At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 53: Can't rest


Seeing the crazy siege rebel team receding like a tide, they dropped all the siege weapons that could be dropped before leaving. At the same time, the rebel trebuchets that had been threatening the defenders' wall positions finally stopped throwing stone bombs. The defenders who have fought hard for a long time can't understand that the rebels have completely given up the siege? In an instant, the walls of Shangchun Gate were filled with cheers, and countless soldiers of the defending army, including many soldiers of the Nationalist Army, just sat down on the top of the city, which was also littered with corpses, panting heavily. , While cheering and celebrating hysterically, many defenders even cried bitterly, rejoicing that they survived until the victory of defending the city.

This was an extremely tough battle to defend the city. The onslaught of the rebel army on the city wall of Shangchunmen started before noon and continued until the end of Haishi in the middle of the night. During this period, the defenders of Shangchunmen hardly got any chance to rest. Many soldiers didn't even have a few sips of water during the ten-hour hard battle, and at the same time, they haven't received reinforcements from the general reserve, even one soldier at a time. After more than ten hours, it was extremely hard work and exhaustion, so as soon as the rebel army retreated, many defenders fell asleep on the city wall, snoring, so tired that they didn't even bother to take a sip of water.

For nothing, Liu Changgong's reserve team was cheap. Because he was worried that the rebels would attack all night, Chen Yingliang, who replaced Pei Hongce in command of the Shangchunmen battle, repeatedly rejected Xie Zichong and other generals' requests for help from Liu Changgong. He gritted his teeth and just used the Shangchunmen The defenders fought hard to prevent the exhaustion of their troops and left Liu Changgong's reserve team just in case. As a result, when there was no way to retreat, the defenders of Shangchunmen carried it alone until the rebels retreated. Liu Changgong's team, who had waited for more than five hours, finally escaped a catastrophe, and because of their sufficient physical strength, the sound of celebrating the victory was louder and more enthusiastic than that of the real heroes Shangchunmen garrison.

This is not over yet, when General Liu got cheap and acted like a good boy, when Fan Zigai personally ordered him to be transferred to the city wall to change his defense, General Liu actually patted Chen Yingliang on the shoulder and complained: "Brother Yingliang, you like to take credit for yourself so you have to change." Once it’s changed, look at the Anximen and Hui’anmen, there are only 5,000 rebels attacking the city, and they asked for help from my team before it was dark. You have ten times as many rebels here. , You didn’t open your mouth even once when the rebels retreated, which caused me to wait in Beishi with my brothers for a long time. Your greedy temper is not good, you have to change.”

Chen Yingliang, who was also exhausted, smiled wryly and said: "General Liu, if you want to make meritorious service, you can do it. The traitors have retreated in a hurry and their morale is exhausted. Now you take the reserve team out of the city to hunt down them. Keeping them can win a big victory."

"Sure, no problem!" General Liu agreed without hesitation, and said without blushing and heartbeat: "Old rules, Brother Ying Liang, you lead the white-robed soldiers to fight forward, and I will lead the main force to lead the formation for you."

Chen Yingliang couldn't do anything about General Liu's brazenness. Fortunately, Fan Zigai, the boss of Dongdu, happened to be at the scene, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Liu Changgong, thanks to you, you are still the chief general of Youwuwei, Hu Benlang. Do you have the face to say this? Don't give me too much trouble, take over the Shangchunmen city defense immediately, and then send people to carefully watch the city wall and battlefield, and carry all the sleeping soldiers back to the barracks, so that they can have a good rest! All the wounded soldiers, carry them down! Rescue, no matter how serious the injury is, we must do our best to rescue, and one can be saved as one!"

General Liu, who was afraid of Fan Zigai like a tiger, quickly agreed submissively, and hurried over to command the reserve team to take over the city defense. Fan Zigai snorted heavily at his back, and said: "It's worthless, this trash, I really didn't expect the traitor The team will retreat so quickly, otherwise, when the old man went to the city before, he should let this trash bring the reserve team to the city, and let him see how hard the soldiers of Shangchunmen are fighting!"

