Back to 1988

Chapter 149: exhibition


Mi Yang is very busy in the library. Professor Zhang relies on Chen Baiwei outside, but he likes Mi Yang the most because he is careful and meticulous in his work. Mi Yang has studied book restoration for more than ten years. He can arrange even the smallest things without any boredom, which makes him feel very relieved.

After finishing the work, it was already evening.

Bai Luochuan made arrangements and personally went to invite Professor Zhang and the others to dine together. Professor Zhang was polite to outsiders, but Bai Luochuan was no longer an outsider. He smiled and nodded, saying, "Okay, let's have Luochuan's meal today."

Bai Luochuan said: "Although I am not your student, we are from the same school, so we are considered a family. It is only right for me to invite you and the other senior brothers."

Miao Liang said with a smile: "I have received a lot of care from you in the past two years. Our project is almost finished. When you come to the exhibition, I will definitely give you a place at the thank you banquet."

Another senior brother also nodded and said, "Yes, yes, we will treat you once as well. You contributed all the tents and supplies in the camp. You have been a great help."

Bai Luochuan did not refuse and nodded, saying, "Okay, I will definitely come then."

After they made their decision, they walked out of the museum together and just happened to run into Wu Shuang'an who was walking in towards them.

Wu Shuang'an was accompanied by the old curator, who was looking around as if looking for someone. When he saw Bai Luochuan and his group coming out, he was stunned for a moment, and was obviously a little surprised. Bai Luochuan said a few polite words to him, and only said that he had made an appointment with other friends and would meet again when he was free.

Wu Shuang'an was worried about his daughter, so he didn't say much. He just nodded and left.

The two sides communicated very quickly. Mi Yang didn't even see Wu Shuang'an's appearance clearly. Bai Luochuan had already dealt with it. He turned around and took the backpack from his hand and carried it himself, and asked him in a low voice: "Is there anything else you want to take?"

Mi Yang smiled and shook his head, saying: "No more, just this one."

When they arrived at the hotel, they sat down to eat and chat. The air conditioning in the private room was low, so Mi Yang even exchanged seats with Professor Zhang, fearing that the old man would catch a cold. Bai Luochuan glanced at Mi Yang and saw that he was not wearing a thin coat, so he went out and got him another one from the car. He always prepared some of Mi Yang's things in the car, and he was used to it.

When Bai Luochuan came in with the clothes, he just happened to hear his fellow apprentices laughing. Miao Liang even gave them a thumbs up and praised them, "Not bad, little apprentice brother. You dare to try. Not bad. You've become a grown man now!"

Bai Luochuan put Mi Yang's coat on the back of the chair and asked them with a smile: "What are you talking about? What do you want to try?"

Miao Liang said with a smile: "Speaking of Mi Yang, he wants to try to fall in love."

Bai Luochuan asked calmly: "Oh? With whom?"

The person next to him also laughed and said, "Isn't that what I'm asking? Our Mi Yang likes someone and has liked him for many years. This kid is so funny. He even said he wanted to snatch her away."

Bai Luochuan looked at Mi Yang with a smile, waiting for him to speak.

Mi Yang stuttered and couldn't speak. Chen Baiwei beside him was still drumming on his side, loudly encouraging him to pursue love. Even Professor Zhang cleared his throat after drinking a cup of tea, and said to Mi Yang with interest: "Mi Yang, you can't be so shy if you want to pursue a girl. You have to be brave, such as writing a poem or making a small handicraft. By the way, don't give a ring as a gift for the first time, it's too abrupt. If you can't write poetry, I have two poetry collections over there. You can take them and study them later. Try to write two poems. If you can't do it, just memorize two poems!"

Chen Bai smiled and chanted, "Not only do you write poems, you also have to write letters. Have you ever written a love letter?"

Bai Luochuan had already relaxed. He sat aside and looked at Mi Yang sideways, tapping his fingers twice casually on the table.

Mi Yang said: "I will write..."

Bai Luochuan next to him immediately raised his eyebrows and made a questioning expression.

Mi Yang had to change his mind halfway through and said, "I'll write it. I'll try writing two letters later."

Bai Luochuan raised the corner of his lips and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

Miao Liang smiled and said, "Mi Yang is writing a love letter, what do you expect? Do you know the one our junior brother likes?"

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "I know him."

Now everyone at the table became interested and looked at him. Miao Liang even asked, "Oh? Who is she? Do we know her? Mi Yang said she is very outstanding."

Bai Luochuan chuckled and said, "When two people are in love, it has nothing to do with whether they are excellent or not."

