Back to 1988

Chapter 129: property


Seeing him standing there wet, Mr. Bai urged him, "What are you doing? Go change your clothes quickly or you might catch a cold." He looked at Mi Yang who was following behind him and said distressedly, "It's not a big deal. Wu Le is just in a bad mood. Just let him stay here. You two should go upstairs and take a hot bath and go to bed."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "I'll come back later."

Mr. Bai waved his hand at him and said, "Don't come. Go to sleep."

Bai Luochuan looked at him and called him grandpa again. He didn't want to leave. Bai Lao was happy and said to him, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Go up quickly."

Bai Luochuan then went upstairs. He and Mi Yang took a hot shower and stayed in the old house to sleep.

Bai Luochuan did not sleep well. Not long after, he quietly went downstairs to check on the old man. He found that the old man slept well at night and did not cough anymore.

Bai Luochuan was fine after getting caught in the rain, but Mi Yang had a slight cold, so the Bai family's doctor examined him and prescribed some medicine for him to take back home.

Bai Luochuan wanted him to stay and take care of him, but Mi Yang smiled and refused: "No, I'm afraid of infection. You take good care of grandpa first. I'll take medicine for two days and come over when I feel better."

Bai Luochuan thought about it and could only nod and agree.

He stayed in the old house for a few days and kept observing Mr. Bai's diet. But before he could say a word, the family doctor standing by came out and explained, "The old man is taking Chinese medicine, some of which conflict with each other. Eating too much is not good. Just eat light food."

Bai Luochuan nodded and didn't force it.

Old Bai eats very little, especially at night when it is difficult for him to swallow a few mouthfuls of rice. Seeing that he eats reluctantly, Bai Luochuan finds an excuse to go out and play with other children in Shanhai Town, leaving some space for the old man.

What he said was not false, he went to find the Zhao brothers.

The two Zhao brothers have lived in the local area for many years, especially Zhao Haisheng. All his relatives are here, so he can basically get any news.

When Bai Luochuan came to ask him, he thought for a while before saying, "Gas station? There are only two gas stations in town. I'll go ask."

Zhao Haisheng made the phone call. Fu Qisheng, who was standing next to him, was wearing an old work suit. His pants were stained with white lime, but he still stood straight. He usually didn't talk much, but he was observant. He said to Bai Luochuan, "Your car can only go to the gas station at the Fuqian intersection. The oil there is good and won't damage the engine. As for when to refuel, you have to wait for my brother to call and ask. We worked there during the winter vacation before, so we can ask about this period."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "Thank you."

Fu Qisheng said: "Why don't you ask your driver? He should know better."

Bai Luochuan glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, it's not the driver's fault. It's just that the elderly at home don't want to talk about something, and I can't ask them in person."

Fu Qisheng was stunned for a moment, and whispered an apology to him. His mother worked there, so he was familiar with the people working in the old house, so he tentatively asked another question.

Bai Luochuan waved his hand and said, "It's okay for you to ask, but don't tell anyone else about this. I just want to find out where they have been."

Fu Qisheng responded.

After a while, Zhao Haisheng also found out. There are few people in the town, and there are only a few good cars. The car and the driver of the Bai family's old house have been used for many years. Everyone knows them, so they found out quickly. They didn't go to any special place. Just like what Bai Lao said, they went to the provincial capital hospital. The only strange thing is that they go there every other month. It doesn't seem like they are seeing a doctor, but more like they are receiving treatment.

Zhao Haisheng said: "Today is the day we should go to refuel. As usual, we have already gone to the provincial capital."

Bai Luochuan frowned, thought for a while, and said to them, "I understand. Please help me find out more. If you have any other news, please let me know."

Zhao Haisheng nodded and agreed.

Bai Luochuan was worried and called Luo Jiangjing's secretary. Bai Jingrong was busy with his career in the army, and Luo Jiangjing took care of all the big and small things at home. She kept a copy of Bai Lao's physical examination report every year. When the secretary heard that he was looking for it, she found it quickly and took a photo and sent it to him as he asked, but she didn't see anything strange.

The secretary said to him, "We have been keeping an eye on Mr. Bai's health. There is nothing abnormal. The report is the same as every year."

Bai Luochuan frowned and looked at her for a while, then said to her, "I understand."

He hadn't found any problems for the time being, so he calmed down a little.

