Back to 1988

Chapter 163: Oracle bone script


Mi Yang has a regular life. He either goes home or school. It's a fixed routine and he's easy to find.

When Wu Shuang came to school, he happened to be following Professor Zhang, and saw her nod and smile at her.

Wu Shuang and Professor Zhang have had a long-term collaboration here, mainly for consultation. She has always been very interested in ancient jewelry accessories. The equipment in Professor Zhang's studio were all donated by her family, and she has also made a lot of contributions to the institute.

According to Chen Baiwei, he is the most important customer after Bai Luochuan.

Mi Yang took the document handed over by Professor Zhang and went back to study it without staying to disturb him any more.

Their college is made up of antique buildings, which are themselves one of the attractions. Any one of them has a beautiful environment, and there are few people. Chen Baiwei often jokes that their place is small in population, but with fewer people, there are relatively fewer rules. Mi Yang found a place with a stone table and square benches and sat down to read some documents. In the early winter in the north, it is not very cold as long as there is no wind. The sun is hanging in the sky and it is warm, and it is very comfortable to bask in the sun.

Mi Yang sat there and watched for a while when he heard footsteps approaching. He looked up and saw Wu Shuang.

Wu Shuang came to thank him, and also asked Mi Yang for a small favor.

Wu Shuang sat down and said with a smile: "I heard from Chen Baiwei that you are looking for a part-time job recently. Do you want to take another one?"

Mi Yang asked: "What kind of job is it?"

Wu Shuang said, "It's quite simple. I have a friend named Zhan. He has a thirteen-year-old girl at home. He wants to find a tutor for her. Two hours of tutoring every day is enough. She is actually very smart, but her basics are a little weak. She will catch up soon." She did not forget to say a few words for the little girl, and said with a little expectation, "Chen Baiwei said that you have a lot of part-time jobs and are patient. I feel most at ease leaving it to you. Do you think it's okay?"

Mi Yang thought for a moment and shook his head: "I'm not suitable."

Wu Shuang was stunned for a moment and said, "What's wrong? Is it too long? In fact, one and a half hours, or one hour will be fine. As for the cost of the tutor, it's up to you."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "Money is not a problem. I have already collected almost all the money. It's still about time. I have to go home every day. If I go to tutor, it will take at least an hour to travel back and forth, and then tutor for another hour or two. When I come back at night, I will be outside the curfew."

Wu Shuang asked: "Access control?"

Mi Yang nodded seriously: "Well, our family stipulates that we must go home before 10 o'clock in the evening."

In fact, Master Bai would start checking on people before 8 o'clock, and would be on his way to pick them up at 9:30. If he really took until 10 o'clock to come back, and this continued for several months, I'm afraid Bai Luochuan would make a fuss first.

Seeing that she was insisting, Mi Yang thought for a moment and said, "Why not introduce Brother Chen? Brother Chen has a lot of part-time jobs, he has good grades, good patience, and trustworthy character, you can rest assured to leave it to him."

Wu Shuang shook her head and insisted that he go. She blushed and said to Mi Yang: "Actually, there is another reason why I want you to go. I hope you can help me get some information over there."

Mi Yang was curious: "What news?"

Wu Shuang was a little nervous. She rubbed her hands together and thought for a long time before she spoke carefully: "Like the daily diet and daily life, what the child likes to eat, hobbies, and what kind of people he likes. I mean the older female elders..."

Mi Yang looked at her strangely.

Wu Shuang simply gave up and confessed, "Well, Mr. Zhan and I are currently in the contact stage. It is undeniable that I have a good impression of him. He has a thirteen-year-old daughter. I have made mental preparations, but in reality, I always have to be more prepared."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "You asked me to be an undercover agent?"

Wu Shuang also smiled, "Would you like to help me?"

Mi Yang thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, but not for too long. I will try to help you for a month or two. The rest of the time I have to come back to write my thesis and also do other work with Mr. Zhang. I can only help you up to this point." This is the limit of Young Master Bai's patience. If it's any longer, he will probably drive over to arrest people.

Wu Shuang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "One month is enough, I will do the rest myself."

