At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 525: season finale


It was indeed Pei Cuiyun. Surrounded by a large group of thick-waisted and round-armed Zheng Jun soldiers, Pei Cuiyun, who had already lost a lot of weight, looked even thinner. On her cheek, Pei Cuiyun's absent-minded face was set off even more pitifully, miserable and helpless.

It was only when Chen Sangliang's familiar figure appeared in the distance outside the city that Pei Cuiyun's blank and empty eyes showed a gleam of light, while Wang Shichong, Wang Shiyun, father and son, and others on the other side smiled ferociously together. The old Wang family hated Chen Sang the most The good Wang Renze couldn't wait to shout: "His Royal Highness Tang, do you see it? Your woman is also your savior, Pei Cuiyun! It's here!"

Seeing Pei Cuiyun from afar who had sworn to each other with him, Chen Sangliang really wanted to rush forward desperately to see his lover's current situation carefully, but no one stopped him, so Chen Sangliang reined in his horse and stood calmly. Out of the range of the bow and arrow at the head of the city, he shouted loudly: "Cuiyun!"

Pei Cuiyun's eyes flashed light again, his lips moved slightly, but the luster in his eyes disappeared quickly, and he lowered his head even lower. On the other side, Wang Shichong smiled and shouted: "My son-in-law, come and take a closer look at her. Father-in-law, I won't let people shoot arrows, come and see her now, she is your lover Pei Cuiyun! The old man knows that eight years ago, she only narrowly missed becoming your first wife, but because of all kinds of mistakes, you I have never been able to get together! But you have always been in love with each other. She not only saved your life, but also volunteered to be your concubine regardless of her status. She has a deep affection for you! You haven’t seen each other for a long time, come and see her! "

Chen Sangliang was not fooled, and he also knew that once he stepped forward, with Wang Shichong's insidious cunning, he would definitely order the hidden sharpshooter to shoot him with arrows and let him lie down at the last moment before victory! Chen Yingliang just pointed at Wang Shichong with a horsewhip, and shouted, "Old man, stop talking nonsense! What do you want to do by bringing her up?"

"It's very simple, the old man wants to make a deal with you!" Wang Shichong smiled very happily, and said loudly: "You just need to let your people stop opening the way, lift the siege, and let the old man lead the army to leave! Then the old man will not only give you Luoyang , after leaving Henan County, this old man will return Pei Cuiyun to you intact with both hands, so that you can make good deeds into a couple, and the lovers will get married in the end!"

"Dream!" Chen Sangliang flatly refused, and shouted: "Hand over Cuiyun, put down your weapons and surrender, I will pardon you and not die! This is the greatest concession I have ever made to you!"

"My son-in-law, don't be so stubborn!" Wang Shichong smiled and said loudly: "The old man's conditions are already very sincere, aren't you most afraid of a tough battle? The old man handed over the Luoyang imperial city and the palace city to you! Aren't you Do you like this Pei Cuiyun very much? The old man returned her to you intact, what do you want? If you still want the gold, silver, jewels and silks and satins from the imperial city, we can discuss it with you, why do you have to? Stubborn? Think about it carefully, old man's good son-in-law!"

"If you are stubborn to the end, then...!"

Wang Renze suddenly grabbed Pei Cuiyun by the hair, dragged Pei Cuiyun to his side, laughed ferociously and said, "Then cousin, I'm sorry! I've wanted to taste her for a long time, and I want to do it in front of yours." Taste her face to face, and let all my warriors taste her taste! Cousin-in-law, think about it carefully!"

The soldiers of the Sui army roared angrily at the gate, Wang Renze and many Zheng army soldiers laughed obscenely on the top of the wall, but Chen Sangliang remained silent, with no expression on his face. After a while, Wang Shichong shouted again: "Son-in-law, have you considered it clearly? When the old man left Luoyang, I left you half of the treasures and cloth in the palace city. Such a generous condition, is it enough?"

