Back to 1988

Chapter 178: Play ball


Mi Yang took the posters and playbill brochures that needed to be repaired, and without any hesitation, he worked overtime to repair them. He also polished the edges and corners according to the other party's requirements, and refurbished and sterilized them.

While he was busy here, Bai Luochuan on the other side was not idle either. However, Mi Yang had spent too much time with him, and he always felt that his young master was deliberately pretending to be busy this time, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry.

Bai Luochuan was indeed not in a hurry. He would wait until Friday night when Mi Yang had repaired those things and put them in the shop. Then Bai Luochuan would go there personally and take the man back.

Mi Yang had been busy in the store for two or three days, working day and night and refusing to come back to rest. If Bai Luochuan hadn't seen that he was in better spirits, he would have arrested him long ago. He endured it for a few days, and only when he saw that he had finished work could he impatiently take him home.

The family had already set up a table of food, which was still steaming when they came back. Mi Yang was a little surprised to see it, and smiled and said, "Auntie just left?"

Bai Luochuan nodded. He himself couldn't cook, and could only barely cook noodles. He hung Mi Yang's coat on the hanger at the door and said to him, "Try it and see if it suits your taste. You haven't eaten well these past two days because you were too busy."

Mi Yang washed his hands and sat down, drinking a bowl of soup first, "It's delicious."

Bai Luochuan sat down next to him, reached out and touched his waist, frowned and said, "You've lost weight."

Mi Yang laughed and said, "How is that possible? I feel like I've gained a little weight. I've been sitting there without much activity, and the food I eat in the store is also sent by my family..."

Bai Luochuan pinched his waist again.

Mi Yang just ate his food obediently and didn't talk to him. The more he ate, the better Master Bai looked. After the meal, Bai Luochuan relaxed his brows and wanted to feed Mi Yang some more soup: "The chicken soup has all the oil removed, so it's not greasy. Would you like another bowl?"

Mi Yang shook his head. He had a traumatic impression of chicken soup. When he went up the mountain to rescue people, he accidentally fell ill for a few days. The image of Young Master Bai holding chicken soup was simply his nightmare.

Bai Luochuan thought for a moment and said, "Then eat another small piece of pork ribs?"

Mi Yang looked at the table and said, "I'll eat that plate of lotus seeds."

Bai Luochuan brought it over and wanted to peel the lotus seeds for him. He was too strong and had never served anyone before, so when he peeled the lotus seeds and removed the cores, the seeds were crooked. Mi Yang laughed so hard that he told him to go eat, and she peeled the lotus seeds and ate while chatting with him.

Seeing how deliciously he was eating, Bai Luochuan felt itchy and asked for one to taste as well. However, he frowned as soon as he took a bite: "It's bitter."

Mi Yang licked his fingers and said curiously, "It's not bitter."

Bai Luochuan's eyes fell on his fingers and then moved to his lips, leaning over and kissing him: "I have to add some sugar."

Mi Yang smiled, tolerated his little willfulness, and gave him candy generously.

After not seeing each other for two or three days, Bai Luochuan could feel that Mi Yang was in a better mood, as if he had finally let go of something. He felt relieved that Mi Yang was fine. When they returned to the bedroom after dinner, Mi Yang thought that this man would continue to make trouble for a while before he would stop. However, Bai Luochuan brought a book over and lay on the bed with him, as if he was going to coax him to sleep while he read the book.

Mi Yang was stunned for a moment and glanced at the book in his hand, which was a large and serious financial book.

Bai Luochuan pinched his chin, rubbed it lovingly with his fingertips, and said, "Have a good sleep first, and I'll take you out to play tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, I still have to play basketball with Wu Shuang." Mi Yang lay beside him, curled up and yawned, "I would have forgotten if you hadn't told me."

Bai Luochuan hoped that he would forget it, but Mi Yang didn't have many friends around him, and it was rare to have a few people with whom he could chat. No matter how reluctant he was, he had to let him go. However, it was still okay to change the concept secretly.

Bai Luochuan: "I'll go with you tomorrow. The clothes and golf clubs are ready. Do you want to soak in the hot springs tonight to relieve your fatigue?"

After Mi Yang went back to his home and fell asleep, he felt a little sleepy. He nodded and replied vaguely: "Yeah."

Bai Luochuan stretched out one hand to stroke his hair, holding the book with the other hand. Although his eyes were on the book, he could not read a single word for a long time. He turned his head to look at the guy who was already asleep beside him, bent down and kissed him, stroking his face with his lips, biting him lightly, and listened to the other person mumbling in his sleep, lowering his head and arching towards him, then he curved his lips and smiled.

Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang went to a resort hotel together on the weekend. Mi Yang had a good rest last night and was very energetic the whole day. After letting go of his worries, he became much more cheerful and returned to his old self.

