Back to 1988

Chapter 134


Cheng Qing was very happy to take a few photos with Mi Yang here. Mi Xue was also eager to try. After Mi Zehai took the photos for them, he wanted to keep a photo of the whole family. There were few people here, and basically no one came here to take photos. An old man happened to pass by, and Mi Zehai hurried over and asked, "Grandpa, can you take a photo for us?"

The old man took the camera with a smile and asked him, "Sure, how do you want to take the photo?"

Mi Yang saw this and came over to greet him: "Hello, Professor Zhang, are you working today too?"

Professor Zhang smiled and said, "You and your senior brothers have been busy for the whole summer. Everyone has been tired. I feel bad for them. I'll ask Bai Wei to buy some food for them and send it over later."

Only then did Mi Zehai realize that the person who took the photo was Mi Yang's teacher, and he quickly greeted him.

Professor Zhang said, "You have educated your child very well. He helped me a lot when I was in Xinjiang last time. The new topic we are studying recently was also discovered by Mi Yang last time. This child is careful and calm. He can distinguish the colors of the cloth pieces a little bit. Oh, you don't know, we came back and used the Phi-Nano scanning electron microscope to observe the fabric structure again. The density of the warp and weft of this plain weave..." The old man couldn't help talking about his profession. Suddenly he paused and smiled, "Excuse me, look at me, take a picture first, I can't stop talking about these things."

Mi Zehai and the others also laughed. They didn't understand all this either. They were relieved to know that Mi Yang liked the professor of this major and praised him for his good work.

While Professor Zhang was taking two photos of them, Chen Baiwei also arrived.

He was carrying a big bag of food in his hand, and was very happy to see Mi Yang. "Junior brother is here? I just told the old man that if you arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will go to pick up the new students and bring you back directly. There are only a few new students in our college every year, so there is no need to make such a fuss. I can just take you to the dormitory directly."

Mi Yang said: "Thank you, Senior Brother. I will settle down in the dormitory later."

Professor Zhang wanted to reach out and carry the things upstairs, and asked Chen Baiwei to take them around, but Chen Baiwei refused and said to Mi Yang, "You and your uncle and aunt wait for me here. I'll take the old man upstairs and come down soon."

After he finished speaking, he helped Professor Zhang to the small building. Professor Zhang had been busy with several graduate students during the summer vacation and had not had a rest. Chen Baiwei was close to the old man, so naturally he followed and served him.

Chen Baiwei came down not long after. When he was in Xinjiang, he lived in the same dormitory with Mi Yang and was close to him. He took them around. He was handsome, eloquent, and everything he said was very interesting, making everyone laugh all the way.

Cheng Qing was very happy. She felt that with such a senior around, she would always be able to take better care of herself.

Chen Baiwei picked up Michelle's small backpack and carried it. She didn't mind that the little girl's bag was pink. She smiled and said, "Auntie, I'm not helping you for nothing. I've always heard that the beef jerky you make is very delicious. Next time you come, you must bring some for us."

Cheng Qing smiled and said, "No need to wait until next time. I brought quite a lot this time. I'll give you some more!"

Chen Baiwei was pleasantly surprised and said, "Oh, then I made a profit by coming here today, thank you Auntie!"

Cheng Qing had never been complimented like this before. This young man was handsome and sweet-mouthed, and he was very good at dealing with things. He made Cheng Qing and Mi Xue giggle with just a few words. Mi Yang looked at them and started to worry about how his sister would make friends when she grew up. If she met a boyfriend like this, he might have to date them and supervise them for at least half a year.

Chen Baiwei glanced at him, winked and smiled at him, and whispered to him to take credit: "Hey, how about it, I took good care of my aunt and sister, right?"

Mi Yang: “…”

At noon, the family was going to have lunch. Cheng Qing warmly invited Chen Baiwei to join them, but Chen Baiwei shook his head and refused with a smile: "No, my old man is still waiting for me to go back. You don't know, when people get old, they are like children. They forget to eat when they are busy with research. Others dare not urge him, but I can coax him to go to the cafeteria."

Cheng Qing heard him and didn't stay for long. He kept praising him as he walked away, "What a good young man! If Yangyang were a girl, I would really want a son-in-law like him. Xiaoxue would like him too, right?"

As soon as Mi Xue nodded, Mi Zehai immediately said, "Xiao Xue doesn't like it. Xiao Xue, find a tall and strong guy in the future, someone as powerful as your dad!"

Michelle said: "That brother is also tall and handsome, like a movie star!"

Yonezawa Kai said: "What's so good about celebrities? They are all gigolos and can't be trusted! Listen to daddy and find a black guy with arms at least as thick as daddy's. Only this kind of guy can protect people."

The little girl looked at her father's thick arms that he had tried so hard to show, and said with satisfaction: "Then I'll find a good-looking one, and dad will protect us together!"

Yonezawa Hai showed off his arms: "…"

Cheng Qing and Mi Yang were enjoying themselves very much.

The family went to Quanjude Roast Duck for lunch. Michelle liked the crispy duck skin the most. She chose a dozen slices from the duck breast, dipped them in sugar, and the sweetness melted on the tip of her tongue without leaving any residue, leaving a lingering fragrance on her lips and teeth.

