Back to 1988

Chapter 105: Orange candy


Mi Yang heard the voice, and groped and raised his head to kiss back. As soon as he said "you", Bai Luochuan lowered his head and held his lips and slowly deepened the kiss. After not seeing each other for several days, Bai Luochuan missed her so much that he was reluctant to let her go after holding her in his arms. After the kiss, he rubbed his nose against hers and whispered, "Come and stay for a few days?"

I just arrived and I'm already thinking about what's next. Mi Yang smiled and said, "How about I stay a few more days to accompany you?"

Master Bai was very happy and asked him again: "Where is my candy? Did you bring it?"

Mi Yang said: "I brought two pieces. It's not good to eat too much."

Bai Luochuan smiled and said, "Well, the rest will remain with you."

Mi Yang put his hands in his thick bathrobe to keep warm, and his cold fingers were immediately pressed to his chest by Bai Luochuan. He frowned and said, "Why is it so cold? Did you ride a bike here? You should have called me and I would have picked you up."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "It's very close, much closer than before. It only takes me five or six minutes to ride my bike. But it takes me longer to walk from the front yard to here. This place is too big. I see there is a guardhouse in front. Is there someone guarding it at night?"

Bai Luochuan took him back to the room and said as they walked: "No, we built a boiler room there. Grandpa's place is too big and we have to heat it ourselves, so we hired a few people to work in shifts day and night. It will be fine when the weather gets warmer. The north is still too cold."

The room was a suite. When you walked in, you first saw a small study and living room, and then the bedroom. On one side of the bedroom was a cloakroom and bathroom. The style was quite simple, probably because it had just been completed. There weren't many things in it, most of which were what Bai Luochuan brought this time. Mi Yang found two of his own clothes among the hanging clothes, and even a set of pajamas.

Bai Luochuan said proudly: "It's the same as mine, and your name is even printed on the cuff."

The habit of embroidering names on clothes has been their habit since they were young. The two mothers of the Bai family and the Mi family are good friends, and the children of the two families are about the same age. Whenever a mother goes to buy small clothes, she can't help but buy a set of the same ones as well, and dress them up like twins. As time goes by, not to mention the small clothes, even hats and socks have accumulated a lot of the same ones. Once, little Master Bai even went home wearing two left shoes - their shoes were the same, and the children didn't think there was anything wrong with wearing them, which made everyone laugh.

If you can even make mistakes with shoes, let alone other things.

Gradually, Cheng Qing began to embroider their names on their collars and cuffs, and only then did they separate themselves a little.

Mi Yang had just come in from outside and was still a little cold. He was afraid of catching a cold so he took a hot shower. When he came out wearing new pajamas, he saw Bai Luochuan sitting on the bed holding a small pillow. His backpack was placed aside and opened. It was obvious that Young Master Bai had taken the "hostage" from inside.

He saw Mi Yang coming out, shook the small pillow in his hand and asked him: "It feels a little heavier than before, did you change the pillow core?"

Mi Yang was afraid of the cold, so he went directly into the quilt, huddled inside and squinted his eyes and said, "Well, my third aunt left me some newly dried cotton this year, it's so soft." As he spoke, he reached out to take it, Bai Luochuan pinched it twice and gave it back to him, then he got on the bed and hugged him, leaning close to his ear and whispered, "Is this broken pillow so good? You slept well when you hugged me before, let's throw it away, and you just hug me and try it."

The cotton in the small pillow had been dried in the sun and was new. Mi Yang felt warm just by hugging it and was reluctant to throw it away. He comforted her, "Hold both of you, hold both of you. It's better for the two of you to sleep together."

Bai Luochuan hugged her for a while, then started to feel dissatisfied again: "Little darling, let's do something that couples should do, shall we?"

Mi Yang asked: "What?"

Bai Luochuan narrowed his eyes and said, "I have searched a lot of information online these days. Let me ask you a question first."

Mi Yang said: "You tell me."

Bai Luochuan pondered for a moment and asked him: "If one day, your little pillow and I fall into the water together, will you save us..."

Mi Yanggang couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and bumped his head against his chin and said, "I beg you to shut up."

Bai Luochuan also laughed. He had looked up a lot of ways for couples to get along with each other in the past two days, and even thought of gifts for future anniversaries. He also saw a lot of must-have questions for couples, and couldn't help but pick one to ask Mi Yang. His little darling was indeed much more interesting than those people, but these were all his random thoughts when he couldn't see her in person. After seeing Mi Yang, Master Bai didn't want to ask those boring questions anymore. He used a little force in his arms to turn the man over, and kissed him with their foreheads against each other and noses against each other, but he felt it was not enough, so he moved closer and kissed him again.

When my lips are pressed against each other's, I feel my heart is full.

The two of them lay there and talked for a while. Bai Luochuan hadn't seen him for a few days and wanted to tell him everything. He looked very cool outside, but he was completely different in front of Mi Yang. There was a little flame in his eyes, and he wanted to share every second of their separation with Mi Yang. He was very clingy.

"Shall we go horseback riding tomorrow? The horseback riding instructor is here just in time, and we can also change Wule's horseshoes. It should have been changed last month, but he always refuses to obey. It doesn't hurt to change a new pair of iron. I don't know what he is doing."

Mi Yang responded and smiled, "Like the master."

Bai Luochuan was playing with his hand and heard: "Hmm?"

Mi Yang said: "When you were a child, you didn't like wearing shoes either. You even threw them away at the train station once."

Bai Luochuan: "... Grandpa told you again, didn't he? Why does he keep bringing this up?!"

Mi Yang said: "No, I was there, I was watching you when you threw it!"

Bai Luochuan scratched his palm and said lazily: "How old were you at that time? How can you remember it?"

Mi Yang laughed and said, "Remember, I remember everything about you."

Bai Luochuan just thought that he was saying nice things to cheer him up. Obviously, such words sounded unreliable, but Master Bai couldn't help feeling happy. It was like he had drunk a bottle of orange soda. Little bubbles of joy kept bubbling up, and the moment they burst, they made a pleasant sound and a sweet orange scent.

The two chatted for a while and then fell asleep.

Bai Luochuan hadn't slept so soundly for a long time. Perhaps it was because his brain was too excited by love during this period, and the beautiful things that he had never dreamed of finally reappeared that night.

The little cutie in the dream was as sweet as the mouth he was holding, soft and could be kneaded in any way he wanted.

Bai Luochuan's Adam's apple rolled a few times, and his fingers slowly lifted up the T-shirt he was wearing.

The T-shirt was quite big, covering my thighs, but there was nothing else to it.

The worst thing is that this is the only piece of clothing he owns.

The people are also his.

When Bai Luochuan woke up, he felt lazy. The bed next to him was empty, with the small pillow still neatly placed there. The owner had left early.

He glanced at the small alarm clock on the bedside. It was past half past eight, which was indeed the time when Mi Yang usually got up.

He tidied himself up and went downstairs.

Mi Yang was watching TV downstairs with Mr. Bai. It was the Athens Olympics from yesterday. This time, the men's table tennis competition was changed to the women's team. The competition was fierce. Mr. Bai was explaining to Mi Yang: "Zhang Yining is very good. She won two gold medals. Do yourself a favor!"

Mi Yang looked at her and asked, "Really? Did she make Ai Fukuhara cry again this time?"

Mr. Bai knows a lot about table tennis. He smiled and shook his head when he heard it, saying, "That porcelain doll? No, she can only play against Australia and the United States. This time she only made it to the top 16. What a pity."

As the two were talking, they saw Bai Luochuan coming over. Old Bai looked up and said to him, "Are you awake? There's breakfast in the restaurant. Go and have some. It's still hot."

Bai Luochuan stood behind the sofa, glanced at the TV, and asked, "Grandpa, have you eaten?"

Mr. Bai said, "I ate it."

Bai Luochuan said "oh" but still refused to leave. He secretly stood there and hooked Mi Yang's hair with his fingers. When no one was around, he used the thin and soft hair to poke Mi Yang's earlobe, "Little darling, did you eat it too?"

Mi Yang shrank his neck because of the itch he made, so he had to stand up and said, "I'll go eat something with you."

Mr. Bai said, "I said you didn't eat enough just now. Go and eat something with Luochuan. Tell the kitchen what you want to eat and they will make it for you."

Bai Luochuan responded: "Got it."

Mi Yang followed him and sat down. Master Bai had a big appetite and everything he ate tasted delicious. Mi Yang was already full, so he took an orange and peeled it and ate it slowly, whispering to him, "Grandpa said that we won't change Wule's palm today, let it play for two days first, and don't take it to run on hard places. This old one can actually be used. I went to see it with grandpa this morning, and the old palm is not too worn out."

