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Chapter 156: a heart


When Mi Yang woke up in the morning, he was still a little dazed. Bai Luochuan kissed him a few times and he closed his eyes and whispered, "Why don't you leave..."

Bai Luochuan was still kissing him, and heard him ask, "Where do you want me to go?"

Mi Yang also woke up, looked at the furniture placed beside the bed and whispered: "I thought we were in the capital."

Bai Luochuan said: "If you want us to go back."

Mi Yang pushed him away, not letting him take the opportunity to continue kissing, and teased him, "No, Grandpa and the others are still waiting for us in Shanhai Town. I've already told him that I'll play chess with them when I go back. It'll be more fun for everyone to celebrate the New Year together."

Bai Luochuan lay on him and couldn't get up. He stayed with him for a long time before getting up. While getting dressed, he complained: "You're going to hide from me again when we go back."

This was a bit too much to ask, and Mi Yang didn't want to hide, but Master Bai relied on the spaciousness of the Bai family's old house and the many rooms. He deliberately took him in several times, no matter what room he was in, and would not let him go when he was in the mood, and would kiss him endlessly. At that time, they had never been so intimate, but now they were like young men who had just begun to fall in love, and they had tasted the taste of meat. It was estimated that if they were taken into the room again, it would not be so easy to get out.

If Mi Yang could think of it, Master Bai would naturally think of it too, and he was setting a trap for him on purpose.

Bai Luochuan stood there and deliberately asked him: "Tell me yourself, you only saw me once a few days after you went back. Did you ignore me? I don't know anyone else, and you didn't accompany me."

Mi Yang didn't respond, but smiled and said, "Then you can go with Zhao Haisheng and his two brothers. They will also go home this year. Boss Bai made a lot of money this year, so he wants to reward his subordinates? The red envelopes have to be thicker."

Bai Luochuan leaned over and kissed him, saying, "I'll make one for you, too."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "I'm not an employee of your company."

"Why not? It's now. After the Chinese New Year, my mom and I will be completely separated. We are all independent and easy to operate. You are still a shareholder." Master Bai rubbed his nose against Mi Yang's twice and said proudly, "I invested all our family's money in it. You have to take good care of me in the future, otherwise I won't work for you."

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Okay."

Mi Yang, who worked so hard last night that his waist was aching, got up in the morning and made breakfast himself in order to take good care of the young master who worked for his family.

Bai Luochuan wanted to help, but after he smashed a bowl and almost knocked over the pot, Mi Yang couldn't stand it anymore and drove him out, pointing to the living room and said, "Take this bowl, go sit over there and wait for dinner."

With one command and one action, the kitchen finally became quiet.

Thanks to the running exercise over the years, Mi Yang is in good health. Although he is a little tired, it is not obvious at first glance. He will be fine after a rest. He cooked two bowls of chicken noodle soup and took them out to eat with Bai Luochuan. Bai Luochuan was not idle either. When he was learning free fighting, the master who taught him specialized in wilderness survival training. In addition to close combat, he was also good at knife handling. Bai Luochuan learned some from him and swung the fruit knife in his hand in various ways to cut a plate of fruit.

The apples on the plate were cut well, and the kiwis were a little soft, but sweet enough. He cut them and picked out the sweetest pieces to feed Mi Yang. Mi Yang always liked to eat these two fruits when he was a child, and he remembered it until now. He sat there with his chin propped up and watched Mi Yang eat them bite by bite, with a slight smile on his face.

Mi Yang stayed in the pharmacy to help, and Bai Luochuan sat beside him, but he didn't stay for too long. He received several calls urging him to leave, so he got up and left.

He said he was not busy, but in fact he still had a lot of things waiting to be dealt with. Vacation gave him more time to catch his breath than usual, but this did not prevent him from seizing every opportunity to sneak over.

Mi Yang looked at his back, shook his head and smiled.


Old Dai finally found his other half and got married before this year's Spring Festival.

