At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 57: The key to victory or defeat


On the same afternoon when Chen Yingliang and Cai Wang Yang Zhiji met, the main force of the rebel army led by Yang Xuangan also went deep into the Xiaohan Road, arrived at the edge of the Mianchi battlefield where the Wei Xuan army was stationed, and set up camp twenty miles away very carefully. At the same time, Qu Tutong's troops, who had returned to the Luoyang battlefield from thousands of miles away, had just begun to cross the river because of the exhaustion of the soldiers and horses. The Sui army in Luoyang was powerless, and they didn't have time to block the main force of the rebel army outside Weihan Road. They watched Yang Xuangan win this last chance of dying.

The scouts of the Daxing army reported the movement of the rebel army to Wei Xuan. Wei Xuan knew that his chance for revenge and the final test were coming at the same time, so he immediately summoned qualified civil and military officials in the army and declared himself It was decided to launch a night attack, taking advantage of the opportunity when the main force of the rebel army had a weak footing, to sneak attack on the rebel camp in the middle of the night, first to give Yang Xuangan a disarm, and also to attack the arrogance of the rebel army.

Wei Xuan, who was as stubborn and domineering as Fan Zigai, naturally dared not have any objections to the decision made by the civil and military officials in Daxing, the western capital. In addition, Wei Xuan's tactic of waiting for work to make a surprise attack was also in line with the righteous way of the military. Naturally, the civil and military officials in Daxing would not What are the objections. But there are exceptions. Liu Changgong, the general of Youwuwei Hu Benlang who belongs to the Eastern Capital, stood up and said cautiously: "Wei Shangshu, is this too risky? When it comes to ambushes, Yang Ni's traitors are always scheming and risky to attack at night, if they are ambushed, the consequences will be unpredictable."

"War is an adventure. If you are afraid, you don't have to go." Old stubborn Wei Xuan said coldly.

"Wei Shangshu, can you think about it again?" Liu Changgong insisted: "Fan Liushou and Chen Jishi suspect that there may be Yang Ni spies hiding by your side. If such a dangerous tactic of sneak attack at night is leaked to Yang Ni by the spies Traitor, the consequences are disastrous."

Hearing Liu Changgong's words, the faces of all the civil and military personnel in Daxing in the Chinese army's big tent inevitably changed slightly, but Wei Xuan was furious, and roared at the table: "Nonsense! There are only loyal ministers by my side, there is nothing wrong with it." Yang Ni is a traitor! Don’t think that you are a general in the eastern capital. I dare not punish you if I stay behind in the western capital. If you dare to slander the old man’s command and martial arts with red mouth and white teeth, don’t blame the old man for being ruthless in military law!”

Good intentions were not rewarded, and Liu Changgong, who had a big temper and an unstable will, was of course full of anger, so he bowed his hands and returned to the train, leaving Wei Xuan to toss about himself. And Wei Xuan did not hesitate, and immediately arranged for Zhang Jun, the general of Zuo Wuwei Hu Benlang, to lead an army of 2,000 to take on the sneak attack mission. He somewhat listened to a little persuasion, and carefully instructed the generals under his command to keep the soldiers secret, and never allow the action plan to be revealed to the generals and soldiers at the grassroots level until the last moment, lest there really be rebel traitors hidden in the army.

Unfortunately, General Liu's crow's mouth was half right. Although the traitor of the rebel army had already left Wei Xuan's team after the last battle at Mangshan, Wei Xuan's tactics of sneak attack overnight were actually planned by Li Zixiong and others. The scheming Li Mi expected that, just in case, the rebel army with sufficient strength had already ambushed soldiers on both sides of the official road, and there was another rebel army ambushing directly in front of the gate, ready to meet Wei Xuanjun's attack at all times. The sneak attack team, and the special terrain of Weihan Road also doomed Wei Xuanjun's sneak attack to be difficult to succeed. The combat team led by Zhang Jun almost entered the narrow terrain, and was immediately spotted by the rebel scouts who had always been relatively competitive. The report flew to Yang Xuangan at the fastest speed.

