Back to 1988

Chapter 122: Two osmanthus trees are in full bloom


The Bai family's driver came to pick him up. Zhou Tong also knew him. He helped Mi Yang carry the man over and said with a smile, "Uncle Ping, drive slowly. He's drunk."

The driver nodded and asked him, "Do you want to come together? I remember your house is on the way too."

Zhou Tong waved his hand and said with a smile, "No need, you can send them home. I have many classmates here. I need to send the girls home first. They all live in the city so it won't be a problem." After he finished speaking, he bent down to look at Mi Yang and smiled at him, "I didn't expect Brother Bai to have such a low alcohol tolerance. He said before that you have a low alcohol tolerance. Thank you for taking care of him. When we graduate some other day, remember to come. You two still owe us a group photo. You can't miss the graduation photo!"

Mi Yang smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will definitely come back."

Zhou Tong then closed the car door and saw them off.

After coming back, he started to take taxis to send the girls away. He and the boys stayed behind and took good care of them.

While waiting for the car, someone whispered in the back: "Hey, Zhou Tong, is that the car of Captain Bai's family? That's great, his family came to pick him up."

Zhou Tong smiled and said, "That was his driver. I don't know about other times, but since I met them in junior high school, they have always been picked up by the driver."

Everyone was a little surprised, and some people exclaimed: "Squad Leader Bai is really a rich second-generation? I never realized it before."

In fact, there are many wealthy students in the class, such as Zhou Tong and Mao Yue, who have also secretly driven their family's cars. Zhou Tong's brother is a car dealer, and the luxury cars he has handled are worth over 100 million yuan. Zhou Tong has secretly driven a few times, but he didn't dare to drive on the road to show off. He just found an open space to enjoy it by himself, and that was when his brother was in a good mood. Bai Luochuan's family has always been equipped with a driver to pick them up, which is really rare.

The girls looked calm. Most of them preferred a gentle boy like Mi Yang. Mi Yang had never concealed his family background from the beginning. There was even a classmate who lived in the same district who fell and injured himself. He spent half a month changing medicines at Mi Yang's pharmacy. Mi Yang had been taking care of him patiently and would even take him home when it rained. The classmate boasted about it for several days when he returned to school, praising himself as the class league secretary for his good medical skills and kind heart, and said he would be a top doctor in the future.

However, unlike everyone's expectations, their Youth League Secretary did not choose the medical direction, but chose the restoration of cultural relics and ancient books. It can be seen at first glance that one has to work hard for decades to achieve results. It is a bit regrettable, but also feels that it is reasonable.

The biggest impression Mi Yang gives people is that he is gentle and down-to-earth. It is perfectly normal for him to do a job like this that is far away from being impetuous.

Ningning and a girl were still looking at the car going away hand in hand. After a while, she asked, "Zhou Tong, are you and our league secretary also classmates in junior high school?"

Zhou Tongdao: "That's right!" He reported the name of the school and said, "Go ask around in this school, everyone knows Mi Yang."

Ning Ning asked curiously, "Why is our league secretary so famous?"

Zhou Tong touched the tip of his nose and smiled, "It's not bad actually. It's mainly because Brother Bai is so awesome. He won a lot of awards when he was in junior high school. He won them all as if it was a piece of cake. When Mi Yang was in the first grade of junior high school, he also participated in the competition. At that time, either he or Brother Bai came first. Later, I don't know why Mi Yang stopped coming. It seems that he likes model airplanes. He joined the interest group there and even went to Beijing to compete and won a prize."

Ningning was quite interested and asked him a lot of questions.

Zhou Tong smiled and said, "This is a long story. If we mention one, we can't forget the other. They have been inseparable since junior high school. For a while, there were even rumors in school that they were blood brothers."

Ning Ning asked: "Is it true?"

Zhou Tongdao: "How is that possible? But I heard that their two families have a very good relationship. Brother Bai and Mi Yang have lived and eaten together since they were young. I have never seen them separate. Brothers are no different."

