At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 67: I remember you coming


Let's go back and look at the situation on Yang Xuangan's side. After being stunned for a long time in front of the ants crawling out of the seven big characters, Yang Xuangan finally made some movements. He didn't know whether he wanted to move forward or back, but he staggered as soon as he moved. , and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Li Mi had sharp eyes and quick hands, and he grabbed Yang Xuangan in time, and said nervously, "Grand Chu, be careful, are you alright?"

Yang Xuangan didn't answer, but just stared at the densely packed ants that were constantly crawling, and after a while he said with trembling lips: "Could it be that the sky really wants to kill me?"

"Duke Chu, don't say such inauspicious words." Li Mi hurriedly said: "Duke Chu Xingyi defeated the tyrant and relieved the suffering of the people. The sky will only bless you, how can it be against you?"

"Then..., then what is this?" Yang Xuangan asked tremblingly, pointing at the word ant.

Li Mi was speechless, and hesitated for a while before he said bravely: "These ant characters are nothing but vain disaster atmosphere, nonsense and weird talk, don't pay attention to it, in Mi's opinion, Chu Gong should set fire to these ants." Light, so as not to affect the morale of the army."

"Yes, yes, burn it out, you should burn it up." Li Zixiong nodded his head, "Burning it up completely, firstly, to avoid affecting the morale of the army, and secondly, to decipher the demon."

What else can Yang Xuangan say? Immediately, the rebel soldiers set up a firewood pile under the ants, poured kerosene, and lit a raging fire. Between the raging fire and billowing smoke, the ants crawling on the stone wall quickly scattered and fled for their lives, and gradually It was reduced to ashes in the fire, but the morale and fighting spirit of the main force of the rebel army, along with the raging fire, quickly turned into wisps of smoke just like the ants in the fire. The auxiliary soldiers who carried the food and supplies were all whispering and discussing, full of worries about the upcoming battle.

No way, most of these rebel soldiers are illiterate and brainwashed by feudal toxins. Seeing such ghosts and strange things, the military will not be shaken and morale will not be slack, it is unreasonable.

When the frowning Yang Xuangan led the rebel team to advance again, and came to an open place only ten miles away from Hongnong City, seeing that the terrain was suitable, Yang Xuangan just ordered to set up camp and log for a stronghold here. The sentinel flew to report again, saying that on the cliff in the north, ant group characters were found again! Yang Xuangan, Li Mi, Li Zixiong and others were taken aback, and hurried to the scene on horseback. On the stone wall to the north, there were indeed countless ants crawling out of the seven characters——Yang Xuangan died in Hongnong!

"God kills me! God kills me!" Seeing the seven ants again, Yang Xuangan screamed in despair, "God kills me! Didn't I burn all the ants to death? Why are they alive again?" Came here? How did you crawl into these seven characters again? Could it be that the heavens really wanted me to die here? Could it be that this was a warning from the heavens?"

Screaming, Yang Xuangan beat his chest and stomped his feet. He was extremely agitated, and at the same time was extremely afraid and desperate. Li Mi hurriedly grabbed Yang Xuangan and said loudly: "Chu Gong, calm down! Calm down! You can see clearly, these The ants are smaller, not those ants just now, don’t be afraid, don’t worry!”

"It's the ant from just now, it's the ant from just now!" Yang Xuangan yelled hysterically, yelling loudly after being possessed, "Quick! Get the three sacrifices! I want to apologize to the heavens, I shouldn't have burned someone like that to death just now!" Ants! Heaven brought these ants back to life just to warn me, I want to plead guilty to heaven! Plead guilty to heaven!"

"Chu Gong, calm down! Calm down!" Li Mi was in a hurry, and quickly dissuaded him: "Chu Gong, please don't say anything about this matter, don't say anything about it, otherwise it will have a huge impact on our army's morale..."

"Go away!" Yang Xuangan pushed Li Mi away, and roared at his own soldiers: "What are you still doing? Go and get the three sacrifices, or you will be beheaded! Beheaded!"

The soldiers who were frightened out of their wits hurriedly sang promises and rushed back to prepare the three sacrifices. Knowing that this move would definitely affect the morale of the army, Li Mi was very anxious, but he didn't dare to continue to persuade him, so he had to turn his eyes to Li Zixiong for help, hoping that the respected Li Zixiong could help him. He came forward to stop Yang Xuangan's faint move, but to Li Mi's despair, the old general Li Zixiong spoke, but not to Yang Xuangan - he shouted at Yang Xuangan's personal soldiers who were going to deliver the order, "Remember to bring the incense burner and incense candles, thousands Don't forget! The horses in the three animals must be white horses, a white horse with no variegation!"

