Back to 1988

Chapter 167: witness


Like in previous years, Mi Yang and his friends returned to Shanhai Town first during the Chinese New Year.

Two new resort hotels have opened in the town, close to the scenic area, and many people come here to celebrate the New Year during festivals.

Mi Yang deliberately avoided Mi Xue on the way and took Bai Luochuan's car. The two discussed all the way but still could not reach an agreement.

Mi Yang rubbed his brows and said tiredly: "I don't agree to tell them directly. There must be a buffer time, especially for grandpa..."

Bai Luochuan said: "My grandfather? He knew it a long time ago."

Mi Yang lost control of his hand on the bridge of his nose, leaving a little red mark. He turned his head and looked at him and said, "Grandpa Bai knows? When did it happen? How could he know?"

Bai Luochuan said, "It happened a few years ago. I knew about it when he came to Beijing for treatment, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want to scare you."

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang was helpless: "Why aren't you afraid of scaring him?"

Bai Luochuan laughed, reached out his hand and held his hand to comfort him, "Don't worry, Grandpa loves me and you even more, he doesn't object to our relationship. If you are really worried, wait until after the New Year, and I will talk to my mother alone, and you can also mention it to Aunt Cheng and slowly tell the family."

Mi Yang sighed: "This is the only way."

They discussed a lot on the way, and Mi Yang's heart slowly calmed down. Seeing Bai Luochuan's calm expression, he gradually became less worried.

It had to come to this point eventually. He was actually already prepared when he chose this person. It was just that as it approached the breaking point, he still felt a little nervous. However, two people holding on together was much better than one person alone, so he had more courage.

But plans cannot keep up with changes. As soon as they arrived in the town, they learned that Mr. Bai had been sent to the hospital.

The old man’s illness had lasted for many years, and he had been rescued several times, but this time was particularly serious.

Bai Luochuan didn't even put his things down, and immediately drove to the hospital with Mi Yang. After staying there for a night, he saw Old Man Bai being sent to the intensive care unit.

The old man was wearing an oxygen mask and lying there with his eyes closed, sleeping. Bai Luochuan was looking at him through the glass at the door, his eyes were bloodshot from staying up late, but he didn't dare to look away. He waited for the doctor and the nurse to come out, and hurried forward to ask.

The doctor whispered to Bai Luochuan: "Just like before, the old man is old, and he doesn't want to have another operation. Our consultation plan recommends a puncture, and then targeted treatment can be done. There are some imported drugs that are effective now, but I can't guarantee it..."

Their voices gradually lowered and they discussed a few words in a low voice.

Mi Yang was standing at the door, still looking at Bai Lao. He was not much better than Bai Luochuan. There were a few shallow wrinkles on his brows, and he couldn't relax them for a while.

Old Bai hadn't woken up yet, so the family doctors and nurses were also here to accompany him. There were enough people, especially the family doctor who had been with Old Bai for many years and had watched Bai Luochuan and the others grow up. Seeing that the two children were still waiting and refusing to leave, he drove them away: "Go back and wash your faces and get some sleep. If the old man wakes up and sees this, he will be worried."

Bai Luochuan agreed, but only took a nap in the car downstairs.

He did not sleep well and his sleep was very shallow. He only slept for an hour or two before he was no longer sleepy. He went out to buy some food and ate it with Mi Yang, then went back to the ward upstairs in the hospital.

In the afternoon, Mr. Bai woke up.

The old man was seriously ill and looked much older. He couldn't speak. When he breathed, white mist appeared on his oxygen mask. He opened his mouth, and Bai Luochuan immediately half-knelt down and approached him and said, "Grandpa, I'm here. What do you want?"

Old Bai raised his hand, and Bai Luochuan immediately held the old man's hand and called him softly.

Mr. Bai raised his head and looked at Mi Yang again. Mi Yang also walked over and bent down to look at him: "Grandpa Bai."

Old Bai held the hands of his grandson and Mi Yang, and let them hold together, just looking at them with love and expectation, but he was too weak to utter a word, and could only make a few breaths, calling their nicknames.

Bai Luochuan's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse.

Mi Yang was better than him, but his hands were also shaking slightly. He forced himself to remain calm, and took out a small box from his pocket with his free left hand, and said in a hoarse voice: "Grandpa Bai, I am 22 years old this year, and I can choose the path I want to take. The two of us are serious about this. We have quarreled and fought over the years, but we have never wanted to separate. Although it is a bit hasty, I would like to ask you to be a witness for us..."

He opened the small velvet box, and inside was a pair of men's rings. The ring faces were carved with dark patterns, and they looked simple and elegant, but one could tell at a glance that they were wedding rings.

Mi Yang took the initiative to put the ring on Bai Luochuan's finger. When he put the ring on his ring finger, his fingertips trembled slightly.

