Back to 1988

Chapter 128: thunderstorm


Bai Luochuan was driven out and did not go anywhere else, but went directly to find Mi Yang.

He was not familiar with the young people in Shanhai Town, and the few he knew were only played together because Mi Yang was good friends with them. Compared with Wang Bing, the two brothers Zhao Haisheng treated him more sincerely and were willing to work hard for him.

At night, Bai Luochuan stayed at Cheng's house and sat in Mi Yang's room chatting with him.

Mi Yang made some handicrafts and folded a paper crane for him.

When Bai Luochuan's leg was injured before, Mi Yang folded a glass jar of paper cranes for him. When you opened each one, you could see a heart. When he confessed his love, he also gave him such a small paper crane. Bai Luochuan liked it very much, but he also went back and counted them carefully. Mi Yang only gave him a few hundred, far less than a thousand.

Bai Luochuan said, "I was busy with schoolwork before, so I didn't tell you. Now that I'm on vacation and have nothing to do, you have to make it up to me."

Mi Yang looked up at him.

Young Master Bai raised a finger seriously: "One thousand, not one less."

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang started to do his handicrafts, Bai Luochuan sat beside him, holding his chin and watching him fold paper cranes. When Grandma Cheng came to deliver strawberries, she saw Bai Luochuan picking and choosing, and insisted that Mi Yang split it and fold it again, saying that the wings were asymmetrical. The grandson, who had a rare good temper, was also unhappy, but his protest was very gentle. Grandma Cheng was amused by them and said with a smile: "Eat the fruit first, and then fold the paper crane after you finish eating. Why did you suddenly think of doing this?"

Before Mi Yang could speak, Bai Luochuan smiled and said, "Grandma, it's okay. We had an agreement before."

Old Madam Cheng nodded and said, "It's better to keep your promise. Yangyang, be obedient and fold it again according to what Luochuan said."

Mi Yang: “… Got it.”

Bai Luochuan had such a good image in front of the elders that Old Lady Cheng had no doubts and believed everything he said.

Mi Yang folded paper cranes so that his hands would not be occupied. Bai Luochuan ate a strawberry himself and fed him one. While eating, he said, "Grandpa has a poor appetite these past two days. He can't eat anything. It's really worrying to see him."

Mi Yang said: "My grandma sometimes doesn't like to eat in the summer. How about you bring some strawberries over? Maybe she'll be fine if she eats something light."

Bai Luochuan sighed, "It's already light enough. I only eat two mouthfuls of white porridge every day, and I don't like fruit very much." It was rare for him to worry about something, and he frowned for a long time before relaxing. "I'll go back early tomorrow morning to keep an eye on it. I always feel that the old man is hiding something from me."

Mi Yang asked: "Have you asked the doctor?"

Bai Luochuan nodded: "I've asked, and the doctor at home has always said that there's nothing wrong. I've also looked at the physical examination report, and he said it's just because of old age."

Mi Yang didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only lean over and gently touch his forehead, then put his nose against his and said, "It's okay, let's go over there and spend more time with grandpa tomorrow, maybe he'll be in a better mood and eat more."

Bai Luochuan smiled and kissed the corner of his lips gently: "Okay."

Mi Yang saw that he was in better spirits and continued to sit there folding paper cranes. Although Bai Luochuan asked him to give him one thousand, he came over to stick to him again before Mi Yang could finish folding them for a while.

Mi Yang wanted to get up and get some colored paper, but Master Bai refused to let go and said coquettishly, "Don't fold those, just look at me and talk to me."

Mi Yang had a good temper and sat down to look at him again: "What did you say?"

Bai Luochuan thought for a moment and said with a smile, "I went to see Zhao Haisheng and his brother yesterday. It's a pity that Zhao Haisheng went to work on the construction site. He's a good guy. He looks honest, but he's flexible and not so rigid. As for Fu Qisheng, he's changed a lot. Before, I thought he would be bullied at school, but yesterday I saw them moving a sleeper. He was able to lift up such a big sleeper by himself. He's really strong. With this strength, ordinary people can't move him."

Mi Yang said: "I've heard that Qisheng is very strong before, but are you sure Haisheng is agile?" His only impression of Zhao Haisheng was that he was protective and honest. When they were young, he and Wang Bing liked to play with him.

Bai Luochuan said: "These two brothers are quite interesting. It's a pity to leave them here."

Mi Yang asked him: "Do you want to take them to Shanghai?"

Bai Luochuan smiled and said, "No, I'll observe it a little more. If possible, it would be nice to let them go to the capital. My cousin and I are also short of manpower."

Mi Yang never asked much about his business affairs. He just nodded and continued to fold paper cranes.

Bai Luochuan was quite positive about going to the capital during this period. He had not arrived yet, but he had already earned some money to support himself for a while. But it was still not enough. He picked up a small paper crane and looked at it for a while, as if he wanted to see the love heart drawn inside through the colored paper. He smiled at the sight of it. Such a good little darling needed the best things to be worthy of him.

It started raining in the evening. At first it was just a drizzle, like leaves being swept by the wind. Then there was a faint sound of thunder and the sound of raindrops hitting the windows became louder.

Mi Yang was disturbed by the sound of rain. Although he did not wake up, he had a bad dream.

He didn't know why, but he dreamed of the time when he said farewell to Mi Hong.

