Back to 1988

Chapter 154: Pet eggs


The young man who followed Ji Baian was called Shao Yiliang. He was a little silly and carefree. His elders were on good terms with the Ji family, especially his mother and Ji Baian's mother Luo Jiangyuan. Ji Baian occasionally mentioned that he was skiing recently, and he immediately arranged for him to come to the newly opened ski resort at home to play when he returned. They were all teenagers, and they cared about face the most. He felt proud to be able to entertain Ji Baian, a brother.

Shao Yilian blushed when he was stopped by the staff just now, but he also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he followed Ji Baian and said hello.

Ji Baian has been playing with this group of people for a long time, so these boys have naturally heard of Bai Luochuan's name. Not to mention now, even two years ago, he was a role model for other people's children and was often reminded by their parents to learn from the young master of the Bai family.

They are one or two years younger than Bai Luochuan. Originally, Ji Baian was the center of attention among them when they played together. Now Ji Baian stood in front of Bai Luochuan and greeted him politely. The group of people following him naturally behaved well and stood there together, calling him Brother Bai.

Ji Baian approached him warmly and asked him, "Brother, why are you here? It's a coincidence. I said the other day that we can go skiing together when we are free. Did you read my schedule and come to surprise me?"

Bai Luochuan raised his chin towards the ski area and said, "No, I'm celebrating someone's birthday."

Shao Yiliang smiled and walked over to say, "Brother, I'm sorry, I got a little impatient just now. I've also said before that I've never heard of anyone booking a place here. Whose birthday are you celebrating?"

Bai Luochuan said: "For a little friend at home."

Shao Yiliang grinned and said, "Girl, huh? Big brother, please give me some face. Today's expenses are all waived. It's on me!"

Ji Baian thought for a moment and then remembered that Mi Yang had a younger sister. Calculating the time, it was almost these two days, so he smiled and said, "Well, I'll treat you tonight." He turned around and asked Mi Yang again, "What do you want to eat? The Huaiyang cuisine we had last time was good. I asked before I came. This time, there is an old restaurant that I heard tastes good too. Let's try it tonight?"

Mi Yang said politely: "It's prepared at home."

Ji Baian came closer and smiled, "No, every time I called you to do something, you didn't come, just to have a meal. Why do you always hide from me like this? I brought money with me and I won't let you spend a penny..." Before he could put his arm around Bai Luochuan, he was stopped by Bai Luochuan and asked, "Did you bring your skis?"

Ji Baian was stunned for a moment and said, "I brought it."

Bai Luochuan said, "Take it out and let me see it. Let's go skiing first and play a few rounds. We'll talk about tonight later."

Ji Baian smiled and took out the skis he brought, and asked Shao Yilian to go to the venue to get a few better skis for Mi Yang to choose from. He was eager to teach him.

"You haven't played with this before, have you?" Ji Baian dug out a pair of knee pads and said proudly, "Let me teach you. I played with it for a whole winter last year. I hired a helicopter to take me to the top of the mountain. It was very exciting to slide down all the way. It's a pity that you can only play like this semi-outdoors here. I'll take you there when you're free..."

Bai Luochuan took the kneepad and squatted down to put it on Mi Yang, interrupting him and saying, "No, I'll take him there."

Ji Baian curled his lips, thinking that his brother was particularly boring, "Brother, I'm already so old, why do you always stop me from making friends?"

Bai Luochuan continued to buckle Mi Yang's ski straps without looking up, and said, "You have so many friends over there, go play with them."

Ji Baian also looked up and saw that Shao Yiliang and his friends had gone to play by themselves. There were many facilities here, and some of them were really good at playing, and they were all busy showing off. He glanced at the teenagers over there, then looked back at Mi Yang who was standing there quietly, and said unhappily, "I don't like playing with them, I just want to play with Mi Yang, those guys are like they haven't grown up yet, they are too noisy."

Mi Yang looked up at him.

Ji Baian quickly smiled and called him, "Mi Yang..."

Bai Luochuan said in a deep voice: "You are disrespectful, calling me brother."

Ji Baian was still a little scared of his cousin. After all, he was beaten when he was a child and never won once in terms of force. But he was a little unconvinced in his heart: "What are you doing? You can't even yell at me? Don't you yell at me like that too?"

Of course, Bai Luochuan didn't call him that, but he couldn't let anyone else call him that. He frowned and looked at his cousin: "Either call someone properly, or go home tonight."

Ji Baian's eyes turned and he said, "Brother, do you agree to have dinner with me tonight? Fine, I'll call you brother, and both of you are my brothers, right?" He was so happy that a smile appeared on his face. He turned around and asked, "Are you celebrating Michelle's birthday? I'll prepare a bigger cake later?"

Bai Luochuan said: "No need, just go ahead and skate."

Ji Baian wanted to hold Mi Yang's hand and lead him for a while, but his brother patted his arm and opened his mouth with a sullen face, and then sent him to the side to demonstrate.

Ji Baian thought this was not bad, and he could show himself in all aspects. He slid to the side and did a few smooth moves. Seeing Mi Yang looking at him, he said proudly, "How is it? My practice is still fruitful, right?"

Mi Yang nodded, but before he could speak, he heard Bai Luochuan say, "Not bad, but it's a little different from what I saw before. I think they made it like a skateboard."

