At the end of the Sui Dynasty, I am the king

Chapter 95: Bad news for the Gao family


"There is this jade pendant. It seems that uncle bought it in the market some time ago. Uncle likes it very much. He put it on himself after buying it. I see this jade pendant almost every day, so I am very impressed."

Chen Yingliang was overjoyed by Changsun Wuji's answer, but Chen Yingliang was embarrassed by Changsun Wuji's next question. Changsun Wuji asked curiously: "Brother, did you come to visit uncle's house just for that jade pendant? That jade pendant?" Jade pendants are not considered rare treasures, why do you care so much, brother?"

Glancing quietly at Chai Qian, she found that her former fiancée was expressionless and silent, obviously unwilling to reveal the truth. Chen Yingliang, who also did not want to reveal the truth, settled down, and then said to Changsun Wuji: "Don't hide it. Brother Yu, brother Yu is indeed here for this jade pendant, please forgive me for the reason, brother Yu can’t say. If you don’t mind, brother Yu wants to wait for your uncle to return here, and discuss the matter of the jade pendant with him alone.”

Of course Changsun Wuji would not refuse such a simple request. After agreeing, Changsun Wuji respectfully invited Chen Yingliang and Chai Qian to sit in the lobby. Too stuffy in the hall, asked for another place. For the sake of the relationship between his friend Li Shimin and the Chai family, the eldest grandson Wuji didn't mind, instead he invited Chen Yingliang and Chai Qian to rest and wait in the garden at home, and Chai Qian reluctantly nodded in agreement. After entering the back garden, they sat down in a small gazebo and waited for the return of Changsun Wuji's uncle.

After the tea fruit was served, Changsun Wuji called his five-year-old cousin, Gao Xing, to present to Chen Yingliang. The little guy had also heard of Chen Yingliang's great name, and pestered Chen Yingliang to inquire about a lot of anecdotes about the war against rebellion. The interesting thing is that it was only during the conversation that Chen Yingliang learned that Changsun Wuji's uncle is called Gao Shilian, who is currently the official residence Zhililang and works in Honglu Temple. He had heard of Gao Shilian's name, and knew that he was one of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, but his achievements were not famous enough, so Chen Yingliang didn't have a deep impression of him.

When asked why the eldest grandson brothers and sisters lived at home, Changsun Wuji told Chen Yingliang very frankly that his brother and sister's father, Changsun Sheng, had passed away four years ago, because Changsun Wuji and Changsun Wugou's mother were only Changsun Sheng's stepmother As soon as Changsun Sheng died, his ex-wife's son, Changsun Wuxian, mercilessly drove his stepmother Gao and his eldest grandson out of the house. Gao and his eldest grandson had nothing to rely on for a time, and almost fell into the situation of the dead ghost Chen Yingliang. Gao Shilian acted in time to take his younger sister and eldest grandson back home to live in. He treated the eldest grandson as if he was his own, so the eldest grandson grew up safely, and he treated his uncle Gao Shilian as his own father.

He is also a downtrodden person, and it is the first time he knows that his eldest grandson siblings had such an unfortunate childhood. Chen Yingliang is inevitably very sad, and can't help sighing: "My dear brother, you brothers and sisters are really unfortunate and extremely lucky. The loss of a father in a young age is the most unfortunate thing in life. It is the great fortune of your brothers and sisters to have a loving uncle. If only I had such an uncle."

"Brother, don't be sad." The eldest grandson Wuji said sincerely: "Mencius said: "Heaven will send a great responsibility to a person, and he must first work hard on his heart and muscles. My uncle often teaches this sentence to encourage the younger brother not to be afraid of suffering and to study hard. Motivated, after hearing about your unfortunate past, brother, my uncle asked my younger brother to follow you as an example, face difficulties, persevere, and work hard to achieve success. Now that you have achieved great success and glory, why should you care about the setbacks and sufferings of the past...?"

"Brother, Brother Chen."

Little Luoli's eldest grandson Wugou spoke suddenly, interrupting the conversation between Chen Yingliang and Changsun Wuji softly, and even winked at Changsun Wuji. After being reminded by his sister, Changsun Wuji remembered that Chai Qian, one of the culprits who caused Chen Yingliang's setbacks and sufferings, was at the scene, and quickly closed his mouth, with an extremely embarrassing expression on his face. Chen Yingliang's expression was also awkward, and he was a little embarrassed to see Chai Qian's expression. On the other hand, Chai Qian's expression was as usual, and she seemed to be very calm and said: "You guys continue to talk, and pretend that I don't exist."