In junior high school, Bai Luochuan had already shown some tendencies to be a little bully, with a very flamboyant personality. If it weren't for Mi Yang who liked to study quietly next to him, Zhou Tong would not be surprised that he could cause a lot of trouble. At that time, there were many rumors that the two of them were "brothers". Bai Luochuan was too lazy to explain, but someone still asked Mi Yang. Mi Yang had a good temper and explained a few words. If anyone else asked, Bai Luochuan would stop them. Master Bai was always on guard, fearing that they would bully Mi Yang - Zhou Tong and his friends would never dare to do so. If we say that the biggest force in junior high school was probably Bai Luochuan himself, Master Bai himself didn't realize it, but they were all around him, and they didn't even have time to curry favor with him, so how could they dare to provoke his "brother".

Zhou Tong sighed: "In fact, I didn't guess that Brother Bai and Mi Yang were not in the same class. You don't know that he would get angry even if we were not deskmates in junior high school. Now his temper is much better, haha!"

When Ning Ning was little, she muttered, "If the League Secretary was this nice to me, I would be willing to be ten times nicer than I am now."

Zhou Tong didn't hear clearly, so he asked her, "What do you mean ten times?"

Ningning smiled and shook her head. Just then a car arrived, and she and the girl next to her got on, arm in arm.

On the other side, in the Bai family’s car.

Bai Luochuan reached out and rummaged through the pile of gifts. He soon found Ningning's box, took it in his hand and asked, "Can I see it?"

He was speaking clearly now, and looked at Mi Yang seriously, so Mi Yang couldn't help but smile and said, "Are you not pretending anymore?"

When Bai Luochuan saw him take the box and start to open the package, he knew that he was still willing to show it to him. He leaned on Mi Yang's shoulder and started to pretend to be drunk again, and said vaguely: "I still feel a little uncomfortable, why don't you accompany me more."

Mi Yang opened the box, took out the notebook and gave it to him, and whispered, "You haven't left today, how long will it take?"

Bai Luochuan took it and flipped through the notebook. After confirming that the pages were all blank and nothing was written on them, he returned it to Mi Yang, yawned, leaned on him and said, "I'm sleepy."

He buried his head in Mi Yang's arms and rubbed it twice. Mi Yang rubbed his temples, but still did not stay as he wished.

"I have to go back and pack my luggage. I'm going back to Shanhai Town in two days. My mother wants to bring a lot of things home. I'm going back alone this time, so I have to prepare a lot." Mi Yang whispered to him.

Bai Luochuan closed his eyes and half-lay on his legs, saying: "Then take them all with you. It's not like you can't let go. Don't go back and pack them up."

Mi Yang smiled but still didn't agree.

Bai Luochuan snorted coldly, "I know everything even if you don't tell me. It's Michelle again, isn't it? She asked you to tell her a story before you leave, right? How old is she, and she still needs someone to tell her stories at night? I'm going to call her teacher later to ask how her grades are in school."

Mi Yang said: "She is the same as you."

Bai Luochuan frowned: "What?"

Mi Yang covered his eyes, leaned down and whispered in his ear: "You are acting like a spoiled child with me."

His voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, but every word he said seemed to penetrate through the pores of one's body like a tiny electric current that went straight to the most itchy part of one's heart. Bai Luochuan could hear the hint of smile in his tone, and without opening his eyes, he could imagine the gentleness and innocence of this man in his daily life, his curved smiling eyes and the upturned corners of his lips... His Adam's apple rolled twice, pulling him down a little, and the two of them fumbled and kissed in the dark and narrow seat in the back row.

Like a dragonfly skimming the water, they quickly separated.

Bai Luochuan restrained himself, he sat up and slightly separated himself from Mi Yang, calmed himself down, and then looked at him from the corner of his eyes, trying to see every move of the other party. Mi Yang turned his head to look out the window, pretending to be calm, but even so, his face was red to his neck, and his earlobes, which were originally white jade, also turned red.

Bai Luochuan stretched out his hand and shook it with him, and laughed. Mi Yang was still turning his head to look out the window, but the hand that was secretly holding with his moved, and the fingers became intertwined.

