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Chapter 144: Yogurt lumps


When Bai Luochuan woke up the next day, he closed his eyes and groped around. He didn't touch anyone as usual and was dazed for a moment, but when he heard the faint sound of water coming from the bathroom, he turned over again, covered his eyes with the back of his hand and relaxed.

Mi Yang didn't leave, and yesterday was not a dream.

His little darling has grown up.

Better and sweeter than he thought.

Bai Luochuan smiled, and then he lay on the bed and thought about every detail of last night again, immersed in a feeling of fullness from the inside out. It seemed that there was no time that made him more satisfied than now, but he also knew clearly that from now on, the future would only be a little better than today. Just thinking about this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

The bathroom door knocked twice, Bai Luochuan turned around and saw Mi Yang walking out already dressed, barefoot in a pair of soft white slippers. His exposed hands and feet were slender, his skin was very white, and after having just finished a bath and been soaked in hot water, his skin was a little pink, which was his favorite look.

Bai Luochuan reached out to pull him to his side, but Mi Yang smiled and dodged a little, standing aside and said, "It's almost ten o'clock, you should get up too. Fu Qisheng called me this morning to ask about it, and I told him you had something to do so you can go over later. There's nothing important at the company, right? I heard him not being in a hurry, and he said noon would be fine..."

Bai Luochuan yawned: "It's nothing serious, as long as I'm here, it's fine."

He got up lazily and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Although he wanted Mi Yang to accompany him to take a shower again, the kids outside had learned to be smart and refused to be fooled. He could only let him deliver clothes twice before he reluctantly came out to wash. The toothpaste was squeezed and placed on the side next to the large sink, along the right side. They had always lived in a dormitory when they were studying. Since they were young, they had been accustomed to putting Mi Yang's things on the left and Bai Luochuan's on the right. Even the placement of the things was a habit they had developed over the years, and Master Bai was particularly convenient to use.

I'm just not happy with the toothpaste.

After rinsing his mouth, Bai Luochuan frowned and said, "Why does it taste bitter?"

Mi Yang was surprised and asked, "No way, the one I use is just ordinary mint flavor?"

Bai Luochuan said: "If you don't believe me, try it yourself."

Mi Yang took two steps forward, but before he could pick up the toothpaste, Bai Luochuan grabbed his wrist, pressed him on the sink and proudly stole a kiss. The tip of his tongue with the taste of cool mint flexibly penetrated inside, making Mi Yang unable to utter a word of protest. After kissing for a long time, his face turned red, and then he let go, savored it himself, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It doesn't seem to be bitter anymore, I tasted the wrong thing."

Mi Yang pushed his face and said righteously: "It's bitter, you didn't taste it right, you can taste it after eating this tube."

Bai Luochuan refused to leave, and stayed beside him to ask for another kiss, insisting on sharing the experience with him. Mi Yang had been hiding for a long time. He was not afraid of tickling on his waist, but he was particularly afraid of tickling on his back. Last night, Bai Luochuan deliberately kissed and bit it, and there were still many marks on it. He couldn't help shivering when he was touched, and immediately begged for mercy, shouting "brother", and then Master Bai stopped.

But he didn't bother him anymore. They had breakfast in the room. Bai Luochuan was so happy in the morning that he didn't want to go to the company at all. When he read with Mi Yang on the sofa in the hotel, he held him in his arms. Young Master Bai put his chin on his shoulder and read along his line of sight. He read quickly. When Mi Yang was reading the first half of the page seriously, he had already read the second half of the night with one glance. He spent the rest of the time looking at the person in his arms.

The more he looked at her, the more satisfied he became. He couldn't help but kiss her cheeks and ears.

Mi Yang was used to being harassed by him, so he leaned in his arms and continued to read his book, and he actually read quite a bit.

Bai Luochuan played by himself for a while, but felt a little unsatisfied again. He gently pinched his fingers twice and said, "Little cutie, aren't you tired?"

"Not bad." Mi Yang turned a page. This was the reference book he brought with him. Time was urgent. He had to finish reading it in two days. The teacher was waiting for him. When Bai Luochuan spoke to him again, he would respond with a few "hmm" and "ah", trying to study with two minds at the same time.

Bai Luochuan narrowed his eyes and reached his hand down. As soon as he touched something, Mi Yang immediately turned his head to look at him, his face a little red, and he pressed his pants and refused to let go: "Goodbye, I have to go out soon."