In this way, Yang Xuangan himself paid homage to the gods of heaven and earth with great fanfare and pleaded guilty to the heavens. The ants once again composed words to predict the news that Yang Xuangan would die here, and they quickly passed through the rebel army. Rumors suddenly spread in the army, saying that Yang Xuangan was guilty of rebellion and treason, that Yang Xuangan's lifespan was exhausted, that Sui Yangdi was the real dragon emperor, that Yang Xuangan's rebellion was doomed to be impossible to succeed, all kinds of absurd and bizarre rumors Yes, the morale of the rebel army was blown again, and the morale of the army was completely shaken. If the main force of the rebel army had not suffered military setbacks, otherwise there would have been a large-scale flight of rebel soldiers.

The matter was not over yet, and not long after, when the rebel soldiers were fetching water, they discovered a large number of ants mysteriously accumulating on the river bank again, forming seven big characters on the river beach again——Yang Xuangan died in Hongnong! As the news spread, the rebel army was in an uproar again. Yang Xuangan himself was pale, Li Zixiong's face was gloomy, and Li Mi was sweating profusely. Yang Xuangan is in a dilemma—how good would it be if these ants formed the seven characters "Yang Xuangan dominates the world"

"You bastard, you dare to lie to the old man! You should have said it earlier, you said that the one hundred copper coins had words on both sides! This made the old man kneel down and cry, making such a big shame in public! If the old man doesn't strangle you today, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

At the same time, in Hongnong City, Wei Xuan, who finally knew the truth about the copper coins, was pinching Chen Yingliang's neck and roaring furiously, disregarding his Daxing left-behind status. , If you didn't even lie to you, how would those veterans of the Eastern Capital believe it? It's all for the emperor, and it's all for the Sui Dynasty. A villain must not dare to lie to you once. Wei stay behind, please let go, The villain is really going to be strangled to death by you."

"Dream!" Wei Xuan roared with a smile: "Don't talk about those good things to me, I'm not stupid! Don't think I don't know, you are relying on the old man to stay behind in Daxing, and you can't control Henan County. If you offend the old man, the old man will not be able to cure you directly! You think well! I will strangle you to death today, let's see what Fan Zigai and Pei Hongce dare to say!"

Zu Junyan, the magistrate of Hongnong County who rushed in to report the news, saved Chen Yingliang's life. As soon as he entered the door, Zu Junyan bowed his hands to Yang Zhiji with a smile on his face and said: "Congratulations, Your Highness, congratulations, Your Highness, the trick you arranged has succeeded, we disguised ourselves as The scouts of the ordinary people discovered that the traitor Yang Xuangan had prepared three sacrifices, ran to those ants and kowtowed to worship, and there were also a large number of traitor soldiers present, kowtowing to the traitor Yang Xuangan."

"Good! The effect is really unexpected!" Yang Zhiji was overjoyed, laughed and said: "But you are wrong, this is not my trick, but Chen Jishi's trick!"

"What? It's Chen Jishi's trick?" Zu Junyan was also a little shocked. He turned to Chen Yingliang, who was being strangled by Wei Xuan, looked up and down, and said in surprise: "I really can't see it. I use honey to write to attract ants to gather. Shaking the enemy's morale and hitting the morale of the rebels turned out to be your clever plan, Chen Jishi? Chen Jishi, are you really only seventeen years old this year?"

"What honey writes? What shakes the enemy's morale? What destroys the morale of the rebels?"

Wei Xuan was stubborn and confused, out of curiosity, he let go of Chen Yingliang who was almost strangled to death, but when the insider Yang Zhiji smiled and introduced the plan to Wei Xuan carefully, Wei old stubborn was dumbfounded at first, and then grabbed Chen Yingliang and growled: "Bastard boy! You learned to be so treacherous and cunning at the age of seventeen, and you will get it later? Also, when you were in Mianchi, why didn't you dedicate this clever trick to the old man?"

"Forgive me, the stay-at-home adults. The villain was also forced to be helpless after arriving in Hongnong, so I came up with this idea on a whim." Chen Yingliang smiled wryly, and in order not to be strangled to death by Wei Xuan, he quickly changed the subject and asked Yang Zhiji, "Your Highness, Have you arranged things for the evening? It’s getting late, and if those people haven’t left the city yet, they have to hurry up and make arrangements.”

"Don't worry, it's been arranged a long time ago." Yang Zhiji replied with a smile: "Fifty people, all locals who are familiar with the terrain and roads, led by my staff, have brought enough dry food and drinking water, and they can keep Yang Rebellious tonight. The thief was tortured so much that he couldn't sleep all night."

