Back to 1988

Chapter 164: Jealous


Mi Yang accepted the part-time tutoring job entrusted by Wu Shuang. After he arrived, he found out that the other party was also someone he knew.

The man in front of him looked young, about thirty years old, with some fine lines at the corners of his eyes. He looked tall and handsome, and his demeanor was the result of his experience in the business world. He did not have the sharpness of a young man, but was instead very calm and had a mild temper.

Mr. Zhan looked at him and thought for a while, then smiled, "So it's you, we are really destined to be together."

Wu Shuang looked at them from the side and asked in surprise: "Do you know each other?"

Mi Yang felt that Mr. Zhan looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was. "Who are you?"

Zhan Rong smiled and said, "You forgot that we met once before in Shanghai. It was probably a few years ago, but you haven't changed much. I still remember you." He reminded, "You were playing tennis with your sister at that time. You were very patient with children. I also asked you if you could coach my daughter to play tennis."

Mi Yang suddenly realized that he had encountered such a thing during the Chinese New Year. That year, Bai Luochuan had a foot injury, and he helped him to the tennis court. Master Bai was unable to play tennis himself, so he played two games with Ji Baian. However, the thing he remembered most that winter was that he and Bai Luochuan had just confessed their love, and the rest were put behind. He could only remember this gentleman because he had handed him a business card, who was also in real estate.

Mi Yang knew that Bai Luochuan would be working in this industry in the future, so he had some impression of this businessman who was also engaged in real estate.

Wu Shuang smiled and said, "So that's how it is. I didn't expect that Mi Yang would come to tutor Xiao Han a few years later. What a coincidence."

Since they were all acquaintances, it was much easier to talk. Zhan Rong had a good impression of Mi Yang, and now Wu Shuang introduced him, so he was naturally very happy. He took him to the study and introduced his daughter to him. Zhan Yuhan was thirteen years old, a little taller than other little girls, with a ponytail and looked very well-behaved, standing there very quietly. Mi Yang hadn't seen his sister Mi Xue for a while, and he liked her more when he saw such a big child. When it came to tutoring, Zhan Yuhan's problem was not very big. She was not in good health and missed some classes. She was introverted and embarrassed to raise her hand to ask questions to the teacher. It took a long time, and it was inevitable that she couldn't chew the knowledge points. Mi Yang tutored her for 2 hours and praised her progress.

Mi Yang was used to taking care of his sister, so his tone was gentle. Zhan Yuhan was shy and introverted by nature, so she would try to do better when praised, and she also did much better than Mi Yang expected in the quizzes in class.

Mi Yang praised her: "Great, you got all the questions from last semester right, much better than I thought. This way we can catch up in one month and improve in another month. Do you have confidence in the teacher?"

The girl pursed her lips, smiled, and nodded: "Yes."

He was asking this to himself, without putting any pressure on the little girl, which immediately made her start to like this young teacher.

The time for tutoring at the Zhan's house was fixed, but every weekend Mi Yang would set aside one day to go home. The reason he gave to others was that "someone came to the house", but Wu Shuang was still making a ring for him. Knowing that he was going to accompany his "girlfriend", she would occasionally wink at him, telling him to go without worry and that she would keep this little secret.

At the same time, on the weekend day, Mi Yang would write the test paper in advance and give it to Wu Shuang, and she would personally tutor the little girl.

Wu Shuangting cherished this opportunity to get along with each other and showed great patience, and the two of them got along quite well.

Mi Yang observed for a while and found that Wu Shuang was not just blindly enthusiastic. Mr. Zhan also had a good impression of her. The two of them talked about everything from international politics to finance. They had a lot of topics to talk about. They often chatted for a whole afternoon, talking and laughing, and it was not boring at all.

She was trying to integrate into the other person's life little by little in her own way. The father and daughter of the Zhan family were also very kind, and there were no problems between the two sides during their interactions.