Bai Luochuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you still have the energy to go out?"

Mi Yang nodded. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't need to lie down. Besides, he had to go out today and go back to work with his teacher the next day! Before he could finish the sentence, Master Bai had already started frowning. He didn't know where he hadn't served him well, and he seemed to be looking for new problems.

Bai Luochuan whispered, "It's nothing like what's in the book."

Mi Yang asked curiously: "What book?"

Bai Luochuan said vaguely: "Just, reference books and so on, I found some before, they are all in my notebook, do you want to read them with me and learn from them?"

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang simply wanted to delete all the stuff in his computer!

He said why Bai Luochuan had so many tricks yesterday, it was really tiring!

Young Master Bai obviously didn't think the same as Mi Yang, and was still frowning and reflecting on whether he had not done well enough, and asked him if he was satisfied. This question was too straightforward, and Mi Yang's ears turned red. He nodded and tried to avoid it, but Bai Luochuan took the book away from him, hugged him face to face, and asked again with his forehead against his: "Are you really comfortable?"


"Then why did you get up earlier than me today? You worked so late last night."

"… "

Because he fainted once in the second half, and he was too tired when he tossed and turned in the middle of the night, and he secretly slept for a while... Mi Yang looked to the side, trying to find an excuse: "Maybe I'm in good health because of my long-distance running."

Bai Luochuan asked him: "How good is it?"

Mi Yang turned back and gently bumped his forehead with a little anger.

Master Bai became proud again, nuzzling Mi Yang and whispering to him, "Am I particularly skilled?"

How did Mi Yang know

This was the first time in his two lifetimes. A vague response was not enough. Master Bai insisted on a precise answer. He even asked him to tell him exactly what was good about it, as if he wanted to take notes. It seemed as if he wanted to continue practicing and learning in the evening.

Mi Yang: "Everything is fine."

Bai Luochuan probably got the stamp of approval from him for his excellent skills, so he relaxed a lot and said generously: "Come, let's talk."

They did nothing else in the whole morning but sit and chat. By the end of the question, Bai Luochuan had basically answered his own questions. He said proudly, "I know you are embarrassed, I'll say it for you. I think this is what you think."

Mi Yang: “…”

At noon, if Mi Yang hadn't asked him to, Master Bai would not have been willing to come out of the hotel room. As soon as he stepped out of the room, Mi Yang wouldn't let him hold his hand. Master Bai looked stinky. Mi Yang hadn't seen him so willful for a long time. He bumped him with his shoulder and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm hungry."

They found a local restaurant with unique dishes. Bai Luochuan ordered a lot, but Mi Yang didn't eat much. He did like the yogurt here. When he was leaving, he saw the owner's homemade yogurt lumps. He tried a few and couldn't stop eating. Bai Luochuan simply bought a big bag for him to take away.

The sweet and sour and salty and sour flavors were mixed together. Mi Yang was not picky. After eating for a while, even Bai Luochuan tilted his head to look at him and asked curiously, "Is it delicious?"

Mi Yang nodded: "Would you like to eat one?"

Bai Luochuan was still worried: "I want something sweet."

Mi Yang smiled, took a small bite of the sweet one to confirm before giving it to him, "This one is sweet."

Bai Luochuan chewed and ate. From the corner of his eye, he saw Mi Yang take his finger back and put it to his mouth to take a small sip. His Adam's apple rolled twice and he smiled and said, "It's a little sweet."

Mi Yang didn't notice it. When he heard him say that, he thought he wanted to eat too, so he continued to feed him two or three more pills.

This time they drove directly to the company. Mi Yang had come along once before, when he was bringing something to Bai Luochuan on behalf of Luo Jiangjing. The two of them often came here, and the mothers of the two families were used to asking them to bring things to each other.

This time when I came, I noticed something was different when I entered the office. Last night, there was only a small light on, and it was pitch dark. I was only focused on looking at people and didn't see my surroundings clearly. Now I saw it and asked, "Did you change the sofa?"

Bai Luochuan nodded, returned the schoolbag and snacks in his hands to Mi Yang, asked him to go to the sofa to rest, and sat at the desk to make an internal call to ask Zhao Haisheng to come up to discuss something.

Zhao Haisheng came quickly. He didn't seem surprised to see Mi Yang. He even ate a handful of yogurt lumps with a smile.