She put her worries aside. After she mentioned this to Mi Yang at the dinner that day, she already regarded him as someone she could trust. Now she was even more grateful and said to him, "If you need my help in the future, just ask." Perhaps she remembered what happened at the dinner that day, and couldn't help but be a little bit emotional. "Maybe I can't help you with other things, but I can definitely help you make better choices for jewelry. I'm not saying that your friend Bai Luochuan has a really bad aesthetic sense. I haven't seen such a waste of beautiful diamonds in a long time. A set of jewelry should be more beautiful, but he put all of them on a ring. It's really..."

She couldn't think of any adjective, but the corners of her mouth trembled.

Mi Yang couldn't help laughing and said, "Sometimes he is more like a child and wants to do well. You should encourage him more."

Wu Shuang said: "I can't encourage it. I can't afford that diamond even if I sell my studio. I guess I have to spend my father's annual income to get lucky and auction it."

Mi Yang rubbed the tip of his nose, and he began to feel uneasy after hearing what she said. If this thing was really delivered to him, he would definitely not dare to take it out, and it would be better to put it in the safe at home and lock it up for the rest of his life.

But what Wu Shuang said also reminded him, Mi Yang said: "Now that you mention it, I really have something to ask you, can you also help me look at the design drawings?"

Wu Shuang was a little curious. She waited for Mi Yang to bring over a stack of printed drawings, and then opened his phone to show her the unfinished works. She was a little surprised and asked, "A ring too?"

Mi Yang nodded, a little embarrassed and said: "Yes, but these are all my own ideas. I have thought of several models, but they all seem to be missing something, and I haven't finalized them yet."

Wu Shuang was very interested in his design and nodded in praise, "You are already very talented. I can see that you want to make it a little special. What is the symbol on it? It looks very delicate."

Mi Yang said: "Oh, this is oracle bone script."

Wu Shuang nodded: "I know, it's the earliest Chinese writing, right?"

Speaking of professional matters, Mi Yang talked a little more and said with a smile: "In fact, there is a saying in the industry now that the earliest appearance should be the Jiahu characters about 8,000 years ago, but this is still controversial. Some old professors think it is a carved symbol, and some think it is "pottery pattern" rather than "pottery text", and the meaning of the unearthed characters has not yet been deciphered. The book "Ancient Characters and Shang and Zhou Civilization" of the Academia Sinica once quoted Mr. Jao Tsung-i's words..."

Mi Yang discussed the matter with her with great interest, but Wu Shuang, who was sitting opposite him, looked at him and smiled.

Mi Yang stopped and asked her, "Did I say anything wrong?" The document seemed to be correct. He had just read it and still remembered it.

Wu Shuang smiled and shook her head, saying: "Do you tell these things to your girlfriend? Girls will have a headache when they hear these. It might be more romantic to tell you what this symbol means." She pointed her finger at the oracle bone script on the drawing.

Mi Yang smiled and said, "That's my name, 'Yang'."

Wu Shuang said, "Give yourself to the other person? This is a good idea, and using such ancient words, ancient and eternal things are always romantic." She looked at the picture drawn by Mi Yang and nodded, "Okay, based on this pattern, I will help you design and make it. I can do it."

Mi Yang was a little surprised. He originally just wanted to seek advice, but he didn't expect Wu Shuang to do it herself. It was really great to have her help.

Wu Shuang was also a practical man. She sat down to draw the picture and chatted with him for a while, then asked him, "When do you want it?"

Mi Yang thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to propose to you. Is it okay before the New Year?"

Wu Shuang was surprised: "Are you getting married already? I didn't even know who else you've been with besides Bai Luochuan in the past few years. You've hidden it really well."

Mi Yang rubbed the tip of his nose and smiled.

Wu Shuang drew the picture for a while and modified it for him, but she couldn't help but ask curiously: "What kind of person is the other party?"

Mi Yang smiled and said, "He is a very good person, with a simple temper, polite to elders, and takes good care of me. Every time I am sick, he will accompany me and take care of me. Sometimes he is like a child, a little willful, and draws a very clear boundary with other people. There is only me in his heart. Sometimes he gets jealous, but it's very cute..." He thought and said, his eyes curved, "The most important thing is that I love him, and he loves me too."

Wu Shuang nodded, and the corners of her lips seemed to be infected by his smile: "No wonder you like him so much, such a good person, you must introduce him to me someday."

Mi Yang: “…”

You two will definitely have a quarrel when you meet. It was so obvious that you were unhappy with each other at the dinner yesterday.

The author has something to say: The third update is completed!

Good night everyone~=3=