She said she didn't care, but Chai Qian's hands on her knees were already clenched into fists, her nails dug deep into her flesh, and she tried her best to use the pain of her body to make herself forget the pain in her heart.

"It would be great if you really don't care." Chen Yingliang muttered quietly, then quickly changed the subject, deliberately turned his head to admire Gao's garden, and praised in a fake way: "My dear brother, although your garden is not Big, but it is really elegant enough, with lotus ponds and rockeries, elegant and quiet, it is really a good place to study and study."

"Thank you, brother, for your compliment." The eldest grandson Wuji understood, and hurriedly said, "If you like, you can visit as much as you like. Mother and aunt live in the east-west courtyard. This is the back garden, so there is no hindrance."

"Then I'm not going to be polite. My new home also has a small garden that hasn't been set up yet. It's just a good time to learn about garden scenery."

Contemporary Chen Shimei Chen Yingliang was eager to get rid of his troublesome fiancee, so he stood up and walked to the side to enjoy the garden view. Although Chen Yingliang did this just to get rid of the embarrassing situation, there was one thing in the garden that aroused Chen Yingliang's great interest——Chen Yingliang Suddenly, he saw a very familiar and strange plant in the flower garden of Lao Gao's house. Chen Yingliang couldn't help being amazed, and hurriedly walked over to take a closer look at this strange plant.

What attracted Chen Yingliang's attention was a milky white flower with large buds and varying number of petals, ranging from four petals to five or six petals. The petals were white and filamentous without the fragrance that flowers should have. They were planted as ornamental flowers and trees. In the flower garden, but Chen Yingliang, who is very familiar with this thing, can be sure that this kind of plant is definitely not an ornamental flower! Surprised, Chen Yingliang couldn't help but turned around and asked Changsun Wuji, "My dear brother, why did your family grow cotton here?"

"Cotton? What is cotton?" Changsun Wuji asked inexplicably.

"Isn't this just cotton?" Chen Yingliang pointed to the cotton bolls that had been split and asked again in surprise. During the two previous undercover drug nests, Chen Yingliang once disguised himself as a cotton plucker and worked undercover next door to drug lords, secretly monitoring I have been monitoring drug dealers for nearly three months, and I have been in contact with cotton every day, so I am very familiar with cotton.

Brother and sister Changsun Wuji and Chai Qian were interested at the same time, and they walked to the flower garden together. When they took a closer look at the cotton, Chai Qian couldn't help but sneered, and said sarcastically, "Mr. Chen, what kind of eyes do you have? This flower It's called Baidiezi, there are many in my house, when was it called cotton? Cotton, have you never heard of this name?"

"What? You haven't heard of the name cotton?" Chen Yingliang was startled, and then Chen Yingliang was shocked again, and then suddenly remembered a big event - since he traveled through time, he has never seen a kind of cotton in this era. I have never seen cotton-padded clothes, cotton yarn, cotton cloth, or quilts, and I have never even seen the word 'cotton'!

"I've never heard of it." The eldest grandson Wugou little Luoli nodded slightly, and said softly, "Brother Chen, this kind of flower has two names, one is Baidizi, the other is Jibei, and they are from the Western Regions." There are many ornamental flowers in Daxing that are planted."

After the gentle and gentle words were finished, little Luoli said softly again: "Brother Chen, you shouldn't be confusing Baidianzi with Kapok, right? Kapok is red, and the flowers are relatively small, which is very different from Baidianzi. "

Chen Yingliang didn't answer, but just called everyone to return to the gazebo, then Chen Yingliang dipped his finger in the tea, quickly wrote the word 'cotton' on the table, and then asked: "My dear brother, Guanyin servant girl, have you met?" over this word?"

Changsun Wuji and Xiao Luoli shook their heads together, and then Changsun Wuji asked back: "Brother, how do you pronounce this word?"

"Cotton! It's the cotton of kapok." Chen Yingliang replied smoothly, but he was nervously calculating in his mind.

The erudite eldest grandson brothers and sisters were tongue-tied together, and Chai Qian also laughed out loud, sarcastically saying: "You really deserve to be Chen Houye, who is both civil and military. It's fine to write other characters, and he even created new characters. He really has outstanding literary talent."

With a sneer, Chai Qian also dipped in tea and wrote the word 'cotton' on the table, pointing out: "No, this is the character for cotton of kapok."