Bai Luochuan ate a soup dumpling and frowned, "It's disobedient now, it's all because of grandpa's spoiling."

Mi Yang was still thinking about the proud look of Heima in the morning, and his heart began to wander: "No, it's not a big deal..."

Bai Luochuan narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "You also pet it."

As they were talking, they heard the door open outside, and Bai Jingrong and Luo Jiangjing came in.

Yesterday, the couple was driven by Mr. Bai to live in the small building next door. Today, they wanted to come early to chat with the old man. As soon as they came in, they saw their son eating in the restaurant. His hair was a little curled up, and it was obvious that he had just woken up.

Bai Jingrong was used to paying attention to his appearance in the army, and he couldn't help but frown when he saw him like this.

Luo Jiangjing was used to seeing this, and he even walked over and said with a smile: "Xiaoguai is here too? You just got up, didn't you go out for a walk this morning?"

Mi Yang stood up and greeted: "Good morning, Aunt Luo. Grandpa and I went to see Wule. It has grown a little bigger than last year."

Luo Jiangjing said, "Yes, when we moved the old house last time, I specially found someone to take care of Wu Le. That person also said that normally ponies are fully grown at the age of four or five, but some grow more slowly, and some breeds don't fully grow until they are six years old." She smiled again, "That person said that this is partly related to bloodline, and also related to daily feeding. If the old man takes good care of Wu Le, he will grow up!"

Mi Yang was also a little bit looking forward to it. The little black horse now had beautiful and solid muscles, and it would definitely be more majestic when it grew bigger.

Old Bai was also sitting there talking to his son. The old man didn't like to talk about business, so Bai Jingrong asked him about his family. There were a lot of things in the old house, but the old man loved the little black horse in the backyard the most, besides his precious grandson. He was very proud when he talked about it: "You don't know, it has its own little temper. It was disobedient when it went out that day, so I scolded it. When it came back, it was angry with me and turned its butt towards the stable door. When I went over, it ran around in circles to avoid me. It took me two days to coax it into submission. The little thing has a lot of tricks!"

Bai Jingrong said: "You should be careful too. Don't ride a horse when you are old. In case you fall..."

Bai Lao pointed at the door and said, "If you say one more word, I'll let you out. Do you believe it?"

Bai Jingrong: “…”

If he remembered correctly, it was his father himself who said yesterday that he had retired and was too old to talk about work and wanted to enjoy his retirement.

Mr. Bai now lives comfortably, like an old child, except for some necessary things that he does as he pleases. He thinks his son is old-fashioned and doesn't have the ruthlessness to fight. Instead, he likes his proud grandson more, especially when his grandson is sensible and has a good image. He is satisfied no matter how he looks at him.

When they went horseback riding, Bai Jingrong also went to take a look. When he joined the army, the troops had been fully mechanized, and there were no military horses except for the guard of honor. Therefore, he had never come into contact with such tall and beautiful animals.

The black horse Wule is very handsome. His lively pupils seem to be talking to you when he looks at you. He tilts his head and shakes it a few times, snorting softly. Just standing there makes people feel that he and the surrounding scenery have become a painting.

Bai Jingrong originally thought that the little black horse was close to people and easier to control, but after trying for a while, he found that this was not the case.

This little thing is simply like an enlarged version of Bai Luochuan, or a young version. When Bai Jingrong speaks in a stern and strict tone, it stares at people with its eyes wide open and breathes out of its nose. It can actually understand everything you say, but it just turns its head away and doesn't communicate with people, which is really infuriating and funny.

In the end, Bai Jingrong gave in and said in a panic, "I still have some things to deal with. You guys can have fun by yourselves."

Luo Jiangjing took her husband's hand and winked at her son, and told them, "Take Wu Le out for a run, but don't run too far. If you don't come back for lunch, call us and don't let Grandpa wait for you."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "I understand, Mom."

Bai Jingrong was standing aside, and when he saw that he had no intention of calling him, he felt a headache and left with his wife.

Mi Yang looked at Political Commissar Bai who was walking away, and then looked at Bai Luochuan who was still stroking the little black horse as if no one was around. He felt that the horse really was like its owner, and this beautiful and willful spirit was absolutely amazing, exactly the same.

The horse riding teacher also arrived. Mi Yang learned very seriously, and Wu Le also recognized him. The man and the horse cooperated very well. There was no problem walking slowly, but Mi Yang was still a little stiff when trotting. Bai Luochuan noticed it, so he went over and sat on the horse's back, hugged him from behind, and ran two or three laps with him before slowly letting Mi Yang relax.

