At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 62: Fall short


Chen Yingliang has always been good at dealing with old stubbornness. After hearing Chen Yingliang's urging, Wei Xuan finally stopped being stubborn this time, and followed Chen Yingliang honestly and quickly. The fire was ignited on a narrow road to block and slow down the speed of the rebel cavalry's pursuit and harassment, ensuring the speed of marching towards Hongnong without much delay.

Of course, there is another problem, which is still the physical strength of the Sui army. After losing so much that they could no longer lose, no matter how stubborn Wei Xuan was, he had to consider the tactic of retreating to Tongguan with all his strength. After careful calculation, Wei Xuan This big problem was quickly sent to Kara County, and he hurriedly asked Chen Yingliang: "Chen Jishi, have you thought about this? After our team retreated to Hongnong, if Yang Ni's team also followed Hongnong, what shall we do then? Liu Changgong's team has no energy and marched westward to Tongguan overnight."

"Regarding this point, the villain originally thought of Hongnong before speaking to you." Chen Yingliang said respectfully: "His Royal Highness Cai Wang and the villain also considered this issue at the same time before. We agreed to ask for your consent. Allow Hongnong's garrison to move west and rush to Tongguan overnight to reinforce the garrison, while General Liu's team will take over Hongnong's defense on the spot."

"Let Hongnong's garrison go to reinforce Tongguan, let Liu Changgong's team take over Hongnong's defense on the spot?" Wei Xuan's eyes lit up, and he said happily: "Ah, the old man didn't expect that there is such a way to let the new force continue to advance westward." Tongguan, the exhausted army stays to defend the city, so that you don’t have to worry about the physical strength of Tongguan’s reinforcements.”

"That's right." Chen Yingliang nodded, then cupped his hands and said respectfully: "Wei stay behind, Hongnong only has a garrison of more than 1,000 troops, and we have to leave some troops to help General Liu's team familiarize themselves with the city defense. We can only send 1,000 troops at most. Going to Tongguan for reinforcements, even with the addition of the villain's team, there are less than 2,000 troops, which is too small. So the villain is bold, and I would like to ask you to dispatch the garrison from Yanxiang County to Tongguan to participate in the guard, plus Tongguan Two thousand defenders, or about five thousand, are enough to stop Yang Ni's rebels for a period of time and win back the main force of our Sui Dynasty."

"Yes!" Wei Xuan agreed, and said, "After arriving at Tongguan, the old man will not only mobilize the defenders of Yan Township to join the battle, but also immediately call in reinforcements from Huayin, so that Yang Xuangan will not let the traitor step into the pass. .”

"I hope this will not happen." Chen Yingliang sighed secretly in his heart: "I hope Yang Xuangan's marching speed can be slower. If Liu Changgong's reliable team can rush to Tongguan to join the battle, with some local soldiers, There are also those unreliable Guanzhong troops, in fact, I can't guarantee that Tongguan will be defended."

In the tense torment, when the sun set in the middle of the unitary hour, the exhausted Liu Changgong's team finally saw the towering Hongnong City Wall and entered the relatively open terrain around Hongnong. Before the exhausted Liu Changgong's team cheered, behind the Sui army's team All of a sudden, there was another roar of killing. The previous rebel cavalry team came from behind, and Chen Yingliang was forced to order the Nationalist Army to line up to fight, intimidating the chasing rebel team. What made Chen Yingliang miscalculate was that the rebel army This time, the cavalry team went straight to the team of the Baoguo army. Chen Yingliang was caught off guard and almost suffered a disadvantage. Xinde's reaction speed of the soldiers of the Baoguo army was far faster than Chen Yingliang's reaction, and immediately launched a fierce battle with the rebel cavalry with guns and knives. However, Liu Changgong's team barely pulled up their bows and arrows to cover the national army in the case of extremely poor physical condition.

For some reason, the attack of the rebel cavalry was obviously a little unreasonable. When the number of troops was far less than that, they even rushed directly into the formation of the Baoguo army, directly fighting with the Baoguo army who had been waiting for work these days. The army launched close combat, not only lost the inertial advantage of the horse charge, but also because the soldiers looked very tired, they were completely at a disadvantage in front of the soldiers of the Baoguo army who had superior physical strength, and were soon defeated by the soldiers of the Baoguo army who cooperated with the infantry and cavalry. The army was so violent that they turned their backs on their backs and retreated again and again.

The Baoguo army had the upper hand, but Chen Yingliang was completely at a loss and puzzled, because the rebel cavalry on the opposite side fought very tenaciously, even if they were at a disadvantage, they would not fight to the death. Immediately, he came back to entangle the Baoguo army again, forcing the Baoguo army to continue to fight them to the death. Yang Wanshuo, who led the team, also took the lead and fought bloody battles with the soldiers of the Baoguo army. He was entangled with the soldiers of the Nationalist Army.

"Brothers of the Yang family are looking for death?" Chen Yingliang was even more at a loss in his heart, and secretly said: "Why did the rebels do this? The wheel battle consumes the strength of the national army? Hold us waiting for reinforcements? No, we all went to Hong Kong Outside the agricultural city, Hongnong can be withdrawn at any time. Whether it is a wheel battle or holding on until their main force arrives, it will not have much effect on us? Also, the physical strength of this rebel cavalry is obviously very insufficient... . "

"Ah! Could it be...?!"

Suddenly thought of a possibility, Chen Yingliang's little face immediately changed color, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, he immediately turned to Liu Changgong beside him and shouted: "Brother Liu, hurry up, let your team go! Don't ask why, immediately!"

