Back to 1988

Chapter 109: Stealing people


Mi Yang was stunned for a moment, looked up, and asked in a low voice: "Which one?"

Shan Jing kept looking at it and whispered to him, "Of course it's the old professor sitting there. Don't you think he has a very special temperament? He's the leader of our industry." Seeing that Mi Yang didn't react, she was so disappointed, "You don't even know? Who else could it be? Professor Zhang from the Institute of Archaeology and Museum Studies of Beijing University!"

Mi Yang suddenly understood this time. When Bai Luochuan showed him the application form, he had specifically mentioned Professor Zhang. They were taking the college entrance examination a year in advance. Bai Luochuan wanted to finish his studies earlier, but more importantly, it was to allow him to enter university earlier and join Professor Zhang's last batch of students.

In the words of Master Bai, if you want to follow a professor, follow the best one.

Mi Yang glanced at the stage. Professor Zhang was very friendly and greeted everyone with a smile. Everyone present recognized him and some stood up to shake his hand. Professor Sun, who was originally sitting, stood up quickly when he saw the old man coming. They looked very familiar, but Professor Sun was younger. He chatted politely with Professor Zhang for a few words and then handed the stage to him.

Professor Sun moved to another position but did not forget to take his own teacup away - the teacup contained the fine tea that Professor Sun brought with him!

Professor Zhang saw this and said something to the young man behind him with a smile.

The young man went out and asked for a white porcelain water cup, then came over with the empty cup smilingly to ask Professor Sun for tea leaves. Professor Sun tried to pretend he didn't hear anything, but the conference room gradually became quiet, and under the gaze of so many eyes, he could hear the young man bending over and talking to him: "... Uncle Sun, I saw everything, can you give us some tea leaves? We've been waiting for several days, and when we heard you were coming, we even brought our own cups."

Professor Sun: “…”

Professor Sun was obviously not as thick-skinned as this guy, so he gave him a small bag with a painful look and sent him away: "Go away, go away, what a mess you make!" Although he looked disgusted, it was the same attitude he treated towards the younger generation in his family.

The young man thanked her with a smile, then went out to fetch some water to make tea.

Everyone present laughed, and Shan Jing also laughed.

Mi Yang leaned closer and asked in a low voice: "Sister Jing, who is that?"

Shan Jing whispered, "That's Chen Baiwei, Professor Zhang's new student last year. He's very precious to her. He says he's watched her grow up, and treats her like his own grandson. He always keeps her by his side and teaches her everything."

Mi Yang blinked and said, "But I just heard him call Professor Sun 'Uncle'?"

Shan Jing coughed and said awkwardly: "Well, our Professor Sun looks old, but he is actually only in his fifties. Mr. Zhang is different, he is almost seventy this year, and he was re-employed as the dean. Anyway, people like us are counting on Mr. Zhang to show us a clear way. My requirements are not high. I will be satisfied if I can have one-tenth or one-twelfth of Mr. Zhang's ability in the future." After a few words, he began to flatter his idol again.

Chen Baiwei prepared tea for Professor Zhang and sat behind him, listening attentively. When he was so quiet, he looked very handsome from the side, with deep eyes and a smile on his lips, which attracted the attention of several girls nearby - except Shan Jing, who focused her eyes on Professor Zhang and didn't even glance at the handsome guy next to her, completely turning into a fangirl in the cultural, museum and archaeological circles.

After everything was ready, the meeting continued.

Professor Zhang tapped the microphone on the small stand in front of him twice and said, "Well, let me first tell you a few words. We have been working on this for a while..."

Shan Jing said excitedly: "Quick, write it all down!"

Mi Yang said: "Ah? Don't you remember what Professor Sun said?"

Shan Jing said firmly: "Don't remember it, remember Professor Zhang's words, don't miss a single word!"

Shan Jing did what she said and quickly wrote it down, much more seriously than before, with her eyes showing full concentration and enthusiasm.

Mi Yang felt that he had only seen such enthusiasm in the eyes of girls at concerts, and this was the first time he saw someone so excited that he wanted to cheer on the spot when taking notes of a meeting. However, since Shan Jing said so, he just wrote it down. He could write fluently without looking at the notebook. Professor Zhang spoke with a slight accent, and Mi Yang listened and watched his mouth shape, and the words he wrote down seemed to flow out from the tip of the pen and fall on the paper.

Professor Zhang spoke for most of the meeting. The old man seemed very energetic and what he said was very useful. Mi Yangguang benefited a lot from listening to him.

After the meeting, Professor Zhang and other professors walked out one after another. The young man next to Professor Zhang, Chen Baiwei, bent down to help the old professor, lowered his head to listen to his instructions, nodded and smiled. Chen Baiwei turned his head to look around the conference room, and his glasses that seemed to be smiling casually swept past and bumped into Mi Yang's eyes. Perhaps he didn't expect there was such a young one. Chen Baiwei was a little surprised, blinked at him as if to say hello, and turned away without staying for long.

Shan Jing on the side sorted out the recorded information and shook her wrist and said, "I am so tired. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhang would say so much today, but it was worth it. I wrote down most of it. Mi Yang, how much did you write down? Let's check and organize it later and leave a copy for others to see. This is all first-hand information."