The master smiled and said, "Luochuan is a good rider and has already become a master. I think you can teach him for me."

Bai Luochuan said modestly: "I only know the basics, and I still need to learn the rest from you."

Mi Yang turned his head and glanced at him, with a little curiosity, and couldn't help but whispered: "You can talk well with others, why do you..."

Bai Luochuan pulled the reins, and Wu Le stopped immediately. Mi Yang was suddenly shaken and bumped into his arms. He heard Bai Luochuan say, "Don't mention him. I don't want to talk to him these days."

Mi Yang laughed, but nodded and said along with him: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Young Master Bai felt a little relieved then, and he took Wu Le out for a run. The place where Wu Le used to run freely has become part of the tourist attraction, but there is also an open space nearby with softer soil and no gravel, which is quite suitable for Wu Le to run around.

Mi Yang became bolder as he was led by him. After running two laps, he felt that he was capable enough and asked to try it alone.

Bai Luochuan got up and dismounted, and instructed Mi Yang on some basic movements. He then rubbed Wu Le's nose with his hand and said to him, "Run slower, don't let him fall. Do you hear me?"

The black horse shook its ears, looked at him with its beautiful big eyes, and rubbed its little master gently.

Perhaps it really understood human nature and understood Bai Luochuan's words. When Mi Yang rode alone, the black horse ran much slower and steadier than before. Sometimes when Mi Yang didn't have a good grasp of balance, the horse would stop on its own to let him adjust. It was very obedient.

Mi Yang felt emotional and felt a little sympathy for Political Commissar Bai who had just left.

Wu Le was so well behaved that Mi Yang could not help but take out two candies from his pocket, peeled one and put it in his mouth, and fed the other to Wu Le. After eating one candy, Wu Le was even happier and became closer to Mi Yang. When he ran, his tail and the long mane on his neck swung back and forth, looking soft and beautiful.

Mi Yang had his fun and when he had run almost to the end, he rode his Wule back. Bai Luochuan was talking to someone behind him. When he got closer, he realized that it was also an acquaintance, Zhao Haisheng.

"… Put it down, don't worry, there are absolutely no stones. My brother knows that your family comes to ride the horses, and he is afraid that Wu Le will be hurt, so he comes to pick it up every day!" Zhao Haisheng grinned and patted his chest to assure, "He is careful in his work, I guarantee it!"

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "Thank you then."

Zhao Haisheng had grown taller and stronger than he had in the past two years. He was taller than Master Bai. He was already over 1.8 meters tall in his teens. He stood there like an iron tower with a calm look. He shook his head when he heard him say, "Don't bother with us. Don't be polite! We have a life-long friendship. My brother and I owe you a lifetime debt. We should do a little favor for you."

He spoke naturally, without any strong emotion in it, he just said this one sentence.

Mi Yang rode over on horseback, Bai Luochuan walked over and offered him a hand to help him, "Slow down."

Zhao Haisheng wanted to go forward to help. He was tall and could carry the man down in one go, but Bai Luochuan stopped him and said, "Let him practice slowly on his own."

Zhao Haisheng said "oh", scratched his head and stood aside.

Bai Luochuan let Wule go and let it graze nearby. He and Mi Yang chatted with Zhao Haisheng while walking. These friends in Shanhai Town may not know much about the outside world, but they know everything about the town. After listening for a while, Bai Luochuan couldn't help but look at Zhao Haisheng with admiration and asked him, "How do you know everything? It's like you have electronic eyes."

Zhao Haisheng said with a smile: "Qisheng told me that he has good ears and listens a lot, but he doesn't like to talk to others, so he just told me everything!"

Mi Yang couldn't help but ask him: "Is there anyone else stealing the trees at my grandma's house?"

Zhao Haisheng nodded and said, "Yes, no, it didn't work! Wang Bing's house is next to Grandma Cheng's. When his mother saw it, she beat him up and almost sent him to the hospital!"

Mi Yang said: "Have you called the police?"

Zhao Haisheng said: "Yes, the thief called the police himself. He was crying when the police came. He said that if they had come a step later, he would have been beaten to death. That grandson is a coward and can't stand being beaten."

Bai Luochuan asked: "Have you asked clearly why you came to steal the tree?"

