Back to 1988

Chapter 140


Bai Lao nodded and said, "Not bad, do as you wish, Grandpa supports you." He drank a cup of tea and said to Mi Yang, "Luo Chuan's schedule is too tight. I didn't know he had done so many things in the past two years. Don't learn from him. You will be exhausted all day long."

The old man asked Mi Yang to stay and drink a pot of tea. He chatted with him for a while and was smiling all the time.

After waiting for a while, Mr. Bai asked again: "Okay, you are almost sober now, right? You can go back now."

Mi Yang then realized that Mr. Bai had brought him here on purpose. He rarely drank alcohol, and only drank a little beer occasionally. Bai Luochuan misunderstood that he had a low alcohol tolerance, and he never mentioned it. Somehow, even Mr. Bai thought he was a person who got drunk easily, and brought him here to sober him up. Mi Yang didn't say much, but smiled and nodded, saying, "I'm awake, Grandpa, I'm going over."

Mr. Bai has the habit of taking a nap at noon. Now that he has almost digested his food, he goes to rest.

Mi Yang went back to Bai Luochuan by himself, but as soon as he arrived there, Bai Luochuan grabbed his arm and took him to his room.

Mi Yang was pressed there, with the wooden door behind him and Bai Luochuan's body in front of him. He knew the man had locked the door when he heard a "click". He looked up at Bai Luochuan, who lowered his head and gave him a kiss, then whispered, "What did grandpa ask you to do?"

Mi Yang said: "We just chatted for a while and asked me how I was doing in school."

Bai Luochuan asked: "That's all we talked about?"

Mi Yang nodded: "Well, I also drank some tea to sober me up."

Bai Luochuan sneered and whispered, "I'm not asking you to sober up, I'm asking me to sober up. You're still so defensive at this time..."

Mi Yang looked at him with some confusion: "What?"

Young Master Bai refused to say anything more. He bent his head and kissed him for a while, and only let him go when he had taken enough advantage of him.

Bai Luochuan drank real wine at noon and was a little tipsy. He dragged Mi Yang to take a nap with him. The two of them couldn't fall asleep while lying there, so they closed their eyes and chatted for a while. Most of the time, Bai Luochuan was talking while Mi Yang was listening.

"I'm going to Xinjiang again soon. I've already told them that I have to personally watch over the final finishing work before I can rest assured." Bai Luochuan held her in his arms. No matter how he looked outside, he was still like a child in private, wrapping his hands and feet around her and hugging her tightly like a personal toy. He frowned as he spoke, and Mi Yang saw it, stretched out his hand to rub his eyebrows a little, and asked, "What's wrong? Is it troublesome?"

He rubbed away the hesitation between Bai Luochuan's eyebrows, lowered his head and kissed him, and said: "It's okay, I just thought that since this deal has been completed, I want to give you a birthday present."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "I don't lack anything. If you have time, just come back and have a meal with me."

Bai Luochuan said: "How can that be possible?"

Mi Yang looked at the table next to him. He also had a separate bedroom here, but just like when he was in Shanghai and Shanhai Town, he rarely lived alone. Unless Bai Lao came over or Bai Luochuan was not at home, he could have a bed all to himself. He usually slept on Bai Luochuan's side. There were many things in the room. The golden sandalwood paperweight on the table was also given by Bai Luochuan. It was his birthday gift last year. It took a lot of effort to find this old item.

Mi Yang thought about it seriously, then shook his head and said, "Really, no need, I have everything."

Bai Luochuan said: "Hmm?"

He counted on his fingers for Bai Luochuan to hear: "I have no worries about food and clothing, I am doing what I like most, my family is healthy, and I have you... I don't lack anything."

Bai Luochuan smiled when he heard this, but he still didn't agree. He kissed him and said, "This year is special. My little darling is going to grow up."

Mi Yang had no sense of crisis, and nodded and said, "That's fine, don't make it too expensive, just enough for daily use."

"Okay." Bai Luochuan kissed him for a while, then pulled his hand down and asked him to help him relieve himself.

Mi Yang's fingers were nimble and he unbuttoned the clothes quickly. Bai Luochuan closed his eyes, but he kept looking at the face of Young Master Bai. When he saw him pursing his lips and groaning, he couldn't take his eyes away. He thought this man was so sexy that he was speechless, and his appearance was more dazzling than ever.

And he could control this man with just his two hands.

The people lying face to face opened their eyes at some point, and the two of them slowly came together and kissed, their breaths entangled together, as if inseparable.

Bai Luochuan called him hoarsely: "Little cutie..."

Mi Yang responded and tightened his fingers slightly.

Bai Luochuan rested his forehead against his, humming and acting coquettishly to him: "Kiss me."

Mi Yang tilted his head slightly and kissed him, doting on him as always.


Bai Luochuan went to Xinjiang and brought both Zhao Haisheng and his brother with him. Mi Yang only knew that he was helping Luo Jiangjing's company to manage the business. In the past two years, Bai Luochuan has taken over more and more business. Mi Yang has heard about it from Mi Zehai. Luo Jiangjing's indulgence towards Bai Luochuan is not much worse than Mi Yang's. As long as it is not a matter of principle, he will basically give him whatever he wants, from manpower to material resources, and let him do whatever he wants.

