Back to 1988

Chapter 161: Little secret


Bai Luochuan looked so smug and eager to fight that Mi Yang lost his original nervousness and found it a little funny instead.

They were too familiar with each other, having grown up together, and he could always finish the second half of Master Bai's sentence in his mind, and it was accurate. It was just that it was rare to see him showing a childish expression, and his heart softened a little. No matter how many years had passed, no matter how he had grown up, in Mi Yang's heart he was still that willful and a little proud boy.

Mi Yang waited for a few days and made some preparations.

He occasionally received some funding and scholarships at school, but they were not much, but he could still take some part-time jobs. Sometimes he was recommended by Professor Zhang to help with some restoration work at the Provincial Museum, and more often he was recommended by his seniors to do some private work, helping some private book collectors to restore their favorite books. These ancient books may seem shabby and worthless to outsiders, but to book collectors, they are their priceless treasures.

Mi Yang took the opportunity to repair books and saw many good books. Some of them were books he had only heard of in his previous life. He was very careful when he got them. When those who sent books to him for repair saw him like this, they were relieved. At first, they thought that the students were young and would be careless and damage their books, but Mi Yang took better care of the books than they did. They felt a sense of mutual respect. As time went by, more and more people introduced private jobs to Mi Yang.

Mi Yang used his free time to save a small amount of private money.

He was going to get a pair of rings.

Bai Luochuan wanted to propose to him, and he also wanted to propose to her.

Although Master Bai might prepare a ring, Mi Yang still wanted to get a pair for himself. Maybe they were not as expensive as the other party's, but the intention was the same. This was a promise, indicating that he was willing to choose this person and be bound to him for life.

Mi Yang designed a pattern himself, but after asking several shops to make models, he felt that they were not good enough, so he had to melt them down and polish them again.

Today was a rare Sunday for him. He had just woken up in the morning when he received pictures from the store. It was obviously not done yet. The other party's attitude was quite good, but Mi Yang was rarely serious about such a small thing that would be used once in a lifetime. He took out the same nitpicking and patience as when he repaired the book to correct it bit by bit. After talking for a long time, the other party understood, but also said with embarrassment: "Your requirements are too high. First of all, the item is small, and there are such tiny symbols engraved on it. Time is tight, we may not be able to make it to your satisfaction..."

Mi Yang could only appease him: "Try again, I'll pay you according to the publishing fee, it's okay."

The other party felt embarrassed after hearing what he said, so he just responded and went back to making the model.

In fact, in addition to this company, Mi Yang also looked for several other companies, but the results were not good. This company was relatively good in comparison, but it still could not achieve his ideal result.

He rubbed his eyebrows and just when he was having a headache, he heard the living room door open and Bai Luochuan walked in from outside.

Mi Yang was a little surprised: "Didn't you say that you had to work overtime at the company?"

Bai Luochuan was more jubilant than him, as if he had accomplished something great. He sat down, put his arm on his shoulder and said with a smile, "Just work overtime, I'll just take a look, the progress is good. Why are you at home too? Didn't you say last night that you were going to the school to check on the restoration of the Brocade Book?"

Mi Yang said: "Oh, he just called me and said the 'repair' is not going well. We have to wait a little longer."

He had found an excuse to go and see the ring model, and now he had to melt it and make it again, so obviously he didn't have to go to school to "work overtime" today.

The situation on Bai Luochuan's side was similar, but Young Master Bai was rich and powerful, so he could almost get the job done by "working overtime" a few times at the company.

There was nothing to do at home on the weekend, so Bai Luochuan was not idle either. He took him out to buy some things. As the year was coming to an end, they agreed to return to Shanhai Town two days in advance to spend the New Year with the elderly. It was rare that all the adults in the family were together, so Bai Luochuan prepared a lot of gifts, more than in previous years. Moreover, this was not the first time he went out to buy. He discussed each item with Mi Yang and felt at ease only after purchasing it personally.