Encountering an enemy who is prepared to fight, Zhang Jun's team is of course impossible to get a little bit of it. Just after lurking in front of the main gate of the rebel camp, Zhang Jun didn't even have time to order a surprise attack. The rebel camp was already full of war drums. Lei, the rebel troops who had been prepared for a long time came to face each other immediately, and the rebel troops who were ambushing on both sides of the road also rushed out from left and right. Zhang Jun's team was attacked on three sides, and they were immediately defeated. If it wasn't for the fact that the rebels were not fully prepared enough to arrange an army to cut off Zhang Jun's retreat, if it wasn't for the rear army led by Husi Wanshan to enter the valley in time to respond, Zhang Jun's team was almost doomed. The whole army was wiped out. Even so, when Husi Wanshan followed Zhang Jun and withdrew back to the Mianchi camp, only three of the two thousand teams that Zhang Jun led to sneak attack had survived. Injured, almost killed on the spot, unable to continue to charge for Wei Xuan for the time being.

Stealing chickens does not cost a lot of rice, and almost lost the life of the important general Zhang Jun. The Wei Xuan army, which was originally reorganized from remnants of defeated generals, inevitably became even more depressed, and the morale of the army was inevitably even more depressed. The disgraced Wei Xuan himself was even more furious, gnashing his teeth to pieces. But the matter was not over yet. At dawn, about two hundred soldiers under Zhang Jun's command who were captured in a surprise attack were unexpectedly released on the spot by Yang Xuangan, and returned to the camp of Wei Xuan's army.

Naturally, Yang Xuangan couldn't be generous in vain. Li Zixiong, the old slicker, and Li Mi, the fox of Wagang, who joined forces to persuade Yang Xuangan to do so couldn't have lost everything. More than two hundred Sui army prisoners returned to the camp and reported the specific situation of Wei Xuan, saying that Yang Xuangan It is to ask us to go back to Wei Xuan's army and bring a message to Wei Xuan, telling Wei Xuan that Yuan Hongsi, who stayed behind in Honghua, has risen against the Sui Dynasty and formed an alliance with Yang Xuangan's rebels. . He was also planning to bring a message to the generals of the Sui army, saying that after the main force of the rebel army hit Hongnong, the first thing they did was to open the Changping warehouse to release grain. No matter whether they were ordinary people, soldiers or civilians, they could freely go to the Changping warehouse, which stores thousands of shi of grain. Take food from the middle, take as much as you can, and the rebel army will never stop it.

Li Zixiong and Li Mi jointly used this tactic of attacking the heart and received the most satisfactory results. Knowing that Yuan Hongsi rebelled and did not know the truth, the impatient Wei Xuan was of course surprised, angry and worried, and he was in chaos. At the same time, more than 200 soldiers of the Sui army who were released also presented Wei Xuan with a big problem. Returning to the army would definitely affect the morale of the army. Can roar and let these soldiers return to the team, and at the same time ask them not to spread the reactionary propaganda of the rebels, so as not to shake the morale of the soldiers.

As for whether such a request can really prevent these soldiers from spreading the reactionary propaganda of the rebels, Wei Xuan himself does not know.

The prisoners had just been sent away, but before Wei Xuan calmed down his anger, a messenger suddenly flew outside the tent to report that the main force of the rebel army had moved west again, and Yang Xuangan personally led the former army to the west. He planned to launch an attack directly on Wei Xuanjun's camp. Hearing the news, Wei Xuan was even more furious, jumped up and shouted: "Order the whole army, come out of the camp and line up, and fight to the death with the traitor Yang!"

"Stay guard, fight carefully!" Husi Wanshan was taken aback, and hurriedly cupped his hands to persuade: "Our army was defeated last night, and the morale of the army was depressed. It is not good for a decisive battle. It is better to rely on fortifications to defend the camp and resist the attack of the rebels. Our army is here Mianchi has been stationed for many days, the camp is strong, and Zhengli is standing firm."