Cheng Qing and his friends used lotus leaf pancakes to wrap the roast duck meat and rolled them up with scallion, sweet bean sauce, and cucumber. They ate several of them before stopping. The hot roast duck tasted especially delicious. Mi Zehai was a northern man. He couldn't be full with just this, so he ordered a few of their signature dishes. Seeing that there were also snacks, he asked for some for the children. Finally, he asked the restaurant to cook a milky soup with duck bones.

Michelle is young and it is her first time in Beijing, so everything she sees is new to her. When the snacks came, she was overwhelmed by the sight of them all: kidney bean cake, pea yellow, donkey rolls, ai wowow, yam rolls… Fortunately, it was a platter, which only had two or three small pieces, otherwise the little girl would not be able to finish them all.

Michelle had a very good impression of Beijing, and because her brother would be studying here for several years, she also began to like this place.

Mi Zehai had limited time, so he only stayed for one day. After visiting the school, he hurried back to Shanghai. Cheng Qing was relatively free, so he stayed for two more days with Mi Xue.

Mi Yang took them to listen to a crosstalk show. It was just like the old teahouse, where they could order tea and snacks. Mi Yang ordered two plates of pastries.

The little girl likes sweet things and is a bit greedy. Cheng Qing stops her: "If you eat any more, you'll get fat!"

Mi Yang gave her a piece, touched the little girl's head, and said with a smile: "It's okay, eat it, it's a blessing to be able to eat."

Cheng Qing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and stopped trying to stop the little girl. Mi Xue didn't understand what the adults were doing, so she happily took a piece of cake and started eating it while listening to the crosstalk.

Cheng Qing sighed and asked in a low voice: "How is Luochuan?"

Mi Yang shook his head and said, "It's late."

Cheng Qing said: "I heard that if you take good care of yourself after having gastric cancer, you can still live for many years. This disease is like this. Maybe there will be medicine in a few years. Just hold on."

Mi Yang nodded, but he knew that there would be no medicine that could completely cure the disease for at least the next ten years.

Maybe in the future.

He looked up at the stage, the curtains of the generals and ministers rose and fell, and the crosstalk performer on the stage was replaced by a newcomer, wearing a blue gown, with a sleeve rolled up, smiling and greeting everyone again. The audience also cheered and applauded loudly, including old customers who have been listening for many years, young people passing by on vacation, and little girls like Michelle.

People came and went, laughing and cursing.

All aspects of life can be found in this teahouse.

Cheng Qing and Mi Xue stayed in the hotel at night. After Mi Yang settled them down, he came out of the room and went back to Bai Luochuan without staying.

Bai Luochuan had given him the key before. It was already quite late when he arrived. He quietly opened the door and walked in slowly. Just as he changed into slippers in the entrance hall, the lights in the living room came on. Bai Luochuan was a little surprised when he saw him, but he soon smiled and said, "I thought you were going to live there with Aunt Cheng."

Mi Yang said: "I wanted to stay, but I was worried about you, so I came back."

He gave him the paper bag he brought, which contained the snacks he had packed from the teahouse. There were two small sweet cream squares, which Michelle liked. Mi Yang thought that Young Master Bai should also like the sweet taste, so he bought one.

Bai Luochuan sat in the living room and tasted it and said, "Not bad." His hair was a little curled up when he slept. Mi Yang sat there and pressed it down twice, but the tuft still stubbornly curled up again. Mi Yang inserted his fingers into his hair and rubbed it twice, and asked him softly, "Why did you go to bed so early today?"

"You're not here, and I don't know what to do. In fact, I didn't fall asleep even when I was lying there, and I just missed you." Bai Luochuan ate two bites and put it down. He hugged Mi Yang in his arms and kissed him, saying vaguely, "I miss you very much."

When Mi Yang was pressed on the sofa and kissed by him, his heart beat faster. He put his hand on his shoulder and whispered, "Go to bed, I don't want to be here."

Bai Luochuan picked him up with a little effort, kissed him, and carried him inside.

Mi Yang was touched on the back just like last time. This time the material of his shirt was stiff and had no elasticity, leaving Bai Luochuan little room to maneuver. He unbuttoned two buttons with his teeth and bit the tender flesh underneath through the clothes.

Mi Yang's body trembled. He was attacked from both sides and had nowhere to hide.

Bai Luochuan didn't do it to the end. He just caressed him a little, kissed him on the cheek to comfort him, and called his name.

After waiting for the two to calm down, Bai Luochuan still held him tightly. Mi Yang wanted to take a shower, but Master Bai just kept pestering him and asked him to be obedient for a while.

Mi Yang was sweating all over and felt sticky all over. He lay there and played with the fabric on his collar with his fingers.

Bai Luochuan saw it and laughed, then kissed his earlobe.

"Little darling, if the adults at home knew..." The person in his arms stiffened for a moment, and Bai Luochuan immediately comforted him, "Okay, okay, I'm just assuming, don't be afraid."

Mi Yang said, "Do you want to say something?"