Mi Yang's cold hasn't healed yet, but it's not too serious, just a little sore in the throat. Old Mrs. Cheng picked a bunch of bitter herbs from the yard for him to eat. This is what the locals call it, and it's actually dandelion. This thing can clear away heat and reduce fire, and it also has some detoxification effects. Generally, when you are sick and have a sore throat, the elderly at home will pick some for you to eat, and usually eat it with sauce in summer.

Mi Yang was sitting there chewing a bitter leaf, his mouth moving as he turned the pages of a book. When Bai Luochuan came in, he saw his cheeks moving like a rabbit eating grass, with a warm smile in his eyes. He walked over, pulled the leaf from his mouth and asked, "How do you eat this?"

Mi Yang said as he ate: "My grandma gave it to me. I'm just eating it for fun. It won't do any harm anyway."

Bai Luochuan reached out and touched his forehead again, feeling it was slightly hot, and frowned, saying, "It's not healed yet."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "It will be fine in two days."

Bai Luochuan didn't really believe what he said, "Let me see the thermometer."

Mi Yang said, "It's really nothing, it's not even a low-grade fever..." Bai Luochuan insisted, so he had no choice but to get the thermometer and take the temperature for him to see. It was the same as he said, a little over 37°, a little hot.

Bai Luochuan said, "I'll give you one more day. If you're still not well tomorrow morning, you'll have to come over for the injection. I'll have the doctor prepare it in advance."

Mi Yang opened his mouth to speak, and Mrs. Cheng, who was holding the fruit next to him, also chimed in: "Luo Chuan is right, I think he should get an injection."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "Grandma, I'll call you tomorrow morning and tell me the temperature. I don't believe him."

Old Mrs. Cheng agreed with this and readily took on the task.

Bai Luochuan sat at Mi Yang's house until after nine o'clock in the evening before going back.

Mi Yang walked him to the door and asked him quietly, "How is Grandpa doing?"

Bai Luochuan did not answer but asked: "You also think he is hiding something, right?"

Mi Yang nodded. He only knew that Mr. Bai had been in poor health in the past two years, but he didn't know what the specific illness was. He and Bai Luochuan were not very close in school. When he met him again after graduation, Mr. Bai had passed away. It was said that he had been treated in Beijing for more than a year but still could not hold on, and his ashes were left in Babaoshan Cemetery.

Now it is two years earlier than before, and this opportunity cannot be missed. Mi Yang reminded him: "Ask Aunt Luo, it is not a trivial matter for Grandpa Bai to be sick at this age. Maybe Aunt Luo can find out something."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "I know."

It was late, and the street lights outside were dim, so he couldn't see anything clearly. He wanted to come over and kiss Mi Yang, but he kissed the back of his hand instead. Mi Yang covered his mouth and shook his head, whispering, "I have a cold, don't infect you."

Bai Luochuan kissed the back of his hand twice, "Get well soon."

Mi Yang still didn't get better. Bai Luochuan talked to Old Lady Cheng on the phone early in the morning, and the old lady betrayed Mi Yang without hesitation, "His temperature was a little high in the morning, and he coughed in the evening!"

Bai Luochuan called him on the phone with a hoarse voice just after waking up: "Little cutie—"

The warning in his tone was too strong, so Mi Yang could only raise his hands in surrender: "Got it, I'll go over now."

Over there, Bai Luochuan was still asking Old Lady Cheng about his cough yesterday. It was rare for him to be in a good mood even after getting up so early. He was gentle and polite towards his elders, which was completely different from the young master he usually was.

Mi Yang got dressed and went to the Bai family's old house by himself.

When he arrived, the doctor was already waiting for him and took him to a simple medical room in a room on the first floor. The doctor was very skillful and took out the needles and medicine while saying to him, "Take off your pants and lie down on the small bed."

Mi Yang was stunned: "A small injection?"

The doctor nodded and smiled, "Yes, you are not still afraid of pain like when you were a child, are you? You cried a lot when you were a child."

The doctor had been with Old Bai all along, and had watched Mi Yang and Bai Luochuan grow up. He had given them injections since they were young, and he knew their personalities. Bai Luochuan cried before the injection, and would make a scene even when two adults massaged him. But when the injection was actually given, he was fine, and he never cried when he was older, as if the pain was not a big deal. Mi Yang was different, he had been well-behaved and sensible since he was young, and he never needed massages for the injections. He took off his pants and lay there trembling while the injections were completed, with two bags of tears in his eyes, and he choked as he thanked the doctor. He got better when he was older, but he would still be forced to shed some physiological tears, which could not be considered crying, at most his eyelashes were a little wet.

When Mi Yang was lying there getting an injection from the doctor, Bai Luochuan just happened to come in and stood aside.

