Back to 1988

Chapter 148: marry


Wu Shuang and Mi Yang added each other as friends, and then followed him to a warehouse at the back to look at some cultural relics.

It was called a warehouse, but it was actually a hall for exhibition. The exhibition was still being set up. The cultural relics had been safely placed in glass covers, but there were a few places where the labels were not properly affixed. Mi Yang was also familiar with this place, and he explained a few things to Wu Shuang in a low voice. Occasionally, Wu Shuang asked one or two less popular questions, and he could answer most of them. When he encountered questions he didn't know, he would shake his head.

Wu Shuang laughed and said, "So there are things you don't know?"

Mi Yang said frankly: "I don't know as much as Brother Miao Liang, he is very good, you can write these down and ask him later, even our professor Zhang said that Brother Miao has a grocery store in his stomach, he knows a little about everything, and can tell you a story in the blink of an eye, faster than a computer can look it up."

Wu Shuang nodded and wrote down the question, "Okay."

Bai Luochuan followed behind them, pretending to appreciate them, but his eyes were always following Mi Yang's figure.

There were several wooden pieces that had been badly damaged and had been kept in the warehouse for repair. Two of them were exquisite wood carvings from the early Tang Dynasty, which Mi Yang had never seen so closely. He cherished this opportunity, and watched them intently while explaining in a low voice.

Wu Shuang was scribbling on the small notebook, much more casually than yesterday. She probably already had a design idea in her mind, and she just came to look at some more things and add some interesting ideas to her own design, so she felt much more relaxed.

She took two steps and heard a slight "click" sound of a camera behind her.

Wu Shuang had been secretly photographed by many suitors. In the past, she would have been very annoyed when she heard the sound of photography, but this time she didn't feel it. She even stayed for a while longer. After hearing the slight clicking sound twice, she secretly turned back to see—Mi Yang was not taking pictures of her. He was taking pictures of a painted wooden duck seriously and enjoying it very much.

Wu Shuang: “…”

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of a mobile phone taking a photo. Wu Shuang looked up and saw that Mr. Xiaobai, the young and promising president who had been in the meeting room before, was also holding his mobile phone and taking a photo of the painted wooden duck, with a very satisfied look on his face.

Bai Luochuan felt her gaze and turned to look at her, without seeming to put away his phone.

Wu Shuang pursed her lips and frowned slightly, but before she thought about it, she heard Mi Yang enthusiastically say, "You guys like this too? It's interesting, isn't it?"

The two men were stunned for a moment, then looked at the duck tacitly, waiting for Mi Yang to continue.

When Mi Yang was in a working environment, he was not sensitive to other perceptions. He only had these interesting cultural relics in his mind, and as if these two were thinking the same thing as himself, he pointed to the painted wooden duck through the glass cover and said, "This is the hinterland of the Eurasian continent. The climate is a typical continental warm temperate desert climate, with sufficient sunshine, abundant heat, scarce precipitation, and extreme dryness. The annual average sunshine is more than 3,000 hours, and the high temperature period is long… In such a water-scarce, extremely hot and dry area, it is not suitable for raising ducks, whether it was hundreds of years ago or now. Strictly speaking, there should not be any ducks here."

Bai Luochuan walked over to look at it with him. The wood carving was lifelike, and the duck's webbed feet were clearly depicted, as if it was paddling in the water. He looked at it and asked in a low voice: "Where did these come from? I think these ones look like a set."

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Yes, these four pieces are a set, carved from a piece of log."

Wu Shuang listened to him and took two steps closer out of curiosity. The painting on it had been preserved very well after hundreds or thousands of years, and the cracks on it had also been repaired very well, obviously it had been handled with great care.

