xuan is just like that old fellow Fan Zigai. They are both stubborn and unyielding." Pei Hongce lowered his voice and said, "He sent a messenger to tell us that after reorganizing his army, he has set out for Luoyang again. The road is too steep, and Wei Xuan, who has suffered a lot, dare not go too fast, so we have to wait patiently for a few more days. As for Yang Ni's main force, You Wuwei's useless scouts have not detected their latest movements. "

Knowing oneself but not knowing the enemy, no matter how resourceful Chen Yingliang is, he will not be able to think of any way to deal with the enemy for a while. After careful consideration for a while, Chen Yingliang whispered to Pei Hongce: "Uncle, can you make a suggestion in front of Fan Liushou? deal with the current situation?"

"That's why I came to you. That old stubborn Fan Zigai asked me how to deal with this situation. I came to you because I couldn't figure it out." Pei Hongce whispered in his heart, but he said it beautifully, "Nephew Feel free to speak up if you have something to say, it's all for the great Sui court, as long as your nephew is right, uncle will speak for you."

"Thank you, Uncle." Chen Yingliang cupped his hands to express his thanks, and said in a low voice: "Uncle, please give Fan Liushou some advice and suggest that Fan Liushou send a letter to contact Master Wei Xuanwei, so that Master Wei's team can station troops in the west of Hangu Pass in the Han Dynasty. If we defend without fighting and block Yang Ni's way to the west, then within a month, Yang Ni's entire army will be wiped out under the city of Luoyang!"

"Let Wei Xuan's reinforcements be stationed west of Hangu Pass in the Han Dynasty? Just defend and not fight? Why?" Pei Hongce was taken aback.

"Because Master Wei's army is also unreliable." Chen Yingliang replied in a low voice: "My nephew is from Daxing. I have seen the situation of Daxing's army with my own eyes. I know that the virtues of Daxing's Zuowuwei army are similar to those of Youwuwei's army. There may be Yang Ni's traitors, Master Wei brought such an army to fight Yang Ni's army in the field, to be honest, it is still more ominous than good."

"It's different when the garrison is west of Hangu Pass in Han Dynasty." Chen Yingliang explained with a picture: "My nephew has passed this road, knowing that the road west of Hangu Pass in Han Dynasty is still narrow and difficult, which is not conducive to the deployment of the army. Master Wei's team Being stationed on this road can play three functions. One is to avoid the enemy's sharp edge, so that you don't have to take risks to fight a decisive battle with Yang's rebel army who is in full swing, and then recruit a big defeat; The main force of the rebel army is to share the pressure of our Luoyang defenders; the third is to block the westward route of Yang's rebel army, so that he cannot threaten Guanzhong. Annihilating Yang's rebel army is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand."

Pei Hongce is indeed a little sorry for the military. After thinking for a long time, Pei Hongce barely came to his senses, and asked in a low voice: "Nephew, what do you mean, you didn't expect Wei Xuan's reinforcements to defeat Yang's rebellious army. I hope he can restrain Yang Ni's main force and buy time for our other reinforcements to come back?"

"That's right." Chen Yingliang nodded, and said in a low voice, "Uncle, don't have any illusions about Zuo Wuwei. Those elites have already been taken to Liaodong by the emperor, and in a decisive battle with Yang Ni's main force in the field, they basically have no chance of winning, and they can only play their best role if they hide in the Weihan Road, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"Also, there is another advantage of hiding in Xiaohan Road, that is, you can attack and defend, and you can take advantage of the counter-insurgency battlefield, and you can attack at any time. If they are defeated in Xiaohan Road, they can at least run west. There are Mianchi, Hongnong and Tongguan who can retreat, and it is unlikely that they will be completely wiped out. But if they go out of Xiaohan Road and go to an open area to fight a decisive battle with the main force of the rebels, it will be troublesome. The rebels only need to send a few hundred troops to block them Xiao Han said, the 40,000 army will not be able to fly, although it has nothing to do with us whether Master Wei Xuanwei is defeated now, but this is 40,000 lives after all, so please think again, uncle."

After hearing Chen Yingliang's persuasion, Pei Hongce thought about it for a few more minutes, then quickly nodded and said, "My nephew is right, this is indeed a perfect solution, for the sake of the 40,000 imperial army, I will go to see Fan Liushou now to persuade you, my nephew Take care of yourself, uncle is leaving first."

After finishing speaking, Pei Hongce got up and left in a hurry. Chen Yingliang sent Pei Hongce out of the camp gate, and watched Pei Hongce rush to the imperial city to offer advice to Fan Zigai. I really gave you a good idea. I remember that Wei Xuan was almost captured alive by Yang Xuangan in history. He was lucky to shoot Yang Xuangan's brother Yang Xuanting to death with a stray arrow. It was a luck that the whole army was not wiped out. Now that history has gradually changed, whether Wei Xuan will have such shitty luck, I really can't guarantee it."

After muttering, Chen Yingliang was about to turn around and go back to the camp, but saw a thin and small monk standing beside him, clasping his hands together as a salute to him, with a very respectful attitude, Chen Yingliang guessed that he must be Chen Ci's younger brother, Chen Yi, so he clasped his hands together I returned a gift to him, and said with a smile: "Are you Chen Yi? I heard that you prayed for me by chanting scriptures. Thank you, little eminent monk. Are you here to visit your elder brother Chen Ci? He is leading the team on the school grounds." Training, I'll call him for you."

The little monk was still a little shy, so he bowed to Chen Yingliang again. Just when he was about to say something to Chen Yingliang, Chen Yingliang, who was not even qualified to be equipped with a personal soldier, had strode into the school grounds to find Chen Ci. The little monk was helpless , had no choice but to bow to Chen Yingliang's back with palms together, and whispered: "Little monk..., thank you benefactor for helping to spread the word, my Buddha is merciful, please bless this benefactor Chen with prosperous luck, no disasters and difficulties, and a long life."

"I really don't want to bless this hypocrite who buys a mobile phone with public funds, even if you ask!" A roar came from a thousand miles away.