In her spare time, Wu Shuang also came to the school to visit Mi Yang several times.

In addition to showing Mi Yang the progress of the ring, he also discussed with him the matter with Mr. Zhan.

After the two people shared each other's little secrets, although they were still hiding something, they felt that the other person was their own.

Especially Wu Shuang, she didn't have many friends in China, and had only mentioned the matter with Zhan Rong to Mi Yang. She felt much more relaxed in front of him, and would ask him for advice when she had some minor troubles.

Wu Shuang frowned and said, "Anyway, the other progress is good. I don't know how to mention him to my father yet."

Mi Yang asked her: "What do the elders on Mr. Zhan's side say? In fact, if you introduce him to Mr. Wu, I think Mr. Wu should be relieved given Mr. Zhan's identity."

Wu Shuang said: "If only it were that simple, he and my dad asked for something different."

Mi Yang was surprised: "Isn't Mr. Zhan's condition good enough?"

Wu Shuang shook her head and said, "It has nothing to do with his financial resources. In fact, my father is not that snobbish. I know he wants to give me everything good, so he has been personally helping me to check." She drew a circle with her finger and said helplessly, "He wants to introduce me to the best within his approved range. Some of them have worked hard on their own, and some have not been as successful as Zhan Rong. This is not the most important thing. My father is a little stubborn. It may be because my mother left him early. He actually has less sense of security than me. He has always hoped that I can marry into a more normal and harmonious family."

Mi Yang asked carefully: "What about President Zhan?"

Wu Shuang said: "He is an orphan. The elders heard that he only has one adoptive mother who has lived in the United States for many years."

Mi Yang was slightly surprised, "It's hard to tell, he looks very successful."

Wu Shuang nodded: "He works very hard and is a humble person. When he talks about his childhood, he mostly talks about interesting things with his adoptive mother and other brothers and sisters. He is not inferior. I can guarantee that he is more normal than anyone else and is good enough to me. There was a time when I wanted to find you to be a model because I thought you had an outstanding appearance. But after meeting Zhan Rong, my aesthetic taste has become much more mature. I think he is more handsome than you..."

The praise never stopped, and Mi Yang teased her, "You were talking about me the other day. You are also a lover who sees beauty in everything."

Wu Shuang blushed for a rare moment, but said frankly: "He is the best to me."

But for Wu Shuang'an, Mr. Zhan is not so perfect.

His background, his age, the fact that he was divorced and had a teenage daughter, any one of these was enough to make Wu Shuang'an's heart ache.

The two were silent for a while, obviously thinking about this.

Wu Shuang sighed and said with a wry smile: "Let's take it one step at a time. I pursue love, but I also hope to have the blessing of my relatives. Dad is my only relative, and I love him very much."

Mi Yang said: "I will also have to talk to my family about this during the Chinese New Year. It's not much easier than you, alas."

Wu Shuang comforted him: "Your girlfriend has a good temper, right? When you go to meet her parents, just say more nice things and be a little sweet. This society is still very tolerant of girls. By the way, do you still want to meet her parents?"

Mi Yang nodded.

Wu Shuang said generously: "It is most important to please the other person's mother. So, my studio has just made a batch of new jewelry, which is very suitable for ladies who are a little older. How can a woman be without the embellishment of jewelry? You can pick a few and send them over. Keep them well."

She had several photos of jewelry saved in her mobile phone and took them out to show Mi Yang. They were really nice and especially suitable for mature and elegant women.

Mi Yang looked up at her. Wu Shuang confessed herself. She had nothing to hide from Mi Yang: "I originally planned to make two gifts for Zhan Rong's adoptive mother. I heard that she will be returning to China soon. She is a very successful woman, so I made a few more and put together a series."

Mi Yang nodded and said, "You do your homework better than me."

Wu Shuang became energetic again. She asked Mi Yang about her "girlfriend's" mother's preferences and daily wear, and guided Mi Yang in choosing jewelry.

