Back to 1988

Chapter 146: guide


Wu Shuang'an ran out of the house, and when he got in the car, he found that his daughter was not there. He asked in confusion, "Where's Shuangshuang?"

The driver said in embarrassment: "Miss... Miss has left."

Wu Shuang'an was stunned for a moment, "Gone? Where did he go?"

The driver said, "She said she was going to the research institute in Turpan. There was a seminar and museum exhibition there. The young lady said she wanted to prepare for the next design and go to the exhibition by herself. She didn't want us to send her and just called a car to leave."

Wu Shuangan knew that she had run away. He was angry for a while, but then he sighed. He rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Alright, let her go. I just introduced her to someone else. I didn't mean to force her. This kid is really... Ever since her mother left, her temper has been getting worse and worse, and her ideas have become more and more stubborn."

The assistant in front laughed and advised him, "He is as talented as your wife, but he doesn't want to rely on you."

Wu Shuangan was both proud and distressed. He looked out the window and sighed, "She is my only child, and she doesn't let me manage anything. How can I seek justice for this?"

The assistant whispered, "Mr. Wu, where are we going now?"

Wu Shuangan said: "Let's follow the original plan."

The assistant asked again, "What about the young lady? Should I have someone follow her?"

Wu Shuangan shook his head and said, "Goodbye. I was wrong today. Don't make her angry again. She flew abroad when she got angry, and we won't see each other for another year or two." He asked his assistant about her schedule for the next two days, thought for a while, and said, "Make some time the day after tomorrow, and I'll go pick her up from there."

The assistant smiled and responded. He was a veteran employee of the company and knew Miss Wu Shuang's temper thoroughly. He joked, "Boss Wu's wallet is bleeding. Miss Wu is not easy to appease."

Wu Shuangan smiled bitterly and said, "It would be better if we could just pay her money. She has a bad temper now and I don't dare to offend her."

Wu Shuang'an originally just wanted to arrange for the two young people to meet. He knew that Bai Luochuan had a "girlfriend" who was still studying. He personally was not very optimistic about this kind of campus romance. In comparison, he cared more about being well-matched. Moreover, he had met Luo Jiangjing several times and was very impressed by this smart and capable woman. He felt that Luo Jiangjing should think the same as he did.

They have all invested huge efforts in their children, who wouldn't want to choose the better ones

Children’s marriage is based on feelings, while adults’ marriage is equally based on feelings and family.

Wu Shuang'an looked at the houses speeding past outside the window, but his mind had already flown far away.

Bai Luochuan saw Mr. Wu off and dealt with some company matters. Just then, there happened to be something going on at Zhou Teng's car dealership, so he simply took the two brothers Zhao Haisheng with him. By the time they were done, it was already dark.

Zhou Teng repeatedly invited him to stay for dinner, but Bai Luochuan just shook his head and refused, saying, "Someone's coming home, I have to go back."

Zhou Teng then let him go. After Bai Luochuan left, he whispered to Fu Qisheng who stayed behind to ask for news: "Hey, Qisheng, who is here at Mr. Bai's house? Could it be Mr. Luo himself?"

Fu Qisheng shook his head and said simply, "No."

Although Zhou Teng was not as fond of gossip as his brother and could find out everything, after interacting with the prince of the Luo family, he felt that this prince had never been so polite to anyone, so he had to go back early to accompany him at night. He couldn't get a single word out of Fu Qisheng, the saw-mouthed gourd. He thought about it for a long time and thought that maybe he was really a family member, otherwise why would Mr. Bai leave in such a hurry

Bai Luochuan was indeed a little anxious. He received a message from Mi Yang on his mobile phone, saying that he was waiting for him to come back for dinner. It was almost eight o'clock and he just saw it. After replying, there was no movement from Mi Yang. He was afraid that the other party was waiting foolishly.

After swiping the room card to enter, there was a slight "beep" sound, and Bai Luochuan pushed the door gently, for fear that the other person would be woken up while sleeping.

There was no one in the living room outside. When I walked into the room, I saw a small bedside lamp on and Mi Yang was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Bai Luochuan sat down on the bed quietly, lifted some of the hair in front of his forehead, and looked at Mi Yang's face which was pink from sleeping, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He wanted to cover Mi Yang with a blanket and leave, but when he reached out to touch it, he realized something was wrong. The fabric under his hand felt stiff and didn't look like pajamas. If he lifted it up a little, he could clearly see a corner of a white shirt. It was probably just wrapped up, and the sleeping person didn't button it, revealing a small piece of skin, but the sleeves were still well worn, and the cuffs were a little long, covering most of it, leaving only slender fingers exposed.

Bai Luochuan's Adam's apple rolled twice and his eyes darkened.