Mi Yang said: "I have written it all down."

He was sure of what he said. Shan Jing was stunned for a moment and asked, "All of them?"

Mi Yang nodded, then hesitated and said, "I haven't heard of some of the words, so I just remembered them roughly. I'll mark them and Sister Jing will revise them later."

Shan Jing took the book from him and took a look. She had listened carefully and remembered the general idea in her mind. Mi Yang was not bragging. He basically wrote it down. He could be called a human writer. Shan Jing was very satisfied and praised him. She took it back and sorted it out herself.

The first day was spent holding meetings and getting to know each other. Mi Yang went with them to have a meal and returned to his residence early.

He called his parents to tell them, then calculated the time to get out of school and called Bai Luochuan as well.

Bai Luochuan quickly picked up the phone and asked him, "Are you there? Have you eaten?"

Mi Yang said: "I have eaten. I ate barbecue. It was such a big piece that I felt like I ate half a sheep."

Bai Luochuan laughed and said, "You're lying. You can't even eat a palm-sized piece of mutton stew at home."

Mi Yang lay on the bed and said to him with a smile: "Really, it's different from the one at home, it's delicious."

Bai Luochuan chatted with him for a while and felt that his appetite had improved a lot. As Mi Yang was talking, he suddenly heard a knock on the door outside and said to him, "I'll call you tomorrow. Someone is coming."

As soon as he opened the door, he saw the young man he had met in the previous meeting. He had a pair of smiling eyes and it was hard to feel repulsive to him. Mi Yang remembered that his name was Chen Baiwei.

Chen Baiwei brought a bag of dried apricots and handed it to Mi Yang: "Try it? The dried apricots here are delicious."

Mi Yang thanked him and reached out to take it, but Chen Baiwei didn't let go and said to him, "Grab a handful. This is all I have. Share it with all of you!"

The other party was so open about being poor that Mi Yang was amused. He invited him into the room and asked, "I also brought snacks, would you like to have some, senior brother?" Mi Yang was the youngest here, so it would be right for him to call anyone "senior brother or sister."

Chen Bai walked in with a smile and sat on a chair waiting, chatting with Mi Yang. When he heard him say he was a high school student, he was surprised and said, "No wonder, you look young! I thought it was miserable enough to be drafted as a freshman, but here there is a child laborer!"

Mi Yang laughed and said, "I signed up myself. It's a rare opportunity to learn something."

Chen Baiwei thought this kid was very honest and interesting, so he asked him, "Do you want to study this in college?"

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Yes."

Chen Baiwei said: "No wonder, how did you get chosen? You have some skills, right? What is your specialty?"

Mi Yang said: "I have learned to repair books from my grandfather for ten years. I can also repair other things a little. I am still learning silk. I can only repair the simplest gold, silver and porcelain."

Chen Baiwei's eyes lit up and he asked, "Expert!"

Mi Yang quickly said: "No, no, I just want to learn some skills to make a living."

Chen Bai smiled, turned around and saw a map on his desk, and asked, "Hey, you have this map too?"

Mi Yang took a look and said, "Oh, yes, Sister Jing brought it. It seems to be a topographic map of this area."

Chen Baiwei opened it with one hand and took a look, then nodded and said, "Yes, the teacher was worried that it would be inconvenient for everyone without a map, so he asked the local Cultural Relics Bureau to make a special one for him. It has marked the places he wants to visit during this period."

He pointed at the location on the map, Mi Yang looked up and saw it, and said, "It's not easy to get in here, right? The terrain is too low, and the marked road looks quite narrow."

Chen Baiwei asked him: "Do you understand?"

Mi Yang nodded: "My dad used to be a soldier in the field army. When I was a child, I followed him to look at maps, which are similar to this."

Chen Baiwei rolled his eyes, and when he looked at Mi Yang again, his smile became even more intense.

When he saw Mi Yang opening the suitcase and taking out the items one by one, he immediately interrupted and said, "Hey, there's no need to rummage so much. We have to leave tomorrow. Just leave the things in the suitcase and don't take them out, so you don't forget them tomorrow."

Mi Yang agreed and took out two bags of beef jerky and gave them to him: "This is bought from the supermarket. When you have a chance, ask Senior Brother to try the beef jerky made by my mother. It's very delicious."

Chen Baiwei took a packet and opened it to eat. His little white teeth were very sharp and his eyes narrowed as he ate. "Thanks, I'll treat you to dinner later."

Chen Baiwei came as if he was just visiting someone, bringing his bag of dried apricots and went to the other people. This time there were twelve or thirteen people, and Chen Baiwei was frugal enough to use most of the bag of dried apricots to get to know everyone.

The next day, when Mi Yang and his friends were having breakfast together, they talked about this. Two of them scratched their heads and said, "Ah? Didn't Chen Baiwei tell you that he would treat you to a meal later? He told us both."

Mi Yang also looked up and saw everyone around him shaking their heads. He felt strange because Chen Baiwei had said the same thing to him yesterday.