Zhao Haisheng said, "I asked, it's a repeat offender. The guy was just scouting the area at first. Didn't everyone move during that time? They got a big truck, saying they were helping people move, but when they came back, they took everything away. There's no place to find them. This time he was greedy, and he took a fancy to that old tree. It seems that the Urban Construction Bureau collects..." He gestured and said, "A tree this thick costs nearly two thousand. It's expensive!"

Mi Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's so big, they dare to do it?"

Zhao Haisheng nodded: "I dare, that idiot went to dig a pit during the day, and Aunt Wang hit him with a rolling pin, and his leg was broken."

Mi Yang thought it sounded familiar. He remembered that Wang Bing didn't study well and went to the Internet cafe. When he was caught by his mother, she hit his legs first. He couldn't run away because of the pain. He was half disabled. It was just right to keep him and deal with him slowly. Just thinking about it, he could imagine how miserable the thief was at that time. Besides, Aunt Wang had a good voice. She beat him and called for help. It was estimated that she was not the only one who took action in the end.

Bai Luochuan asked him about the details and whether there was a criminal record. It seemed that he wanted to check it again.

Zhao Haisheng really knew everything. He whispered a few words to him. Although he didn't say much, he always hit the point and provided a lot of useful information.

Zhao Haisheng said to him, "My uncle works at the police station. I'll take you there later. I'm familiar with the place."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "Okay."

The two of them agreed on a time, and Mi Yang wanted to go, but was stopped by Bai Luochuan: "Don't go. Your grandma will definitely know if you go. Don't let the old lady worry again. I'll go and confirm it again, so that there won't be any trouble in the future. The old lady is the only one at home, and we are worried if we are outside."

Bai Luochuan was careful and Mi Yang thought about it and agreed.

In fact, Mi Yang was also afraid. When he thought of what his third aunt Cheng Ru said half-jokingly when he first came, he suddenly understood that Cheng Ru bought the house next door and came home every now and then, probably to take care of the old lady, fearing that something might happen to the elderly at home. The Cheng sisters had a good relationship and were not alienated because of the distance. Those who lived far away sent money and things, and those who lived nearby ran frequently, all wanting to take good care of the elderly at home together.

Cheng Ru is a quick-witted and efficient person. She never complains to her sisters and takes on many things quietly. When the sisters come back, she is always the one who greets them with a smile and runs around to help them.

After coming back from riding the horse, Bai Luochuan was going out for a trip with Zhao Haisheng.

It was the first time for Zhao Haisheng to enter the Bai family's old house. He stood downstairs waiting for him, looking a little restrained.

Bai Luochuan went upstairs to change his clothes and took his phone. Mi Yang asked him, "Don't you really want me to go with you?"

Bai Luochuan shook his head and said, “No need, just go ask and I’ll be back soon.”

Mi Yang said: "Then I'm at home, call me if you have anything."

Bai Luochuan had already walked to the door, but stopped when he heard him say that, closed the door again and waved for him to come over: "I really have something to do."

Mi Yang went over and asked, "What?"

Bai Luochuan pinched his chin and raised it a little, then asked him, "What did you and Wu Le eat just now? I saw it."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "Orange candy."

Bai Luochuan's Adam's apple moved twice, and he suddenly remembered the dream he had last night. The dream also tasted like orange candy, sweet and sour. He stroked Mi Yang's chin with his fingers and said, "Little sweetie, I want to eat candy too."

Mi Yang said: "No more, I ate it all on the way."

Bai Luochuan lowered his head and kissed him, whispering, "I don't believe it. I want to check it out."

Mi Yang hooked his hands around his neck and moved closer, opening his mouth for him to check. Young Master Bai only tasted a little sweetness of orange candy and unsatisfiedly chased after him again.

When he was waiting to go down, he was delayed for five more minutes. He said to Zhao Haisheng with a normal look: "Sorry, it took a long time to change clothes. Let's go now."

Bai Luochuan and Zhao Haisheng went to the local police station to check the files, and used their family connections to retrieve the previous cases of those thieves. They were relieved after confirming that they were just habitual thieves who had no criminal record of injuring anyone. However, when they were looking through the files, they saw that they mentioned being beaten several times in their confessions. They were probably the only thieves who were beaten several times after failing to steal.

Zhao Haisheng summed up and mocked the other party with one word: "Stupid, stupid thief!"

The author has something to say: The 2 updates have been merged, and the additional updates are complete. Thank you all for the nutrient solution~!

It’s the same today, I’ll update if there’s more, mummy!