"The villain also didn't expect the traitors to retreat so quickly. Otherwise, General Liu should have been invited to lead the reserve team to the city to help in the battle. This way at least some casualties on the side of Shangchunmen could be reduced." Chen Yingliang was a little depressed, knowing that My own command experience is still too lacking to do a reasonable rotation of the combat team. It is too hard to go to the Spring Gate to defend the army, and it is too cheap. I like to hide behind and pick the cheap General Liu.

"Nephew, forget it, don't blame yourself." Pei Hongce patted Chen Yingliang on the shoulder and comforted him: "Anyway, we survived until the rebels retreated and won the battle. It’s a little bit more casualty, but it’s worth it anyway.”

After comforting his distant nephew, Pei Hongce, who had already accumulated some battlefield experience, said with a puzzled expression: "However, there is one thing that is very strange. Why did the rebel team retreat so quickly? There are still plenty of weapons in the city, why did you suddenly withdraw the troops? And throw away all the intact siege weapons, is this a bit unreasonable?"

"Ninety-nine percent of the rebels know that our reinforcements have arrived." Chen Yingliang analyzed: "The rebels received the news that General Qu Tutong led the reinforcements to Heyang, and they knew that the situation on the Luoyang battlefield had reversed. Behind the general, there must be more main forces of the Sui Dynasty going south day and night. In order not to be attacked by the enemy, they dare not wipe out and disable the combat team in the siege battle, so the Yang rebels hurriedly ordered to retreat and keep Vitality, so that after General Qu crosses the river, he doesn't even have a team that can resist General Qu."

"It should be the reason." Pei Hongce nodded, and asked again: "Nephew, the rebel team dropped all the siege weapons, even the trebuchets that could be taken away. Does this mean that Yang Ni The rebels don't want to attack Luoyang City any more, don't they want to attack the city?"

"That's right." Chen Yingliang nodded and explained: "Yang rebels are not too stupid, knowing that continuing to attack Luoyang City will only lead to a dead end. The main force of the Sui Dynasty has more time to return to the aid, so he must resolutely abandon the siege plan and leave as many combat teams as possible, so that he will have some chances to survive."

After explaining, Chen Yingliang clasped his hands to Fan Zigai and said, "Fan stayed behind, and Yang Rebel gave up all his siege equipment when he retreated. It is very likely that we will soon move our troops westward to attack the currently empty Guanzhong Sanfu, and confront the main force of the Sui Dynasty with the danger of mountains and rivers. .”

"Do you still need to worry about this matter?" Fan Zigai said with a smile: "Qu Tutong's reinforcements have arrived in Heyang, less than fifty miles away from Luoyang, and they can cross the river and go down the river at any time. Get old man to worry about Guanzhong again?"

"Forgive me for staying behind, and be careful." Chen Yingliang said respectfully: "General Qu Tutong's army returned thousands of miles away, and returned to Luoyang day and night. We are already exhausted and exhausted, and it is difficult to immediately go to the battlefield without a rest. Moreover, the Yang rebels still have the Yellow River ferry to defend. The land of Sanfu is still in dire straits. At that time, if the Yang rebels deploy an army at the dangerous point of Xiaohan Road to guard against danger, even if our reinforcements launch a pursuit, it will be difficult to quickly catch up with the main force of the Yang rebels. .”

"That makes sense." Fan Zigai nodded and asked, "In your opinion, how should I plan ahead?"

"The villain thinks that it is best for the left-behind adults to write a letter to Daxing's left-behind guard minister." Chen Yingliang replied: "Explain the battlefield situation and specific conditions to him, and persuade Wei Shangshu to abandon Mianchi and immediately lead the army to retreat to Shan County, where the terrain is steep. Hangu Pass, deep ditches and high fortresses only defend without fighting, so even if the Yang rebels move westward, they will only be dumped by our Sui army in Xiaohan Road."

