At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 523: Chen Dou's decisive battle


In history, the reason why Li Er was able to capture Dou Jiande alive outside the Hulao Pass was that Li Er's luck was so good that it couldn't be better, and it was also because Dou Jiande's ideas were so memorized that he could no longer memorize them!

Yes, Dou Jiande is far behind Li Er in terms of politics, strategy and military. In terms of combat effectiveness, the soldiers of the Dou Army, a powerful enemy, are indeed inferior to many soldiers of the Tang Army who are on the rise. In addition, before the decisive battle, Dou Jiande was blocked by Li Er for more than a month by relying on Hulao Guanjian City, and was dragged into a tired army by Li Er. Made the mistake of forming for too long, which caused the soldiers to be hungry and tired, and their physical strength decreased. Then there was a scramble for drinking water, which led to the chaos of the army.

But even so, the main force of the Dou Army at that time was by no means helpless in front of Li Erjun. If it hadn’t been for the miracle that the coin stood up after the coin landed, the main force of the Dou Army who had the upper hand would not have lost so badly even if they lost !

However, Li Er casually tossed the coin, and it miraculously stood upright after landing! When Li's Second Army attacked, it was just in time for the bumpkin Dou Jiande to show off the emperor's prestige. At noon, there was a court meeting to discuss the military situation. Instead, he rushed towards him and surrounded him, and grabbed Dou Jiande's hands. Dou Jiande had a hand full of king bombs but had no chance to play a card! When Dou Jiande drove these idiots away, Li Er's Xuanjia cavalry had already rushed in front of him, and Dou Jiande would never have the chance to lead the troops to fight back. In the chaos, he fell off his own horse, and led himself in front of Bai Shirang and Yang Wuwei of the Tang Army, and the beans entered the mouth of the cow. In vain, he let Li Er pick up this cheaper than the sky!

Chen Sangliang knew very well that he did not have such good luck as Li Er, so he played countless tricks to weaken the enemy as much as possible before the battle, and he was mentally prepared for a hard battle early on. The results proved that Chen Sangliang did not have such luck. Dou Jiande did not put on the airs of the emperor to hold a court meeting on this historical track. Hearing the loud and clear army singing suddenly coming from Hulaoguan City, Dou Jun Wenwu hurriedly woke up Dou Jiande. Dou Jiande concluded that this was a sign of the Sui army's attack, and immediately ordered the army to reorganize its formation.

Without Li Er's strong luck, Chen Sangliang could only rely on the strength of the Sui army's soldiers. Amid the rhythmic beating of war drums, the suspension bridge at the east gate of Hulao Pass slowly landed. When the city gate opened, Wang Fubao led The three thousand Sui army infantry strode out of the city first, followed by the Sui army artillery team led by Qian Xiangmin, then the Baoguo army led by Chen Sangliang himself, the three thousand Sui army cavalry led by Qin Qiong, and finally Yuchi Jingde , Luo Shixin, He Yanyu, and Shi Wanbao led the Sui army's main infantry force. More than 24,000 infantry and cavalry troops were lined up in a zigzag shape half a mile away from the west bank of the Sishui River. The huge arrow pointed directly at the huge army formation of Dou Jun.

"People say that Thief Chen is good at using soldiers, but in my opinion, that's all!"

Standing on the imperial chariot and watching carefully the arrangement of the main force of the Sui army, Dou Jiande laughed out loud, disdainful of Chen Sangliang's formation! — But this is not surprising. Chen Sangliang did not deploy formations this time, nor did he pay attention to protecting the two wings. Such an arrangement of troops could not achieve the rotation of troops at all. The infantry and cavalry covered each other. Apart from forming a direct threat to the front of Dou Jun's formation, there is no merit.

Laughter is all laughter. Dou Jiande, who has been struggling on the battlefield for many years, still did not take it lightly. He immediately ordered the front army to shrink their formation, with long shields in front, knives and guns in the middle, and bows and crossbows in the rear to strengthen the frontal defense. , Prepare to block the charge that the Sui army is about to launch. While Dou Jun's former army was shrinking and adjusting according to the order, Dou Jiande was also thinking about whether to go out and answer a few words with Chen Sangliang, to make up for the regret of not being able to meet Chen Sangliang last time because of Li Mi's troubles.