This answer was too vague, and the brothers at the table were all annoyed. Bai Luochuan looked up at Mi Yang again and said a few words: "As far as I know, the other party also likes Mi Yang very much, and wants to get married. It's inconvenient to say more about the rest. Let Mi Yang tell you in person later."

Everyone started to make a fuss, saying that when Mi Yang reached the legal age for marriage in two years, he would definitely treat them to a drink at the wedding.

Mi Yang blushed because of the teasing.

Bai Luochuan protected him, drank the cup with tea instead of wine, and said, "I'll agree to this for him."

Miao Liang didn't notice it, and immediately said: "Yes, yes, if Mi Yang didn't invite us, you, as his brother, would have to compensate us with a table of wedding wine."

Bai Luochuan smiled and said, "Okay."

The meal was lively and everyone left happily after the meal.

Mi Yang followed Bai Luochuan back to the hotel. As soon as they entered the elevator, Bai Luochuan put his arm on Mi Yang's shoulders and put some of his weight on him.

Mi Yang tilted his head to look at him, a little confused: "I didn't drink tonight, what's wrong, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Bai Luochuan held his hand and touched his chest, "One thing, feel it, is my heart beating a little fast?"

Mi Yang didn't feel it, but he felt the heat coming from his body as he got closer and closer. He couldn't hide. The elevator was narrow, and when he got out of the elevator, Master Bai hummed twice, as if he couldn't walk by himself. Mi Yang could only half-support him and walk while being harassed. Finally, he reached the door of the room. Bai Luochuan didn't mean to take the room card himself, and whispered in his ear: "It's in your pocket, feel it yourself."

When Mi Yang took out the room card from his trouser pocket, he could feel the heat in his thighs.

Bai Luochuan snorted, "Were you teasing me on purpose just now?"

Mi Yang: “…”

Bai Luochuan bit his ear and said, "I'm already hard."

Mi Yangcai's face was hot from his teasing. He finally helped him in, checked the room card, turned on the light, and pushed him and said, "Don't tell me you're like this after drinking two cups of tea. What kind of thing is this... drunk tea?"

Bai Luochuan chuckled: "Drunk you."

He turned around and pressed Mi Yang against the entrance of the room. He bent down to kiss him while he fumbled to turn off all the lights.

Spring nights are short.

A moment is worth a thousand gold.

Even if Bai Luochuan could squeeze out more time, he couldn't stay here too long. He still had work to do, and he had to be present in person when it was finally finished. He could only stay here for one night and rushed back early the next morning.

He traveled all the way just to see his sweetheart, like all young men who have just fallen in love. He kissed her again and again before leaving, his eyes full of love and reluctance, and only got up and left after being urged repeatedly.

Bai Luochuan has his own career and Mi Yang also has his own job.

The museum's exhibition halls were all set up, and their achievements over the past few years were displayed to the public for the first time.

Mi Yang and his colleagues wore staff badges and received the first group of visitors. Probably because it was the weekend, many parents came with their children.

Miao Liang, wearing black-framed round glasses, stood at the front and was watching with a few of his fellow apprentices. They had been watching for several years, but this was the first time they saw the objects they had restored under the glass cover.

They were also very moved by what they saw. One of them pointed to one item and said, "Brother Miao, look, it's this linen shoe that was unearthed together. It was a great help."

“Yes, it took a long time to check.”

Miao Liang pushed up his glasses, looked at it and smiled, "Ah, that's it. Not only do we have it here, but we also have it in the late Tang Dynasty murals in Cave 147 of the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. It's the same as this one."

Mi Yang also stood there and watched for a while, he also remembered this pair of shoes.

That was last year when they discovered this pair of shoes. Chen Baiwei led him to do the restoration work. They were busy until very late that night, but everyone was in high spirits and felt that they had found a breakthrough.

Chen Baiwei tried to scare him and even made up a story on the spot, telling it with a flashlight against his chin. After a while, he was severely beaten by Shan Jing, a student of Professor Sun who came to help. Shan Jing had defected again this year and joined Mr. Zhang. She told him not to tell such stories in the middle of the night.

Mi Yang was processing the hemp rope at that time. Brother Miao beside him was contented and was also guessing the origin of the shoes. He adjusted his glasses and said excitedly, "Who knows? Some things were unearthed on the 18th. It's quite interesting. They are a pair of monks' hemp rope shoes just like ours, but the style doesn't match the style here. I checked a lot of information and found that they only appeared in the Central Plains. The "Old Tang Book·Yufuzhi" records that 'When Wude came, monks wore shoes, and the regulations were also strict, and there were thread shoes'..."