"Oh, that's right." Chen Yingliang added: "Since the split of the former Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty guarded Tongguan and abandoned Hangu Pass. As for the light Hangu Pass, the pass city has never been repaired, and it is difficult to hold on to it. Moreover, the terrain in Shan County is complex and there are many small roads. If the left-behind adults want to be safer, they can persuade Wei Shangshu to return to Tongguan directly, and guard against the natural dangers of Tongguan, so that the three auxiliary places in Guanzhong can really rest easy."

"Good idea." Fan Zigai nodded in satisfaction, then suddenly sighed: "Unfortunately, it may not work."

"Why?" Chen Yingliang was taken aback.

"Silly boy, have you forgotten who Wei Shangshu is?" Pei Hongce next to him scolded with a smile, and said, "Wei Shangshu is staying behind in Daxing, and Lord Fan is staying behind in Dongdu. They are equal to Wei Shangshu and do not belong to each other. Master Fan proposed How could Wei Shangshu be willing to obey the tactical plan?"

"However, the only way to ensure the safety of Guanzhong is to do so." Chen Yingliang said awkwardly.

"The old man also knows that your tactical arrangement is the safest, but unfortunately, that old guy Wei Wensheng probably won't listen." Fan Zigai sighed: "The old guy's temper, the old man is very clear, the most face-saving and impatient However, this time he led an army of 40,000 troops to reinforce Luoyang, and he was defeated in a row without making any achievements. In the end, it was our Luoyang army's outstanding soldiers that saved his life and gave him a chance to breathe. He suffered such a great humiliation , with his personality, how could he accept the suggestion of leading the army to retreat to Tongguan and Hangu Pass? If he did, where would his old face be put?"

Chen Yingliang smiled wryly, only then did he realize that Wei Xuan, who was left behind by Daxing, was willing to back down and show weakness, which was really a matter of embarrassment for Wei Xuan.

"Give it a try." Fan Zigai sighed again: "The old man wrote a letter and gave it a try. I hope that old stubborn Wei Wensheng can listen to his advice. Otherwise, how this counter-insurgency war will develop is really difficult." Unpredictable."

The reinforcements had already arrived near the battlefield, and the rebels also dropped their siege weapons and fled away, completely abandoning their plan to capture Luoyang. Chen Yingliang, who hadn't rested since he arrived in Luoyang and joined the army, finally relaxed and took a rest, and got Fanzi After Gai allowed him to go back to the camp to rest, Chen Yingliang dragged his exhausted body to visit the wounded soldiers of the Nationalist Army, and when he returned to his room, Chen Yingliang just lay down on the bed, and then he didn't know anything.

After finally yawning and waking up, Chen Yingliang was surprised to find that it was completely dark outside. He went out of the room and asked the soldiers of the Nationalist Army in the camp. Only then did Chen Yingliang realize that he had fallen asleep for a whole day, and it was already July. In the middle of the first watch on the twenty-third night, Chen Yingliang couldn't help but said with a wry smile: "Unexpectedly, I slept for seven or eight hours at a stretch. It seems that I have become a little lazy."

"Chen Jishi, you are not lazy, you are tired." Chen Zhihong next to him said the flattering words very solemnly, "Since the formation of our national army, you have not slept a full night, except for our national army. You have to worry about city defense. You are really tired. Even Pei Guogong said when he came to visit you just now, he said that you are the most tired person in the entire eastern capital Luoyang in this counter-insurgency war, so we are not allowed to Wake you up and let you have a good rest."

"Uncle came to visit me?" Chen Yingliang hurriedly asked, "Then did he explain anything?"

"Yes, Pei Guogong, after you wake up, if you still have time, you can go to see him in the Shangchun Gate Tower." Chen Zhihong replied respectfully: "Pei Guogong also said that if it is too late, you can go tomorrow meet him."

Pei Hongce was quite interested in Chen Yingliang, his distant nephew, and Chen Yingliang naturally wouldn't put on airs, so he ate something in a hurry, wiped his face, and then went to visit Pei Hongce at the nearby Shangchunmen tower. Although it was a little late, but fortunately, when Chen Yingliang entered the tower of Shangchun Gate, Pei Hongce was still asleep. Chen Yingliang didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried forward to salute and respectfully greet his distant uncle Pei Hongce.