They arrived at Mi Yang's house very quickly. As soon as he got out of the car, Bai Luochuan was completely sober, his eyes were clear without a trace of drunkenness.

When Bai Luochuan opened the door, the lights were on. Luo Jiangjing had already arrived home. She had been home for a while. She had changed her clothes and was answering the phone with half-wet hair. She looked very gentle and smiling. When she saw her son coming in, she waved at him and said, "Luochuan, come here. Your dad called to congratulate you!"

Bai Luochuan walked over and answered the phone, and had a brief conversation with Bai Jingrong. The father and son were fine with each other through the phone and were both quite polite.

Luo Jiangjing had been watching him with a smile. Bai Luochuan saw that her hair was still wet, so he went to get a towel to wipe it for her while continuing, "Yes, I will take good care of mom and myself, don't worry... Well, I'll go to Shanhai Town the day after tomorrow. The holiday is long, so I plan to stay for two more days to accompany grandpa."

Bai Jingrong also had things to do, so after giving his instructions, he hung up the phone.

Bai Luochuan casually put his phone aside, wiped it with a towel and frowned, "Why did you answer the phone without drying your hair? Are men so important?"

Luo Jiangjing patted his arm and said with a smile: "What man? That's your dad!"

Bai Luochuan went to get the hair dryer himself and said coldly: "My dad is not as important as your own health."

He dried Luo Jiangjing's hair, his tone was impatient, but his hands were gentle. It can be said that Luo Jiangjing had brought him up since he was a child. In order to take care of the young Luo Jiangjing, she gave up her own ideals and ambitions for several years and waited until her son had enjoyed his childhood before she came out to work. With her wholehearted dedication, Bai Luochuan had very happy memories of Border Town and his childhood. Sometimes when the mother and son talked about it, they both missed that time.

It’s just that I’ve been separated from my father for too long, and the relationship between father and son has become a little distant.

Luo Jiangjing sighed and said with a smile: "If you serve your father like this once, he will definitely be very happy."

Bai Luochuan sneered, "Forget it. He won't let me wash and dry his hair. He'll probably make a stern face and tell me to roll out of the bathroom. As for me, I'll just serve you."

Luo Jiangjing stopped talking about her husband and said gently, "Luochuan, Mom originally planned to give you a car. It would be convenient for you and Xiaoguai to use it in Beijing, but you are not old enough to get a driver's license, so you'd better let the driver pick you up when you go there." She took two keys from the coffee table next to her and gave them to Bai Luochuan, saying, "This is for you. The house you bought when SARS broke out in Beijing two years ago was decorated but you haven't lived in it yet. I had someone clean it up and put some furniture and appliances in it. I also checked the location and it's not far from your school. You and Xiaoguai can live together there. You're in the same school, and I feel at ease with the two of you living together."

Bai Luochuan took the key, sat on the stool next to her and said, "Mom, don't let the driver pick you up when you're in college. It's too conspicuous. Why don't you convert the car into money for me?"

Luo Jiangjing asked him: "What do you want so much money for?"

Bai Luochuan didn't tell her, he stood up and said, "If you don't want to give it to me, forget it."

Luo Jiangjing laughed angrily: "Come back and sit down, mom is talking to you seriously!"

Bai Luochuan sat down again, stretched out his long legs and said lazily: "I didn't do anything stupid, I just learned something from Brother Bai Bin, and I also want to save some money and start a small business or something."

Luo Jiangjing said: "If you really want, Mom will open a branch in Beijing and send people over to help you."

Bai Luochuan rolled his eyes and said, "Let's talk about this later. Give me a few years of free time. I want to try it myself."

Luo Jiangjing shook his head and said, "I don't have that much time for you. I'm looking forward to you taking over soon so that I can go to your father and accompany him."

Bai Luochuan asked: "What are you doing? Your son is more important than your husband."

Luo Jiangjing raised his eyebrows and said happily: "Of course it's my husband."

Bai Luochuan: “…”

He thought about it seriously. If his mother asked him this question back, he would probably choose Xiaoguai. Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

Luo Jiangjing asked: "How long do you plan to stay in Shanhai Town?"