Glancing at the cotton character, Chen Yingliang didn't bother to pay attention to Chai Qian's sarcasm, and quickly calculated, Chen Yingliang still showed a mysterious smile on his face, and murmured in his heart: "Understood, finally understood, why the Sui and Tang dynasties were so powerful, but why are they so powerful? I have never been able to develop Mobei and Northeast, why it is so difficult to fight Goguryeo and Tubo, why there is the song "Wuxiang Liaodong Wave Death", it is because of this... Well, my chance to develop is here again!"

Quickly made up his mind, Chen Yingliang quickly said to his eldest grandson Wuji: "My dear brother, can you give me all the white dills that have bloomed in your family, I will be of great use, and I will be very grateful in the future!"

"It's just a few flowers, brother, feel free to take them if you like them, how can you thank me?" Changsun Wuji agreed without hesitation, and then asked curiously, "But brother, how can such flowers be of great use?"

"You will understand in the future." Naturally, Chen Yingliang would not reveal the mystery, but rushed to the flowerbed like flying, picking up the cotton in a hurry, while the eldest grandson siblings and Chai Qian looked at each other, not understanding what tricks Chen Yingliang was trying to play.

Since it is an ornamental plant, the amount of cotton planted by Gao's family is naturally not much. Chen Yingliang picked all the cotton in less than a moment. Put all the cotton in the basket. While he was busy, a member of the Gao family rushed in from outside the garden gate, sweating profusely and yelled at his eldest grandson Wuji: "Master nephew! It's not good! What happened to the master! Something happened to the master!" Already!"

"What happened to uncle?" Changsun Wuji stood up straight.

"My lord, my lord has been arrested by the imperial court!" The servant who came to report the letter cried out in a tearful voice, "He was also taken directly to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. We didn't even have time to say a word to the lord, so we had to hurry back and report the letter!"

Changsun Wuji seemed to be struck by lightning, and the cotton in his hand fell to the ground. He didn't know how to react for a while, but Chen Yingliang was very calm, and quickly asked: "Why? Do you know why you want to arrest Mr. Gao?"

"I don't know. We were waiting for the master outside the gate of Honglu Temple. We only saw that the master was escorted out of Honglu Temple by the officials of the Ministry of Punishment. We couldn't talk to him. We asked the officials of the Ministry of Punishment why they didn't say anything." replied.


The eldest grandson Wugou and the little Luoli suddenly cried out, and rushed out, and the eldest grandson Wuji also ran away. Chen Yingliang was shocked, and hurried to catch up with the eldest grandson brothers and sisters from left to right, and shouted: "Where are you going?" ?”

"Let me go, I'm going to see my uncle, I'm going to see him in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice!" Changsun Wuji struggled and shouted.

"What time is it? The visiting time of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice has passed, how do you go in and visit?" Chen Yingliang pouted to signal to the west, the sun in the west was already slowly setting.

Changsun Wuji was stunned, and asked blankly, "Then... what should I do?"

"Don't be in a hurry." Chen Yingliang comforted me: "Shang Shuwei of the Ministry of Punishment is very familiar with me, so I will go and find out the situation for you. Now, you brothers and sisters, go to comfort your mother and aunt, and let them prepare for tomorrow's visit. They must not be anxious, I will definitely bring you accurate news in a while."

The eldest grandson brothers and sisters were overjoyed, and hurriedly thanked Chen Yingliang, Chen Yingliang was not polite, and even Chai Qian ignored it, borrowed a horse from the Gao family, went out to ride the horse, and rushed to Shangshu Sheng, and went straight to the yamen of the Ministry of Justice to look for Wei Xuan After inquiring about the news, fortunately, Chen Yingliang carried an identity token, so he entered the imperial city very easily, and relying on his current prominent reputation, he entered the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs very smoothly. In front of Wei Xuan, who works in the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

Needless to say, Old Wei's stubborn attitude towards Chen Yingliang. Hearing that Chen Yingliang had urgent matters to ask for an interview, several officials who were still waiting for Old Wei's stubborn interview were asked to wait for a while, and then Chen Yingliang was immediately led into the signing room of Old Wei's stubborn. . After meeting, Old Wei stubbornly opened his mouth and scolded: "Little thing, why did you come here to find me? What are you talking about urgently? Now you are a right insider, what urgent matter can you have?"

"It's not an urgent matter for Wei to stay behind. How dare you come here to find you, kid?" Chen Yingliang smiled wryly, then looked around, hesitant to speak.

Old Wei stubbornly understood what Chen Yingliang meant, so he waved away the others in the signing room, and scolded: "Little thing, why are you keeping things so secret?"

