At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 518: bloody battle


Unknowingly, Chen Sangliang, who has been pretending to be a tiger and being bullied by others, has also accumulated considerable prestige. He casually yelled that he would fill up the Shizi River with the corpses of the enemy. After the order was passed on, the already high morale of the Sui army The soldiers were even more like chicken blood, roaring with red eyes and charging faster and more fiercely, completely ignoring the soldiers of the Zheng army who were fighting in front of the bridge, and rushed straight over, driving the defeated soldiers of the Zheng army. The free striker directly hit the Zheng army infantry phalanx without any discount.

Guo Shizhu, the general of the Zheng army who was ordered to lead the army to cover the retreat of the defeated companions, was also very decisive. Regardless of the large number of his own defeated soldiers rushing towards him, he did not hesitate to order to shoot arrows. The defeated soldiers screamed and fell on the road less than two miles away from Cangcheng. Many soldiers of the Sui army were also shot by arrows, but except for those who were seriously injured and fell to the ground or died directly, none of the soldiers of the Sui army stopped. The few people didn't even have time to pull out the feather arrows stuck in their bodies, and they just rushed to kill, roaring, "Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill all these Zheng dogs!"

It is precisely because of the full impact of these heroic soldiers that the feathered arrows thrown by Zheng Jun Guo Shizhu failed to block the frontal impact of his own defeated soldiers. He was only desperately moving forward, but finally bumped into the front of his own infantry phalanx. Although Guo Shizhu once again made a prompt decision and ordered the soldiers under his command to slash and kill his own defeated soldiers with spears and spears to prevent the phalanx from being overwhelmed by his own people, but his soldiers were not as hard-hearted as him, and there were more or less times when they blocked and slashed. The hands were soft, but many defeated soldiers of the Zheng Army who rushed forward with their heads in their arms seized the opportunity and sneaked into the Zheng Army's ranks through the gaps. Then these smart defeated soldiers temporarily saved their lives, and the strict formation of the Zheng Army's phalanx was also captured by them. Messed up.

The soldiers of the Sui army with high morale are of course dreaming of such a good thing. When they took the opportunity to rush to the front of the Zheng army's phalanx, the soldiers of the Sui army swung their knives and guns and slashed wildly. They were forced to fight on their own, but immediately exposed the fatal weakness of individual soldiers who were not as powerful as the Sui soldiers and the panicked soldiers. During the fight, they were chopped down and chopped up in pieces, and many soldiers of the Zheng army were directly chopped into pieces. The meat piece died miserable, the front army was in chaos quickly, and then was directly defeated. The unstoppable Sui army soldiers directly rushed into the Zheng army phalanx, and then went straight to Guo Shizhu's central army.

The defense of the infantry phalanx is indeed very strong, but if the enemy enters the interior, the entire phalanx will be directly scrapped. Seeing the enemy appearing behind him, the generals of the Zheng army in the left, right and back three directions suddenly panicked. The regiment continued to resist. However, the actions of the soldiers of the Sui Army were too fast, the flag had just been raised, and the forward of the Sui Army had already killed Guo Shizhu's central army. Zheng Jun's contraction speed was extremely slow, and Guo Shizhu screamed in anxiety, but there was nothing he could do.

More soldiers of the Sui army directly bypassed the Zheng army's phalanx, and slaughtered Zheng's defeated soldiers like chopping melons and vegetables. Pushing and trampling each other, countless soldiers of the Zheng Army were pushed off the pontoon bridge, countless soldiers of the Zheng Army were trampled into meat paste by their companions, and countless soldiers of the Zheng Army climbed on the edge of the pontoon bridge and struggled forward. Full of Zheng Jun soldiers, it seemed to be covered with black ants, and the overwhelmed pontoon creaked one after another, and it might break at any time.

The gunpowder bottle, which the Sui army did not need to use before, finally appeared on the stage at this moment. The gunpowder bottles with green smoke were thrown into the densely populated place of Zheng Jun's defeated soldiers one after another, and the successive explosions merged with the screams and wailing of Zheng Jun's soldiers. Shares, the voice spreads for several miles. During this period, another group of soldiers from the Sui army successfully rushed to the edge of a pontoon bridge and slashed at the ropes of the pontoon bridge with an iron knife that was full of gaps. On the bridge, countless Zheng soldiers fell into the water, struggling in the water and calling for help, grabbing everything they could, pulling each other to the bottom and drowning. Many soldiers who knew how to swim drowned innocently because they couldn't get rid of the entanglement of their companions in the water.

It was a massacre. The wolves and tigers of the Sui army exhausted all their strength, slashing and stabbing all the enemies in front of them as much as possible. Countless people have been killed and covered in blood and still refuse to stop. They are still waving The incomplete weapons slashed at the enemies around him, and the completely collapsed soldiers of the Zheng army had no heart to fight. They cried and shouted and just fled to the other side of the Shizi River, scrambling for the pontoon bridge and jumping into the water to swim across the river. The corpses quickly piled up on the river bank, floating The water was full, and the blood quickly stained the entire river red.

At this time, Guo Shizhu's army could no longer withstand the desperate attack of the Sui army's soldiers. Guo Shizhu took the lead in fleeing for his life, and his soldiers scrambled to follow, fighting for the pontoon bridge with his fleeing companions. The pontoon bridge does not hesitate to fight. In the complete chaos, Guo Shizhu was unlucky enough to be torn off his horse by his own defeated soldiers, and even more unlucky to fall to the ground. Before Guo Shizhu roared and his personal soldiers came up to rescue him, countless pairs of straw sandals had already been stepped on. His head was on his face, his chest was on his chest, and when Guo Shizhu screamed and his upper body was trampled into meat paste by the defeated soldiers, one of his legs was still intact and hung on the stirrup.

The soldiers of the Sui army successfully completed the task assigned by Chen Sangliang, and they really used the corpses of the soldiers of the Zheng army to fill up the Shizi River. Layers of corpses piled up in the river, and the river stopped flowing. The corpses rushed to the west bank of the Shizi River, but quite a few defeated soldiers of the Zheng army fled across the river to the south gate of Luokou, crying and shouting. I remember that Chen Sangliang offered a reward before the battle, and he tried his best to mix in the crowd of Zheng Jun's defeated soldiers to fight for the reward of being a marquis for the first to enter the Luokou warehouse.

The critical moment to test Wang Xuanying's decision-making ability has arrived. At this time, the sky is already completely dark, and he can't see clearly in the dark. There is no way to distinguish the enemy from the enemy. Therefore, the most important thing Wang Xuanying should do at this moment is to close the gates of the city as soon as possible, so as not to give the soldiers of the Sui army the opportunity to enter the city! However, Wang Xuanying had to consider another point - to save the vital force as much as possible, so as to have the strength to guard the equally important Luokou Cangcheng in the next battle!

"His Royal Highness, I beg you, please close the door, close the door!" General Zheng Jun Xi Bian was so anxious that his voice was filled with tears, and begged bitterly: "If you don't close the door, it will be too late. If Chen's bandits follow us If the defeated soldiers enter the city, we will be finished!"

Ge Yanzhang, Shi Derui and other remaining generals of the Zheng army also begged Wang Xuanying to close the door as soon as possible, but Wang Xuanying was hesitant, and his voice was also crying, "What about the soldiers outside the city? What about General Guo Shizhu?" In Luokou Cangcheng, there are only five or six thousand defenders left, if we don’t bring these soldiers back, how will we fight next?”

"It's important to keep the city!" Ge Yanzhang stomped his feet anxiously and shouted, "To keep the city, we still have a chance to gather the defeated soldiers outside the city. If the bandits take advantage of the momentum and rush into the city, no matter how many soldiers we rescue, it will be useless! "

Wang Xuanying's body shook, and he almost wanted to order the gate to be closed immediately. However, at this moment, a considerable number of Zheng Jun's defeated soldiers had already rushed up the south gate suspension bridge, crying and shouting, rushing into the city gate corridor, and heard the tearing down of the gate from below the city. The heart-piercing cry made Wang Xuanying's heart soften again. He swallowed the words he had already said, and turned his head to look at the situation outside the city, looking for the best time to close the door. However, it was already pitch black outside the city. , How much can Wang Xuanying see

The sentence that kindness does not command soldiers cannot be more correct. Wang Xuanying, who is far less vicious than his father and brother-in-law, ruined the event just by hesitating for a moment. Less than three minutes later, Zheng Jun rang out from inside the city gate. The soldiers shouted hysterically, "The bandit army! The bandit army has entered the city!"

"Shut the door! Pull the drawbridge!"

Wang Xuanying finally made a decisive decision this time, and immediately shouted and ordered to close the doors and close the suspension bridge, but it was too late to do so, the suspension bridge was already crowded with soldiers from the two armies, and the soldiers of the Zheng army on the city would not be able to do so even with all their strength. The suspension bridge could no longer be pulled up, and the city gate was already crowded with soldiers, and it could not be closed. At the same time, a large number of Sui soldiers had already killed near the city gate in the dark. Wang Xuanying was forced to be helpless, he could only order the soldiers to release arrows, covering the soldiers of the two armies under the city without distinction, while shouting: "Release the Qianjin gate!"

With a loud bang, the thousand-jin gate on the inside of the city gate fell to the ground, smashing several soldiers of the Zheng army into mincemeat, and also cutting off the way for the soldiers of the Sui army to enter the city in chaos. However, there were still an unknown number of soldiers of the Sui army. He has rushed into the city first, and is slashing and killing Zheng Jun's soldiers in the city, waiting for the main force to enter the city to meet them. Wang Xuanying was shocked when he heard the report, he could only quickly order Shi Derui to go down to the city to preside over the internal war, and wipe out the soldiers of the Sui army who had already entered the city.

At the same time, the generals of the Sui army outside the city had also spotted the opportunity and charged even more violently. They kept hitting the suspension bridge and the city gate against the rain of arrows, and immediately cut off the noose of the suspension bridge to open up the road leading directly to the city. After the news flew in front of Chen Sangliang, Chen Sangliang was overjoyed, and quickly ordered Luo Shixin and Wang Fubao, who were the most square, to continue to attack the city gate, and at the same time quickly organized the rear army to prepare to attack the city overnight.

Without Chen Sangliang's order, Luo Shixin and Wang Fubao's two valiant divisions had already launched a fortified battle on their own. Luo Shixin personally led the army to attack the city gate, slashed and killed the defeated enemy in front of the gate frantically, and marched into the corridor of the city gate stepping on thick corpses. Wang Fubao, who is good at assault warfare, saw the weakness of the defenders' narrow field of vision when the sky was completely dark, and asked the soldiers to spread out left and right after crossing the river. Up and down the city are shouting and killing, and the fighting is so intense that the city gate is the most prosperous.

The one with the greatest hope of breaking the city is Luo Shixin's army attacking the city gate battlefield, because before that, fifty or sixty Sui army warriors had rushed into the city first. After being besieged by the enemy, these Sui army warriors retreated to the Qianjin gate very clever Fighting to the death at the back door, while covering the comrades behind to destroy the Qianjin gate, while desperately resisting the crazy counterattack of Zheng Jun's soldiers - the matter has come to this point, these Sui warriors will die if they don't work hard, they will definitely die more miserable than fighting hard hundred times!

Luo Shixin was the first to cut a bloody path among the dense crowd and rushed to the Qianjin gate. He swung his knife and slashed between the gates. Sparks splashed from the gate covered with iron sheets. Helpless, he had no choice but to stun an enemy beside him with a broken knife, snatched the weapon in his hand and continued to cut the gate. At the same time, the soldiers of the Sui Army kept rushing forward. Slashing and smashing, but the weapon is not handy, and the damage to the iron-clad gate is very small. After a few more cuts, the iron knife in Luo Shixin's hand was broken in two again, and the little monster Luo Shixin, whose body was covered in blood and brains, yelled anxiously, "Axe! Axe! Who will get me an axe?" Come, I will reward him with one hundred guan! No! I will reward him with three hundred guan!"

"General Luo, here, three hundred guan!"

A soldier of the Sui army who came from the rear timidly handed over an axe. Although the axe was notched and covered with blood, it was torn and dirty, but at this moment, to Luo Shixin, it was equivalent to a priceless treasure. . Cheering and snatching the axe, the little monster summoned up his strength and slammed the ax heavily on the gate, immediately splitting a horizontal post wrapped in iron. Cheeks, Luo Shixin's face were also bleeding profusely.

Kicking away the subordinates who came up to care, Luo Shixin pulled out the feathered arrow on his face, spit out two broken teeth and a mouthful of blood, and continued to swing the iron ax to chop the gate. Sparks kept flying, and the thousand-jin gate kept deforming under Luo Shixin's axe. Blood also continued to splatter on the gate.

Sensing that the generals of the Sui army were constantly destroying the Qianjin gate, Shi Derui, the general of the Zheng army who was ordered to kill the enemies in the city, was so anxious that he almost went crazy. The dying soldiers of the Sui army, and the Sui army warriors who rushed into the city first, under the constant attack of the Zheng army soldiers, have less than 20 people left at this moment, no matter how stubbornly they resist, they can't stop the continuous killing The soldiers of the Zheng army fell one after another, and every fallen Sui soldier was cut to pieces by the soldiers of the Zheng army, and no complete body could be found.

Finally, when there were only two Sui warriors left at the same time, they were pierced by Zheng Jun soldiers at the same time. Before the Zheng Jun soldiers could give out cheers, Luo Shixin and the Sui Army soldiers jointly cut down the gate that blocked the entrance. There was a big gap, the soldiers of the Sui army rushed into the city quickly, and caught the soldiers of the Zheng army who came up to seal the gap. The two soldiers of the Sui army who persisted to the end were blood-stained, their stomachs were broken, and they leaned against the broken Qianjin gate. He was dying, and there was a gratified smile on his face...

At the same time, soldiers of Wang Fubao's army also began to rush to the top of the city. Although the soldiers of the Zheng army on the city rushed up to fight like crazy, the soldiers of the Sui army fought the enemy even more frantically. Every soldier of the Sui army who ascended the city could chop down several enemies before falling down, and every soldier of the Sui army had to hug and bite an enemy before dying, and died together with the enemy. In the face of these Sui warriors fighting to the death, the soldiers of the Zheng army kept shrinking in fear, and more Sui warriors relied on their cover to successfully climb to the top of the city empty-handed.

While the fierce battle was still going on, the two Sui army warriors who persisted till the end were brought back to Chen Sangliang by their respectful companions. Maybe it was a miracle, or maybe it was the power of faith. The warrior of the Sui army, who had bled out and had countless wounds all over his body, was still alive when he saw Chen Sangliang, and looked at Chen Sangliang with the last look in his eyes.

Chen Sangliang got off his horse and came up to them, gave them a boxing salute, and said in a deep voice: "Two warriors, I thank you for your efforts. I keep my word, and now I will give you the title of Marquis of Yanshi and Gong County." Marquis, each will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold, five hundred acres of fertile land, and one hundred households in the city. This king knows that you will not be able to receive the rewards, so I will transfer your rewards to your family members."

With joyful smiles, the eyes of the two Sui warriors lost their luster one after another. Chen Sangliang closed their eyes with his own hands, and then looked at the south gate of Luokou Cang, which was gradually on fire in the distance. Chen Sangliang He murmured, "Go at ease, thank you."

At the same time, on the battlefield at the east gate of Hulao Pass, the corpses of soldiers from the two armies above and below the city were strewn all over the ground, and the corpses under the city wall were layered on top of each other, as high as half a person. Blood stained the stagnant water of the moat into a dark Red, broken and broken crash cars at the city gate one after another, two ladder cars that once leaned against the city wall are still burning beside the city wall, and there are more Dou Jun who are burning or have been burned to ashes in the distance The siege weapon, the blazing fire illuminated the bloody battlefield even more cruel and bloody, and also filled the air with the smell of burnt human body, which merged with the smell of blood, making people want to vomit.

The blood-stained soldiers of the Sui Army are rushing to rescue the wounded and bandage the wounds. The last fresh army reserve team in the city is also carrying all kinds of defense materials to the city to change defenses. Li Keshi, who is covered with a lot of blood, is Sitting down on the steps of the blood-stained city tower, the love bow Yang Kan bow exchanged for the Daxing ancestral house in his hand has been broken in two pieces, but before the love bow was cut off by Dou Jun general Cao Zhan himself, Master Li Ke also shot to death no less than 20 enemies with this bow. At the same time, Cao Zhan, who personally led the army to attack the city, also paid the price of his life for cutting off Master Li's beloved bow. Shi cut off his neck with his own hands to avenge his love bow.

Yin Kaishan, with blood on his face, walked up to Master Li Ke, looked at the torches of the Dou Army all over the mountains and plains in the east, and then said to Master Li Ke: "General Li, there is no sign of the bandit army retreating, and there is still a possibility." The possibility of continuing to attack the city. General Hao Xiaode brought a message, saying that if necessary, he can come to help the battle at any time. The last general suggested that General Hao’s team should be withdrawn as a reserve team just in case, and a tired army should be replaced. Go and guard Simon."

Master Li nodded weakly, and said in a hoarse voice: "That's all we need to do, the bandits' drums are still going on, and there is still a possibility of attacking the city."

When Yin Kaishan promised, Dou Jun's battle drums accelerated again. Hearing the drumbeat, Master Li immediately jumped up and shouted: "Quickly switch defenses, the bandits are coming up again! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

In the Dou army formation at the same time, even though many Dou army generals ran to Dou Jiande and begged, some Dou army generals had already started crying, begging Dou Jiande not to fight like this anymore, and not to take the lives of the soldiers under his command. To launch an attack destined to be useless, but Dou Jiande's voice was still unusually resolute, and he shouted: "Go away! Let me continue to attack the city, continue to attack the city! Thief Chen has already brought the main force of the thief army to Luokou Cang. If you don't seize the time to attack the city, and wait for the main force of the thief Chen to withdraw, wouldn't I have no hope of taking Hulao Pass?!"

Under Dou Jiande's repeated persecution, five thousand Dou army infantry went out again, carrying various siege weapons and striding forward to the sound of war drums. Vibrant, with firm eyes, ready to face a new round of brutal and fierce battle. Li Keshi stood on the top of the wall and yelled at the Dou army team that was striding forward, "Dou thief! Come on! Just let the horse come! No matter how many times you come, this bird thief will fight with you I will accompany you to the end!"