At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 30: Chess meets opponent


"Let Wei Wensheng garrison Xiaohan, the deep ditch and the high fortifications are only defended and not fought. This idea was conceived by your distant nephew Chen Yingliang, right?" Fan Zigai asked directly.

Pei Hongce nodded without hesitation, and replied without blushing, "Yes, Nephew Yingliang was originally the secretary of Henan Zanzhi Mansion. He assisted me in the military and political affairs of Henan County. I think what he said is reasonable, so I will naturally repeat it to the left-behind adults."

"Pei Guogong chose such a good nephew for nothing. This luck is really enviable to the old man." Fan Zigai smiled sarcastically, then thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "Your nephew said that Wei Wensheng Is this too arbitrary? Wei Wensheng's team is different from our Eastern Capital's defenders. Among them, the cavalry alone accounts for more than 10,000. Although the old man doesn't know much about military affairs , but I also know that the cavalry is the first in field battles, and Yang's rebel army wants to defeat Wei Wensheng, so it may not be so easy, right?"

"Forgive me Fan Liushou, and I'll forgive you for speaking bluntly. My nephew's prediction is not arbitrary, but cautious." Pei Hongce replied respectfully: "The Zuo Wuwei in Daxing is the same as the Youwuwei in our eastern capital. They are ten or twenty years old. The army that has never fought, the few remaining elites have been brought to the Liaodong battlefield by the emperor, and the remaining soldiers and horses, from generals to soldiers, are almost all novices who have never been to the battlefield. In front of Yang's rebel army, it is really more ominous than good. Although we don't need to take responsibility for Wei Shangshu's victory or defeat at the moment, he has an army of 40,000 after all, and 40,000 lives are alive. Human lives are at stake. Hope Fan stays behind and thinks twice."

Pei Hongce's last words moved Fan Zigai, a well-known and upright official, and after thinking for a while, Fan Zigai nodded and said, "Pei Guogong's words are justified, and it is not easy to form an army of 40,000. This old man will personally edit the book and Wei Wensheng to persuade him In the garrison Xiaohan Road, the deep trenches and high fortifications are cautiously decisive."

"Lord Fan, you are staying behind in the Eastern Capital, and Lord Wei is staying behind in the Western Capital. You are not subordinate to each other. If you write books like this with him, I'm afraid..." Huangfu Wuyi who was next to him said carefully, "I'm afraid there will be someone who violates his authority. Suspect."

"This old man is just a suggestion. Whether he listens or not is up to him, not me. Anyway, this old man has made a suggestion. Isn't this considered exceeding his authority?" Fan Zigai asked back, Huangfu Wuyi only then understood that Fan Zigai was somewhat shirking responsibility , then nodded, Fan Zigai didn't say much anymore, and immediately replaced Chen Yingliang's suggestion with his own, and wrote a letter to Wei Xuan. Then he sealed the letter, sent a messenger out of the city, and rushed to Xiaohan Road to deliver the letter to Wei Xuan.

It may be because of the influence of Chen Yingliang, the demon moth's wings. This letter written by Fan Zigai, which did not exist in history, encountered a sudden accident on the road—when Fan Zigai was crossing Dangshui and was about to enter Xiaohan Road, Fan Zigai The courier sent by Gai was very unlucky to run into a mobile patrolling rebel scout team, and was surrounded as soon as he crossed the river. The courier and his followers were captured alive by the rebel scouts. In the hands of Yang Xuangan and his decision-makers.

Not to mention, after reading this letter from Fan Zigai, Yang Xuangan was really taken aback, and blurted out in surprise: "I really underestimated this old fellow Fan Zigai, to know how old Wei Xuan is. It can make us feel the most uncomfortable, and you can guess that Wei Xuan is surrounded by our army's internal support just by calculation, when did this old thing become so powerful?"

After asking for the letter from Yang Xuangan's hand and looking carefully, Li Mi, the military advisor of Yang Xuangan's rebel army, also broke out in a cold sweat, because Li Mi had long understood that once Wei Xuan's army is stationed in the Weihan Road, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, deep ditches and high fortresses can only be defended. If there is no fight, Yang Xuangan's rebel army will basically not be able to reach for a few days. I understand that the safest way is to lure Wei Xuan's army out of Weihan Road, seek a decisive battle in an open area, and kill Wei Xuan's Guanzhong in the field The main force of the Sui army, Yang Xuangan's rebel army could besiege Luoyang with confidence, and then attack west to occupy Guanzhong at any time, so Li Mi urged Yang Xuangan to lead his army to withdraw from Weihan Road, and let Wei Xuan walk out of Weihan Road smoothly.

"Fortunately, the old man Fan Zigai's letter fell into our hands." Wiping off his cold sweat, Li Mi personally asked the Luoyang courier for a statement, and after confirming that Fan Zigai only sent this courier this time, Li Mi Only after he breathed a sigh of relief, he quickly advised Yang Xuangan to speed up the tempo of luring the army, deliberately slow down the scouting in Xiaohan Road, and let Wei Xuanjun's scouts scout the situation of his own army. Set up camp to lure Wei Xuan's army out of Xiaohan Road as soon as possible.

