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Chapter 135: Meal card


The military training at Imperial University of Peking started in September and lasted for half a month. Mi Yang went to get the military training clothes and returned to the dormitory.

He came early to put down his luggage, but he was the last one to arrive in the dormitory. After pushing open the door and entering, he was immediately welcomed warmly.

The boy standing at the door even stood up and applauded him, his eyes enthusiastically saying: "You are Mi Yang, right? Please come in, please come in!"

Another one also said with a smile: "We are all waiting for you to come. Don't go anywhere at noon today. We brothers will treat you to a meal!"

Mi Yang was startled and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with me?"

The boy laughed and said, "You don't know yet? Look at our dormitory. Your parents came over and hired a housekeeping company to clean our dormitory. Even the window cracks were cleaned. They also disinfected it thoroughly. The cabinets and bed boards were reinforced." He took Mi Yang over. It happened that he and Mi Yang were on the upper and lower bunks. He patted the bed and said, "This is like getting a new bed. It's much more comfortable than before."

Mi Yang reached out and touched it. His bed was already made. It was soft and he didn't know what kind of mattress was under it, but it was very comfortable.

The boy continued, "When I first came, I was planning to pay the water and electricity bills for the dormitory. But when I went there and asked, they said that the parents of Mi Yang in dormitory 401 had already paid for two years! Not only the water and electricity, but also the broadband fee was paid for two years. This is really, we have been waiting for you to come, how can we take advantage of you..."

When he said this, the two boys next to him scratched their heads and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Yes, anyway, I'll treat you to lunch first."

Mi Yang thought for a long time before he had a vague guess about this "parent".

When he was taken by his roommates to the second floor of the cafeteria to order some stir-fried dishes, Mi Yang did not ask them to treat him. He swiped his meal card himself, and the three roommates who followed him fell silent.

The amount of recharge was clearly shown on the meal card: 20,000 yuan.

Mi Yang: “…”

The boys in the same dormitory also looked at each other and looked at Mi Yang with strange expressions.

The guy in the lower bunk of Mi Yang was still trying to comfort him: "It's okay, it's good this way, save it for later." He had also seen people spoiling their children, but topping up the meal card with 20,000 yuan at one time probably means he's planning on letting the child eat in the cafeteria for four years, right

Mi Yang had enough supplies in his meal card, so those people didn't rush to treat him. Instead, they waited until after the meal and bought some drinks and snacks for Mi Yang and brought them to the dormitory.

Mi Yang found some time to call Bai Luochuan. There was a lot of noise on Bai Luochuan's end, and it didn't sound like he was in school. He asked him as he walked, "Xiaoguai, what's wrong? What's the school missing?"

Mi Yang said: "No, did you charge my meal card?"

Bai Luochuan smiled and said, "Yes, I asked someone to do it." He whispered a few words to someone over there, and then quickly said, "My mother has been busy with business recently and has no time to come over, so I asked my secretary to come over and I asked her to do it. If there's anything that's not good enough, please tell me again and I'll arrange for someone to fix it."

Mi Yang felt that he had attracted enough attention today, so he didn't dare to say anything bad.

Bai Luochuan found a quiet place, paused for a moment and said, "I know you don't want to be too conspicuous, but you have to live in the dormitory for a year, so I have to make arrangements."

Before Mi Yang could say anything, the other party lowered his voice and said with slight dissatisfaction: "You have never been apart from me for such a long time."