"Get up, get up." Pei Hongce stopped Chen Yingliang from bowing down, and said with a smile, "They're all from my family, why are you being polite? Sit down and talk."

Chen Yingliang thanked him respectfully, and honestly sat down opposite Pei Hongce as required. After Pei Hongce also sat down, he first asked about Chen Yingliang's physical condition, and then said, "Nephew, I called you here because I have something to tell you. You, there is another important matter that I want to discuss with you by the way."

"Uncle please tell me." Chen Yingliang replied respectfully.

"You have to be mentally prepared first, it's not very good news." Pei Hongce said with a smile: "First, as you expected, although Qu Tutong's Youwuhou army returned to Heyang, but traveled thousands of miles, His team was indeed very tired, especially the main combat infantry brigade, which was even more exhausting, so Qu Tutong contacted us, saying that he was going to rest for two or three days before crossing the river."

This was expected by Chen Yingliang a long time ago, and naturally he would not be too surprised. Pei Hongce said again: "Secondly, our scouts detected that Yang Xuangan's rebels had withdrawn the rebel team guarding Cidong Road and Yique Road. Concentrating troops in the camp of Jinyong City, and at the same time starting to mobilize a large amount of grain and grass from the Luokou warehouse to Jinyong City for use, uncle and Fan Liushou both believed that this should be a signal that Yang Xuangan's rebels are preparing to go west into Guanzhong."

This was also within Chen Yingliang's expectation. Chen Yingliang was also not surprised, but hurriedly asked: "Master Uncle, is there any news from Wei Shangshu?"

"This is the third bad news I'm going to tell you." Pei Hongce smiled a bit bitterly, and said, "This morning, Fan Liushou's letter to Wei Shangshu had just been sent away, and Wei Shangshu had already sent a letter. The letter rejected Fan Liushou's request that he stick to the Xiaohan way, saying that Fan Liushou didn't have to worry about the tactical plan of the Daxing army, Wei Xuan would make his own decisions, and in short it wouldn't hold back our Dongdu army."

"When Fan Liushou saw this letter, he must have raised his beard with anger, right?" Chen Yingliang also smiled wryly.

"Fan Liushou and Wei Shangshu have been friends for many years, so of course they won't blow their beards because of these angry words." Pei Hongce smiled, "But another thing, Fan Liushou was so angry that he blew his beard."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yingliang was taken aback.

"It has something to do with you." Pei Hongce said with a smile, "Wei Shangshu's messenger verbally sent a message to Fan Liushou, accusing Fan Liushou of corrupting meritorious deeds and making false reports. The absurd lie uttered by the army without any wounds is deceitful to the king. No matter how you explain the prisoner Pang Yupang who you rescued from the rebel army, Wei Shangshu refused to believe him, and was even suspected by Wei Shangshu He has already surrendered and betrayed, and he is scolded like a dog."

"Why are you here again?" Chen Yingliang said with a sad face, "Why doesn't Wei Shangshu believe me?"

"Who told you that the battle report of you kid is too outrageous? Of course it's only natural that Wei Shangshu doesn't believe you." Pei Hongce laughed happily and said, "Don't say that you have never seen your Wei Shangshu, but you admire your Fan Liushou and you very much." General Huangfu, didn't you ask every soldier who reported to the national army repeatedly, so that you can believe that you did not report falsely? Uncle can bet that your record is reported to the emperor, and the emperor may have to order you first. Next, I will torture you severely to see if you have deceived the emperor."

Chen Yingliang smiled bitterly, and said to himself that you didn't seem to believe me at that time, and you also asked many soldiers of the Nationalist Army repeatedly, so you could barely believe that I didn't lie.

After saying a joke, Pei Hongce put away his smile again, and said to Chen Yingliang in a solemn tone: "Nephew, it's time to get down to business. Uncle called you here tonight to discuss with you about your future. .”