Mi Yang tried to stop him twice, but failed, so he just let him go.

He hasn't decided what gifts to buy for both mothers. Luo Jiangjing has everything she needs, so it's not appropriate to buy clothes and supplements rashly. Mi Yang always feels that something is going to happen this winter, so it's always a good idea to please Aunt Luo in advance, so he chooses very carefully.

Bai Luochuan thought the same as him, he also wanted to please Cheng Qing. After so many years of getting to know each other, Aunt Cheng was the one who made the final decision in the Mi family. If he pleased his mother-in-law, he would not be afraid of anything. With this in mind, Bai Luochuan swiped his credit card to buy everything along the way. Because it was difficult to choose, he simply bought whatever he liked. After buying a lot, there would always be a few that he liked.

He was busy with these things the whole day and just had a quick bite at noon. The way he swiped the card made Mi Yang feel as if he was going to meet his parents with Master Bai with a lot of bags the next day. He was so nervous that he didn't eat anything at noon.

When it was evening, Bai Luochuan was just looking for a romantic restaurant to take Mi Yang for dinner when the phone rang.

The person who called was Wu Shuang'an. He had some cooperation with Luo Group before, and it was Bai Luochuan who contacted them. He happened to be in Beijing at the moment and called to invite him to dinner.

"Luochuan, I'm here to attend a summit for banks and companies today. I have some time today, why don't we get together?" Wu Shuang'an said with a smile, "What a coincidence, I just arrived today, and my precious daughter just happened to return home. This meal is for her to welcome her back. I'm not familiar with Beijing, so I'd like you to recommend a good restaurant."

Bai Luochuan wanted to refuse, but when he saw Mi Yang next to him, he changed his mind and said, "Mr. Wu invited me, so I must go. Let me arrange it and send you the address later."

Mi Yang put his things in the trunk of the car, and when he turned around, he only heard his last sentence and asked curiously: "Where are we going?"

Bai Luochuan felt much happier when he said "we". He leaned over to kiss him and said, "There will be a dinner party later. Let's go together."

Mi Yang hid for a while, even in the darker place of the underground parking lot, but he was always outside, and whispered: "Don't make trouble, someone will see you."

Bai Luochuan has been a little arrogant recently: "I'm getting married soon, so why can't I kiss my wife?"

Mi Yang said with a smile: "Who is your wife?"

Bai Luochuan leaned over and kissed his cheek again, and said proudly: "I can marry you, but first, you have to write a letter of guarantee to me, sleep with me every day, cook for me, and go out with me for social events. You don't know how many people covet my beauty."

Mi Yang pushed his face and couldn't help laughing.

Wu Shuang'an arrived at the restaurant at the same time as them. Both sides were very enthusiastic when they met each other. They first praised each other's business. One said that the other was a young talent, and the other said that the other was still as good as ever. While the two were greeting each other, Mi Yang, who was standing nearby, looked up and saw the girl standing quietly next to Wu Shuang'an.

Wu Shuang hadn't changed much in the past four years. She still had long, straight black hair and a calm expression on her face. She looked a little more mature, but she was still an iceberg beauty. She also saw Mi Yang and was a little surprised.

Wu Shuangan was still chatting over there: "Oh, you don't know, it was really a coincidence today. It was only after I arrived in Beijing that I found out that Shuangshuang's plane had just landed today. This child is the same. She didn't even tell me, her father, when she came back from abroad. My daughter has grown up, and now she really doesn't even say hello to an old man like me..."

Mi Yang blinked and looked at Wu Shuang with some confusion. If he remembered correctly, Wu Shuang had been in Beijing for the past few months. This month alone, he had come to their college twice to borrow materials. Once he was received by Chen Baiwei at the beginning of the month, and the other time he accompanied him.

Wu Shuang obviously didn't expect Mi Yang to be there too. She looked a little flustered, shook her head slightly at him, and asked him to help cover it up.