At that time, he had already graduated from university. He and Yonezawa Hai came back from the city together. People around them congratulated them, saying that the old man passed away at a ripe old age and it was a happy funeral.

Mi Yang couldn't smile, and followed Mi Zehai numbly, with a circle of black gauze on his arm. Mi Zehai had linen tied around his forehead and waist, chatting and laughing with the old neighbors around him, thanking them for coming, setting up more than a dozen tables for the buffet, and smilingly asking everyone if they had eaten well.

After three days of banquet, everyone left and only the father and son were left kneeling in the mourning hall.

Yonezawa asked him to go out and get some paper money, and reminded him: "Print the money on each one, remember."

Mi Yang agreed, and just as he turned to go out, he heard Mi Zehai's suppressed crying. Mi Yang's eyes became sore, and he could only quicken his pace to get the paper money, unable to bear to see his father kneeling in the mourning hall and crying bitterly.

Lightning flashed outside, lighting up half the sky, followed by a loud thunder.

Mi Yang moved his fingers, trying to wake up from the nightmare. There was still a layer of tears in his eyes and he couldn't see clearly what was in front of him, but he could vaguely see Bai Luochuan had sat up and was putting on his shoes.

Mi Yang rubbed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "What's wrong, are you feeling unwell?"

Bai Luochuan shook his head, his brows still furrowed: "It's okay, I just feel like something is not right, I'll go home and take a look."

Mi Yang thought about the dream, and suddenly remembered something in a trance.

Yes, Bai Luochuan transferred to Shanhai Town because of Bai Lao's health. He had a deep relationship with the old man and stayed with him for more than two years before going to Beijing with him for treatment. Now, it seems that it was when Bai Luochuan transferred here? Bai Lao's health has also deteriorated.

Mi Yang immediately stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

There was a continuous thunderstorm outside. After walking for five minutes, Bai Luochuan was almost soaked from head to toe. He was anxious and walked fast. When he was almost to the small building where Bai Lao lived, he heard a neighing sound coming from the stable in the backyard. Wu Le stretched his neck and barked twice, looking anxious and restless.

The umbrella in Bai Luochuan's hand had been blown open, so he simply threw it away and went to the back to check the situation. Wule was so anxious that he had started to bang against the door of the stable. The person who took care of him tried to calm him down, but it didn't work. Wule was big and had been well fed in the past two years, so he couldn't be controlled for a while.

The other party became anxious and shouted loudly, but the black horse had an even worse temper and kicked directly with its hooves, almost cracking the wooden door.

Bai Luochuan walked over in the rain and said with a sullen face, "Let go, let it go, and see what it wants to do!"

Wu Le didn't want to do anything. As soon as the stable was opened, he ran straight to the small building where Bai Lao lived. He stood outside the corridor, rubbing his head against the door, making a "whining" sound, waiting for Bai Luochuan to come and open the door. Then he shook off the water on his body and went in.

Bai Luochuan was splashed with water, and the people next to him hurriedly brought him a towel. Bai Luochuan was soaked by the rain just now, so he didn't mind this. He handed a towel to Mi Yang, grabbed the towel casually, and followed Wu Le in with a sullen face.

The noise was so loud that the family driver rushed over. He explained in a low voice, "Wule didn't do it on purpose. Last time, when Mr. Bai went out, he didn't watch him and followed him out. He kept chasing after the car and we didn't see him. He waded through the river and followed us. It was only when Mr. Bai heard the sound of horse hooves behind us that we saw him and rushed him back. It was still cold at that time. Wule's upper body was sweating and his legs and feet were covered with ice. Mr. Bai was afraid that he was sick, so he let him in and took a hot bath. He also took a blanket and let him sleep at the door of the small living room all night. That's why he didn't get sick."

The driver sighed and looked at the black horse with a complicated expression. Perhaps he remembered what happened that day and his voice was a little choked up: "Maybe it wants to... come in and see Mr. Bai."

When Bai Luochuan walked in, he saw Wu Le stamping his feet back and forth at the door of the small living room, hesitating to go forward, but when he heard the old man coughing inside, he couldn't help but rub his head and body against the door. The place over there was small, not enough room for him to move, and soon he bumped into the sofa, making a creaking sound against the ground.

Bai Lao coughed and asked, "Who is it?" He probably sat up and took a look, then immediately laughed and scolded, "Wule, why are you here, you little bastard? It's thundering outside, come in, there's already a bed here, you won't be an extra one."

Wu Le snorted softly and went in quickly.

It curled up on the carpet beside the old man, with its four hooves together and its neck stretched forward, lying down and refusing to go anywhere.

Bai Lao sat on the bed, used his walking stick to hook a blanket and put it on his body casually, not caring that the carpet was wet, and shook his head helplessly. When he looked up and saw Bai Luochuan, the helpless look in his eyes became even heavier, and he smiled and said, "How did you get so wet? Go upstairs and take a hot bath. You have to take care of your body in the summer."

Bai Luochuan stood at the door and answered, but he kept looking at the room and refused to move.

Wule is a military horse and a good horse selected from thousands of miles away. It has the habits of wild horses on the grassland in its blood and is very vigilant. No matter what time of night you go to see it, it always sleeps standing up with its eyes closed.

Such military horses will only lie down to rest when they are sick.

Bai Luochuan felt uneasy.

He always felt like something was going to happen.

The author has something to say: The third update is finished, please give me some nutrient solution~

I hope I can hold on for two more days, seeking for irrigation strength.