"What do you mean?" Wei Xuan was really confused again, and hurriedly asked: "His Royal Highness Cai Wang, what do you mean by that?"

At this point in the matter, it would be meaningless to hide old stubbornness from Wei, so Yang Zhiji clung to Wei Xuan's ear, and introduced in a low voice the vicious plan that Chen Yingliang made himself. strangled himself. Fortunately, after listening to Yang Zhiji's low-pitched introduction, Old Man Wei not only didn't lose his temper this time, but also looked a little disappointed, and sighed: "Why didn't I think of this before? Why does this old man only know how to fight head-on? Didn't expect to win by chance?"

Yang Zhiji's expression was embarrassed and he didn't dare to make a sound, while Chen Yingliang, who had already hid behind the chair, boldly poked his head out, and said cautiously: "Wei stay behind, in fact, your strategy and tactics are not wrong, digging up Yang Nizu's grave to boost morale The method is also very clever, it's just..., it's just that the villain thinks that your method only considered the beginning and didn't consider the result, and it backfired?"

"Had a counterproductive effect?" Wei Xuan turned his gaze back to Chen Yingliang, and said solemnly: "What do you mean? Tell the truth, don't be polite and don't need to be secretive, old man listen."

"The villain is bold enough to speak out." Chen Yingliang said tremblingly: "The villain thinks that from the point of view of military tactics, Wei Liu guards you to dig up Yang Xuangan's ancestral grave and destroy Yang Su. It's time to completely anger Yang Xuangan—if the villain said something disrespectful, if it were a villain to dig Yang Xuangan's ancestral grave, the villain would only go too far, and would not be as polite as Wei Liushou, and the villain would only think Do everything possible to make the enemy even more angry! Even let every soldier shit and piss on Yang Su's corpse, such a shameless method may be used by villains."

Seeing that there was no anger on Wei Xuan's face, and his expression was more listening, Chen Yingliang said cautiously: "But if a villain does this, there must be a prerequisite, that is how to bear and deal with Yang Xuangan's anger? How to use Yang Xuangan The fury of the Great Sui Army won the greatest victory for our army!"

"Wei Shangshu, the biggest purpose of aggressive tactics is to lure the enemy into your own trap, and let the enemy die in anger and impulsiveness." Chen Yingliang said in a softer voice, and said: "But the guard stays behind you. On the contrary, you completely enraged the enemy, but you didn’t set up a trap for the enemy to drill into. Instead, you dived into the enemy’s trap, which was set by the enemy who was completely enraged by you! Stay behind, tell yourself, can you be undefeated? ?”

After hearing Chen Yingliang's piercing words, Wei Xuan not only didn't jump into a rage, but was thoughtful instead. At least he knew why he lost, and knew that his painstaking arrangements had had the opposite effect

"One more thing." Chen Yingliang said cautiously: "Actually, as early as Wei Shangshu, when you went to Weihan Road to reinforce Luoyang, the villain knew that you were doomed, because the villain was originally from Daxing and knew what Daxing's army was. With such a virtue, you use risky tactics, take risky roads, and lead an army that is impossible to rely on, and you will not be scattered at a touch, and the entire army will not be completely wiped out... "

"To tell you the truth, the villain admires you immensely! As the saying goes, the army is defeated like a mountain, and the whole world, from ancient times to the present, has been able to achieve a coach like you who is defeated but not chaotic, persevering, and repeatedly defeated. , is really rare.”

Chen Yingliang used the flattering skills he learned from his distant uncle Pei Hongce, and Wei Xuan, who was more stubborn than Fan Zigai, also benefited from it. Secretly relieved, Wei Xuan sighed again: " I only hate that there is no one around, I only hate that there is no one around! If I can have a think tank like you by my side, why is this old man like this? How can the Daxing army suffer such a disastrous defeat?"

"Shameless, I heard from Pang Yu that there are many people who have advised you not to take the dangerous road of Xiaohan Road, but do you listen?" Chen Yingliang muttered in his heart, but he said it very beautifully, "I only hate the villain At that time, I was not by the side of the left-behind lord, otherwise, even if I risk my life, I will definitely advise the left-behind lord to prevent the left-behind lord from being taken advantage of by the thieves."

It's good that Chen Yingliang didn't say that. After saying these beautiful words, the brazen and stubborn old Wei who has been in the world for seventy-three years suddenly found a punching bag again, and angrily shouted: "You still have the face to say such things! You bastard, As a native of Daxing, I don’t want to work for Daxing Zuowuwei, but I ran hundreds of miles to Dongdu Youwuwei to join the army, and worked for that old man Fan Huazong! Treat one more than another, what does Daxing Zuowuwei owe you? Luoyang Youwu What did Wei give you?"