"Not only these, a large number of painted wooden ducks were also unearthed in the Astana ancient tombs, which caused a lot of discussion at the time. There was no Internet at that time, so Mr. Zhang and others used letters to refute each other's views in journals for more than half a year." Mi Yang smiled, "Generally speaking, there are several views. Some say it is a symbol of wealth, some say it is a toy for children at that time, and some say it is a wine vessel... But now everyone agrees that these are the people who migrated here missing their homeland, so they made these wooden ducks."

Wu Shuang asked: "Migration?"

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Well, from the literature, the appearance of duck figurines in inland tombs began in the late Warring States Period or the early Western Han Dynasty. According to this timeline, it also coincides with the age of several painted wooden duck tombs here." Mi Yang looked at the item in the glass cover that was mottled with marks of time, as if he was looking at a story about it. "We can guess that some 'Han and Wei survivors' arrived in Gaochang in batches. They took root here, some achieved great success, and some were just ordinary people. However, there would be such a painted wooden duck buried with them in their tombs. Most of them had lived in the inland during their lifetime and missed their hometown too much, so they made these to accompany themselves."

Wu Shuang listened for a while, and when she looked at the painted wooden duck in the glass cover, her eyes became much softer: "I only see the patterns and colors on its body, and you see its story."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "This is my job."

Bai Luochuan just opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, he heard Wu Shuang nod and say, "This is a very good job, very suitable for you."

Bai Luochuan: “…”

Bai Luochuan felt a toothache, and what he wanted to say was spoken first by the girl next to him.

Mi Yang asked: "What else do you want to see?"

The two said in unison: "Let me take another look at the duck."

Others would have thought that they had a great understanding with each other, but the way the two of them looked at each other was as if they were wary of competitors. Just by standing there without saying anything, one could feel the sparks flying between them and the tense atmosphere.

Mi Yang finally figured out what the problem was. Bai Luochuan and Miss Wu were too similar. They had outstanding looks, cold and slightly willful personalities, and even the things they liked were similar.

Mi Yang looked at the painted wooden duck, stepped aside and said, "Okay, I'll take the photo, you guys can take it, it will look better from this position."

The two looked at each other and said, "Okay."

The situation in the exhibition hall behind was similar. Mi Yang was responsible for leading the way and explaining. What he said was interesting and the two people who followed him were satisfied, especially Wu Shuang. She did not feel any aggression from Mi Yang, so she was very relaxed. However, Xiao Bai next to her kept following them. Wu Shuang looked for a while and then left politely.

She was not used to getting along with unfamiliar people, especially Bai Luochuan, who was particularly oppressive and had an obvious presence, making her feel a little uncomfortable.

Bai Luochuan came here just for Mi Yang. He couldn't bear to let Mi Yang go. It was a good opportunity for the two of them to get along well for a while.

Mi Yang raised his wrist to check the time and said, "I can't watch it with you. Brother Chen must not have finished it. I have to go back to help him."

Bai Luochuan said unhappily, "When Wu Shuang was here just now, you were always there for her. Why can't you do that when it's my turn?"

Mi Yang was happy, patted his arm and comforted him: "She is a guest, and you are different."

Bai Luochuan was dissatisfied: "What's different about me?"

Mi Yang tiptoed closer, covered his ears, and whispered to him: "You are not allowed to bring family members to work, so don't say anything, play by yourself for a while, and we will go back after I'm done."

Bai Luochuan only felt his earlobe warm, as if it was licked gently. In the blink of an eye, he saw Mi Yang standing in front of him with a smile on his face as if he said "I didn't do anything" innocently.

Bai Luochuan raised his hand and tapped him on the forehead, then he laughed too.

After eating a piece of "soft candy" from Mi Yang, Master Bai felt a little more at ease, but Mi Yang's senior brothers also knew that Bai Luochuan was his old classmate, and the two were childhood friends, and they had a very good relationship. When Bai Luochuan moved closer to Mi Yang, someone immediately made room for him. Master Bai sat aside and watched Mi Yang work, he also wanted to help, but the things on Mi Yang's side were too trivial, so he gave up after trying, and his eyes stayed on Mi Yang's trouser pocket.