Miao Liang looked up at the broken roof tiles above him, and said with a smile: "Perhaps a thousand or a hundred years ago, there was such a monk. For the belief in his heart, he carried his book box and all his belongings all the way, and with his faith in his heart, he crossed the mountains and waded through the rivers with this power of thought, and walked all the way here. He may have become a great master here, or he may have lived his life in obscurity and finally rest here with his faith in mind."

“Who knows?” Brother Miao said to himself, then smiled and shook his head, “But it’s really fascinating.”

Mi Yang also felt so, it was really addictive.

Chen Baiwei at the side was still talking to him: "Hey, little brother, be careful of the yellow hat on the right hand side, yes, that monk's hat, remember to fix it later."

Shan Jing, who was standing next to him, said angrily, "What yellow hat? To be more precise, it's called a yellow peach-shaped hat. Don't call it that, or you might lead the child astray!"

Chen Baiwei said lazily: "Oh, why bother? There are only a few of us here, and we are still using academic terms. Do we need to tell the story behind it? Oh, by the way, do you know the story behind this hat?"

Shan Jing said, "I did look up some information, but the information I have accumulated is not enough. However, Professor Sun has been leading us to do a lot of research in the past two years. I will ask Professor Sun when I get back." After she finished speaking, she blushed and said, "If I knew everything, wouldn't I be a polymath?"

Chen Bai smiled and said, "Actually, I can't really explain these."

Shan Jing said angrily: "Then why are you asking me?"

Chen Baiwei said: "But someone can tell me well. I'll call a Rinpoche for you now. He doesn't need to be reincarnated. He knows these official and unofficial histories better than anyone else. Let him tell you about it." He held the twine in his hand, turned his head and shouted: "Where is Miao Liang-"

"Nonsense, I just wrote an application to join the party yesterday, and now I am a party member. I am a simple materialist, and I am just very interested in these things. I respect everyone's religious beliefs." Senior Brother Miao Liang adjusted his black-framed round glasses, was a little reserved for a moment, and then happily spoke, "Come on, let's talk about unofficial history today. It is said that..."

Someone touched Mi Yang's arm and he came out of his memories. He turned around and saw Chen Baiwei.

Chen Bai smiled and said, "Little Junior Brother, what are you thinking about? You are so absorbed in it. Do you think the things you repaired are particularly beautiful?"

Mi Yang nodded and looked at it again: "Yeah."

Chen Baiwei also stood beside him and smiled with his eyes bent, "There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Let's work harder and do our best."

Mi Yang also smiled and said seriously: "Okay."

In the lounge on the second floor, Professor Zhang came in to rest early after looking through it, feeling a little tired.

The old curator at the side chatted with him for a few words, left some tea and two plates of dried fruits, and hurried out again.

Mr. Zhang could still see what was happening downstairs through the glass window, and he could also see the sign standing by for the exhibition. His name and the names of his team members were on it. The old man smiled, feeling a little emotional.

After several years of hard work, I am finally done and have left some things behind.

As he was watching, he suddenly thought of Professor Sun who was far away in Hami. In the past two years, Chen Baiwei had "asked for help" many times, and he was very familiar with Professor Sun. Old Zhang took out his mobile phone with a smile and called Professor Sun, hoping to reconcile with him before leaving.

"Hey, Old Sun, how's the situation in Hami? No, no, I'm not here to borrow people from you this time. We've already finished the work... I'm not here to show off to you. Look at you, comrade, why are you so alert? Haha, I just came to talk to you." Mr. Zhang thought for a moment, trying to express his kindness, and planned to start with chatting about family matters. "I heard that you still have Hami melons to eat. Are there any ripe melons over there now? Bring some back if it's convenient."

Professor Sun on the other side responded with absolute certainty, and was extremely angry: "No! No idle students, no ripe melons! Not even one!!"

Although the social encounter failed, Professor Zhang and his group still got to eat the sweetest melons in Hami before leaving.

Mi Yang told Bai Luochuan the story like a joke that night. His young master had a truckload of Hami melons delivered early the next morning. Each one was big and tasty. They were clear, sweet and crispy when bitten, and could quench thirst. They were delicious when eaten in season.

After finishing the ceremony, eating the delicious melon and saying goodbye to old friends, Professor Zhang led the team away.

Their trip to Xinjiang is over, but when they look back on it, everyone will still remember this place and their youth that was spent here.

Mi Yang sat by the window, looking at the land under the clouds, the oasis that occasionally emerged in the desert, and the people that could not be seen there.

If the young master doesn't have time to return to the capital, why don't he come over during the holidays

Anyway, I'm familiar with the place and this isn't the first time I've come here.

Mi Yang thought so and laughed first.