Mi Yang picked out a diamond brooch and a matching bracelet, both of which were very unique.

Wu Shuang praised him: "You have a good eye. I also want to recommend these two pieces. They are among the ones I am most proud of."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "Are you praising me or yourself? I found that Miss Wu has become much more confident since she started dating."

Wu Shuang smiled slightly and tilted her head, saying, "There's nothing I can do. My boyfriend spoils me too much and makes me feel like he's the best person in the world."

It was the first time that Mi Yang was fed dog food, but he ate it happily.

Wu Shuang came to see Mi Yang more and more often, once or twice. Some freshmen in the courtyard misunderstood that this was the rumored girlfriend. Some even took a side photo of her and posted it on the forum to cry about the end of their youth. The post that Mi Yang's "girlfriend" was a cold beauty soon became a small hit.

Bai Luochuan was on a business trip for a few days, and when he came to the school to pick up Mi Yang, he happened to catch Miao Liang's live broadcast.

Senior Brother Miao was browsing the posts while seriously criticizing Mi Yang: "Junior Brother, do you want to post an explanation? You two know that you are friends, but they don't. What if your girlfriend sees the forum..."

Bai Luochuan knocked on the door, walked in, stood beside them and asked with a smile, "What girlfriend?" His eyes fell on Mi Yang, "Mi Yang has a girlfriend at school?"

Miao Liang said proudly: "How could that be possible? My junior brother's love is stronger than gold. He has only been dating that one person for so many years."

Bai Luochuan also knew that one, he could see it every time he looked in the mirror when he woke up, but the one on the forum made him raise his eyebrows and said, "What is this? Is this... Wu Shuang? Why is her photo on it?"

Although it was just a blurry photo of them walking and talking side by side, Bai Luochuan still felt very jealous.

He used to worry that one day his rumored boyfriend would get too close to Mi Yang and someone would take a picture of him and post it on the school website, which would embarrass Mi Yang. But now that he saw that the person in the picture was not him, he didn't know why, but the anger in his heart burned even more fiercely.

There were comments on the post, saying something about a talented man and a beautiful woman. Bai Luochuan clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes, "Who posted this? They post these untrue things all the time. Why doesn't the school clean up the mess?"

Mi Yang said: "I'll post a message to clarify it myself later."

Bai Luochuan thought about it for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll help you take a look."

Miao Liang didn't know the relationship between them, so he said with a smile: "You two have a really good relationship. You even discussed it together when announcing your relationship."

Bai Luochuan said: "Yes, I have been like this since I was a child."

A few people were chatting there when they heard the sound of cartons being dragged outside. Chen Baiwei's voice followed: "Hey, is there anyone in the office? Two little darlings, come and help. Professor Sun asked someone to bring a box of Hami melons from Xinjiang. Please help get it in so that everyone can share it—"

Miao Liang loved food the most, and when he heard this, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Mi Yang was about to go over, but was stopped by Bai Luochuan. Master Bai looked unhappy, and he obviously still remembered Chen Baiwei's "baby" just now. He gave his coat to Mi Yang, stood up and said, "Wait here, I'll go move it."

This time, Professor Sun sent a box of six or seven Hami melons. They were crisp and sweet, and they would crackle when cut. The ripe ones were especially sweet.

Chen Baiwei left a few here and took the two oldest ones to Mr. Zhang's office. Miao Liang happened to bring some wedding candy and followed Chen Baiwei. The people in the small office ate the candy for a while and then dispersed. Only Mi Yang and Bai Luochuan were left here.

Bai Luochuan ate a small piece and chewed it slowly. The sound he made was as crisp as if he was gnawing on a bone.

He kept looking at Mi Yang while eating.

Seeing that he was about to explode, Mi Yang couldn't help laughing. He fed him a piece of cantaloupe and pushed the corner of his mouth: "Eat yours, I don't have anyone but you, my big baby."