"In other words, Fan Huazong's old man recruited you as his grandson-in-law? That old man has a granddaughter...? Wait! Wait!"

The slightly joking words came to this point, before Chen Yingliang smiled wryly to defend himself, Wei Xuan himself screamed, pointing at Chen Yingliang and howling: "I miss you! I think of you! I heard that you were Your name! You bastard, you are indeed from Daxing! About you, there is a seal in the imperial history!"

"About me, there is also a seal in the imperial history?" Chen Yingliang was finally startled, and his eyes widened all of a sudden.

"Wei Liushou, what are you talking about? Why can't Xiao Wang understand?" Yang Zhiji, who was really resourceful, finally became confused for a rare time.

"His Royal Highness Cai, this kid is indeed from Daxing." Wei Xuan's expression returned to his usual seriousness, pointing to Chen Yingliang and said: "He is called Chen Yingliang, he is the great-grandson of Chen Xin, Governor of Xiongzhou and Duke of Xuchang County. When I was young, I was engaged to the daughter of Chai Shen, the Duke of Julu County. Later, the Chen family business declined, and the Chai family suddenly prospered. I hate the poor and love the rich, so I forced this kid to quit his marriage, and I heard that he even wanted to kill this kid, and this kid escaped from Daxing just to survive!"

Chen Yingliang's eyes widened even further. He never thought that old Wei Xuan knew his affairs so clearly and carefully. Yang Zhiji was also a little tongue-tied, and exclaimed, "Wei Liushou, how do you know these things?"

"In the memorial to impeach Chai Shen, the censor Liu or Chai Shen, mentioned this matter." Wei Xuan recalled and replied: "Liu or impeached Chai Shen for treachery, reneging on his word, being unfilial, disloyal and suspected of killing people, which is disrespectful to the court. , asked the court to punish Chai Shen. As evidence, Liu or gave a detailed introduction about Chen Yingliang in the memorial. At that time, the emperor was far away in Liaodong. The old man has seen this memorial and vaguely remembered it."

"There really is such a thing?!" Yang Zhiji, one of the most important think tanks in the Sui Dynasty, widened his eyes, and asked in surprise, "Wei stayed behind, so how did you deal with Liu Yushi's memorial? Did you send it to the emperor? "

"This..." The old stubborn Wei Xuan's old face was a little embarrassed, and he said awkwardly: "I didn't send it to the emperor, I just withheld it, and the memorial should still be in the record room of the Eastern Capital Imperial City. "

Yang Zhiji shut up, and Chen Yingliang, who had shown an excited expression before, was disappointed again. Wei Xuan saw Chen Yingliang's face, and said angrily: "Bastard boy, do you think this old man deliberately refuses to give you justice? , Is there an article that says that breach of trust and repentance of marriage will be dealt with by the national law? If the old man wants to give you justice, at least he must do so in accordance with the national law? Also, the whole memorial by Liu or that man is a report, and the impeachment of Chai Shen suspected of harming you is just Rumors and rumors, without any personal evidence, can the old man kill a court minister of the fourth rank just based on his report? Or is it because of such a trivial matter that the current emperor is alarmed?!"

Chen Yingliang smiled wryly, cupped his hands and said: "Wei Liushou misunderstood, the villain is not blaming you, villain..., the villain is just a little disappointed. There is no need to trouble Wei Liushou to worry about the matter between the villain and the Chai family."

"Are you deliberately mocking this old man, aren't you?" Old Wei stubbornly straightened his face suddenly, and said coldly: "As Daxing left behind, this old man was entrusted by the emperor to supervise and lead all the civil and military officials of Daxing. It does not violate the laws of the country, but it is a big disgrace to the court! I was negligent before, and I am ashamed of the emperor's great trust, and I am ashamed of Liu Yushi's impeachment memorial for the country and the people! Now that the old man knows the truth, if he does not report the truth to the emperor , then it would be even more embarrassing to see Shengyan."

Speaking coldly, Wei Xuan turned his back, and continued in a solemn tone: "Boy Chen Yingliang, put your heart in your stomach for this old man. If I still have a chance to kowtow to the emperor, or return to Daxing, I will I will definitely uphold justice for you! Otherwise, I will be sorry for you, and I will also be sorry for that old man Fan Zigai who sent you to my side!"

"Yingliang, don't worry." Yang Zhiji also patted Chen Yingliang's shoulder lightly, and said in a gentle tone: "If I have the opportunity to kowtow to the emperor, I will definitely report your matter to the emperor. Please ask the emperor to replace you." You do justice."