Yang Xuangan was not willing to listen to Li Mi's suggestion in terms of strategy, but he trusted Li Mi in terms of tactics, so he immediately nodded in agreement with Li Mi's suggestion, and immediately ordered the camp to cross the river. But Li Mi still didn't dare to take it lightly. After thinking for a while, Li Mi cupped his hands to Yang Xuangan and said, "Duke Chu, although Fan Zigai's letter fell into the hands of our army by chance, if the old Fan Zigai hasn't heard from Wei Xuan for a long time, Or if we detect that Wei Xuan's army has directly left the Weihan Road, we will probably send messengers to contact Wei Xuan. Luoyang is only more than 80 miles away from the east end of the Weihan Road, so it is more convenient to communicate. It is impossible for us to do this every time. With luck, I can intercept Fan Zigai's messenger next time."

"Then what should we do?" Yang Xuangan asked quickly.

"It's very simple, just send someone to play a play for Fan Zigai's old stuff." Li Mi smiled slightly, and whispered in Yang Xuangan's ear. He was full of praise for his ingenious plan, and then immediately arranged manpower to act according to the plan without mentioning it.

Let's go back and take a look at the situation of Captain Chen Yingliang. He lay on the hospital bed for several days and drank ginseng millet porridge and ginseng stewed chicken soup for several days. After all, the young Chen Yingliang finally recovered. He can run, jump and behave as usual, and he can also lead the soldiers of the Nationalist Army into training. During this period, the rebels who were confronting the defenders of the Eastern Capital also stayed in the Jinyong City camp obediently, and did not come to the city to fight again, which gave Chen Yingliang enough time to rest and train recruits.

The training of the National Defense Army went very smoothly. Under the care and care of the veterans brought out by Chen Yingliang, and with their incomparable desire for victory and rewards, the recruits quickly integrated into the national defense army, and their organization and discipline were completely reborn. The morale and fighting spirit are extremely high, and everyone is looking forward to going out of the city to fight again, to slaughter and abuse those rebel troops whose quality is actually far inferior to their own.

Chen Yingliang, who has a certain foundation in his hand, is of course looking forward to playing again and completely establishing his reputation as the god of war in Youwuwei. However, what troubles Chen Yingliang is that the teammates of the national army are really too stupid, especially the scouts. Although Chen Yingliang has repeatedly persuaded Fan Zigai through Pei Hongce to strengthen scouting and reconnaissance, until now, Chen Yingliang still doesn't even know where the main force of Yang Xuangan is, let alone how many rebel troops there are in the Jinyong City camp, which makes Chen Yingliang He didn't even dare to take the initiative to ask for a fight, for fear of encountering too many enemies, he would lose his teeth if he didn't eat the meat, so he could only use Pei Hongce's channel to learn about the enemy's situation outside the city as much as possible, and anxiously waited for a favorable opportunity to appear.

Fortunately, Pei Hongce was very fond of Chen Yingliang, a distant nephew, and answered every question on military matters, kept in touch, and sometimes sent military information on his own initiative. No, on the morning of the third day after Fan Zigai sent a letter to contact Wei Xuan, Pei Hongce, who had just returned from the imperial city's discussion, returned to Shangchunmen. Chen Yingliang called to the side of the camp, and said with a smile: "Nephew, good news, Wei Shangshu has replied, and he decided to accept your suggestion, station the main force in the Weihan Road, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and only send partial divisions to stand out. Handao, properly contain and test the situation of Yang Ni's main force, and look for favorable opportunities."

"Agreed?" Chen Yingliang was also overjoyed, and said quite fortunately: "I have always been worried that Fan Liushou and Lord Wei are not under each other's control, and Lord Wei is eager for revenge, so he refuses to accept this suggestion."

"Wei Shangshu and Fan Liushou have a small friendship, and they are both loyal to the court. As long as the suggestion is correct and reasonable, of course he will listen." Pei Hongce said with a smile: "There is also the matter of traitors. Wei Shangshu said in his reply that he is also Suspected that there is a traitor Yang in his team, and is investigating carefully. Because of this, Fan Liushou even asked me to bring you a message in private, saying that you are a talented person, and told you to train hard and lead the army to kill the thief with peace of mind. Put down the rebellion, serve the country faithfully, and when Yang Xuangan's traitor is put down, Fan Liushou will definitely ask for credit for you in front of the emperor."

Chen Yingliang was hypocritically modest, thanking him repeatedly. Originally, this matter was basically over here, and Pei Hongce was about to return to Shangchun Gate to garrison, but Pei Hongce patted Chen Yingliang on the shoulder like a ghost, and said with a smile: "You little guy, luck is good, for Wei Shangshu This letter killed four soldiers of the imperial army and an internal servant order from the eighth rank, but in exchange for it, Fan Liushou personally praised you and promised to ask for credit, which can be regarded as good luck."

"What do you mean by the death of four Imperial Guard soldiers and an internal servant?" Chen Yingliang asked casually with some doubts.