His marriage to Teacher Wen made many of his classmates happy from the bottom of their hearts, especially the students in Bai Luochuan's class, who were even prouder than if they were the grooms themselves, because that was Teacher Wen from Class 1 and 2 of Senior High School! They even helped Old Dai to pursue her for several years!

Some female classmates cried with joy after hearing this. A few years later, they were called CP fans. These kids spent three years trying to be good people and do good things, and became brother classes with the other class. They brought their two favorite teachers from the podium together in reality. Now these two teachers are holding hands and walking into the marriage hall. It is so sweet.

Before the wedding, Mr. Dai was still preparing examination papers for the students. Although there was no provision for make-up classes, he and Teacher Wen were very responsible and prepared some knowledge outlines and key points for the students, and started making full preparations starting from the first year of high school.

After giving the test papers to the students, Mr. Dai felt a little embarrassed and stood there without leaving.

In fact, he also brought some wedding candies. He and Teacher Wen wanted to hold a simple wedding this time, so they didn't tell too many people, and especially only sent the invitations to relatives and friends. Many students called to ask about participating, but they didn't want the children to spend money, and because of their status as teachers, they only asked them to give verbal blessings and didn't invite anyone.

I don't invite them to the wedding, but I can treat them to some wedding candy. Old Dai cleared his throat and was about to speak when he heard the monitor suddenly take action. He directed two tall boys to turn on the projector on the podium and put up the screen. The whole class sat down in unison and watched the slowly lowering screen, waiting for it to play the picture.

Old Dai was a little surprised: "What's going on? Squad leader?"

This monitor was much more obedient than Bai Luochuan before, but now he just rubbed the tip of his nose and smiled: "Teacher Dai, please sit down. It's a bit long. You have to watch it for a while."

Old Dai asked him, "What is this?"

The monitor said, "It was given to us by a senior. Let us look at it with you."

"That's the wrong way around. I should be the one accompanying you." Old Dai usually gets along well with them. He actually found a stool to sit down, picked a good spot, and smiled as he watched, "You want to watch a movie, right? That's fine. It's good to practice your sense of language, but you can only watch it today. You can stay at home for the New Year holiday in two days..."

Before he finished speaking, the video started playing on the screen.

A young man wearing glasses standing on the other side of the white wall grinned, and after a while he suddenly realized, "Ah? Started recording? Okay, I'll start!" He adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said cheerfully, "Teacher Dai, do you still remember me? I was the first batch of students you taught, and I already have a job! You see, I wasn't bragging, I really got into the Chinese Academy of Sciences, although now I'm just a handyman, but I believe that one day I will have my own laboratory... I heard that you are getting married, and I am sending you my blessings in Beijing! I wish you a happy wedding and a long and happy marriage!"

After this person sent his blessing, another one followed. The background of the picture also changed to a warm and lovely little home. This time the person recording the video was a young man. He stood there and said with a smile: "Teacher Dai, my academic performance is not very good, but I started quickly. Come on, come here!" He called out, and ran out of the camera holding a white and tender baby and hugging his wife. They also had white and chubby faces. The family of three looked very similar, and their smiles filled the screen. He said proudly: "Teacher Dai, I got married earlier than you. You see, don't our family all look very blessed? Teacher Dai, you have to hurry up, I'm going to be a father! I wish you a baby soon!"

Next came a young couple, standing at the entrance of the university campus and taking a video. The boy smiled and said, "Teacher Dai, please apologize to Teacher Wen for me. I have been pursuing Xiao Yu from their class by taking advantage of the exchange between the two classes."

The girl also stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "We are not secretly in love, Teacher Wen. I told him that I would only agree if we were admitted to the same university. Now we are both admitted to the University of Political Science and Law. We have lived up to your and Teacher Wen's expectations."

The boy held the girl's hand and smiled at each other, then looked at the camera together and said, "Teacher Dai, Teacher Wen, I wish you a happy wedding! Now we also want to apply to the teachers and ask the organization to approve our relationship!"