"Does this old man not understand this truth?" Wei Xuan, who was the former inspector You Yuwei General, yelled loudly, "But what should the Yang rebels do if they bypass our camp and go west? If we don’t have to pursue them with troops, then the battle will be even more difficult!”

After careful consideration, Husi Wanshan discovered that this was also the case, so he had no choice but to accept the order. When Wei Xuanjun urgently blew the trumpet to raise his account, he summoned all the generals in the army to issue the command, and decided to let the last four thousand Daxing troops come out in full force. , Wei Xuan personally led the battalion to prepare for the frontal attack of Yang Xuangan's main force. At the same time, because the situation was extremely critical, Wei Xuan, who did not intend to accept Fan Zigai's kindness, could only bite the bullet and mobilize Liu Changgong's 4,000 reinforcements out of the camp, and join hands with Dongdu's reinforcements to defend against the enemy.

The well-prepared rebel army came very quickly. Wei Xuan's 8,000 troops had just set up their formation, and the rebel vanguard led by Yang Xuangan had already arrived at the Mianchi battlefield. Wei Xuan had dug Yang Xuangan's ancestral grave. During this period of time, Yang Xuangan had repeatedly beaten Wei Xuan to the point of losing his helmet and armor, and fled in embarrassment, making Wei Xuan, who was an important minister of the Sui Dynasty, lose face. Just after the formation of the army was completed, a shocking bloody battle to the death began immediately.

The first attack was of course the rebel army eager to advance westward. Under the leadership of the rebel general Yang Xuanting who took the lead, the rebel army directly attacked the front of the Wei Xuan army's central army. Shan Ye came to the battle in person, personally killed the enemy with a sword as a civilian, and led the soldiers under his command to fight hard. The two armies fought fiercely with swords and guns.

After a long battle, the main brigade of the rebel army had also arrived on the battlefield. Under the command of Li Zixiong, an old cunning man who had carefully observed the enemy's situation, Wang Zhongbo and Yang Wanshuo each led an army to attack the left and right flanks of Husi Wanshan, luring Wei Xuan Also increase troops. As a result, Wei Xuan was caught in the trick, worried that his favorite general Husi Wanshan would be safe, and he sent troops immediately to catch the rebel team killed by the two wings.

Wei Xuan's contingency measures completely fell into Li Zixiong's trap, because Wei Xuan forgot one thing, the reason why Husi Wanshan's team was able to stalemate with Yang Xuanting was because the soldiers of the Sui army under Husi Wanshan were the ones who protected him at the beginning. He, Wei Xuan, fled from the Mangshan battlefield to the core team of Mianchi. The combat effectiveness and cohesion are the strongest. In addition, Husi Wanshan, who is a civil servant but has extraordinary martial arts, is leading the lead. Inspired, he forcibly resisted the attack of the elite rebels, completely forgetting that the other Sui army teams, no matter their morale, fighting spirit or combat cohesion, could not compare with the elite Sui army under Husi Wanshan...

The development of the battle situation was completely under the control of the great director Li Zixiong. After Wei Xuan sent his new force into the battlefield, not only did he not continue to stabilize the stalemate, but the left-wing team quickly fell into a disadvantage. Under the leadership, the rebel team defeated Wei Xuanjun's left wing team and retreated steadily.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xuan was of course very anxious, and when he hurriedly arranged for a new force to reinforce the left wing, he was shocked to find that he had no Daxing army in his hands, so in desperation, Wei Xuan ordered Liu Changgong's team belonging to Dongdu to step forward For reinforcements, Liu Changgong was required to send a thousand troops forward to reinforce the left wing and re-stabilize the balance of power on the battlefield.