Chen Yingliang, who has always been gentle and elegant, has never ordered such an order before, and seeing Chen Yingliang's serious expression in the sunset, Liu Changgong didn't think much about it, and immediately shouted and ordered the general attack, ordering the already exhausted subordinates to help, but in the end they reported to the national army With the upper hand, the soldiers of the Sui Army under Liu Changgong's command also took exhausted steps, rushed up to help, and restrained and interfered with the enemy for the Nationalist Army.

"Boy, your team has the upper hand, and Liu Changgong's team is so tired again, why do you need them to fight?" Wei Xuan asked Chen Yingliang.

"Wei Shangshu, I will explain to you later." Chen Yingliang replied solemnly: "I hope my guess is wrong, but to be on the safe side, we must kill this traitor team as soon as possible, the sooner the better!"

With the help of Liu Changgong's exhausted troops, the Baoguo army continued to gain the upper hand, and the rebel cavalry finally couldn't resist, and began to flee for their lives one by one. Although the leader of the team, Yang Wanshuo, was still fighting to the death with wounds , but his soldiers did not have his tenacity and determination to fight to the death. They fled faster and more. Soon, there were only a dozen or so soldiers left by Yang Wanshuo's side. Surrounded.

"Catch alive! Catch alive as much as possible!" Chen Yingliang yelled, but Wei Xuan's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He wondered why Yang Wanshuo committed suicide and charged to the end, and was angry that he didn't have such luck. Such an easy chance of victory.

Finally, the spear in Yang Wanshuo's hand was smashed into the air by Chen Ci's cooked iron rod, and then two soldiers of the Patriotic Army who fought on foot dragged Yang Wanshuo off the horse, and captured the seriously injured Yang Wanshuo alive , Then the last two cavalry around Yang Wanshuo also put down their weapons and surrendered, ending this purely suicidal offensive raid.

Although he won the victory, Chen Yingliang still didn't feel happy at all. He just ordered the soldiers to put Yang Wanshuo, who had been shot three times and twice, in front of him, and then grabbed Yang Wanshuo whose face was covered in blood, and asked loudly: "Your partial division team?" , has it been interspersed there?"

Yang Wanshuo's dying lips moved slightly, as if he was saying something. The anxious Chen Yingliang quickly put his ear to Yang Wanshuo's mouth, but Yang Wanshuo suddenly spit bloody saliva on Chen Yingliang's face, then tilted his head and died on the spot. Before dying, only one last word was left, "Bah!"

After confirming that Yang Wanshuo was dead, Chen Yingliang calmly wiped the blood from his face, and shouted, "Are there any other prisoners? Bring them all."

Seven or eight rebel prisoners with varying degrees of injury were brought before Chen Yingliang. When Chen Yingliang asked the previous question again, several prisoners shook their heads and said they didn't know. Furious, he shouted: "Now that things are going on, you still want to resist and die, don't you? I don't know if your team is going forward. Why do you commit suicide and charge to die for nothing?"

"General Baipao, we really don't know." A rebel soldier with minor injuries said in a crying voice: "We only know that when we were still fighting the fire just now, Deputy Army Division Li caught up with us and told Fifth General alone What, and then the fifth general led us directly to rush over."

"Well, you Li Mi, in order to buy some time, you even used the ruthless move to let Yang Wanshuo die in vain!" Chen Yingliang stomped his feet angrily, and shouted: "There is no need to clean up the battlefield, go to the city immediately!"

The worst situation finally happened. When the Sui army arrived at the gate of the east city of Hongnong, Yang Zhiji, who had returned here early, led the city officials to greet Wei Xuan and Chen Yingliang. After the meeting, before Chen Yingliang could ask, Yang Zhiji He already took the initiative to say with a wry smile: "Chen Jishi, you are a step late. When you were fighting the rebel cavalry just now, I sent scouts on the official road to the west to report that there was an unknown number of rebel troops. From the mountain road in the south, we turned back to the east of Hongnong, and headed quickly towards Tongguan. There was also an ancient Qin Dynasty road in the north, and an unknown number of rebel infantry teams were also found."

"Sure enough! Sure enough, it's still a failure!" Chen Yingliang's heart sank, and his childish white face suddenly became whiter than rice paper.

"How is it possible?!" Wei Xuan screamed in disbelief: "The exhaustion of the rebel team is not much easier than ours, how could they still pass in front of us?"

"Xiao Wang also finds it unbelievable." Yang Zhiji said with a wry smile, "But, the rebel team has penetrated in front of you. As for why the rebel team has such physical strength, Xiao Wang doesn't know."

"I know that the rebels ordered their cavalry to dismount and walk through." Chen Yingliang replied feebly: "When I saw that the cavalry under Yang Wanshuo's command were short of energy, I had already thought of this possibility. The cavalry team dismounted and walked through the mountain path, and they had enough physical strength to penetrate in front of us."

"Ah!" Yang Zhiji was shocked once in a while, and exclaimed: "How did I forget this method? There are not many rebel cavalry, and it didn't take much energy to march hundreds of miles in one day yesterday, and then walk today Interspersed, it is possible to intersperse in front of your tired teacher!"

"Tongguan, it's over! Guanzhong, it's over!" Elder Wei Xuan, who knew his own family affairs and the situation in Tongguan, stubbornly screamed, fell off his horse, and passed out unconsciously.

If you want to know what will happen next, please read the next chapter, "Dog Ji Jumps Over the Wall"!