After a few paragraphs of blessings, Mi Yang's figure also appeared on the screen. He stood on a Gobi Desert in Xinjiang and said with a smile: "I am Mi Yang, the league secretary of Class 12, Grade 03. I am currently studying at the Institute of Archaeology and Museums of Beijing University. This is not a place to exile me. The latest unearthed cultural relics are prohibited from being photographed. I can only come here. Please rest assured." After he finished speaking, he smiled again and said, "The oldest thing I have ever seen is love. Congratulations, Teacher Wen, you have found your own love. I wish you and Teacher Dai a happy wedding!"

The person who was filming him said in a magnetic voice, "No more words?"

Mi Yang thought for a while, then smiled and said, "We helped the first class with ancient Chinese knowledge for two months. It was not a loss because we helped our own people."

He smiled from beginning to end, and his smile was very warm. When Old Dai heard his last sentence, he couldn't help but laugh along with him. He vaguely felt that the voice of the person filming was familiar.

After Mi Yang finished speaking, Bai Luochuan also appeared. His background was the same as Mi Yang's, but he was wearing something more elegant. He put his two fingers together in front of his forehead to salute, and then smiled and said, "Class 11, Grade 03, monitor Bai Luochuan reports!"

The students in the class murmured a lot of discussions, for the simple reason that some people are born to be the darlings of the camera. Mi Yang was already a handsome guy just now, and the squad leader Bai who appeared now was even more dazzling. If you look closely, the former was a gentle and modest gentleman, while the latter had a handsome face that was enough to make people blush and their hearts beat fast in the sun.

Old Dai suddenly exclaimed "Ah", then he remembered the voice of the person who spoke when Mi Yang was recording the video, and smiled and said, "So it was him."

"Let me briefly talk about my resume. I performed well throughout high school. I was in charge of the sanitation area of Class 2 for two years. Before graduation, I even won the title of Hygiene Model for our Class 2." Bai Luochuan was still talking in front of the camera. "Oh, by the way, does Class 2 still have the trophy for the first prize in the sports meet in front of the podium now?"

The students sitting below all laughed, and some students followed suit, not caring whether he could be heard in the video or not, and shouted at the top of their lungs, “Yes!”

Bai Luochuan in the video paused for a moment, then said proudly, "I guess it should still be there. You remember, I was the first in the 5,000-meter race that year for Class 2. Teacher Wen, our teacher Dai has always been very good to you. Don't worry, he will treat you better in the future. If he doesn't listen, just hit him with the trophy."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Old Dai couldn't stop laughing. It would have been fine if he, the squad leader, didn't speak, but once he started talking, it was as if he was an undercover agent from Class 2. If he hadn't stopped him, this guy would have wanted to move his desk and defect to Class 2.

Just like what the student just said, the video is very long, but everyone has enough patience and time to watch it.

Many people appeared inside, including college students standing on the university campus, smiling and sending blessings; and people from the research institute, wearing their white work coats, smiling and shouting "Teacher Dai wishes you well". There were handsome boys and beautiful girls, each of whom was familiar to Mr. Dai, with a young and energetic face, smiling and sending sincere blessings.

At the end of the screen, all the people gathered into a small square and condensed into a huge heart shape. The voices mixed together as if one could hear voices from all over the world. They were like dandelion seeds, drifting all over the country in the golden autumn season. For one reason, dozens or hundreds of people gathered into one video just to say a blessing.

Old Dai was about to cry when he heard the word "teacher" in the video. His vision was blurred and he could only take off his glasses and wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

The video ended and the lights in the classroom turned on.

The class monitor came over with a bunch of roses. The bright red color made his face flush. He smiled and said, "Teacher Dai, I wish you a happy wedding. This is a gift from our whole class. Please accept it!"

When Old Dai received the flowers, he was choked up and couldn't speak, and the students in the class began to shout happily: "We want wedding candy, we want wedding candy!"

Old Dai waved his hand, and before his tears had dried, he grinned again: "Yes, everyone gets a share!"

The whole class cheered.

After distributing the wedding candies, Old Dai received a CD and a big bunch of roses in return. On the eve of the wedding, he stood in the place where he had worked for many years and received the most precious gift of his life.