He reached out and loosened his tie, then leaned over to kiss the defenseless person sleeping.

Mi Yang was half asleep and was a little caught off guard when he was woken up, but he quickly recognized him. He raised his hands to hug him and said with a nasal tone, "Are you back?"

Bai Luochuan hummed and bit the corner of his mouth, "Why did you sleep in my shirt?"

Mi Yang just remembered and said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't bring it."

Bai Luochuan asked, "What didn't you bring?"

Mi Yang said vaguely, "I didn't bring pajamas..." Just after he finished speaking, he was bitten and hissed, "I didn't bring a small pillow, okay? I have already made an appointment with room service, and I will send your shirt to be washed tomorrow."

Bai Luochuan laughed, kissed him again and said, "You're wearing my clothes again. I've caught you twice. Tell me the truth. Have you worn them before?"

Mi Yang shook his head, but Young Master Bai still refused to give in, so Mi Yang had to nod his head and made up a story on the spot to satisfy Young Master Bai.

Bai Luochuan's big hands began to wander around, and Mi Yang thought he was going to take off his shirt, so as soon as he made the slightest move, he was stopped by Bai Luochuan.

"Put it on."


"Didn't you arrange to send the laundry off tomorrow morning? Aren't you afraid of getting it dirty?"

"… "

Mi Yang dug a hole for himself and fell into it. He really regretted it.

But it didn't work out in the end. Bai Luochuan knew that he would leave tomorrow morning, so he didn't do anything too extreme. However, after threatening, he pretended to be pitiful, which made Mi Yang voluntarily cede land and pay compensation. He stood up with a red face and said, "I, I can help you with something else."

Bai Luochuan sat up a little, supporting himself with his elbows, to see what he was going to do.

Mi Yang was wearing one of Bai Luochuan's loose shirts and felt that it hindered his movements, so he rolled up his sleeves, went to the bathroom to get a wet towel, and wiped Master Bai carefully with his ears red.

When Bai Luochuan saw him rolling up his sleeves, he almost couldn't control himself and threw him down. Young Master Bai had just started having sex and he couldn't help it. He couldn't think of anything except Mi Yang for a while, especially since this man was walking around the room in his loose shirt without any self-awareness.

Mi Yang cleared his throat and whispered, "This is my first time too, I don't have much experience, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me."

Bai Luochuan just stared at his hands. After Mi Yang knelt down, the doubts in his heart had not yet completely emerged when he was caught in a wave of heat - his eyes were red, and he stared at Mi Yang closely, afraid of missing any details.

Mi Yang didn't want to dirty his shirt. Even if he sent it to the laundry tomorrow, he was embarrassed to have any strange marks on it, so he made a small "sacrifice" for this.

At the end, he choked and coughed a few times. Bai Luochuan jumped down, poured him some clean water, and coaxed him to rinse his mouth.

Young Master Bai was unusually calm at night. In the middle of the night, he heard Mi Yang cough, and reached out to touch his throat, asking him if it hurt.

Mi Yang felt that he had just handed in the test paper, and his test results were pretty good, so he had nothing to worry about. He replied vaguely that he was sleeping soundly.

However, when Mi Yang got up the next day, his voice was hoarse and he could hardly speak. Bai Luochuan was anxious to take him to see a doctor, but Mi Yang's face turned red and he refused to go. He wrote a note to show him, saying that he would be fine after two days of rest.

Bai Luochuan frowned and said, "Then I'll go buy you some throat lozenges. I told you not to force yourself yesterday, but you refused to listen."

Mi Yang couldn't speak, but he could still curl up the corners of his mouth and look up to kiss him.

He is willing to.

I am willing to pamper you like this.


Mi Yang hurried back to Professor Zhang on time. Seeing that he was speechless, Professor Zhang assumed that he was sick. He was reluctant to let his young apprentice go out to suffer, so he asked him to stay in the museum in advance to set up the exhibition. Their three years of achievements were transferred to two exhibition halls, one large and one small, and the results were quite good.

Reporters have come to interview in the past two days. Professor Zhang also left a eloquent student here to explain to the reporters, while he took Chen Baiwei and others to the camp to deal with the last few items and bring them back.

The one who stayed behind was a senior student named Miao Liang who wore black round-framed glasses. He was very friendly and patiently answered any questions asked by the reporter.

"Yes, the conditions in the museum are better, but we also have to look at the actual situation of the unearthed cultural relics. There is a slogan posted in our camp saying 'Maintain authenticity, minimal intervention'. This is what we must do first..."

While Miao Liang was busy answering reporters' questions, Mi Yang was working silently on the side, moving things, moving the booth, printing brochures and sticking labels. He did whatever he saw. He had work in his eyes and his hands were nimble. He lowered his head and stuck labels on quickly and well.