"Grandpa Wei, forgive me, this junior came through the back door today, so it's inconvenient for outsiders to know." Chen Yingliang seemed to have put honey on his mouth, and first drew closer to Wei Xuan, and then asked in a low voice: "Grandpa Wei , I heard that Zhililang Gao Shilian Gao was arrested, and it was yours who arrested him, why?"

"Why are you asking this?" Elder Wei stubbornly turned serious, and said in a low voice, "I warn you first, don't meddle in this matter!"

"I don't dare to get involved, I just want to find out the reason." Chen Yingliang said truthfully: "This junior is friends with Gao Shilian's nephew Sun Wuji, and when he got the news that Mr. Gao was arrested, this junior also happened to be at Mr. Gao's house. Why did the adults be arrested, so the juniors came to find out the news for them, and asked Grandpa Wei to show mercy and tell the juniors the reason."

"You little thing, you will really cause trouble for the old man!" Wei Xuan cursed again, and then said: "Only this time, there will be no next time! Gao Shilian was involved in Yang Xuangan's rebellion, and the emperor ordered his arrest, so the old man That's why they were arrested."

"Gao Shilian was involved in Yang Xuangan's rebellion?" Chen Yingliang was a little tongue-tied, and said in a low voice: "Grandpa Wei, this is unlikely, right? Mr. Gao is just an official in charge of etiquette, and he was always on a high when the incident happened. How could he be involved?" Yang Xuan felt rebellious?"

"It was indirectly involved." Old Wei stubbornly said in a low voice, "Do you still remember when we defeated Yang Xuangan in Hongnong? At that time, we broke through Yang Xuangan's camp, seized a large number of documents of the traitors, and found that the servant of the Ministry of War, Hu Sizheng, belonged to Yang Xuangan." The two accomplices, Yang Xuanzong and Yang Wanshuo, escaped from Liaodong and returned to the Central Plains with the help of Hu Sizheng. The old man hurriedly reported this matter to the emperor. That thief Hu Sizheng ran away ahead of time."

"What does that have to do with Gao Shilian?" Chen Yingliang was taken aback.

"What's the hurry? Listen to the old man." Wei Lao stubbornly scolded, and then said in a low voice: "The news I received today is that the thief Hu Sizheng fled to Goguryeo, surrendered to the Goguryeo barbarians, and wrote a letter to the Goguryeo barbarian king Gao Yuan." The letter of allegiance, scolding His Majesty the Emperor in the book! The emperor was furious and ordered the arrest of Hu Sizheng's family and his party members. During the period, someone suggested to the emperor that Hu Sizheng and Gao Shilian had the closest relationship and had the most contacts in normal times. Of course, His Majesty the Emperor Let the old man take the man."

"So serious? Has something to do with traitors?" Chen Yingliang's face changed a little, but he still refused to give up, and hurriedly asked in a low voice: "Grandpa Wei, who told the emperor?"

"Who else?" Elder Wei gave Chen Yingliang a stubborn look, and snorted, "It's your boy's distant uncle Pei Yun, who is the doctor of the royal family and responsible for supervising all officials. If he doesn't take credit for such a matter, who will? "

"Uncle Pei Yun? Why is it him?" Chen Yingliang was completely dumbfounded.

"What's so surprising? Your uncle has done a lot of things like this." Old Wei snorted stubbornly and disdainfully, then lowered his voice, and said: "Little guy, listen to the old man's advice, in this matter Come on, you can only stop here, don't continue to interfere! If you continue to interfere, be careful not to burn yourself!"

Chen Yingliang was at a loss and didn't know how to answer. Seeing Chen Yingliang's expression, Old Wei was a bit uneasy, so he shouted again in a low voice: "This old man is doing it for your own good, don't be ignorant! Your distant uncle Pei Yun is doing it for him now." His son Pei Shuang has been implicated, and he is eager to make meritorious service and atone for his sins, so as to completely clear him of his suspicions. Now that you get involved in this matter, be careful that he turns against you! Just a word from him can make you take the lead in the right deputy of the prince. I don't know how many years I have been in the position!"

"Grandpa Xie Wei pointed out, this junior understands." Chen Yingliang cupped his hands to thank him, but he was crying bitterly in his heart, "Damn! Why did I encounter such a bad thing? Now bring the news back, brother and sister of grandson Wuji and the Gao family He must have asked me for help. Helping offends my distant uncle, so I refused to help... Fuck me! Why isn’t my conscience eaten up by dogs?!”