Back to 1988

Chapter 143: 18 years old


Mi Yang smiled and said, "I just bought it."

Bai Luochuan was stunned for a moment: "Bought it? When did you buy it? How come I don't know?"

Mi Yang said: "Brother Chen and I bought bicycles together some time ago. Our old man Zhang also bought one. Didn't you see it when you went to our courtyard last time? Mine is blue and looks pretty good."

Bai Luochuan laughed and said, "How can there be enough bicycles?"

Mi Yang said: "It's enough. We usually live so close. It's not far from the dormitory to the teaching building. It's just right to ride a bicycle. There's no traffic jam and it's convenient to stop."

Bai Luochuan laughed and said nothing more about the car.

He stayed in a suite in the hotel here. There was a set of dry-cleaned clothes on the sofa in the living room outside. Bai Luochuan casually pushed it aside, but Mi Yang picked it up habitually and said, "I'll hang it up. It will get wrinkled again in a while, and you won't have any clothes to change tomorrow."

He hadn't taken two steps when Bai Luochuan reached out and pulled him back. Young Master Bai didn't let go and held him in protest, "How come you only saw the clothes? Look at me too. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "Not long."

Bai Luochuan was about to raise his hand to grab his clothes, but Mi Yang quickly begged for mercy: "Yes, yes, I haven't seen you for a few days, let me count..."

Bai Luochuan said: "One kiss a day, start counting."

Mi Yang had no choice but to see Young Master Bai tilting his head and half-closing his eyes waiting for him to come closer. He could only straddle his legs and lean over to kiss him for a long time. This man was just like when he asked for candy before, a loan shark. Sometimes one kiss a day was not enough, and he had to give him two or three kisses before he could count them all.

Bai Luochuan's cell phone rang, and Mi Yang went to hang up the clothes while he was on the phone.

There was a small cloakroom next to the bedroom, but there were not many replacement clothes, but there were more than two shirts. Mi Yang took a look outside and heard Bai Luochuan get up to answer the phone, lowering his voice to talk about work. He felt that there was still plenty of time, so he went to the bathroom.

It was still a bit stuffy on the road. Mi Yang took a shower and came out wearing a white towel. The lights in the room outside were all off. He groped his way over and wanted to turn on the light, but Bai Luochuan stopped him and said, "Turn it on later. Wait for me a moment."

Mi Yang could smell a hint of sweetness in the air. As he wiped it, he saw Bai Luochuan pushing something over and asked him, "What is this?"

Bai Luochuan took the candle next to him and lit it for him. The flame flickered as he bent over. "Cake, I just had someone bring one up."

Not only cake, but also an ice bucket and a nice bottle of wine.

Mi Yang sat on the edge of the bed wrapped in a white bathrobe, watching him fiddling with interest. This was the only light in the room, and Bai Luochuan's face was coated with a layer of gold under the candlelight, looking handsome. He lit the candle carefully with a focused expression.

Mi Yang asked him: "Do you want to make a wish today? What flavor does the cake taste like?"

Bai Luochuan said, "Fruit." He pushed the small food cart closer, sat over and held Mi Yang in his arms, resting his chin on his shoulder and making a wish with him.

Mi Yang whispered: "I hope my family is healthy, and I hope everyone's study and work go smoothly..."

The last wish was not spoken, but with his eyes closed, his expression was serious, and his lips moved slightly. Just by looking at the tiny arc, Bai Luochuan could tell that he was reading his name. After waiting for Mi Yang to open his eyes and blow out the candles, Master Bai kissed the sweet little mouth first. Mi Yang said vaguely, "I haven't eaten the cake yet."

The room was pitch black, but Bai Luochuan's eyes were bright. He bit the corner of Mi Yang's lip and said in a hoarse voice, "Eat later, be good."

Mi Yang felt that he was different from usual, but he was just wrapped in a bathrobe and was holding onto his collar, not caring about anything else. He vaguely felt Bai Luochuan's urgency, and when he tilted his head he could hear his voice ringing rapidly in his ears, making the tips of his ears red and his face hot.

Mi Yang whispered: "It doesn't seem right."

Bai Luochuan paused for a moment, adjusted himself to the darkness, looked at him in the dim light, and lowered his voice, "Do you think this is the way to go?"

As he spoke, his fingers gently touched the instrument as if he was stroking a beautifully skeletal piano. No matter how urgent his movements were, his fingertips trembled slightly with excitement, but he was polite and courteous like a gentleman, caring for the instrument that would be his only life.

Mi Yang's body tensed up a bit, but he felt that this was the way it should be.

He had never had a girlfriend in his previous life and never cared about these things, but it seemed that this was how the foreign romance movies he watched in college were played out.

Bai Luochuan snorted and laughed. Mi Yang looked up at him. The curved jawline was so beautiful that it made him feel dizzy. He stretched out his finger and touched it lightly. The jawline of the person above him suddenly tightened, and the voice seemed to be gritted out: "Little cutie—"

Mi Yang didn't have any sense of crisis, or maybe he had been prepared for it.

Bai Luochuan loved him very much and did everything according to his wishes, but this was a little strange. Compared with Bai Luochuan's current eyes, such a gentle action was not quite coordinated. This man's body was burning hot, like magma about to erupt. He was sweating slightly just by sticking to him.

Sure enough, after a while, the wolf nature in Bai Luochuan was aroused.

Mi Yang bit his lip and whispered, "Why didn't you take off your clothes?"

Bai Luochuan lowered his head and took a bite of him, saying, "Where did you come from, little master? You are so particular and so good at torturing people. You are really my master. You have never eaten meat, right? Let me teach you."

Mi Yang snorted and looked at him: "You've just had sex?"

Bai Luochuan leaned over, kissed him on the lips and said vaguely: "Isn't it open now?"

After a long time, peace finally returned.

Mi Yang was already tired. He felt that this man was too aggressive. He was eaten over and over again. At first, he tried to stretch and cooperate, but later he wanted to escape. But he didn't crawl away for two steps before he was caught by Bai Luochuan. The soft flesh on the back of his neck was held in his mouth. As long as Mi Yang moved, Master Bai would bite a small bite like a threat. The sharp teeth rubbed twice, which was burning and painful.

Mi Yang didn't dare to move and lay on his side for a while.

Bai Luochuan was even more impatient than him, his nasal voice was already sweet, he rubbed his nose against his, kissed his forehead, kissed his cheeks, and lay on him, pushing against him like a dog.

Mi Yang pushed his face, his voice hoarse: "No, I'm really tired."

Bai Luochuan laughed and stretched out his hands to hold him in his arms, like a dragon confirming the treasure. He kissed his forehead a few times and his eyes fell on the backpack that Mi Yang brought on the ground. The backpack had been opened, and the bottle of stuff that Mi Yang brought was opened by him personally.

Bai Luochuan rubbed his nose against his, but didn't let go of his hand: "Did you think of this before you came? What is this? Is it a birthday present for me?"

Mi Yang bit his lip and kissed him: "It's mine."

He whispered, "It's my birthday present."

Young Master Bai was almost melted by his sweetness. He wanted to dig out his heart and give it to him, giving him whatever he wanted. He held his fingertips on his lips and kissed him for a long time. He listened to the other person's breathing getting heavier and he fell asleep from exhaustion. Then he let go reluctantly, held him in his arms, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The author has something to say: Everyone knows about harmony, it’s been particularly strict recently orz

Also, please give me nutrient solution~