The doctor moved quickly. After giving him the injection, he went out to get medicine.

Mi Yang was lying there trying to get up. Bai Luochuan walked over, stretched out his hand to help him press the alcohol cotton ball and said, "Don't move. It's bleeding."

Mi Yang hissed, "No, let go."

Bai Luochuan didn't let go, so Mi Yang had to lie there.

The doctor brought in the medicine, and Bai Luochuan pulled up Mi Yang's pants with one hand, but his hand was still pressing him. Fortunately, he was wearing sweatpants, which were loose and bulged out a little.

The doctor saw it and smiled, "It must be painful, right? Most adults would grimace in pain. Yangyang has done a great job."

Bai Luochuan nodded, looked at the medicine in his hand again, and asked, "It seems that there is one box less than before."

"Yes, andrographis paniculata is too bitter, and most people can't drink it. It just so happens that there is an injection, so I added it to the medicine and gave him an injection." The doctor wrote the number of times to take it per day on the medicine box, and then said to Mi Yang, "Go back and apply hot compresses to the injection site to allow the medicine to be absorbed and heal faster."

Mi Yang nodded, and after the doctor left, he was still lying on the small bed without getting up. Bai Luochuan still had one hand in his pants, and touched his forehead with the other hand, feeling a layer of fine sweat, and asked him: "Does it still hurt?"

Mi Yang whispered, "A little bit, just lie down for a while."

Bai Luochuan touched it and found that the medicine had not spread. It felt like a hard lump. When he applied a little force, Mi Yang trembled in pain. He went to get a hot towel and gave him a hot compress.

Mi Yang couldn't protest, so he could only lie there and wait for the swelling to slowly subside, and whispered to him: "Actually, I can go to the hospital by myself."

Bai Luochuan sat aside and said, "It's more convenient at home."

Mi Yang thought for a while and then said, "I'm afraid of infecting Grandpa Bai."

Bai Luochuan laughed, bent down and kissed him: "No, grandpa moved to the small building next door. He said that an old friend will come over in a few days. It's higher over there, just right for admiring the lotus."

Despite what he said, Mi Yang still didn't stay. Bai Luochuan saw him off and told him at the door: "Remember to come back for another shot tomorrow."

Mi Yang nodded in agreement. He rode out for a while. Bai Luochuan was still standing at the door watching him, but this time he did not catch up with him and stayed alone in the Bai family's old house.

After a few days, Mr. Bai's guests arrived.

Several black luxury cars arrived and stopped at the door. Someone helped an old man get out. Behind him followed two or three men who looked to be in their thirties or forties. They were all dressed in suits and looked polite but acted very cautiously. These people were carrying black briefcases in their hands and hurried to the small building where Mr. Bai lived.

Bai Luochuan stood at the window, took a look, and went back to his room without asking any more questions.

Those people stayed at Bai Lao's place for an afternoon. In the evening, the phone in Bai Luochuan's room rang. The old house had an internal line, which was convenient for the old man to call people. Bai Luochuan's room was also equipped with an internal line. He picked up the phone and heard Bai Lao's voice. The old man said kindly, "Luochuan, come here for a moment. I have something to tell you."

Bai Luochuan agreed, got dressed and went to find the old man.

The structures of the two small buildings were similar. The old man lived on the first floor. He was talking to those people in a low voice in the small living room, holding a thick document in his hand. When he saw Bai Luochuan coming, he smiled and let him in. He dismissed the people around him, leaving only one man in his forties in a black suit sitting there.

Bai Luochuan sat diagonally opposite him. Old Bai glanced at him, waved him over and asked him to sit closer. He smiled and said, "Come here. Grandpa has something for you."

Bai Luochuan stood up and walked to Old Bai. The old man gave him the seat next to him, patted his hands and said to him: "Luochuan, you are sixteen this year, and you have been admitted to university. You are also very promising. Grandpa thought about it and happened to be here today. The lawyer is here too, so it is better to give these to you in advance."

Bai Luochuan frowned, and just as he was about to speak, he was patted on the arm by Old Bai. The old man looked calm as always, and showed him the documents: "This is the old house and some land, as well as some antiques. They are all listed on it. I can't tell you how many there are. I'll ask the lawyer to tell you later. When your grandmother was still alive, she kept saying that she wanted to leave them for her sons and grandsons to marry. Your father has lived a good life for so many years, and I don't think he needs these, so I'll give them all to you."

The old man has always favored his grandson and has spoiled him since he was a child. Now when he looks at Bai Luochuan, his eyes are full of love.