The scene became quiet again, everyone was waiting for Chen Sangliang's answer, and Chen Sangliang finally opened his mouth and said loudly: "Cuiyun, the first time we met was on the tenth day of October in the ninth year of Daye. It has been almost eight years. During these eight years, many things have happened among us, and many things have happened in the world. Groups of thieves have risen together, wars have been raging, countless souls have suffered from the flames of war, millions of men and women Innocent people, young and old, died tragically! In the past eight years, I have led my soldiers to travel around, from the Huaihe River in the south to the desert in the north, the sea in the east, and Yumen Gate in the Tianshan Mountains in the west. Throwing head, shedding blood, dying in battle, shrouded in horse leather... "

Speaking loudly here, Chen Sangliang shed tears, choked up and said loudly: "Why do I work so hard, why do my soldiers work so hard? Why do I have to sacrifice so much? I and them are to end this troubled world, let them and Innocent people all over the world can live a peaceful and peaceful life again! After eight years of fighting, we have finally seen a ray of light to put down this troubled world!"

"Cuiyun! I know, as long as I agree to the conditions of the old man Wang Shichong, you can come back!"

Speaking of this, Chen Sangliang was already sobbing, crying and shouting: "But if I agree to his conditions, the hard work and sacrifice of the soldiers for the past eight years will be in vain. Sweat and blood will be shed in vain! Sacrifice in vain! , Countless parents, wives and children will lose their relatives and the pillars of their families in vain! This chaotic world, where lives are like pigs and dogs, does not know how long it will be over, and hundreds of thousands and millions of people will continue Innocent people are suffering from the flames of war, and I don’t know when they will be able to live in peace again! So..., so...."

At this point of crying, Chen Sangliang could no longer utter a sound, all the soldiers of the Sui Army around Chen Sangliang were weeping, and Pei Cuiyun on the city wall was already bursting into tears, dripping onto the prison clothes. Wang Renze, who was pulling Pei Cuiyun's hair, laughed heartlessly, and said loudly, "It's touching! It's really touching! Cousin-in-law, in this way, I can have a taste of your woman right now!"

As he said that, Wang Renze pulled Pei Cuiyun in front of him, and kissed Pei Cuiyun on the face with his mouth, but at this moment, Pei Cuiyun seized the opportunity to tilt his head slightly, and suddenly bit Wang Renze hard on the throat On the ground, I still used all my strength to bite! Wang Renze was shocked and hurriedly pushed and pushed Pei Cuiyun away, but Pei Cuiyun's teeth seemed to have taken root in his throat, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what, and blood quickly gushed from the corner of Pei Cuiyun's mouth. out…

The soldiers of the Zheng Army nearby also hurried over to help pull, but even if Pei Cuiyun pulled his feet off the ground, he still couldn't tear away Pei Cuiyun's teeth that were biting Wang Renze's throat. Wang Renze's eyes turned white quickly, and Wang Shiyun looked The son was about to die, so he had no choice but to draw the knife in his hand, roared, and slashed down with a heavy knife, cutting Pei Cuiyun in half, and then when Pei Cuiyun lost his blood and strength, he pulled Pei Cuiyun's teeth from Wang Renze's throat down. However, after the teeth left the throat, blood still gushed from Wang Renze's neck, his eyes could no longer be closed, and he gradually lost his vitality.


Pei Cuiyun, who was broken in two at the waist, fell on the top of the wall. Hearing Chen Sangliang's wailing scream in the distance, Pei Cuiyun smiled on his pretty face, and murmured with the last of his strength: "Chen Lang, we are here in the next life!" Let's be husband and wife again..."

Five days later, the main force of the Sui army formally launched an attack on the imperial city of Luoyang, shouting slogans to end the troubled times. Recalcitrant, the Sui army continued to besiege Miyagi without stopping. Countless people from Luoyang voluntarily came to help in the battle. In just one day, they built an earthen fortress in Yuanbi City. The fortress was higher than the city wall of the palace. Slip down the city wall and surrender to the Sui army.

Another three days later, the main force of the Sui army formally launched an attack on Miyagi, and it took only half a day to attack the city. Zheng Jun's soldiers surrendered one after another. The members of the family surrendered, so they gathered the clan to set fire to their deaths in the Golden Luan Hall, and the short-lived Zheng State perished. Duan Da, Shan Xiongxin and others died in the rebellion, Shan Yingying was rescued by Mulan, and finally understood that Chen Sangliang deceived her out of good intentions.

A month later, Chen Yingliang's class teacher returned to Daxing. In the Golden Luan Hall, all civil and military officials unanimously demanded that Chen Yingliang accept the Zen throne of Emperor Yining Yang Xingji and become emperor. Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others also pointed out to Chen Yingliang that Chen Yingliang had made great achievements in the world. If he did not become emperor, not only would Chen Yingliang not have any good results in the future, but all the civil and military officials under Chen Yingliang would die without a place to bury him. Chen Yingliang was helpless. , had to set up an altar to commemorate Sui Yang Emperor, explaining that he was not proclaiming himself emperor for himself, but was forced to do so for the sake of loyal and brave soldiers.