Ji Baian said: "Oh, that's snowboarding, you have to go to the halfpipe pool."

Bai Luochuan asked him, "Can you snowboard?"

Ji Baian said: "Of course, you guys go wait for me over at the U-shaped pool, I'll go find a snowboard." After he said that, he left excitedly.

Bai Luochuan stretched out his hand and pulled Mi Yang, saying: "Okay, I'll hold you, try sliding slowly for two steps, and I'll take you over."

Mi Yang held his hand and hesitated for a moment before saying, "I have to go home tonight. My mother must have been waiting for me today. I can't let her wait too late."

Bai Luochuan stretched out his hand and pulled him forward two steps, paying attention to his balance and said, "It's okay, I'll take you back in the evening so that you won't be late for Aunt Cheng and you guys to have dinner in the evening."

Mi Yang asked doubtfully: "What about Ji Baian?"

Bai Luochuan laughed and said, "I promised him that I would have dinner together, but I didn't say who I would go with. Can I go by myself?"

Mi Yang was also amused. He wanted to laugh when he thought about the two brothers sitting together with eyes wide open while eating in the evening.

Bai Luochuan promised, so Mi Yang was relieved and spent the whole afternoon playing with his sister. The girls could talk to themselves, and he was personally guided by Master Bai, with Ji Baian assisting him and occasionally showing off his new difficult moves. Mi Yang learned quite quickly and made great progress in just one afternoon.

After playing for a while, Mi Yang saw sweat on his sister's forehead. Fearing that the girls would catch a cold, he asked them to find a place to sit down and drink hot drinks, and bought them a few cups of ginger milk.

Ji Baian shamelessly asked for a cup of this sweet stuff as well, but after taking two sips, he threw it aside and went to talk to Mi Yang and the others. Bai Luochuan, on the other hand, only asked for a cup of hot tea, which he took two sips from to moisten his throat.

Michelle was very happy on her birthday. After sitting down, she started to pester Mi Yang and said, "Brother, let me see the baby~"

Mi Yang took out her cell phone, opened it and let her look at her QQ little penguin pet. The "sister" in the phone was already married. Because she had a high degree of intimacy with another penguin called "brother", she also completed all the daily tasks and now had a baby.

What the little girl wanted to see were the two pet eggs that had just been laid.

There was a faint glow on it, and Michelle liked it very much. After looking at it for a while, she sighed and said, "It hasn't been born yet."

Ji Baian asked curiously: "What baby?"

The little girl showed him the phone and said, "The pet baby in my brother's phone is so cute, right? My brother is amazing. He gave birth to twins this time, two pet eggs! But the babies haven't hatched yet."

Another little girl sipped her milk tea and said, "I heard that it seems that you can't hatch it yourself, you need to let others hatch it."

Michelle said: "Hey? Can't you hatch it yourself? I want to raise it myself."

Ji Baian had no interest in these things, he was just curious when he saw the one Mi Yang raised. When he heard them say that, he smiled and said, "How about this, let me trade with you? I'll find a pet egg for you, how about you give this one to me?" He pointed to the one in Mi Yang's phone and asked.

Michelle was a little reluctant.

Ji Boan was idle and was playing with the child: "Look, if you can't hatch it yourself, you might as well find a good family for it. I don't have anything else, but I have money. I can take good care of it for a lifetime."

Mi Yang couldn't help but said: "Ji—"

"No!" Michelle interrupted him unhappily, "Money is not everything. Just like Brother Bai's family is richer than mine, I won't go to his house as a child. And my brother won't go either, right, brother?" The little girl turned around and asked her brother for confirmation with a serious face.

Mi Yang almost choked on a mouthful of water: "Ah, right."

Bai Luochuan didn't care much about it. If Mi Yang didn't come, he would just go there. As long as they could be together, these were all small matters.

Ji Baian didn't hear it, and was still teasing Michelle, "Okay, it's my fault, but I can see that you really like her. Can you let me raise her? And I'm your brother's friend. Don't you trust me and your brother's choice?"

Michelle was young, so after hearing what he said, she hesitated again, and actually nodded and agreed to give the pet egg to Ji Baian, but she hoped that he could take the time to send her some pictures of the baby in the future.

Ji Baian liked what he heard and agreed immediately, saying with a smile: "No problem, I'll send it to your brother later. You don't know, we have a very good relationship and often chat together online!"

This time it was Mi Yang's turn to look up at Bai Luochuan. Bai Luochuan looked normal. He picked up the tea and took a sip. His acting skills were excellent.

Mi Yang was the one who transferred the pet eggs. He and Ji Baian were good friends, so it was convenient for him to give them away. "Which one do you want?"

Mi Yang, who had twins, let him pick one at random, without any distress. However, Bai Luochuan next to him frowned slightly and asked again: "Bai An, can you really take care of them?"

Ji Baian said, "Of course, brother, you look down on me too much. If I can't raise a Tamagotchi properly, what else can I do?" The young master of the Ji family waved his hand and said, "Don't be picky, give me both. Can't I afford to raise them?"

I really can't afford it. The game company stipulates that one account can only have one.

Ji Baian: “…”

Ji Baian said with a toothache: "Okay, then I'll pick the one on the left."

The author has something to say: I owed an update from the day before yesterday, and will make it up later!

My cousin is going to do something very cool →_→