Bai Luochuan frowned: "You don't want to?"

Mi Yang lowered his eyes and said, "Well, let's say goodbye now, wait a few years."

Bai Luochuan actually had the same plan in mind, but when he heard Mi Yang say that, he felt a little sour: "Why wait a few years?"

Mi Yang said: "Let's wait until we are financially independent. It's best to slowly tell our family that grandpa is not in good health. I'm afraid he will be angry after hearing it..."

Bai Luochuan said: "No."

"We also have to think about what to say to Aunt Luo in advance. It can't be too sudden. We need to see her attitude a few years in advance. We also have to be more careful with Uncle Bai. As for my parents, I will slowly reveal my intention to them. I can't just run over without any preparation..." Mi Yang treated him like a sixteen-year-old boy and spoke to him in a gentle tone.

Bai Luochuan bent down and kissed him a few times. Mi Yang felt tickled by the kisses and laughed.

Bai Luochuan asked him, "Xiaoguai, how many years will you wait for me?"

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Okay."

Bai Luochuan looked at him and said, "Actually, I have some selfish motives. I'm afraid that if my family objects to it after I tell them, it will take several years. I can't bear to be apart for even a day."

He spoke seriously. Mi Yang said nothing when he heard him say that. He just smiled and looked up and kissed him.


The next day, Cheng Qing talked to Mi Yang and went to the hospital to visit Mr. Bai.

Old Bai was very happy. He loved Mi Yang and Mi Xue because of him. He received too many gifts to eat, especially the fruit baskets and flowers, which were delivered every day. As he was talking, someone delivered a bouquet of flowers that had not been opened yet. Old Bai gave it to Mi Xue and asked her to play with it.

Michelle held the velvet flower gift box and looked up at her brother.

Mi Yang touched her head, nodded and smiled: "Grandpa Bai gave it to me, take it."

The little girl then accepted it.

Cheng Qing was afraid of disturbing the old man's rest, so she got up and left after sitting for a while. Bai Luochuan went downstairs to see them off and came back alone.

Mr. Bai has recovered well and is preparing to be discharged from the hospital.

The rest is convalescence, which is the same in the hospital and at home. He also has medical staff at home, which makes him feel more comfortable. He plans to be discharged from the hospital in the next few days. Mr. Bai was in a good mood. When he saw Bai Luochuan, he did not chase him away. Instead, he waved him to sit down and chatted with him for a while.

"Luochuan, I didn't want to come for treatment before, so I didn't ask more about you and Yangyang." Seeing his grandson's expression change, Old Bai immediately waved his hand and comforted him, "Grandpa's attitude is still the same as before. I have lived a lifetime, and I have never seen this before? I joined the army at the age of twelve, and I have fought for so many years. I have always put my head on my belt. I have also seen people who are willing to block guns and die for their brothers. I know two people who ate dry food in the same trench. I was young and didn't understand it. When I asked them, they told me that they were not afraid of death, so why would they be afraid of being criticized while alive?"

Old Bai laughed and said, "Later, we fought more battles and never saw them again. Your grandfather was lucky enough to crawl out of the pile of dead bodies and survive. At that time, I thought that people can't live just to find a wife and have children. They have to find someone they like. When I opened my eyes and saw her, I felt so happy that I was willing to endure any hardship."

"In order to find a wife, I almost married into your grandmother's family. It doesn't matter what the surname is. Didn't Mi Yang's grandfather also have no children in his life? If you want one, just adopt one. If not, just live your life together. Just live your own life and don't worry about his future."

"Also, you've always had your own ideas since you were little, and you know your limits. You have to make three rules with me. Yangyang is also a child from a good family, you can't mess with him. Wait until he's eighteen in two years, and he'll be able to figure things out. Then you can touch him again. Do you hear me?"

Bai Luochuan was still sitting there looking at him, a little stunned. Old Bai tapped him with his walking stick, and he nodded and said, "I heard it, Grandpa."

Bai Laoqi was amused: "What's the use of hearing it? Can you do what I say?"

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "Yes."

Bai Lao added: "Yangyang may seem soft-hearted, but he is also stubborn. If he really doesn't want to be with you in the future, don't lose your temper. A forced melon is not sweet, do you know?"

Bai Luochuan frowned and said nothing. Old Bai knocked on his knees several times before he nodded slightly reluctantly.

Bai Lao acquiesced, but he didn't seem to favor his grandson. He treated them both equally, and he might switch sides at any time - it all depended on whether Mi Yang was willing. However, this was good news for Bai Luochuan. He was holding his breath and didn't tell Mi Yang about it. He wanted to mention it after he had done something real.

After the opening ceremony, Mi Yang and Bai Luochuan went to the hospital together again before the military training.

Old Bai is about to set off back to Shanhai Town. He can't bear to leave the beautiful scenery there and is always thinking about it.

Bai Luochuan "stole" the old man out of the hospital at noon, and the three of them took photos together.

Bai Luochuan gave his school badge to his grandfather, and he and Mi Yang wore formal school uniforms and took two photos with the old man at the school gate. The two stood on one side, and the old man stood in the middle with a cane, all smiling.