Back to 1988

Chapter 111: School uniform jacket


I learned a lot from Professor Zhang, but my stay was also extended by a few days.

When Mi Yang called Bai Luochuan, Bai Luochuan couldn't help but ask, "Late again?"

Mi Yang said: "Well, Senior Brother Chen said we have to wait for two more days."

Bai Luochuan said somewhat unhappily: "You said so the day before yesterday. Tomorrow is the tenth day. How late will it be?"

Mi Yang was also somewhat helpless, and whispered: "There is no other way. Professor Zhang's people were delayed in Beijing for some matters. It will take a few days for them to come back."

Bai Luochuan asked, "Did he deliberately bully you? Did he only tell you? What about the others?"

Mi Yang smiled and said, "No, everyone is waiting. The people here are very nice, and the senior brothers and sisters take good care of me."

Bai Luochuan still insisted: "You ask them to take out their flight itinerary and check the time to see if they have booked the tickets. Why are you dragging it on and on? Do you still want to come back for the exam?"

The spring exam times are different in different places. Shanghai has set up four exam sites this year, and the time is around May. Now I only have one or two months to review. Mi Yang brought a lot of reference books when he came. Although he didn't say it, he was nervous.

The two talked on the phone for a while, and Mi Yang felt a headache coming on.

On the other side, Master Bai, who was sitting in the car and preparing to go home, was also in a bad mood. He felt that his patience had reached its limit. He and Mi Yang had hardly been apart since childhood. He knew Mi Yang's every move. Even when they did not live in the same dormitory in high school, he could get along well with Mi Yang's classmates and knew everything about him. But this time was different. He suddenly had an illusion that Mi Yang had left him.

It's not about distance, but there are a lot more people he doesn't know and a lot more things he doesn't understand.

The car was driving very fast, and the street lights flashing outside the window were dazzling. Bai Luochuan put the back of his hand on his forehead and listened to Mi Yang explaining to him, but he didn't recognize any of the names Mi Yang said.

“… Sister Jing led us to tinker with it ourselves first. We didn’t dare to start directly. After searching for a long time, she found a scarf of Brother Chen that was made of finer material. She took it apart and taught us how to sort out the warp and weft threads. The border and the core of the thangka were cracked, so we tried the stitching technique on that scarf before we dared to start. Brother Chen took the remaining scarf to Professor Zhang and insisted that it was a work injury and asked the department to pay for a replacement scarf. It was very funny.” Mi Yang tried to tell him some funny things to ease the tension.

Bai Luochuan listened, pursed his lips and did not reply.

Suddenly, a young man's voice came from the other end of the phone, calling Mi Yang, "Hey, hurry up and take off your clothes while it's hot and come in!"

Mi Yang agreed, and a rustling sound was heard. Bai Luochuan immediately asked, "Who is that?"

Mi Yang said: "Oh, it's my roommate, let's not talk about it for now, I'll call you tomorrow."

Chen Baiwei turned around and fetched a basin of hot water, placed it beside the bed, took off his shoes and soaked his feet in it, moaning comfortably, "It's really cold outside, it's still comfortable to soak in the water."

Mi Yang also followed his example and rolled up his trouser legs to soak his feet. The scalding hot water instantly warmed up his whole body. "Yes, thank you, senior brother. I'll fetch some water tomorrow."

Chen Baiwei waved his hand and said with a smile: "Why are you being so polite to me? It's my duty to take care of a child like you. Respect the old and love the young."

Mi Yang also smiled. Since he came here, Chen Baiwei has always taken good care of him.

The phone on the bed vibrated several times. Mi Yang looked down and saw that it was Young Master Bai. As expected, he had just hung up the phone when Young Master Bai sent him a text message: "What did he ask you to take off?"

Mi Yang laughed and replied: "Take off your shoes, Brother Chen has made hot water for me to soak my feet!"

Even though the text messages were being sent, Young Master Bai was still upset.

Until bedtime, Master Bai would send a text message every once in a while to check on Mi Yang, fearing that something might have happened to him. He only stopped when he heard Mi Yang say that he was going to sleep.

Chen Baiwei wrapped in a thick coat asked him: "Who are you texting so often, your girlfriend?"

Mi Yang was a little embarrassed, rubbed the tip of his nose and smiled: "Just, the person I like."

Chen Baiwei dragged out his voice and teased him, "Oh - premature love, isn't the kid very obedient? But premature love is not bad either, talk about it in advance, accumulate experience, and you won't be dazzled by the choices when you enter university."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "Don't be picky, I'll just talk about this one."

Chen Baiwei thought that this child was so interesting, pure and cute. He sat there obediently like a puppy. He could walk a few steps with anyone, but if he ran away, he would come back and squat at the door waiting for his little master.

Mi Yang and Chen Baiwei lived in this room. Both of them were afraid of cold. Chen Baiwei just got a little warm and huddled in the quilt. Mi Yang went to pour out the water and went back to sleep. When he was spreading the quilt, he heard Chen Baiwei cursed in a low voice: "I'm freezing, I wish I could wear a down jacket and sleep in the quilt."

Mi Yang laughed, made the bed and lay down to rest. There was an extra piece of clothing under the thick quilt, which he didn't wear, but he covered himself with it to sleep. Mi Yang closed his eyes, pulled the school uniform jacket slightly higher in the dark, buried his nose in it, and fell asleep slowly while breathing.

It was very cold at night. Chen Baiwei turned over rustlingly on the other side. After a while, he got up in the dark and hugged his quilt to touch Mi Yang's side. He was shivering with cold, but he still said: "Junior brother, I have been observing you for a few days. You are a good boy."

When he started with this, Mi Yang's sleepiness disappeared.

Before he got together with Bai Luochuan, he didn't think it was okay for two men to sleep together, but when Chen Baiwei touched his bed in the middle of the night, Mi Yang immediately said nervously: "Brother, I'm not used to sleeping with others."

Chen Baiwei lifted the quilt and climbed onto the bed.

Mi Yang asked cautiously: "Brother, what do you want to do?"

Chen Baiwei squeezed over, crossed his arms, and chattered his teeth with the cold: "You, can you sleep well at night? Don't take advantage of me, I have a family."

Mi Yang is cold, but the colder he is, the hotter he gets. Chen Baiwei is like a piece of cold jade. He is handsome and his skin is as white as jade. When he is cold, he is also transparent and cold. When he came closer, Mi Yang's doubts disappeared. This person is really cold!

The junior brother resisted for the first time and pushed Chen Baiwei to let him go out, "No, Senior Brother, you are too cold, go back to your side, hiss!"

Chen Baiwei went out for a while and brought back a small hot water bottle. He shivered and slept with Mi Yang in his arms: "This is the only one. I usually use it to warm myself up in the first half of the night. The conditions are tough, so let's overcome it."

Mi Yang gave in for that little bit of heat and huddled together with him.

But when they went to sleep, they still took off their school uniforms and turned over to sleep back to back. The two of them were back to back, and it was unknown whether it was the hot water bag or Mi Yang's, but gradually Chen Baiwei also felt a little warm, and fell asleep with steady breathing.

Mi Yang hugged the school uniform in his arms, and he felt sleepy. He thought that Brother Chen was really here to keep warm, so he slowly relaxed and closed his eyes. He rubbed his fingers on the corner of the school uniform twice. The smell on the clothes covering his nose was already very light, but he could also smell a little clean and familiar soap smell - this time he didn't bring a small pillow because of limited luggage, but brought something else, a school uniform jacket of Bai Luochuan.