There was a very low booth, divided into three layers for display, all with small objects on it. Mi Yang half-knelt on one knee and worked there with his head down. After wiping the glass clean, he put a row of labels on it, as if he had measured with a ruler, quickly and neatly.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, Mi Yang didn't look up and continued to busy himself.

The person who was walking over not far away was also an acquaintance. He smiled and called out to them, "Look, I was just talking about this, and you are right here! Come on, Miao Liang, I really have something to ask you! This is Mi Yang, a top student brought by Professor Zhang, a rare talent. He comes to our museum a few times a year and remembers everything here better than we do! He's also good at explaining things, so why don't I ask him to take you to the other two halls and explain them to you?"

Mi Yang looked up and saw the old curator walking side by side with a beautiful and elegant lady. The girl looked a bit like a cold beauty. Although she was polite, there was a sense of alienation between her brows, and she looked difficult to approach.

The person who came was the old curator. He and Professor Zhang were old friends. He treated Professor Zhang's students like his own juniors and took care of them. He also provided great help to Professor Zhang and his colleagues in their research. This time, the museum was short of staff and an important guest was coming. They needed someone familiar with the cultural relics to explain the relics, so they had to ask them for help.

Under any other circumstances, Mi Yang would definitely help with this, but now his voice was hoarse and he could only point to his throat apologetically and make a helpless gesture.

The old curator asked hurriedly, "What's wrong? Are you sick? Have you seen a doctor?"

Mi Yang smiled and took out his mobile phone to type something for him, saying that he just had a hoarse throat and couldn't speak, and it would take two days before he could explain.

The old curator naturally agreed, and reminded him: "Come to my office later. I have some Sterculia lychnophora over there. You can use it to soak in water and drink it. Young people should also take care of their bodies."

Mi Yang smiled and nodded.

The old curator wanted to take Wu Shuang to find other explanations, but Wu Shuang's eyes fell on Mi Yang. She suddenly said, "Curator, there is no need to change others. Let him take me to see it."

The old curator said in embarrassment: "But Mi Yang can't speak."

Wu Shuang was exactly satisfied with this point of his. She came here just to watch quietly for a while, but her father had given notice here, and they took too much care of her since they arrived. There was no quiet at all. Since Mi Yang couldn't speak, she could immerse herself in her own thoughts and get more inspiration.

Wu Shuang insisted that Mi Yang accompany her, and said that he only needed to lead the way. The old curator had no choice but to call Mi Yang aside and beg him quietly: "Mi Yang, please help us once. Miss Wu's family donated a lot of money. We are counting on this money for the expansion of the warehouse."

Mi Yang laughed and raised his hand to show the old curator.

The old curator hesitated, then tried to raise his hand and high-five him like the young people do nowadays, "Like this?"

Mi Yang shook his head, took out his phone and typed something, then held it up to show him: "Give us five small bags of tea for our Professor Zhang as a reward for our hard work."

The old curator cursed with a smile, patted his arm and said, "You little monkeys all learned this from Chen Baiwei, you little monkeys!"

Mi Yang pretended to turn his palm over and double the amount.

The old curator held his hand and said quickly, "Here, I'll give you some tea. Go and get to work!"

Mi Yang nodded with a smile and then left.

Wu Shuang had been waiting by the side. When he saw Mi Yang coming, he just nodded to him, said a polite word, and then followed Mi Yang. There was no further communication throughout the whole process.

She is aloof in nature and likes quietness. She just needs someone from the museum to show her the way.

Although Mi Yang could not speak, his eyes were very observant. He saw Wu Shuang take out the small notebook she carried with her and write and draw. He observed for a while and then took her to other exhibition rooms. Most of the styles they saw were those that Wu Shuang liked. There were some patterns on the tapestries that surprised Wu Shuang, and she kept drawing for a long time before stopping.

After she stopped writing, she realized that Mi Yang had been standing quietly by her side. When he saw her stop, he stepped forward and handed her a document, which contained the literature and some explanation of the tapestry.

Wu Shuang had a better impression of this boy who "wanted to be a good lecturer even though he couldn't speak" and nodded, "Thank you, I need this."

Mi Yang smiled with his eyes curved, then pointed at the tapestry and made a photo-taking gesture with his hands.

Wu Shuang smiled and raised the small notebook in her hand and shook it: "No need to take pictures, I have already drawn everything I need."

Mi Yang nodded.

He accompanied Wu Shuang to visit four or five exhibition halls. When Wu Shuang was looking at the gold and jade pendants in one of the exhibition halls, Mi Yang was also looking at them. After a while, he started to laugh.

He doesn't have a notebook, but he has a new camera so he can take a lot of pictures.