The comments were polarized. Some people felt that he was just a young boy and that Mr. Luo was being too reckless; while others lined up in line from the beginning, gave him wide accommodating treatment and were very enthusiastic about the prince.

The projects in Xinjiang are linked to policies. They were a hot commodity a few years ago, but now, after several adjustments and changes, they have become a hot potato.

When Luo Jiangjing was able to get a project, many people were jealous of him. Now, many people are laughing at him behind his back, saying that Mr. Luo, who has been successful in the business world, has "failed" this time.

The business of five or six large companies is stuck in Xinjiang. Luo Jiangjing's business is not so bad, but a large company that originally focused on winning the Xinjiang project is now in a desperate situation. What those real estate companies lack most is money, which is like blood. Without financial support, they can't move anywhere, not to mention that this one in Xinjiang has been stuck for several years without any progress.

Luo Jiangjing no longer had any hope for that place, and delegated power to her son, letting him do whatever he wanted. After all, losing money was the final outcome, and at most she would lose everything. She had done well in the Shanghai real estate market in the past two years, and the first phase of the new villa garden had been sold out. With hundreds of millions of dollars in her hands, she was not in a hurry. Although it would be painful to lose money there, it would not hurt her too much.

Luo Jiangjing was sitting in the office, and her secretary was reporting to her in a low voice. She interrupted him and asked, "Going to Xinjiang again?"

The secretary said, "Yes, Mr. Bai came back from the capital yesterday, and the young master went there."

Luo Jiangjing shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, let him go, even if he stumbles, he has been too lucky and has never encountered any setbacks. After this incident, he feels more stable, so the money is well spent."

The secretary remained silent. He had been with Luo Jiangjing for several years and had worked in other large companies before, but he did not dare to agree that this was a "small amount of money".

Luo Jiangjing waved his hand and asked him to continue reporting. While listening, she was thinking about Bai Luochuan. She had invested too much effort in her son and wanted to give him the best of everything, but she also knew that there were some roads where children had to fall and suffer in order to grow up. Bai Luochuan had made countless trips to Xinjiang in the past two years, and she had seen it all. Just thinking about it made her feel a little sorry.

But it was only a moment, and in the blink of an eye, everything returned to normal.

At this moment, Bai Luochuan, who should have been in Xinjiang, was in a high-end club in Shanghai.

Someone organized a party here, and Bai Luochuan spent most of the night entertaining and drank a lot of wine. In the end, he found an open-air balcony to get some fresh air, using the excuse that his sleeves were wet by the spilled wine. He smelled slightly of alcohol, but he was not drunk at all. His eyes were clear. He first called Zhao Haisheng to give instructions, then thought about it and called Mi Yang.

It was just a few seconds before the other end picked up the phone. Mi Yang's voice came over with a smile: "Are you done?"

Bai Luochuan also showed some relief on his face, and responded, "Why are you still awake so late?" It was already midnight, and Mi Yang usually had a very regular schedule and went to bed early at 10:30.

There were other voices on Mi Yang's side. He took two steps and said, "I'm in the dormitory, playing cards with them. The loser has to post a note."

Bai Luochuan was stunned for a moment, and before he could say anything, he heard Mi Yang continue, "I posted one myself, and I'll talk to you for a while."

Bai Luochuan felt as if his heart was soaked in honey, and his heart was sweet.

Mi Yang was standing on the balcony of the dormitory to answer the phone. The remaining three people in the dormitory were still fighting. They all knew that Mi Yang's "parents" called frequently. When they saw Mi Yang answering the phone, they all lowered their voices tacitly, but their hands did not relax at all and stared at the cards intently.

Mi Yang was standing on the balcony of the dormitory, speaking to the other party in a low voice. His voice was very gentle, and he agreed to everything.

The guy who berthed below Mi Yang was playing cards and sighed, "Mi Yang's family is really strict. I think he's used to it."

"If my family took such good care of me, I would definitely be obedient every day, but I would not charge my meal card so much. I can't withdraw money if I don't return the card. It's so painful to see."

A few people said this and laughed quietly again, and suddenly they were not so envious of Mi Yang anymore.

On the other side, Bai Luochuan stood on the spacious open-air balcony of the club, holding the wooden railing and looking to the north. He lived far away from Mi Yang, so he could not see anything from here. He could only see the river and lights.

There was a cool breeze blowing by his side, and he seemed to have put aside the coldness of the day. He told Mi Yang many things on the phone, and when he heard the person on the other end agree in a low voice, he missed him even more in his heart.

Someone came over here, Bai Luochuan said a few words to Mi Yang and hung up the phone.

The person who came was a boss whom he had just met at the drinking party. He was in his forties, had very good resources, and admired Bai Luochuan very much. When he saw Bai Luochuan hiding here, he joked with him, "What's up? Are you talking to your girlfriend on the phone?"

Bai Luochuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes."