Back to 1988

Chapter 141: One hundred million


The middle-aged man who came to the terrace to get some fresh air was called Wu Shuang'an, and he was also a well-known businessman. He started out in the timber business in the south in his early years, and in the past two years he turned to investment. He had a large family and a lot of spare money. He came here because he was invited by an old friend, and secondly, he heard that there were a few young people who came here out of curiosity to join in the fun. He didn't expect that there was really someone who made his eyes light up.

Wu Shuang'an was very interested in Bai Luochuan at this moment. He probably came to the terrace specially to find him. He joked with him and the kid standing opposite him actually admitted that he was dating someone. He couldn't help but laugh and said, "Just now, right? Your tone just now was different from when you were in the room. It's really good to be young. You are enthusiastic about everything. You have such a unique vision. The person you recognize must be very beautiful."

Bai Luochuan smiled and did not deny it.

Wu Shuang'an stood there and chatted with him for a while. Bai Luochuan didn't say much about himself, but when he talked about business, it was obvious that he had thought it through. A few words whetted the appetite of Wu Shuang'an, the old fox. Looking at him, there was a gleam in his eyes. "Are you saying that Mr. Lin wants to withdraw?"

Bai Luochuan did not hide it and said, "Yes, our two families have invested in Xinjiang for several years. I'm sure you have heard about it."

Wu Shuangan nodded, "I've heard a little bit about it."

At the beginning, the companies that were able to sign contracts with the Water Conservancy Bureau and get engineering projects were all big companies. It was not just money that made it happen. Wu Shuang'an had thought about getting a piece of the pie, but he couldn't find a way even with the money. However, as envious as he was at the beginning, he was now as fortunate as he was now. With the leadership changes, the policies have changed too much, and the good stuff has become a hot potato. Now those companies can neither swallow nor spit it out, and they are really suffering.

Wu Shuang'an had some intention of watching the fire from the other side of the river, but he also kept his eyes on that side. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. A real businessman, when he sees a business opportunity, will always be like a shark smelling blood and will not leave easily.

Bai Luochuan said: "Boss Wu also knows that 'drawing cakes to appease hunger' can't satisfy hunger. There are so many people waiting in the company. It will be troublesome if we delay it for a day. We might as well come back. The last time I met Boss Lin in Xinjiang, he also had such a plan. I'm afraid it will come sooner than I thought..."

Wu Shuangan said: "Maybe not. I heard that Mr. Lin invested most of his wealth in it, much more than you."

Bai Luochuan smiled and said, "So Luo's family withdrew faster than him."

Wu Shuang'an also smiled. He walked a few steps closer and clinked his glasses with him to celebrate his survival. He then leaned closer and asked, "I heard that there will be new projects in Beijing around the end of the year? There are some very good plots of land. I wonder if Luo is interested in coming to Beijing to cooperate after returning from Xinjiang? I heard that Mr. Bai is also studying in Beijing. He has been watching for two years. He should also train his troops?"

Bai Luochuan said: "It still depends on the company's arrangements."

"Hey, isn't it all the same? It will be yours sooner or later." Wu Shuang'an waved his hand and said, "Uncle is a rough man and doesn't know how to say polite things. Don't mind it. When I was working in the forest farm in the early years, I was still a lumberjack. At that time, what I thought most was to be a carpenter and take on apprentices. I never thought that this day would come, right?"

But Bai Luochuan still smiled and said, "I am just helping my mother share her worries and doing what I can. I still have to call you Mr. Luo in the company."

The two men stood there and talked for a while. Wu Shuang'an threw out some topics to try to get him to continue talking, but by the time he had finished the wine in his glass, he hadn't asked a single question.

One of them was cautious and testing, while the other was keeping a secret completely.

Both of them had smiles in their eyes. Wu Shuang'an patted him on the shoulder and praised him, "You're a good young man." Bai Luochuan politely replied, "No, no." When they turned their backs and walked away from the terrace, they both cursed the other person in their hearts, calling him an old fox.

Wu Shuang'an went to say hello to those friends he knew well, and then stood up to leave. His assistant and driver had been waiting on the side for a long time, and drove his car to pick him up. The assistant asked carefully, "Mr. Wu, where are you going?"

Wu Shuangan said: "Go to Sinan Mansion."

The assistant responded, whispered a few words to the driver, and opened a bottle of sobering drink and handed it over: "This is what the lady asked me to bring. She said it can sober up and protect the liver."

Wu Shuang'an is old now. He drank a lot when he was young and working hard. At that time, he had a wife to take care of him. In the past two years, he only has one precious daughter. When he heard this, he immediately put on a real smile on his face. He took the wine and drank it slowly, and asked, "What else did she say?"

The assistant also laughed: "The eldest lady also told you to drink less and take care of your body."

Wu Shuang'an felt relieved. When the assistant asked about tomorrow's arrangements, he said, "No changes will be made. The meeting will go on as usual. Also, please arrange for me to visit Luo's company tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

The assistant responded. He had been with Mr. Wu for many years and was also his trusted confidant. He asked with some curiosity, "I heard that the prince of Luo's family is also going this time. What do you think?"

Wu Shuang'an snorted, "This little fox taught by Luo Jiangjing has a lot of tricks in his mind! Just wait and see how he ends up. How many eyes are staring at him? I want to see..." When the car drove to the entrance of the guild hall, he inadvertently glanced outside and couldn't help frowning.

There were two cars parked in front of the hall, one was an Audi A8 and the other was a Cayenne. Wu Shuang'an recognized the license plate of the Audi and asked the driver to drive slower. He then saw an acquaintance get out of the car and get into the Cayenne. The person who got out was Mr. Lin, who was on the verge of bankruptcy and was eager to withdraw from Xinjiang. Although the owner of the Cayenne only showed one sleeve, he recognized him. Who else could it be but Bai Luochuan

Wu Shuang'an waited until the driver slowly drove past the intersection before he retracted his gaze and told his assistant, "Go check which companies Lin Youcai has visited during this period."

The assistant said, “Yes.”

Wu Shuang'an rubbed his brows and said, "No, there must be something wrong. Don't investigate Lin Youcai. Keep an eye on that kid. I'll see what tricks he can come up with."

The assistant responded.

On the other side, Bai Luochuan chatted with Mr. Lin all the way, which made the other party change from denying at the beginning to being hesitant.

Bai Luochuan said: "I have a business deal I want to discuss with you."

Lin Youcai said half seriously and half jokingly: "If it's still about the piece of land in Beijing, forget it. That piece of land is my last bit of property. If you want it, it's no different from wanting my life."

Bai Luochuan said politely, "Uncle Lin, you are joking. I just want to participate more while I am still young. How can I ask for the fruits of your hard work for several years? I just want to work together."

Lin Youcai said with a pained look on his face, "No, I can't bear the fact that you call me uncle. You took away half of the land we have been working on for three years. Luochuan, let me tell you clearly, this matter is not something I can decide on my own."

Bai Luochuan said, "But you can mention it, right? We all know what the current land price is. The land will definitely appreciate in the future, but the prerequisite is to buy the land first. Uncle Lin, time waits for no one." He tapped his fingers on the back of the chair twice, still looking relaxed, and smiled, "Even if you have a good relationship with the bank and can accept a sum of money immediately, you have to use it wisely. If you have enough money, you will always have a better chance."

His words were quite polite. In the real estate industry, lack of money is like lack of blood. Lin Youcai had suffered too much loss in Xinjiang and was already struggling to survive with a transfusion of blood. There was no hope for the project. The only thing he could do was to buy a piece of land that he had previously operated in Beijing. He had spent three years building relationships and had already made connections with everyone. He was just waiting to get the money to bid for a comeback, but what he lacked most now was money, and a considerable amount of money.

Bai Luochuan prescribed the right medicine and said, "And this time I came here not only to discuss cooperation, but also to discuss a new business with you. I am willing to buy your engineering vehicles and Carter 320 forklifts at 35% of the price."

Lin Youcai was stunned for a moment, and said: "What do you need so many cars for? Even at this price, it must be at least tens of millions..."

"Uncle Lin," Bai Luochuan interrupted him with a smile, "Do you think my sincerity is enough?"

Lin Youcai looked at him.

Bai Luochuan added: "I didn't come here empty-handed. Cooperation between our two companies is better than you working in vain."

Lin Youcai knew very well that once he took this order, he would have an extra fund to make up for his losses, but Bai Luochuan, this little wolf cub, had his eyes on that Feng Shui treasure land of his in the capital. Lin Youcai felt so distressed that he had a lot to say to scold him, but he couldn't utter a word.

He is short of money.

This money is sorely needed.

With this money, it would be much easier for him to turn things around than before. It was a timely rain, a life-saving water delivered to his mouth. If he did not agree, he would not be able to take over the land in the capital with his current strength, and it would fall into the hands of others sooner or later.

Lin Youcai stared out the window for a while, his brows knitted tightly: "Is this what Mr. Luo meant?"

Bai Luochuan acted casually and smiled at him, "Uncle Lin, you don't trust me? She's my biological mother. I've always been responsible for Xinjiang's affairs. I can guarantee that you will be paid in cash."

The last two words touched Lin Youcai, and he asked, "Tell me the truth, how much can you get?"

Bai Luochuan pronounced each word clearly: "One hundred million."

Lin Youcai's heart skipped a beat, but the moment he wavered, he was already at a disadvantage.

But the prince of Luo's family was still as tall and confident as when he attended the banquet. Lin Youcai looked at him with a tired look, and smiled for the first time tonight. He sighed and said, "No wonder you didn't seem to be in any trouble tonight. You could respond with a smile no matter what those people said. It turns out that Luo's family has already thought of a way out. Well, I'll go to Luo's tomorrow..."

Bai Luochuan immediately said, "You are my elder, why bother you to come here? I will go see you tomorrow."

Lin Youcai nodded. He returned to Shanghai to raise money. After much consideration, the one given by Bai Luochuan was the most suitable one at the moment.

After a brief discussion and an appointment, Lin Youcai arrived at the place.

When he got out of the car, he stood straight, as if he wanted to retain his last bit of dignity.

Unfortunately, the people in the car did not go to see it. The car just stopped for a moment out of courtesy and drove away. Master Bai, who had just been talking about business in the car and refused to give in, was now playing with his mobile phone and looking through the pictures sent to him. They were also cars, but they were all sports cars like Porsche.

Luo Jiangjing called and interrupted his browsing, so he picked up the phone: "Hello, Mom."

Luo Jiangjing asked him: "Where are you?"

Bai Luochuan said: "Xinjiang."

Luo Jiangjing was so angry that he laughed and said, "Nonsense, your aunt called me and said that a friend of hers ran into you at a banquet tonight. Are you in Shanghai?"

Bai Luochuan lazily changed his words: "Then let's do it in Shanghai."

Luo Jiangjing was so annoyed by his own son that he lost his temper and asked him again: "I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I heard from the assistant that you transported a batch of construction vehicles away?"

Bai Luochuan said: "Yes, I sold it."

Luo Jiangjing said, "It's better to sell it. It's great that you can find a way. Otherwise, those iron lumps will be scrapped if they are left there, and there is no use in transporting them back." She felt distressed and slightly resentful because her son had suffered in Xinjiang. She comforted him several times and asked, "What was the price?"

Bai Luochuan said: "Hmm, 15%?"

Luo Jiangjing said: "Speak properly, let's talk about work!"

Bai Luochuan said, "Then it's 20%. Any more is not acceptable. I have worked for you for two years and you haven't even paid me. The rest should be my reward."

Luo Jiangjing's laughter came through the phone, and she said angrily: "You, you are greedy even for your mother's money. Okay, this price is about right, you can keep the rest." She just thought that Bai Luochuan was selling it at a scrap price, which was basically the price in her mind. She was satisfied as long as she didn't come back with nothing, and she didn't really expect him to do anything about it.

When Luo Jiangjing was about to hang up, Bai Luochuan called her again: "Mom, Xiaoguai's birthday is coming soon."

Luo Jiangjing asked curiously: "Yes, it's the end of the month, what's the matter?"

Bai Luochuan asked: "What do you plan to give him?"

Luo Jiangjing laughed and said, "Why, now you are not only greedy for money, but also for Xiaoguai's birthday present?"

Bai Luochuan also laughed and said, "No, I'm just asking. If you want to give me something, forget it. Just transfer the money to my card and I'll get some money together to buy him one later."

Luo Jiangjing readily agreed: "Okay, then remember to say 'Happy Birthday' to me. I have to go abroad at the end of the month, and I'm afraid I'll be too busy and miss the opportunity."

Bai Luochuan agreed.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Luo Jiangjing's money was transferred, and Bai Luochuan received a text message on his mobile phone informing him that the money had arrived: 60,000 yuan.

Luo Jiangjing's text message arrived soon after: "Give Xiaoguai 50,000 yuan, and the remaining 10,000 yuan is for your pocket money."

She still habitually treats her son as a child. Perhaps because she thinks he has been wronged, she always gives him some small treats or pocket money.

Bai Luochuan accepted it generously, and when he arrived at his residence in Shanghai, he returned to his room, just in time Zhou Tong arrived.

Zhou Tong is an old classmate of Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang when they were studying in Shanghai. Now he is studying in the local university. When he was studying, he had a nickname called "know-it-all", which means he knows all the gossips and knows everything about the circle. Zhou Tong's family is in the car business. Although his parents and an older brother have separated their businesses, they are doing very well and take care of each other.

Zhou Tong came this time for a business deal from his eldest brother. He had only met Bai Luochuan a few times in the past year, but every time he felt that the gap between them was getting wider and wider, and it was no longer possible to catch up. He simply relaxed his mindset and just acted as a messenger. He followed Bai Luochuan into the study and said with a smile, "Brother Bai, my brother has almost prepared everything. The first batch of car payments have been remitted. It's still the price we agreed on before, 40% of the original price per car."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for coming all the way here so late. Actually, you can just talk over the phone."

Zhou Tong rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Hey, such good news, I must go and tell him in person, and also share in the good luck. Congratulations in advance."

Bai Luochuan kept him and talked to him for a few words. Zhou Tong saw that he was tired, so he didn't stay long. He left after giving the notice.

Bai Luochuan sat on the swivel chair in the study and closed his eyes to calculate for a while. He roughly rolled over the amount of income that would arrive in a few days in his mind to make sure there were no omissions. After a round, it was nothing more than a business of making money from money. He had been thinking about a way out in the past two years. When the project was not going well, he set his sights on construction vehicles - they were all sturdy guys, bought only a few years ago, but it was very difficult to sell them in large quantities, especially when he was in urgent need of money. Basically, they were thrown away at a free price, but if he found the right buyer, it would be a different price.

When he resells it, Zhou Teng needs it and he can sell it. He can make some money from the two transactions, but the sheep suffers the loss and it is still Luo's company that suffers the loss.

The Luo family has only two daughters. The company was given to the eldest daughter, and a large sum of money was given to the younger daughter as a dowry. It is only natural for Bai Luochuan to be called the prince of the Luo family. How could he suffer any loss in his family's affairs

Bai Luochuan's target was not Xinjiang from the beginning. He had his eyes on Lin Youcai's land in Beijing.

He had taken plenty of time to cast his net and bait, and now he had reached the final step, lacking only one person to celebrate.

There was a small photo frame on the desk, in which was a young man in school uniform, his eyes squinted due to the sun, and his mouth curved up to smile refreshingly. This was a photo taken when he graduated from junior high school, taken by himself, Mi Yang was still holding his hat in his hand, and he didn't hide when being photographed, as if his first reaction whenever he saw him was to smile.

Bai Luochuan stretched out his finger and gently flicked the boy in the photo, his eyes filled with smiles.

It seems like a good gift to buy.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your concern. I have been staying in the hospital with my family member for the past two days. He has recovered now~^_^