At the same time as the adjustment of the front army of the Dou army, the front army of the Sui army also changed slightly. Under the push and pull of two hundred Sui army infantry, ten bronze cannons quickly passed the infantry formation and lined up in front of the Sui army. The thatched camouflage exposed the gun body, and the dustproof silk cloth was uncovered to reveal the muzzle. The dark muzzle was also quickly aimed at the infantry of the Dou army who had quickly shrunk their formation to a dense level a mile away, and then quickly loaded the ammunition and ammunition, ready fire.

The generals of the Dou army had been through the pine tree cannon and knew that the so-called artillery had a short range, and they would never be able to hit themselves after a distance of mile, so they didn't care much about being afraid. Yang Gongqing and Wang Xingben, the generals of the Zheng army who were in Dou Jiande's army, saw the sudden appearance of the Sui army's artillery, but they were scared out of their wits together. They rushed to Dou Jiande's imperial chariot and shouted: "Your Majesty, let your former army charge! , Absolutely don’t let the bandits fire! Absolutely don’t let the bandits fire!”

"Why?" Dou Jiande asked suspiciously: "Didn't you say that that kind of broken thing called artillery can only hurt people within 80 steps at most?"

"No! Thief Chen's cannons are much more powerful than ours!" Wang Xingben quickly explained: "Tie Chen is shameless and cunning, and deliberately gave my uncle a fake cannon with little power. He caught my uncle by surprise! In the battle of Xiaohan Dao, Thief Chen used this kind of cannon to defeat our army! His cannon is exactly the nemesis of the dense formation!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When Dou Jiande was still doubtful and asked more details, the artillery of the Sui army on the west bank of the Boshui had already fired successively. After careful calculation and adjustment of the shooting height by Qian Xiangmin, who was very talented in mathematics, ten shells accurately entered the dense formation of Dou Jiande. In the front of the army, the artillery shells whistled and hurt people and killed the enemy. After landing, they bounced and performed Brownian motion. They continued to kill and injure the soldiers of the Dou Army. They are as fragile as paste and mud, and once they are hit, they will be pierced and smashed immediately. None of the soldiers of Dou Jun behind the shield can be spared. Either their arms were sprained by the huge force, or their internal organs were directly smashed to pieces. There was a lot of chaos.

Seeing this scene, Dou Jiande on the imperial chariot inevitably opened his mouth and widened his eyes, and couldn't believe that all this was true. Yang Gongqing and Wang Xingben, who had only heard about the power of the Sui army's artillery in their letters, were also dumbfounded, and it was even more unbelievable that Yang and Wang were still behind. In just a blink of an eye, the Sui army's artillery had already fired again. Bombing shells into the Dou Army's formation to wound people and kill the enemy once again disrupted the Dou Army's front army, and at the same time caused other Dou Army troops to be uproarious and fearful.

This time there was no need for Yang Gongqing and others to urge him. Dou Jiande, who came back to his senses, immediately ordered the front army to charge to prevent the Sui army from continuing to fire. Morale can be directly bombarded by the artillery of the Sui Army.

Dou Jiande's clever decision didn't have immediate effect. Dou Jun's front army not only gave up the orderly defense during the charge and counterattack, but also failed to stop the third salvo of the Sui army's artillery. While the artillery roared, the shells continued to fall When Dou Jun charged the crowd, Dou Jun's soldiers panicked and avoided bullets, and there was a lot of confusion on their own. At the same time, Wang Fubao, who had already been unable to restrain himself, couldn't wait to order a charge, to kill the Dou Army's front army that was rushing forward, and advanced without hesitation, coming first after the attack, and collided with the Dou Army's front army led by Fan Yuan. In the Sishui River.

The fierce fierce battle unfolded in the river. Wang Fubao, who was ordered to open the way for the cavalry to charge, led the Sui army's infantry in a life-and-death fight with Dou's army in the chest-deep river. Going forward desperately like crazy, he did his best to greet the soldiers of Dou Jun with the weapons in his hands, and forcibly dragged the enemy into the river water to wrestle and smash the hammers.

Although the Dou army also put up a tenacious resistance, but the two armies met, it is always the brave who can win. The Sui army used less to attack and more, and put all their eggs in one basket. From top to bottom, the generals and soldiers were determined to fight to the death, and at the same time they took up their physical strength. Relatively sufficient and in relatively good physical condition, Dou Jun’s side was first bombarded by artillery and shaken the morale of the army, and then exposed to the scorching sun for a long time and suddenly fell into the icy cold river, it is inevitable that they will suffer from exhaustion and cramps and other physiological responses. In the end, Wang Fubao, the former No. 1 brave general of the Dou Army, was the first to open the way. Knowing that Wang Fubao is powerful, the generals of the Dou Army were timid before fighting, and they were at a disadvantage first psychologically, so the fight took only ten minutes. Having been overtaken by Wang Fubao to the east bank, the generals of the Sui army took advantage of the momentum to kill the shallows and continued to charge and beat, killing Dou Jun beyond parry.

At this time, there was also a small deviation in the development of the war that Chen Sangliang did not expect in advance. After carefully measuring the distance with the triangulation method, Qian Xiangmin ran to Chen Sangliang and said to Chen Sangliang: "Your Highness , The bandit flag formation is just within the maximum range of our army's artillery, may I ask, do you want to bombard the bandit flag formation?"

"Is there such a good thing? Didn't Wang Shichong tell Dou Jiande the maximum range of our artillery?"

As soon as Chen Sangliang was amused, after thinking about it carefully, he found that even Wang Shichong might not understand the maximum range of his own artillery. Chen Sangliang no longer felt strange, and immediately ordered Qian Xiangmin: "Fire! Fire! Until I tell you to stop! After our army charges, you can continue to bombard the enemy's flanks!"

Qian Xiangmin happily agreed, and hurriedly ran back to the artillery team to deliver the order, and the firing height of the Sui army artillery team was adjusted by Qian Xiangmin, so after the order was delivered, the Sui army artillery was also out of plan The fourth salvo was fired, and the shells roared, heading straight for the Dou Jun flag formation.

Of course, the maximum range can no longer guarantee the accuracy of the shells, so all ten shells hit the distance around Dou Jun's flag array, only killing and wounding some of Dou Jiande's Chinese soldiers, and none of the shells could hit Dou Jiande's side. But this is enough. Seeing the miserable appearance of nearby soldiers being killed and injured by shells, Dou Jiande still paled and yelled, "Chen's artillery can hit so far? Yang Gongqing, Wang Xingben, why didn't you tell me before?" Give me?!"

"We also... we don't know." Yang Gongqing and Wang Xingben were equally pale and said tremblingly: "If we knew that the bandit artillery can hit so far, we must have reported it to your Majesty long ago. Damn Chen Thief, such a powerful weapon, no wonder he is reluctant to give it to us."

"Your Majesty, this place is too dangerous, please retreat quickly!" Qi Shanxing hurriedly reminded from the side.

Dou Jiande was in a bit of a dilemma, because at this time his commander-in-chief retreated, it would definitely affect the morale of the army immediately, and then it might lead to the collapse of the former army fighting fiercely by the bank of the Sishui River, so Dou Jiande had to weigh the consequences no matter what. However, just as Dou Jiande was hesitating, the artillery sounded again, and the fifth salvo of the Sui army's artillery struck again. But this time, a shell finally hit Dou Jiande's side, killing one of Dou Jiande's guards.

"The Chinese army retreats one mile!" Dou Jiande subconsciously roared. He had already been frightened by the artillery, and the Chinese army of the Dou army heard the decree as if they were amnesty. The guard of honor and the drum and gong team around him also hurriedly followed.

Chen Sangliang was waiting for this opportunity. After the order was issued, more than a thousand soldiers of the Nationalist Army shouted "Dou Jiande is dead". After retreating, Dou Jun's former army, which was fighting fiercely with Wang Fubao, suddenly collapsed, and they rushed back from top to bottom. Wang Fubao took the opportunity to chase and kill them with all his strength, and successfully completed the task of opening the way assigned by Chen Sangliang. Seeing this scene, Chen Sangliang was overjoyed, and immediately shouted: "The whole army is moving forward, and we have to cross the Sishui!"

The order was conveyed, and more than 20,000 Sui soldiers trotted forward together, wading through the Sishui under the condition that the formation was basically guaranteed, and Chen Sangliang did not wait for all the infantry to cross the river, and immediately drew his sword, pointed at the front and shouted: "Show the flag and beat the drum! The whole army charges! The target is the head of Dou Jiande!"

The flag was waved, and the war drums on the east gate of Hulao Pass were beating wildly, and the Sui army's general offensive began. Chen Sangliang led the Baoguo army to the front, Qin Qiong led the light cavalry to keep up, and then advanced in four directions The infantry of the Sui army, striding forward with strides and whips, shouted like a huge arrow, and quickly plunged into the retreating Dou Jiande's Chinese army.

The infantry of the Dou Army on the two wings came from left and right, trying to attack the two wings of the Sui Army to prevent the Sui Army from charging. More than a thousand soldiers of the nationalist army roared like thunder, charged at full speed non-stop, quickly stabbed into the interior of the fleeing Dou army's former army, slashed and rushed past, leaving corpses all over the ground, and then smashed straight into the ground. In the formation of the Dou Army's Central Army that was retreating in a hurry, the Dou Army's Central Army hurriedly formed a dense formation to intercept, but it was too late, and the cavalry of the Nationalist Army rushed like the wind, and once again directly plunged into the interior of the Dou Army's Central Army.

It was as if the rainy battle eight years ago had reappeared. In the darkness, all Chen Sangliang could see, except for the white cloaks around him, was the sky full of sand and dust, and the towering big flag with the word Dou in the distance. , was closely protected by Mulan and the soldiers of the Baoguo Army, and the saber in Chen Sangliang's hand had no chance of being stained with blood, so the only thing Chen Sangliang could do was to flatter his horse and chase after Dou Jiande's handsome flag. Howled and roared, "Kill! Kill! Kill this idiot Dou Jiande! End this damn troubled world!"

The most sophisticated protection gave the Baoguo army heavy cavalry the most powerful defense. Tired, thirsty and hungry, Dou Jun's soldiers, who were physically weak, couldn't cut off the Mingguang armor and horse armor of the Baoguo army cavalry. In front of the soldiers of the national army are purely a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, unable to form an array, without the skillful cooperation of long shields and swords and guns, the generals of the Dou army can't stop the iron hooves of the cavalry of the national army at all, and the cavalry of the national army of the national newspaper keep advancing in the enemy's formation , kept rushing towards Dou Jiande's handsome flag, and worked hard to narrow the distance with Dou Jiande bit by bit.

At the same time, the artillery of the Sui Army continued to fire, constantly bombarding the two wings of the Dou Army that had not participated in the battle. The cavalry of the Sui Army led by Qin Qiong also followed closely behind the team of the Baoguo Army, constantly opening up space to cover the two wings of the Baoguo Army , and then the main force of the infantry of the Sui army advancing in four directions. The ground trembled slightly with the footsteps of the charge.

Dou Jiande is also working hard to stabilize the Chinese army, trying to stabilize his position before launching a counterattack. However, the cavalry of the Nationalist Army behind him are like a group of white hungry wolves, always staring at his commander-in-chief and killing his Chinese army. Moving forward, there is no chance for him to breathe and adjust. With no other choice, Dou Jiande could only yell loudly, "Beat the drum! The whole army will charge back! Wrap up the bandit army first!"