Bai Luochuan said: "It will take at least ten days or half a month, depending on Grandpa's health."

Luo Jiangjing nodded and said, "Okay, the vacation is long anyway, so it's okay to stay a few more days. So, when you come back, you should stay in Shanghai first and let Uncle Mi take you around to familiarize yourself with the project process. There just happens to be a big contract recently."

Bai Luochuan said: "Mom, I want to go to Xinjiang during the holiday. How long will the project last?"

"It will take at least three years over there." Luo Jiangjing said angrily, "You really are, one moment you want to stay in Shanghai, the next moment you want to go to Xinjiang, what on earth do you want to do? Last time, you ran off to Xinjiang without even saying hello, if the people over there hadn't told me, I would have been scared to death by you."

Bai Luochuan laughed, tilted his head and lay on Luo Jiangjing's knees without saying a word.

Luo Jiangjing poked his forehead and said, "Don't try to fool me. This trick won't work on me. Oh, I see. Are you anxious because you see Xiaoguai has something to do and you haven't even started your 'work' yet?"

Bai Luochuan said: "Yes."

Luo Jiangjing smiled, tried to comfort him, and finally agreed to let him go to Xinjiang: "Let's make a deal first, you are not allowed to run around after you get there, and you have to call mom often to let her know you are safe, okay?"

Bai Luochuan stood up and kissed her on the cheek, then said with a smile, "Got it, Ms. Luo."

Two days later, Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang returned to Shanhai Town together.

Shanhai Town has changed a lot now. When I came last time, some sections of the road were still under construction. This time, they are all finished. The gates of the scenic area have been erected, which is very impressive and beautiful. Locals can go there for free with their ID cards, and they can still go in for a stroll every day. There are more people climbing the mountain on weekends than before. There are many small businesses around during the peak season, and there are also a few stalls open during the off-season. It looks much more lively than before.

After Mi Yang put down his things, he went to visit Mr. Bai with Bai Luochuan first.

Mr. Bai's cough has worsened in the past two days. He has been receiving intravenous drips and looks more haggard than before, but his eyes still have the spirit of the past. When he saw Bai Luochuan and the others coming together, he smiled and said, "I was just about to ask you when you would come today, but it happens that you are already here. Luochuan, come here, Grandpa has a gift for you!"

Bai Luochuan hurried forward to support his arm. Mi Yang wanted to support the other side, but was rejected by Bai Lao. He leaned on his crutches and said, "I'm not old, why do I need to serve like this? I don't need it!"

Bai Luochuan asked: "You are seventy-three years old this year, have you forgotten it yourself?"

Bai Lao: “…”

Old Bai thought the boy was too annoying, so he waved him away and let Mi Yang hold him. He used his other hand to lean on a cane and took them to the study. However, after a few steps, he couldn't help but praise his grandson proudly: "You did very well in the exam this time. Your mother called me to tell me. Two top scorers, both families have good education!"

The old man waited for their reply after he finished speaking.

Mi Yang winked at Bai Luochuan.

Bai Luochuan could only say: "No, we usually learn a lot from grandpa, and you teach us well."

Mr. Bai became happy again, pushed open the door of the study and said, "Here it is. I specially asked an old friend to write it for me."

There is a calligraphy hanging on the wall of the study. It was written by a calligrapher friend invited by Mr. Bai. The characters are vigorous and powerful, with majestic strokes. The four words "Shuanggui Lianfang" are framed and hung in the most conspicuous place.

Bai Lao smiled and said, "This is Mr. Daishan's calligraphy. I told him about you and he was very happy. He mentioned this to me and even told me a story. He said that in ancient times, two brothers went to Beijing to take the imperial examination and both passed the imperial examination. This is a great thing." He patted Mi Yang's hand, looked up at his grandson, and said lovingly, "Grandpa hopes that you can take care of each other in the future like you did today. Can you do it?"

Bai Luochuan nodded.

Mi Yang also smiled and said, "Yes, Grandpa Bai, don't worry."

The author has something to say: Good night everyone~