Bai Luochuan said with a gloomy face: "You were in a hurry to find me at 12:00 this morning, how come you still have time to eat now?"

Zhao Haisheng said: "Mi Yang gave it to me, I gave it to him."

Bai Luochuan said: "Don't bother him, let him read the book, and come over and tell me the story again."

Zhao Haisheng went over honestly, lowered his voice and repeated it haltingly. There was nothing else, just that the partners on Lin Youcai's side had a small conflict again. It was not a big problem and could be solved. Usually, this kind of reporting work was done by Fu Qisheng. Fu Qisheng spoke little, was concise and fluent. Today, Bai Luochuan was a little angry when he thought about the phone call in the morning, so he deliberately made Zhao Haisheng talk for a long time.

Both of them spoke in low voices. Zhao Haisheng didn't even dare to use many interjections and just stuttered.

It seemed as if the office belonged to Mi Yang, who was reading quietly. They were all outsiders and looked at Mr. Mi's expression cautiously.

Zhao Haisheng finally finished speaking. He looked up and saw, without surprise, that Bai Luochuan raised his eyes a little higher and glanced at Mi Yang who was sitting on the sofa. He also looked over, but before his eyes fell on the person, he heard Mr. Bai say coldly, "What are you looking at? Keep talking!"

Zhao Haisheng: "Speak, speak... Have you finished speaking?"

Bai Luochuan thought for a moment and then said, "After that, go and make a written summary. If you can't handle this kind of thing well, then I have been following you for nothing for the past two years."

Zhao Haisheng protested: "Well, that's Qisheng's job, why don't you let him write it!"

Bai Luochuan said, "One for each of you, go ahead."

Zhao Haisheng: “…”

Zhao Haisheng also gave his brother a job and went out with a bitter face.

Bai Luochuan got up and went to the sofa, sat down next to Mi Yang, and then he saw Mi Yang holding the book he had read that morning, and asked him, "What book is this?"

Mi Yang said: "The teacher found some reference books for me. There are a lot of history-related books to read." He looked up and asked, "Are you busy? How about I go back to the hotel and wait for you?"

Bai Luochuan said: "It's OK, wherever you want to go tomorrow, I'll accompany you."

Mi Yang said: "Well, there is no particular place I want to go."

Bai Luochuan said, "Then I'll take you shopping. You have to buy a birthday present." He held Mi Yang's hand and played with it, and suddenly smiled, "I didn't expect you to come. I had prepared one in the capital and was going to send it to you."

Mi Yang asked curiously: "What is it?"

Bai Luochuan pinched his nose and chuckled, "It's a secret. Go back and read it."

Mi Yang's nose was pinched by him and his voice was a little nasal, but he still said: "Then don't buy any more, I'll go back and collect them, I already have everything."

Bai Luochuan refused: "Who said you can only take one? You are so good, I will give you as many as you want. Think of one quickly, otherwise I will make the decision myself."

Mi Yang thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you give me a digital camera, the kind that can take photos and record videos."

Bai Luochuan said: "Okay, is it for class? Do you want something more professional?"

"Just ordinary ones are fine. Just take some photos to record them. The teacher is going to hold an exhibition in a while, and wants to make an explanation. Let us accumulate some for backup." Mi Yang smiled and said to him, "And Zhou Tong called me two days ago and said he had something to do."

Bai Luochuan was a little surprised: "Zhou Tong? What can he want from you?"

Mi Yang said: "Teacher Dai and Teacher Wen are getting married, probably this winter, and Zhou Tong wants the students from both classes to record a blessing in advance. He has edited it and will give it to the teachers as a gift when the time comes."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "That's interesting. Would you like to give me something else?"

Mi Yang said: "You also know the personalities of Lao Dai and our teacher Wen. It's okay to send blessings, but they won't accept anything else."

Bai Luochuan also remembered that Old Dai had some literary qualities. During the two years he taught them, he said the most, "Grades are the greatest blessing you give me," "You didn't even get into a university, so the teacher has no intention of dating." Bai Luochuan also smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's go out and buy one today and record a video to send to him."

The author has something to say: Sorry, I have been sorting out the outline these two days and have updated less frequently.

Now, it is Mr. Tian who has a 20,000-word outline in his hand, and he feels particularly confident!

Ready to speed up and update more~=3=