The battle drums of the few remaining Dou troops rang in the retreat. Hearing the sound of the drums, the Dou troops on the two wings and the rear also launched a charge, rushing towards the Sui army's roads from the front and two wings together. Dou Jiande would certainly increase casualties due to the chaotic formation, and he would no longer have a chance to completely defeat the Sui army, but at least he could entangle the Sui army and win a chance for Dou Jiande himself to escape. However…

However, it is a pity that Dou Jiande seriously overestimated the morale and combat effectiveness of his soldiers, and also seriously underestimated the determination of the soldiers of the Sui Army to kill him. However, the soldiers of the Sui Army, who had gained enough physical strength, were full of morale, red eyes and just desperately moving forward. Even if the enemy had already rushed to the side, they would still advance while fighting. Sui Army generals such as Yuchi Jingde and Luo Shixin He took the lead in the charge, swinging his horse, chopping, smashing and sweeping. He was as fierce as a hellish ghost.

There is also a dangerous consequence of Dou Jiande's doing this, that is, once his army collapses under such circumstances, it will be impossible to clean up immediately, and it will no longer be able to cohere into an army and command effectively. Power. Unfortunately, Dou Jun's situation is developing rapidly in this dangerous direction...

The sound of a new explosion sounded in the middle army of the Dou Army. The soldiers of the Baoguo Army who were accustomed to using gunpowder bottles to open the way at the last moment threw a large number of gunpowder bottles. The two generals Guo Feng and Chen Ci who opened the way in the front were like two tigers descending the mountain. They killed Sergeant Dou's soldiers crying and howling like ghosts and wolves, lying in front of them like cutting wheat. fall. But at this time, the banner of loyal and loyal to the national army and Chen Sangliang's banner of the king of the Tang Dynasty, which is flailing with teeth and claws, are less than fifty steps away from Dou Jiande's handsome banner.

There is no other way, knowing that taking the lead and fleeing at this time will only lead to the defeat of the own army, and the casualties of the soldiers are too heavy, but for the sake of his precious life of the emperor, Dou Jiande still gritted his teeth and jumped off the imperial chariot, rode on the imperial horse to flatter the horse and died. After fleeing, the soldiers of the Chinese army hurriedly followed, and they escaped quickly without the fetters of imperial chariots, guards of honor, gongs, drums and horns. However, after seeing the defeat of the Chinese army, Dou's army also quickly collapsed. The generals and soldiers all fled, one by one faster than the other, crying and shouting one after another, earth-shattering, "Run! We lost! we lose!"

The time to reap the fruits of victory has finally arrived. The fast-moving Sui army soldiers can easily kill Dou soldiers who have given up their resistance by wielding knives and guns. They can kill the enemy as they want. However, the soldiers of the Sui Army had only one victory this time, and that was Dou Jiande himself, who would cause this cruel and chaotic world to last for a long time. Therefore, no matter whether it was the national army, cavalry or infantry, they all pursued in one direction, and that was Dou Jiande. Where is the handsome flag!

During the defeat and escape, Dou Jiande's army fled in embarrassment to the gate of the camp, but the Sui army followed up immediately, slashing and killing Dou's defeated troops frantically, and the defeated Dou army trampled on their own in front of the gate of the camp, pushing and fighting On the road to the camp, the corpses trampled into meat and mud quickly covered the camp gate road, and the corpses, living people, and wounded soldiers quickly filled the trenches of the guard camp. The fence was trampled into sawdust, and the towering archery tower of the camp gate also fell to the ground under the push of Dou soldiers, smashing into the dense crowd, splashing blood all over the sky.

The Sui army pursued so closely that they did not give Dou's defeated army a chance to breathe. Driven by the desire to escape, Dou's defeated soldiers tore down countless tents and overturned countless food carts. After smashing the Dou army's rear army who stayed in the camp, they left the huge camp, stepped on the corpses of their own family members and fled eastward, crying and shouting towards the Niuzhukou wharf.

Dou Jiande's commander-in-chief flag has long been abandoned, but because the golden helmet on Dou Jiande's body and the armor of his Chinese army guards are too conspicuous, the experienced soldiers of the Nationalist Army have been chasing him all the time. They chased him all the way to Niuzhukou Wharf. Dou Jun's defeated soldiers on the pier were already crowded with people. The soldiers rushed to board the boat, sinking countless small boats on the spot. Dou Jun's soldiers who fell into the Yellow River struggled in the water and called for help.