After receiving Wei Xuan's order, General Liu, who was always ready to escape with dry food hidden on his body, had the urge to vomit blood. He dared not disobey Wei Xuan's order, and was also afraid that if he fell into the quagmire of melee, he would not be able to cover as much as possible. The real mission of Weixuan's defeated army to retreat to Hongnong was in a dilemma and at a loss.

Fortunately, General Liu, who has been partnering with Chen Yingliang for a long time, has always been lucky. At the critical moment, the already crumbling Wei Xuan Army left wing suddenly collapsed across the board. A large number of Sui soldiers threw down their weapons and flags and ran back, crying. Run backwards for your life. Seeing this scene, General Liu, who didn't want to confront the main force of the rebel army, was of course overjoyed. He decisively ordered the whole army to give up the attack, and used a phalanx to prevent the rebel army and the defeated Sui army from attacking. The crowd shoots arrows and guns to avoid being rushed into the ranks by the defeated troops of the friendly army. General Liu has partnered with the Baoguo Army many times. He has seen with his own eyes the eternal truth that the most dangerous enemy is his own defeated army. Unlucky scene.

At the same time, General Liu carefully sent someone to contact Wei Xuan, suggesting that Wei Xuan lead the few remaining Chinese troops closer to his own army so that his own army could protect him and escape for his life.

Wei Xuan, who was in a state of berserk, could not accept General Liu's kindness. As a result, Wei Xuan soon found that he couldn't accept the kindness, because with the collapse of the left-wing team, the morale of the right-wing team was greatly affected. Soon they couldn't support anymore, and the rebel team led by Yang Wanshuo, who took the lead, was beaten back steadily, and signs of collapse also quickly appeared.

Soon, with the complete collapse of the right-wing team, Wei Xuan's army suffered another catastrophic defeat, and with Yang Xuangan personally leading the army to attack, no matter how brave Husi Wanshan's team was, they would not be able to withstand the attack from the Three Kingdoms. There was an onslaught of attacks from all directions, and even though Husi Wanshan himself was still struggling, the soldiers under his command joined the fleeing team one by one. Forced to helplessness, in order not to let love send Husi Wanshan to death in vain, and in order not to let himself fall into the enemy's hands and suffer great humiliation, Wei Xuan could only cry and order Husi Wanshan to retreat, and at the same time led the remaining The few Chinese troops approached Liu Changgong's team, and accepted Liu Changgong's team's kindness, and entered the safe zone inside the Sui Army's phalanx in the eastern capital.

Husi Wanshan, the only one in the Daxing army who could fight, also began to retreat, and the rebel army's great pursuit of taking advantage of the victory also began. General Liu, who did not want to head-to-head with the main force of the rebel army, also ordered a major strategic change without hesitation. West fled for his life. At the same time, General Liu ignored Wei Xuan's strong opposition, and insisted on sending his own soldiers to hold Wei Xuan's horse.

It was also at this time that the top and bottom of the rebel army spit blood and discovered that the team of General Liu they were chasing was simply a team born to escape! When the rebel army came to the front of General Liu's team and could cut down the soldiers under General Liu's command with a knife, just raised the knife, the soldiers under General Liu's command had already turned around and ran to the place that could only be stabbed with spears Just as the rebel soldiers put down their swords and picked up their spears, General Liu's team had fled to the distance that only bows and arrows could reach. The rebel soldiers put down their spears and picked up bows and arrows with tears in their eyes. Having fled to the position where only the bed crossbow could shoot, the stunned rebel soldiers could only see the rolling yellow sand rising high behind the buttocks of General Liu's team.

No matter how General Liu can run and escape, the main force of the rebel army must chase to the end, because it doesn't matter if General Liu escapes with his life. If General Liu escapes to Tongguan with Wei Xuan, the main force of the rebel army will be The general trend is over - considering the tragic terrain of Tongguan, just because General Liu's team hides on the wall and throws stones down, it is very likely that they will persist until the main force of the Sui army completely encircles the rebel team! So even if General Liu showed an astonishing ability to escape, Yang Xuangan still ordered the pursuit without hesitation, and even led the soldiers to pursue him, not giving General Liu a chance to escape.

