Back to 1988

Chapter 125: Brother Bai


Mi Yang stayed for a while longer, sitting there and talking to Mi Hong.

Mi Hong said to him, "I have sorted out the old books that the Bai family sent me before. Half of them were too damaged and not valuable, so I didn't keep them. The rest have been repaired. I took them back to show them to Mr. Bai. He has already added some new books. He doesn't want these anymore. He said that seeing things reminds people of the past. There is no point in looking at them anymore. Let me find someone who loves books to give them to."

Mi Yang didn't expect that two years ago, Old Bai loved these books very much. After moving to the old house, he specially moved the study there intact without losing a piece of wood. He didn't expect that the old man would not want these books anymore.

Mi Hong had walnut candies and hot tea on his hands. The steam was rising from the room, which was no longer deserted. He looked at Mi Yang and said slowly, "I thought about it and there was no one else, so I picked out some good ones and put them away. If you have a place to stay later, I'll mail them to you."

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Okay."

The two sat for a while and talked about the set of books that Professor Zhang sent decades ago. Mi Hong said, "This set is called Liao Fu Ji, which is divided into five volumes. What's rare is that all five books are complete. When Mr. Zhang sent it to me, he gave me instructions. It can be seen that he really liked it. At that time, he seemed to be a teacher at the Imperial University. I didn't expect that he would still be here after all these years."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "Yes, he was rehired a few years ago. Although he only holds the title of professor, everyone still calls him the old dean."

Mi Hong laughed for the first time and nodded, "It's good to do one thing for a lifetime."

Mi Yang saw the three-stringed zither on the table from the corner of his eye, and his throat choked for a moment. He quickly looked away and forced a smile: "Grandpa, this medical book is more valuable, and has greater collection value. When I was in Shanghai, I sometimes went to old calligraphy and painting shops and saw people sending medical books for repair a few times."

If it were someone else, they might start with their feelings towards books, but Mi Hong was a craftsman who made a living by repairing books. He nodded and said, "Yes, in the Qing Dynasty, the best books were thread-bound novels, followed by fortune-telling and physiognomy books, and then medical books."

Mi Yang pretended to be very interested and looked down at the old books in the wooden box.

Mi Hong took a book and carefully opened it to show him: "Take this one for example. Look at the layout here, and then look at the pages. If you find a book with a collector's seal, its value will double. I don't know how much it is now. If it was in the past, it would have cost several silver dollars a copy."

Mi Yang studied hard, and after looking at the traces of Mi Hong's repairs, he took the initiative to say, "Grandpa, I want to come over and continue learning from you in the next few days. This time I have a lot of vacation time, so I can stay for a while longer..."

Mi Hong put the book away and interrupted him, saying, "You don't need to stay any longer. I have already passed on everything I can teach you."

Mi Yang looked at him and refused to leave.

Mi Hong curled the corners of his lips and rubbed his head with his big hand: "Don't think too much, since I promised, I will definitely do it."

He was talking about the promise he had made to his spouse.

Now that he has lived to this day, he will not commit suicide again.

This old bone will last as long as it can.

Mi Hong closed the door and refused to see visitors. Mi Yang was also asked to leave. The old man was used to living alone and did not feel it was hard. Instead, he felt sad when Mi Yang was driven out by him.

After Mi Yang came back, he talked about it with Old Lady Cheng, who thought that what he did was quite normal.

The old lady smiled and said, "He has been like this since he was young. He has been stubborn all his life. Just let him be."

In the evening, Mi Yang went to bring snacks to Bai Luochuan. The amber walnut kernels were very popular, and both Bai Luochuan and Old Man Bai loved them.

Ever since Bai Lao moved back to Shanhai Town, Mi Yang would send Bai Lao a copy of any new things he saw. They were not necessarily expensive, just small things. Bai Lao also loved Mi Yang very much. After all, he had watched him grow up, so it was no different for him to treat them as his own.

After eating a few, Mr. Bai saw Mi Yang carrying a box to the kitchen and asked, "Yang Yang, what are you carrying?"

Mi Yang said: "Oh, Grandpa Bai, it's just some sea cucumbers. Let the chef soak them and cook them into porridge."

Mr. Bai was sitting in the living room happily eating walnut candy and said to him, "I don't like sea cucumbers."

Bai Luochuan collected most of the amber walnut kernels and took them away, leaving a small handful for the old man. He said to him, "When I was a child, you didn't teach me this way. You always told me to have a balanced diet and eat less sugar and more rice."

Mr. Bai retorted, "You are growing up, but I am too old to grow up. Leave me another handful of candy!"

Bai Luochuan didn't listen to him. He took it and went to the kitchen to ask for millet and sea cucumber porridge to be made in the evening.

The chef had gotten used to the argumentative conversation between the grandfather and grandson every day these days, so he smiled and responded, took the box from Mi Yang's hand, and went to soak the sea cucumbers.

Mi Yang slowly moved closer to Bai Luochuan and called him softly, "Hey, Bai Luochuan."

Young Master Bai stood up straighter, his gaze softened as he looked at him, and he lowered his voice and asked, "Hmm?"

Mi Yang came closer to show him his pocket, which contained a handkerchief wrapped with a bulging object. He said happily, "I also hid a handful of walnut candies. Shall we feed them to Wu Le later?"

Bai Luochuan narrowed his eyes.

Master Bai touched his pocket and wanted to check it himself: "Let me see."

Mi Yang said: "No need to look, they are all the same."

Bai Luochuan said: "Let me see which walnut is bigger."

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and whispered, "Don't grab it, I just wrapped it for a while, and it scattered after a while. It's really the same, it came from the same pot as your box!"