"Please teach me, uncle." Chen Yingliang was also a little nervous.

"In this battle against the rebellion, you are the chief hero in keeping Luoyang, the eastern capital, there is no doubt about it." Pei Hongce said in a deep voice, "You can rest assured that Fan Zigai and Huangfu Wuyi are still reliable in terms of character. Your merits will definitely be truthfully reported to the emperor, and the official rewards are definitely not a problem, and it is not hopeless to get a title, but uncle thinks that your credit is not enough."

"Not enough?" Chen Yingliang was taken aback, thinking that I have made so many contributions, but it is not enough

"Yes, not enough!" Pei Hongce nodded, and said in a low voice: "Because we won the Luoyang defense war miserably, and suffered heavy losses in all aspects. Even if the emperor rewards us for our merits, he will definitely consider our losses. Your official reward. Moreover, the current crisis in Guanzhong has not yet been resolved, and the Yang Ni traitor may still enter Guanzhong. If Yang Ni’s traitor really succeeds, the emperor will be furious, and your official reward may be completely destroyed. It’s blown, so my uncle thinks that you can’t rest and relax now, you must continue to make meritorious deeds, and persist until the Yang Rebellion is completely wiped out, the official rewards you may get will be safe, and your future will be bright .”

"But why does my nephew continue to make meritorious service?" Chen Yingliang said in embarrassment: "Yang's rebels have given up attacking the city, and the 700-strong patriotic army under my nephew's command is on the field battlefield. Are there not enough gaps between the teeth?"

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it for you." Pei Hongce said in a low voice: "Uncle is going to propose to Fan Liushou that he send an army to assist Wei Shangshu in stopping Yang Rebels from entering Guanzhong. Who will Fan Liushou send? There are a few, so I don’t need to talk too much. In short, under the command of Wei Shangshu, you can not only let Wei Shangshu witness your commanding skills, resolve some of his misunderstandings about you, but also take the opportunity to continue to make contributions and completely lay the foundation for your official career. how do you feel?"

Chen Yingliang was silent, and after thinking for a long time, Chen Yingliang cupped his hands and said: "Uncle, your love and love for my nephew, even if my nephew is smashed to pieces, it is difficult to repay me, but my nephew is telling the truth, my nephew has no guts to defend Shangshu Listen to it under the account."

"Why?" Pei Hongce was taken aback this time.

"Wei Shangshu's military style will kill my nephew." Chen Yingliang said with a sad face: "Wei Shangshu always wants to fight head-on, and is eager to take revenge to save face. He doesn't listen to persuasion. My nephew is under his command. Even if he doesn't push him to the front and kill the traitors, he will be implicated to death by his team, my nephew is not afraid of death, but just thinks such a death is not worth it."

"That's true." Pei Hongce, who was almost tricked to death by pig teammate Da Xi, scratched his head, and said in embarrassment: "With Wei Shangshu's temper, it is very likely that he will do this, and you kid doesn't give him a good impression. It is unlikely that his subordinates will have any good fruit to eat, so what should we do? Is this the way to go? "

"Uncle, can you suggest to Fan Liushou that I lead the Nationalist Army to reinforce Hongnong Taishou, His Highness Cai Wang Yang Zhiji?" Chen Yingliang had an idea and blurted out.

"Go to reinforce Yang Zhiji? Yang Zhiji is located behind Wei Shangshu and is safer. Why are you going to reinforce him?" Pei Hongce asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's just in case, and it's also for continuing to make meritorious service." Chen Yingliang said quickly: "Hongnong is located in the middle of Xiaohan Road, which is the only place for Yang Rebels to enter Guanzhong. My nephew is going to reinforce His Royal Highness Cai Wang, Wei Shangshu Once the team is disadvantaged in the blocking battle, they must first withdraw to Hongnong. At that time, Wei Shangshu will be disadvantaged in the battle, and he should not have the confidence to fight the Yang rebels in the field. Nong Anan can retreat to Tongguan at any time, and join forces to defend Tongguan's natural dangers, wouldn't it be a multiplicity of actions?"