It was the first time that Mi Yang saw her like this. He just found it quite novel. He smiled and nodded calmly without saying anything.

Wu Shuang's expression immediately relaxed a lot, and a grateful smile appeared on her lips.

She interacted secretly with Mi Yang, and Wu Shuang'an also finished his greetings, then went in and sat down with Bai Luochuan and the others. He and Bai Luochuan sat together, and the people they brought sat next to them. At first glance, it looked like two parents bringing their two children to a banquet together.

Wu Shuang'an, in particular, was very caring towards his only daughter and frequently picked up food for her. Bai Luochuan over there also took good care of Mi Yang and was quite skillful in peeling shrimp shells. He had not made much progress in the kitchen over the years, so he changed direction and did these small things, and was very good at picking out fish bones and peeling shrimp shells.

Mi Yang had accompanied him to several such gatherings before. Bai Luochuan intentionally brought him with him. On the one hand, he had never intended to hide him from the beginning, and on the other hand, he wanted Mi Yang to see it with his own eyes. No matter if someone tried to push people to him or introduce him to a partner, he would directly refuse in person without any intention of dragging his feet.

He thought so today. Wu Shuang'an, the old fox, had tried to instigate him several times, but he never made it clear every time. This time, he simply brought Mi Yang out. He couldn't refuse himself, but it was good to let his wife see it with her own eyes to show his loyalty.

"Since my wife left, I have only my daughter at home to accompany me. I'm not bragging, but my daughter is really a very good one. She is outstanding both at home and at work. This year she even founded her own jewelry brand with a very clear plan, which is much better than I was back then." Wu Shuang'an praised Wu Shuang a few times, and it was obvious that he was truly proud of his daughter's achievements. As a parent, making a lot of money is one thing, but raising children is another. Sons are usually urged to grow up, but daughters are different. Parents want to treat them like the apple of their eye and give them everything good.

Bai Luochuan nodded, said a few words, and then said: "My little friend is not bad, I haven't introduced him to you yet, this is Mi Yang, you also met him once a few years ago, when he was in Xinjiang, he followed Professor Zhang to do a project at that time, his professional ability is very outstanding, there are not many people like him in the whole country."

These two people wanted to brag to the sky. Wu Shuang showed some reluctance on his face. He looked up at Mi Yang, who was also eating slowly. He felt a little embarrassed but he still gritted his teeth and listened to others bragging about him.

Wu Shuang suddenly wasn't so embarrassed anymore, she chuckled, Mi Yang also looked up at her, the corners of his mouth trembled and curved, his expression helpless.

After the two parents finished bragging about their kids, they started talking about work, all about land and taxation. They were tentative in their words while leaving some wiggle room, and they were very polite.

The old fox and the little fox were chatting, being wary of each other, and confronting each other.

Wu Shuang felt tired just listening to it. After listening to two sentences, she picked up her phone and started sending messages seriously.

Mi Yang saw it and thought the young lady was bored and chatting with her friends. Within two seconds, his cell phone vibrated.

Mi Yang took it out and saw that it was a message from Wu Shuang. The words were concise and to the point, asking him for help: "I'm staying in the capital, please keep it a secret for me. I'm doing this for someone, and I can't let my father know for the time being."

Mi Yang replied: "Okay."

Wu Shuang: "Aren't you curious about who it is?"

Mi Yang: "Boyfriend?"

Wu Shuang sent a fist-clenching expression, "You could say that I've been chasing him for half a year, and I'm determined to get him."

Mi Yang looked up at her in surprise. Wu Shuang put away her phone and began to eat elegantly. She looked calm and composed, as if she was not the one who said she was pursuing someone else. Mi Yang blinked, and she saw it and also blinked and smiled.

After the message was sent, the two people seemed to have reached some little secret, and Wu Shuang became much friendlier towards Mi Yang.

The author has something to say: First update!