Yang Xuangan, who likes to take the lead, led his troops in pursuit, and the work of cleaning the battlefield and leading the rear army to follow him was naturally handed over to Li Zixiong and Wang Zhongbo and other rebel military generals. Li Zixiong, who was seasoned in the military, quickly arranged various tasks. Li Mi discussed whether to arrange an army to guard against danger in Weihan Road, and tried his best to slow down the pursuit speed of the main force of the Sui army, but he was surprised to find that Li Mi, who had always been loyal to his duties, was rarely by his side. When he hurriedly asked the soldiers beside him, the soldiers answered Said: "The deputy military division has gone to interrogate the captives. He seemed to have suddenly remembered something just now, so he hurriedly went to interrogate the captives."

"Fazhu Li, at this point in the battle, what confession do we need to interrogate?" Li Zixiong smiled, then Li Zixiong suddenly remembered a big event, jumped up and shouted: "Where is the Fazhu interrogating the prisoners? Take me quickly!" go!"

Guided by his own soldiers, he hurried to the scene where Li Mi was interrogating the prisoners. As soon as they met, Li Zixiong immediately asked, "Master, where is the white-robed soldier from Chen Yingliang? Why didn't he show up on the Mianchi battlefield today?" ? Have you asked about this important situation?"

"Old General, the junior has already asked." Li Mi replied with a serious face: "The prisoner of war told me that the little thief Chen Yingliang did not come to reinforce the Mianchi battlefield, but went directly to Hongnong at noon the day before yesterday to reinforce those stationed there. Cai Wang Yang Zhiji."

Li Zixiong was tongue-tied, and after a while he paused and yelled, "Fan Zigai, you old cunning! Old fox! You are so shrewd in your calculations. You know that old Wei Xuan will definitely fight us for revenge, and you know that Wei Xuan can't stop us, so just Send your elite team to the rear first, and be ready to help defend Tongguan at any time! If you are so shrewd at this stage, you can be regarded as a master of fire!"

"There is also Liu Changgong's team, which must have been arranged by Fan Zigai." Li Mi said with a gloomy face: "Liu Changgong's team obviously has no intention of fighting us, Wei Xuan's handsome flag has just been transferred to their team , they quickly retreated to the west. It is obvious that this team was arranged by Fan Zigai to wipe Wei Xuan's ass. It can not only keep Wei Xuan's stubborn life safe, but also provide sufficient troops for the defense of Tongguan. We are all careless A few days ago, we should have prevented Fan Zigai from rescuing Wei Xuan at all costs."

"Old fox!" Li Zixiong looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, then after a little calculation, he immediately shouted: "Master, leave the matter here to the old man, you go to catch up with Chu Gong and tell him the situation! I suggest that he do whatever it takes For the price, we must go after Liu Changgong's defeated army with all our strength! If there is a chance, immediately separate an army to move forward alone, strangling the dangerous road between Hongnong and Tongguan, and deny Chen Yingliang and Liu Changgong the chance to reinforce Tongguan! "

"Old general, is it too late?" Li Mi still lacked some experience, and asked worriedly: "Chen Yingliang, that little thief, has he rushed directly to Tongguan?"

"Impossible!" Li Zixiong replied decisively: "First, Tongguan is the most important place in Guanzhong. Without Wei Xuan's official document, even the team sent by Fan Zigai is not qualified to enter Guancheng to garrison! Second, Tongguan is too far away from Mianchi, no matter how far Liu Changgong can run, he will not be sure to take Wei Xuan to escape to Tongguan in one go! So that little thief Chen Yingliang will definitely meet Liu Changgong's team between the abandoned Hangu Pass and Hongnong, and then Withdrawing to Tongguan together with Wei Xuan, the key to our survival and whether we can successfully enter the pass is also on this battlefield!"