Bai Luochuan held his hand and helped him put the ring on himself, then took the remaining ring in the box and put it on Mi Yang.

There were footsteps outside the door, and the door was pushed open, and Luo Jiangjing walked in. She had also rushed here overnight. She had just asked the doctor outside and learned that the old man had woken up, so she hurried over, but she never expected to see this scene. She was stunned for a moment and said, "You, you... what are you doing?"

Mi Yang moved his hand, but was immediately held by Bai Luochuan. He insisted on pushing the ring onto Mi Yang's finger and holding the other's hand tightly. He looked down at the ring and said in a hoarse voice: "Mom, I found the person I love all my life, and I want to marry him."

Luo Jiangjing first thought it was ridiculous, and then she was shocked, but her first reaction was to go see Old Man Bai, fearing that what the two children did would irritate the old man. However, Old Man Bai's expression was very calm, and even a little relieved.

The old man looked at their clasped hands, nodded, and said weakly, "Okay, Grandpa sees it."

Luo Jiangjing was confused and stood closer and said, "Dad..."

Bai Lao's eyes moved, and he turned to her and said, "They are both good kids."

He was breathing heavily. Luo Jiangjing's eyes were red. He didn't dare to speak loudly, let alone interrupt him.

Bai Lao panted for a while before using up his last bit of strength to finish his words: "Good boy... don't make things difficult for them."

Luo Jiangjing was about to cry when she saw Mr. Bai like this. The old man seemed to be telling her his last wish and tried his best to protect them. How could she say a word of rebuttal? The old man kept looking at her. When he saw her nod and agree, he seemed to be relieved. He went to see his grandson again and tried to make a little sound to ask him: "Money, is it enough?"

Bai Luochuan knelt beside the bed, holding the old man's hand and placing it on his cheek, and replied with red eyes: "Enough, enough. Grandpa, please don't say anything. When you get better, I will listen to you in everything, okay?"

Bai Lao's fingers moved, as if stroking his cheek.

The old man was too tired and he didn't stay awake for long before he fell asleep again.

Bai Luochuan stayed in the hospital. Luo Jiangjing had a lot to ask them, but now was not the right time. She looked at the two children who stayed in the ward without sleep, and swallowed the words that came to her lips. Bai Luochuan stayed in the hospital and refused to leave. Mi Yang went back to Mrs. Cheng and made some easily digestible soups and other meals for Bai Luochuan and Luo Jiangjing. He also brought some for Bai Lao, hoping that the old lady would eat a bite as soon as she woke up.

When Mi Yang handed the food to Luo Jiangjing, he called her Aunt Luo.

Luo Jiangjing looked at him for a long time. Mi Yang stood there holding the lunch box without moving. She sighed and took it.

When Mi Yang saw her take it and start eating, he finally felt relieved.

Luo Jiangjing was a little uncomfortable at first, but soon her attitude towards them became no different from usual. She stayed in the hospital with Bai Luochuan for two days, during which time many people came to visit her.

Bai Luochuan was only concerned about Old Bai. He rarely showed his haggard side and did not even bother to take care of himself. He still wore the ring on his hand, without considering how other people would react when they saw it.

Although Mi Yang also wore a ring, he would cover it with his other hand, hiding the ring behind his palm, being careful and considerate.

Luo Jiangjing saw everything, sighed in her heart, and the last bit of resentment dissipated. What reason did she have to blame the two children? Especially Mi Yang, compared to her, her son Bai Luochuan was the willful one. If there was anything to say, it could only be said that her son brought Mi Yang "badly". Mi Yang was also raised by her. Such a well-behaved and sensible child, if she had a daughter, she would never find a good match.

A son is just a son.

As long as they are happy.

Luo Jiangjing looked at her with a complicated gaze, and she looked at her for too long. Mi Yang noticed it and raised his head slightly to look at her, a little reserved and timid, and whispered, "Aunt Luo?"

Luo Jiangjing looked into his eyes and felt that this child was just as obedient as he was when he was little, like a puppy that wanted to get close but didn't dare. Her heart softened a little, and she waved for him to come over. She took out a few bills from her wallet and handed them to him, saying, "Luo Chuan and I can't leave either. Please go buy some flowers and potted plants for the ward. I don't know how long the old man will stay here, and it's uncomfortable to see the room all white."

Mi Yang quickly pushed the money away and said, "Aunt Luo, I have money. I'll go buy it now. I know what Grandpa Bai likes."

Luo Jiangjing didn't bother to be polite with him. She put the money away, patted his arm and said, "Okay, Aunt Luo will wait here."

Mi Yang smiled at her and went out to buy things.

Mr. Bai likes asparagus fern, so Mi Yang went to two flower markets to find a few of the best ones and bought them. The ward looked much better with some more green.

Cheng Qing and Mi Zehai were going to be back two days late. They had heard about Bai Lao's situation and hurried over to visit him.