Bai Luochuan coughed and asked him, "You are very busy here, right? I have to look up materials when I go back, so I won't have much time."

Mi Yang hummed and said, "Yes."

Bai Luochuan said: "Then give me the camera and I will help you send those photos to Wu Shuang?"

The Penguin communication numbers of the two of them were applied for by Bai Luochuan together before, and the passwords were the same. The two of them were usually very busy, and Mi Yang mostly just used his phone to check the class notifications, and rarely used it. When he heard him say that, he slightly leaned over and said to him, "Okay, the camera is in my pocket, you can take it yourself. There is a computer in the office on the second floor. You can ask them, it's easy to find."

Bai Luochuan said: "Okay."

Just as Bai Luochuan was about to leave, Mi Yang stopped him and said, "After you log in, help me feed my 'sister'."

Bai Luochuan smiled and said, "I understand."

He took his camera and went to the office upstairs. Coincidentally, Chen Baiwei was also there. After a brief greeting, he logged into Mi Yang's Penguin Communication account. Mi Yang didn't interact with many people, most of whom were people Bai Luochuan knew. Occasionally, a few unfamiliar accounts were also marked with the words "Professor x of xx Department", which was quite conventional.

Just as I logged in, a chubby little cartoon penguin popped up on the screen with a bow on its head. It blinked its eyes and asked for food, and the energy column showed insufficient.

This is Mi Yang's QQ pet. Strictly speaking, it cannot be considered as his pet. It was a pet egg given to Mi Xue by her friend. The little girl was particularly keen on raising electronic pets in the past few years. She was very happy when she got this one, but she usually goes to school and was afraid that she could not take care of it, so she asked Mi Yang to help raise it and gave the pet egg to Mi Yang.

Mi Yang conveniently named this little pet "Sister", and now its level is very high.

Bai Luochuan exported the photos from the camera and sent them to Wu Shuang. This account was easy to recognize as he used his real name.

After finishing that, he started to feed his "sister" seriously and seriously rejected the row of suitors in the latest news - starting from level 15, people started to add him as a friend and apply to "have a baby" together. Bai Luochuan looked at the column of various applications and his face turned black.

After rejecting all of them, Bai Luochuan thought for a moment and logged into his account again, and bought a pet egg. He was lucky, and when he cracked it open, it turned out to be a male penguin wearing a scarf. Bai Luochuan simply and roughly named it "little brother", and then began to spend money and feed it more roughly. By the time the photos were uploaded, his little penguin had reached level 15.

Bai Luochuan applied for marriage himself.

He then confirmed the deal using Mi Yang's account. One person operated two accounts, allowing them to exchange rings in the game and receive the money.

After finishing all this, Young Master Bai felt a little relieved.

He was admiring it when he saw the avatar flashing below. After clicking it, he saw a long string of meaningless boasting conversations from Ji Baian and a few photos of boating on a lake abroad. Master Ji had grown a lot taller and became a handsome young man.

Seeing that he was not finished, Bai Luochuan typed a reply: "Mi Yang is not here. He is busy."

The other side immediately asked: "Brother?"

Bai Luochuan: "Yes, it's me."

Ji Baian was used to it. When he contacted Mi Yang, eight out of ten times it was his brother who took over. He continued, "Brother, tell Mi Yang that I want to invite him to go skiing this year. My mom has an acquaintance who invested in a ski resort, a semi-outdoor one. You can ask him to return to Shanhai Town a few days later."

Bai Luochuan said: "Let me ask him."

Ji Baian sent three pitiful expressions in a row and urged: "You must help me talk to him, otherwise I will go to Shanhai Town to find you this year, and I will be the only one left every time. Is there still any brotherhood?"

Bai Luochuan: "[Automatic reply] Hello, I'm away right now because of something. I'll contact you later."

Ji Baian: “…”