The generals of the Dou army had no chance of crossing the river at all. The ruthless Chen Sangliang had already prepared for this. He Er, a small water thief on the Tongji Canal, had rushed to the Niuzhukou Wharf with the Sui army's warship. The warships on the Yellow River are all transformed from civilian ships, and their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of regular naval forces—but the damn Dou Jun ferry is not even armed! He Er, who knew how to fight some water battles, commanded the soldiers of the Sui army to release rockets and ignite the sails of Dou's ferry boat, and at the same time commanded the soldiers of the Sui army, who were skilled in water skills, to launch the boat and ram the sluggish Dou, who was full of defeated soldiers. The army crossed the boat and massacred Dou Jun's soldiers wantonly, and soon completely cut off Dou Jun's escape route to the north. There was thick smoke from the Dou Jun ferry boat ignited by the rocket on the river, and Dou Jun soldiers and corpses in the water drifted with the waves, and the torrential yellow water was floating.

Knowing that he could no longer cross the river, Dou Jiande could only order the army to continue fleeing eastward with him. However, in the chaos, there were not many Dou soldiers who had lost the command of the general to follow him. Dou Jiande was forced to have no choice but to He fled eastward with his bodyguard team. As a result, those guards in bright armor around Dou Jiande turned into magnets, attracting the full pursuit of the Bao Guojun cavalry.

During the charge, Guo Feng and Chen Ci, two veterans of the Nationalist Army, first caught up with Dou Jiande's guards. Originally, Guo Feng and Chen Ci thought that there was going to be another fierce battle soon, and they were fully prepared to face it. Dou Jiande's bodyguards were far less loyal than his soldiers—it was the same in history, they fled around screaming, and voluntarily gave way to the charge path of Guo Feng and Chen Ci. Guo Chen Er will be surprised and go straight to Dou Jiande who is wearing conspicuous golden armor. Dou Jiande turns around and sees the shock, he yells at his bodyguards to protect him, but his bodyguards are more greedy for life and fear of death than one of them. They all ran away from him...

Finally, Chen Ci was the first to catch up with Dou Jiande, swung a cooked copper stick stained with blood and brains and swept towards Dou Jiande. Knowing that the situation was over, Dou Jiande turned around and shouted, "Don't kill me, I can make you rich...!"

Before he finished yelling, and his head was only halfway back, the wrought iron rod in Chen Ci's hand had already hit Dou Jiande's face, and it was right in the middle of Dou Jiande's face, causing Dou Jiande's face to bloom and his facial features to deform. With an indistinct scream, he fell off the horse, and Guo Feng on the other side couldn't stop the horse, and the iron hoof of the horse just stepped on Dou Jiande's face, trampling Dou Jiande's completely deformed face into a pulp...

And then, when Chen Sangliang walked up to Dou Jiande's corpse, all he could see was a corpse whose appearance could not be discerned at all. After dismounting his horse and observing for a long time, he also checked the sweat and blood on Dou Jiande's armor, as well as the knots of the golden armor. Chen Sangliang still couldn't tell whether this was Dou Jiande's body, so he could only ask Guo Feng and Chen Ci in doubt. Said: "You guys, confirm that he is Dou Jiande? Will someone change his armor and die for him?"

"This..." Guo Feng and Chen Ci hesitated as they wiped away the sweat and blood on their faces, they both shook their heads and said, "Forgive me, Your Highness, there is no way to confirm it."

"The thief killed it!" Chen Sangliang kicked Dou Jiande's body hard, bent down and pointed at Dou Jiande's body and cursed: "Idiot! It's fine if I didn't let me see your appearance when I was alive, but I'm still dead when I'm dead." You have to have a messy face, so that this king can't see what kind of ugly you look like, and you have to work hard to distinguish whether you are real or fake! Damn it!"

After straightening up again, looking at the surging Yellow River to the north, Chen Sangliang murmured in his heart again: "I hope it's you, this damn troubled world should end."