However, the old man needed to rest, so Luo Jiangjing, just like before, spoke briefly to them in the small living room outside. Perhaps because he knew that Bai Luochuan had kidnapped someone's son, Luo Jiangjing spoke to them in a much more polite manner, with a hint of apology.

Cheng Qing knew nothing about this. She just thought that Mr. Bai was seriously ill. As a child, she felt sad when her elders acted like this. While comforting Luo Jiangjing, her eyes were red. "Sister Luo, my father had the same disease. The old man is old, and we as children should be prepared. It would be best if he can get better. If he really needs surgery, forget it. He is old and can't stand the tossing. It's too painful..."

Mi Zehai heard her say this and squeezed her hand. "We should ask the doctor as well. When Brother Bai comes back, let him discuss it with the doctor." He then asked, "Will Brother Bai come back in the next two days?"

Luo Jiangjing said: "Yes, we are on the way."

Yonezawa Hai was very understanding and consoled him, "That's how it is for soldiers. It's great that you can come back. That's how Brother Bai works. He has his own difficulties."

Luo Jiangjing nodded, frowning slightly. In fact, Bai Lao's condition has stabilized in the past two days, much better than when he was rescued two days ago, but after Bai Jingrong comes back, if he finds out about his son and Mi Yang, I'm afraid there will be trouble again.

Luo Jiangjing couldn't help but get a headache just thinking about it.

Mi Yang came out of the room, holding a small pot of asparagus fern in his arms. The tender roots soaked in water looked very healthy, and the branches and leaves were dark green and stretched out very beautifully. He put the pot of asparagus fern on the coffee table in the small living room outside and whispered to Luo Jiangjing: "Aunt Luo, it's already been put in the room. Grandpa Bai woke up just now and said he wanted to eat something."

Luo Jiangjing immediately said, "Okay, I'll go right away. Xiaoguai, you stay here with your parents and send them off for me later."

Yonezawa Hai smiled and said, "We are all family, no need to see you off."

Luo Jiangjing also smiled, nodded, and hurried to the ward inside.

Mi Yang hasn't been home for a few days. He only goes back to Old Lady Cheng's place at night to make some soup or something. Now that Old Bai has woken up and there are so many people taking care of him here, he will go home with his parents first.

Yonezawa drove his car all the way back, still sighing, "What's the point of having money? Your body is your own. I've figured it out. When I retire in the future, you two will be able to support yourselves. Then your mother and I will drive around. Let's see more while we're still able to walk."

Cheng Qing snorted, "I'm not going anywhere. I still have to save money for Yangyang and Xiaoxue."

Yonezawa: “What money?”

Cheng Qing: "What money are you talking about? It's Yangyang's wife's money and Xiaoxue's future dowry. Neither of them can be missing! Xiaoxue is fine, she's still young and can wait for two years. Yangyang will graduate next year and will start working and looking for a wife right away. If the girl is from another place and wants to stay in your home, are you going to force her to come with you? If we're not busy with our children's marriage, who will help?"

Mi Yang listened to them talking and laughed in the back seat. He put his hand in front of him and gently squeezed Cheng Qing's shoulders, coaxing her, "Mom, he doesn't need our family to buy a house."

Cheng Qing understood something, "Hmm? Which her? Yangyang, is there something wrong with you?"

Mi Yang just smiled and said nothing.

Cheng Qing held her son's hand with her backhand, wanting to say a few more words to him. As soon as she put her hand on it, she felt the ring on his ring finger. She lowered her head and couldn't help but exclaimed "Ouch!" She smiled and looked back at him: "Yangyang, have you really found a partner? How come you've even put on the ring? You didn't even tell our family about such a big thing. People will blame us for not knowing etiquette!"

Yonezawa Hai also became excited: "Son, where is the person you are looking for? Has your father met him?"

He also wanted to see the ring on Mi Yang's hand, but Cheng Qing scolded him, "Look at the road, drive!"

Yonezawa Kaido: "I've been a driver for decades, I'm fine."

Cheng Qing said angrily: "That won't work. The whole family is in the car. Can you please pay attention to safety?"

Mi Zehai couldn't see it, but he was not idle, and kept asking questions. Mi Yang thought seriously for a while before saying to them: "Wait a few days, I'll ask him to come home and we'll meet."

Cheng Qing was very happy, but immediately remembered something and said angrily, "You are too hasty. I haven't prepared any clothes yet. No, I have to go to the mall to buy two new clothes."

Mi Zehai laughed at her: "It's your son who's looking for a date, not you, so why are you buying them? Buy two sets for Yangyang."

Cheng Qing nodded, then sighed after a while and said, "Let's also bring a set for Luochuan. I just saw that kid in the hospital. He usually likes to be clean, but now he didn't even notice that there was a coffee stain on his hem. It makes me sad to see him like that."

Yonezawa Hai agreed: "Okay."