"The internal servant Ling sent by Fan Liushou to contact Wei Shangshu was chased and killed by the scouts of Yang's rebel army when he came back." Pei Hongce said casually: "The four soldiers of the imperial army who protected him all died on the way back to the city. , Even the corpse capital was not found, and the internal servant fled outside the gate of Luhe, and he was about to enter the city, but was killed by the scouts of the bandits on the stone bridge across the river, and he almost returned to the city. It was three o'clock in the middle of the night, and the defenders of Luhe Gate waited until the rebel scouts had left, then moved his body back to the city, and found Wei Shangshu's reply letter from him."

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had intentions. Chen Yingliang, who has been relying on solving cases for a long time, immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked, "Uncle, you said just now that our messenger returned to the city in the middle of the night? Was scouted by thieves?" Killed on the stone bridge across the river? Wei Shangshu's reply was found on the messenger's body afterwards?"

"That's right, it was the third watch last night." Pei Hongce nodded, and then said, "Nephew, uncle has to go back to the Spring Gate. You should take good care of your health. Just ask someone to tell me if you have anything to do."

After saying that, Pei Hongce turned around and wanted to leave, but Chen Yingliang quickly grabbed him and said, "Uncle, please wait a moment."

"What else?" Pei Hongce asked.

Chen Yingliang didn't answer, his eyes rolled wildly for a moment, and then Chen Yingliang said cautiously: "Uncle, it's a bit strange if you have this matter, the scouts of the rebels killed our messenger, and our Luhemen guards have passed. It took a long time to go out of the city to bring back his body, during which the rebels had enough time to clean up the aftermath, why didn’t the rebel scouts search for Wei Shangshu’s reply to us?”

"This..." Pei Hongce hesitated for a moment before answering, "Maybe the scouts forgot to search?"

"There may be a possibility that the enemy forgot to search, but this possibility is very small." Chen Yingliang said: "First, our courier is protected by soldiers from the imperial army. No matter how stupid the rebel's scout is, he will definitely be able to guess that he is a big shot. Yes. He paid enough attention to it. Second, when the traitor scouts have enough time, why didn't they think of searching the corpse to see if there is anything valuable?"

Hearing Chen Yingliang's analysis, Pei Hongce also realized that something was wrong. He nodded quickly and said, "Yes, this is very wrong. Then my nephew, why do you think the traitor's scouts did this?"

"Uncle, is there such a possibility?" Chen Yingliang said with a smile: "The traitor Yang Ni deliberately made his scouts forget to search him, and deliberately let Wei Shangshu's reply fall into our hands?"

"Deliberately let Wei Shangshu's reply fall into our hands? Why?" Pei Hongce asked in surprise.

"Because that reply letter is very likely to be a forgery!" Chen Yingliang replied decisively: "Yang Xuangan, a traitor, deliberately forged a reply letter from Wei Shangshu for a certain purpose, and used our real messenger to send the letter to the city of Dongdu. , and staged a chase in front of our Luhemen defenders, even if we want to believe that the letter is true!"

"Big chase? What do you mean?" Pei Hongce asked tremblingly.

"If I were Yang Xuangan's traitor, I would do this." Chen Yingliang replied confidently: "Send someone to pretend to be our messenger, run to Luhemen in the middle of the night and yell at him to show his identity, and then deliberately get killed on the bridge." The chasers behind caught up and pretended to die on the bridge, and then the chasers behind put the body of our real messenger on the bridge, basically looking decent. Anyway, it was so far away, and it was at night again , Our Luhemen guards couldn't see clearly what happened on the bridge, they could only distinguish the situation by listening to the sound."

Pei Hongce was dumbfounded. After a long time, Pei Hongce suddenly yelled, startling the officers and soldiers of the Nationalist Army who were undergoing rigorous training. Then Pei Hongce jumped on his horse and rushed towards the imperial city without saying a word. The speed was so fast that none of his soldiers could keep up. Chen Yingliang smiled slightly, knowing that he might be able to show his face again, and then turned to the soldiers of the Nationalist Army who had stopped training and shouted: "What are you doing? Why don't you continue training? There is going to be a war. If you don't train your body Alright, how do you kill the enemy and make meritorious service?"

After about a quarter of an hour, another fast horse rushed into the camp of the Baoguo Army. Immediately, a captain of the imperial army held a talisman in his hand and shouted, "His Royal Highness, Chen Yingliang, Secretary of Zanzhi Mansion, Henan, enter immediately!" The palace has an audience with His Highness, there must be no mistake!"

"Follow Jun's decree!" Chen Yingliang saluted handsomely and agreed, and then immediately handed over the training to the four school lieutenants, rode the horses that had been prepared, and followed the commander of the forbidden army to the imperial city. At the same time, Chen Yingliang secretly laughed, "I never imagined that under Yang Xuangan's command, there would be such a capable person, able to perform such a good show. It's good to have capable people. The more capable people under Yang Xuangan's command, the more chances this uncle will have to show his skills!"