Bai Luochuan was still worried, so he checked and compared them himself and said, "This one looks like it has a lot of sugar."

Mi Yang explained, "I specially used the last honey and rock sugar to make it, with more sugar and fewer walnuts, because Wu Le likes sweet food." He looked at Master Bai and smiled with his eyes curved, "Anyway, you don't like sweet food, so the one who likes sweet food is 'me', right?"

Bai Luochuan glanced at him, raised his hand and slapped him lightly on the butt. It was very light, but the sound was loud.

Mi Yang's ears turned red, and he moved away from him. After looking around to see if there was anyone around, he raised his head and glared at him, "Stop messing around!"

Master Bai felt that he looked easier to bully when he looked at people with wide eyes, so he lowered his head and moved closer. Mi Yang retreated again and again. He laughed and flicked Mi Yang on the forehead, snorting: "Don't mess with me, I'm really angry."

There was still some time before dinner, so the two of them went to feed Wu Le first.

The black horse had grown into a very strong man, with smooth body lines, shiny and smooth fur, neatly combed, and long and thick mane. When Mi Yang stood aside and fed it walnut candy, it shook its ears from time to time while eating, looking very comfortable.

Mi Yang's eyes were always on the horse's swinging mane, and he felt very itchy in his heart.

He gave the remaining walnut candy to Bai Luochuan and said to him, "You come and feed it. I want to touch Wu Le."

Bai Luochuan took it and fed it to Wu Le, dividing it into several small pieces and feeding him much more stingily than Mi Yang.

Mi Yang reached out and touched it twice. It was softer and smoother than he expected. As he touched it, he couldn't help but move his fingers and braided it into a small braid.

Bai Luochuan saw this and hesitated before asking, "Should we have two braids? Should they be symmetrical?"

Mi Yang went to the side and braided another small braid. When Mi Xue was a child, she loved to be beautiful, and he was the one who braided the little girl's braids. Wu Le's hair was long and well-maintained and smooth, and Mi Yang felt it felt very good when he braided it.

Wu Le was quite cooperative. After eating the candy, he stood there waiting and let Mi Yang braid several small braids for him. When he saw Mi Yang stop, he shook his neck, and his black mane swayed a few times. The small braids were faintly visible like decorations. He was already feeling proud.

Bai Luochuan asked him: "Don't you want more?"

Mi Yang was still looking at it: "No, these few are enough, I just think it's fun, I'll take it apart and comb it for Wu Le tomorrow."

Bai Luochuan said, "No, someone will take care of it tomorrow. It will take more than an hour to give it a bath." He looked at Mi Yang and asked, "Will you stay here tonight?"

Mi Yang nodded and smiled, "You don't know, as soon as I said I was coming to your place, my grandma asked me what I wanted to eat for lunch tomorrow. The old lady is used to me staying overnight."

Bai Luochuan also laughed. It was getting dark. There were big trees planted on this side of the stable. The shade of the trees blocked most of the view, so it was impossible to see the situation on this side. Bai Luochuan bent down and kissed Mi Yang in the corner, and whispered something shameless to him. Mi Yang held him with his arm and tried to push him away. Seeing Mi Yang's embarrassed look, he couldn't help but laughed softly again.

The chef at the Bai family’s old house has good skills. The millet and sea cucumber porridge he made in the evening was very tender, and some dried scallops were added to enhance the flavor, making it light and refreshing.

Mr. Bai only ate two bites and then put it down, saying that he had a poor appetite and couldn't eat any more.

Bai Luochuan suspected that he had eaten too much walnut candy in the afternoon, but the old man didn't like it, so he couldn't say anything. He could only ask the kitchen to heat up the porridge and some refreshing side dishes and serve them out when he wanted to eat.

Old Master Bai waved his hand and smiled at him, "I'm old, my appetite is just this big. You guys eat yours and don't worry about me." He slowly stood up with the help of a cane, and asked someone to help him go to the backyard to see the black horse Wu Le. His pocket was also bulging, as if he had hidden some candy to take with him.

At night, Bai Luochuan had to stay on the first floor, but was driven out by Bai Lao, who said to him, "I'm not coughing anymore, why are you still sleeping here with me? Go away, my living room has been nicely set up with tea-drinking utensils, but they're all occupied by your bed. Isn't Yangyang here? Go upstairs and play video games, and stop bothering me."

Bai Luochuan had no choice but to move back to the second floor.

In the room where he lived, Mi Yang was lying on the bed talking on the phone with Mi Xue. Mi Yang was drying his hair while using the hands-free mode. He could hear the girl's soft voice through the phone, calling him coquettishly, "Brother, when will you come back? I miss you so much—"

Bai Luochuan pressed down on Mi Yang with a cold face. Mi Yang was caught off guard and groaned. Then he heard Bai Luochuan answer for him: "It's only been one day since he came out. Wait, it will be at least half a month."

Michelle didn't realize what was going on, so she said sweetly, "Brother, you don't miss me anymore? I got first place in the class this time!"

Bai Luochuan, who was ranked first in the city, was still lying on Mi Yang and heard a sneer.

Mi Yang gently bumped him with his arm and whispered, "Get down, you're too heavy."

Michelle on the phone also sensed something was wrong and called out again in confusion, "Brother?"

Mi Yang smiled at her and said, "It was your brother Bai who was talking to you just now."

Bai Luochuan's breathing quickened next to Mi Yang's ear, and he bit his ear. He pressed his body closer to him, and the hot touch was obvious. He even rubbed it very lightly.

Mi Yang: “!!”

The author has something to say: Good night everyone~

The third update is finished, please give me nutrient solution~\(≧▽≦)/