In October of the same year, Emperor Xiao Mian of the Southern Liang went against the law and massacred the heroes who raised the army. Tang Guo took the opportunity to launch a war against Liang. It took more than half a year to finally capture Jiangling City, the capital of the Southern Liang Kingdom, and Liang Emperor Xiao Mian surrendered.

In May of the second year of Zhenguan, King Du Fuwei of Chu voluntarily handed over his military power to Pei Hongce, the general manager of the Dongnan Road March of the Tang Army, in order to express his sincerity in surrendering, and led his family to come to Daxing to become an official in the court. In the same month, Luo Yi also voluntarily surrendered his military power to Li Jing , until Daxing entered the court as an official. Unexpectedly, only one month later, Fu Gong Er took the opportunity to launch a mutiny, killed Pei Hongce in Danyang, and claimed to be the emperor's vain attempt to rule with the Tang Dynasty. Public Er.

In the same year, Ma Sanbao destroyed Li Gui, and Li Keshi defeated Shen Faxing. Liang Shi, who was isolated in Yan'an, refused Chen Yingliang's letter to call him into the court, and secretly colluded with the Western Turks. Chen Yingliang ordered Liu Heitai to send troops to conquer.

In the third year of Zhenguan, Fu Gong Er and Liang Shi were destroyed one after another, and the troubled times gradually came to an end, leaving only a few small warlords still dying in remote places.

In the fourth year of Zhenguan, all the separatist warlords in various places were wiped out, and the world was unified.

In the ninth year of Zhenguan, after five years of recuperation and accumulation of strength, Li Jing was ordered to launch the Western Expedition. It took more than a year and a half to conquer Gaochang, Qiuci, Tuyuhun and other countries successively, and pacify the Western Regions.

In the spring of the 10th year of Zhenguan, General He Yanyu of the Tang Army led an army of 30,000 to conquer Goguryeo. Goguryeo raised an army to fight against the country. Although the Tang army was finally repelled, the spring plowing was delayed, and the grain production was greatly reduced. There was a food shortage that year. For the next five consecutive years, the Tang army launched an attack on Goguryeo every time in the spring, and each time it only invested 20,000 to 30,000 troops. Goguryeo was exhausted, the domestic food shortage was serious, and the economy was close to collapse. Flatly refuse.

In the autumn of the fifteenth year of Zhenguan, Chen Yingliang personally led an army of 200,000 troops to conquer Goguryeo, set up a banner to avenge Zhongyuan's brothers, and vowed to destroy Goguryeo. Goguryeo rulers and ministers laughed when they heard the news, saying that there was no need to send troops to fight, and the cold wind in the east season alone could freeze 200,000 Tang troops to death. However, what astonished the whole country of Goguryeo was that the soldiers of the Tang army were all wearing cotton-padded clothes to keep out the cold, and they could still fight normally in winter.

In the spring of the sixteenth year of Zhenguan, Chen Yingliang personally led the Tang army to the city of Pyongyang. Since the Tang army's artillery and gunpowder siege tactics could not be cracked, the King of Goguryeo surrendered before the last hour of the third day. Chen Yingliang first disarmed the Goguryeo army, and then claimed that Goguryeo slaughtered the soldiers of the Central Plains. He refused to forgive Goguryeo's monarchs and ministers. He ordered the massacre of all Goguryeo troops. The whole city will not stay behind!

In the same year, Emperor Chen Yingliang of the Tang Dynasty decreed to build Lingyan Pavilion, and there were 24 portraits of heroes in the pavilion, Li Jing ranked first, Liu Changgong, Liu Heita and Chai Shao were among them.

In the 20th year of Zhenguan, 80,000 Tang soldiers in cotton clothes first attacked Tubo. It took three years and hundreds of battles, and finally forced Tubo to surrender. , to completely control the plateau culturally.

After the news of Tubo’s surrender was sent to the capital of the Tang Dynasty, which had been renamed Chang’an, all the officials congratulated Tang Emperor Chen Yingliang and praised Chen Yingliang’s great achievements. You have to do better."

(End of the book)

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