A fat boy sitting next to Shan Jing said angrily, "You are new here this year, don't be fooled by that smiling fox! I have known him for so long, but I have never seen him treat us to a meal! Sister Jing, don't you agree?"

Shan Jing was a little hesitant, and the little fat man immediately said with pain: "He didn't tell you too, did he? Sister Jing, don't believe him, that pretty boy is just talking, what was divided yesterday, a bag of dried apricots, given to three people, my God, Sister Jing, you should wake up, there is no future with him! He is so stingy!"

Shan Jing spat, "Who said I want to be with him? He looks good, but he's not my type. I like well-educated and well-mannered people."

The little fat man beat his chest and said, "Mi Yang can't do it either!"

Mi Yang nearly spit out a mouthful of fried rice and coughed several times. Dan Jing was already holding Xiao Pang's ears and scolding him: "Don't you dare ruin my reputation? Also, what do you mean by a pretty boy or not? You should call him uncle master in terms of seniority! He is Professor Zhang's apprentice, so don't call him that in the future. Also, he is a pretty boy, what are you? A big pretty boy?"

Apart from being a little plump, the fat boy is a good-looking guy with fair complexion. He was also a handsome boy when he was thin. He even risked his life to give advice to Shan Jing, but was scolded by Shan Jing and became obedient.

While we were eating breakfast, Chen Baiwei came over leisurely, still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. When he saw everyone coming over, he greeted them and smiled with his little white teeth, "I'm eating. Do you like it?"

It sounded like he had contracted the entire cafeteria and treated everyone to breakfast.

The corner of Xiaopang's mouth twitched, and he looked at him, angry but not daring to say anything.

Chen Baiwei stood by and watched everyone eat. Several people were under a lot of pressure and sped up their eating. Chen Baiwei saw everyone put down their chopsticks and asked again: "Have you finished eating? I have something to trouble a few new friends to help. It will be done soon." He smiled and pointed out a few people's names. They happened to be the two boys and Mi Yang he said he would treat to dinner yesterday. After that, he looked up at Shan Jing: "Sister Jing, shall we go?"

Shan Jing said: "You go first, I will come later."

Chen Baiwei smiled and led the three newcomers away. There was also a big man beside him who asked him honestly if he was going to do physical work. He brought tools in his bag. Chen Baiwei touched his chin and nodded, "Okay, Mi Yang also brought tools, right? You go first, I'll ask someone to bring your things back."

Mi Yang felt something was wrong. This man's smile was too cunning, and he looked more and more like a big-tailed fox.

After leaving the accommodation, Chen Baiwei took us to the jeep and bumped around for more than an hour. When we were about to vomit our breakfast, the two gentlemen noticed it and asked tremblingly, "Excuse me, where are you taking us?"

Chen Baiwei sat in the front row, wrapped in a coat, and smiled, "It's okay, I'll just go and help a little."

The tall boy was a little afraid of him, and said tremblingly, "No, why don't we go back? Professor Sun won't be able to find us later."

Chen Baiwei waved his hand and said, "Oh, we are all family, really. Uncle Sun is very familiar with us. Didn't you go to the meeting yesterday? What a pity, I didn't see you. As soon as our Mr. Zhang arrived, Uncle Sun immediately brought him tea. He was very enthusiastic!"

Mi Yang: “…”

Another one also whispered: "Then let's tell Professor Sun too. It seems we are going to Hami by bus today."

Chen Baiwei showed a row of neat and white teeth and smiled: "Really?"

But he didn't continue talking.

Chen Baiwei brought three people back and arrived at another camp a hundred kilometers away. After waiting at the gate for a while, he saw another car bringing Shan Jing and their luggage.

Mi Yang looked at his suitcase and backpack without any surprise, as he had guessed it halfway.

The two boys just reacted and looked at the luggage and then at Chen Baiwei in surprise: "What's going on? We're not going to Hami?"

Chen Baiwei said, "Hami, that's a good place, but you'd better wait a few days before going there. Well, let me tell you the truth. Actually, we, Mr. Zhang, have always been short of manpower. Recently, we have a new item, a whole set of thangkas. Tell me, can those documents in Hami be compared with thangkas? This is very helpful for studying local art, humanities and religion in the future. I made a preliminary understanding of everyone last night. You, who have studied oil painting for four years, need talents like you to control color matching. In addition, don't be afraid of that little brother. You studied science and engineering, and you are familiar with the operation and maintenance of various equipment. The equipment we brought needs talents like you. And Mi Yang, oh, you are so proficient in miscellaneous knowledge, you can repair a little bit of everything. Sister Jing is responsible for logistics coordination, which is exactly what we need most. I'm not saying that this job is really suitable for you!"

After he finished praising, he patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang will personally recommend you for the credit later. Mr. Zhang will take care of anything and make sure Uncle Sun doesn't embarrass you at all!"

Several boys stood in front of the den of thieves without saying a word. Dan Jing was the one who betrayed them, so she was too embarrassed to say anything.

Mi Yang looked at him and thought, this guy might have gone there to scout the place yesterday, or to steal someone.