Mi Yang is good at playing tennis, but he is a beginner at golf. Although Bai Luochuan has only played it a few times, he can see that his moves are quite impressive. He did not ask a coach to teach him, but went over and taught Mi Yang how to play personally.

The two men have good figures and good looks. They match each other from clothes to shoes. If they were a man and a woman, they would have been teased by the people around them to wear couple outfits. Because of their familiar and frank movements, they feel like brothers. Bai Luochuan is 190cm tall and can hold Mi Yang in his arms with a slight bend. When he swung, Bai Luochuan felt a little unsatisfied and leaned in to Mi Yang's ear and said, "Hit another shot. What you did just now was not up to standard."

Mi Yang believed it and played several strokes seriously according to his request.

Later, the other party's movements were a little unruly, and he finally reacted, blushing and moving away from him: "I learned it, I will do it myself."

Bai Luochuan put his hands in his trouser pockets and raised his eyebrows at him, motioning him to come over, and he stood beside and watched.

As for whether to watch the game or the people, it is obvious that more time is spent watching the people.

I feel happy when I see him win, and I sigh with slight disappointment when I see him lose. I like him no matter how I watch him.

He is so handsome.

Young Master Bai stood aside, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, his eyes filled with tenderness and affection.

Mi Yang is good-looking and a good fighter, so naturally some people come to watch him, and some invite him to fight with them. Most of these people are older men, and the others are girls. Bai Luochuan shook his head and refused them all, "His family is very strict, so at most they let me fight with them."

Among those girls was Wu Shuang's friend, who smiled and said, "We're not doing anything else, just playing ball together."

Bai Luochuan said: "He is a beginner, what can he do with you?"

The girl bit her lip and giggled, "You are not the one, are you? Why don't you accompany me?"

Bai Luochuan didn't even smile, and said coldly: "I'm also a beginner, so we'll play together. Please don't disturb us."

girl:"… "

It was also the first time that she was rejected so directly and completely, without even bothering to find excuses. The two "beginners" were having a lot of fun together.

The girl walked over to Wu Shuang, drank her drink while looking at the two young men, and complained in a low voice: "Shuangshuang, look at them, they are unmoved by a beautiful woman like me standing next to them, are they gays?"

Wu Shuang smiled and said, "How is that possible? Mi Yang is not."

The girl snorted, "I don't know if he likes men, but I can see that the tall man definitely likes him!"

Wu Shuang looked up and saw that the tall man was talking about Bai Luochuan. Only Mr. Bai had a tall and outstanding figure. His face was as attractive to women as his mouth could make them disappointed and angry. The girl next to her was a living example of "love turns to hate". She had just watched it with a joking mind, but after hearing what the girl next to her said, Wu Shuang couldn't help but twitch her eyelids when she looked over.

These two people seem to be a little too close.

After watching for a while, when Wu Shuang saw Bai Luochuan standing behind Mi Yang again under the pretext of teaching and leading him to swing, she became a little restless. As an outsider, she felt that Mr. Bai was clearly taking advantage of Mi Yang.

Wu Shuang frowned, stood up, took her golf club and walked over.

Bai Luochuan was whispering in Mi Yang's ear, asking him to call him "Teacher". Because he was talking about something not very serious, he lowered his voice so that others wouldn't hear. As soon as Wu Shuang approached, he stopped talking, but there was still a smile on his lips. He didn't often laugh in public, but when he did, he looked very romantic, with the temperament of a young man from aristocratic family.

Wu Shuang has seen too many people like this, and Bai Luochuan is one of the best. She is a little anxious, wondering whether Bai Luochuan will have some of their bad habits.

Some people fall in love not for the purpose of finding a long-lasting relationship, but just to kill time like hunting.

Wu Shuang stood aside and did not leave in a hurry. She watched for a while before speaking: "Mi Yang played well. Do you want us to compete? I have a pair of diamond earrings here. Didn't you say you wanted them last time? You can use them as a gift."

Mi Yang was a little surprised: "Aren't you not selling that one?"

Wu Shuang nodded and said, "I won't sell it, but I can give it to you, provided you beat me."

Mi Yang and Wu Shuang were playing basketball together, so Bai Luochuan gave up his seat and stood aside to watch the game.

Wu Shuang deliberately let Mi Yang win with a slight advantage. She said generously: "The earrings are in the hotel. I will bring them to you when I go back. I admit defeat, but can you please get me a drink? Or two. I see that Master Bai has been teaching you here for a long time and it's hard work."

Mi Yang knew that she had a bit of a spoiled girl's temper, and only thought that she was a little unconvinced after losing and deliberately asked for a drink. He had a good temper and went over to get it with a smile.

As soon as Mi Yang left, Wu Shuang looked up at Bai Luochuan and said, "Mr. Bai, you may not know this, but Mi Yang bought a lot of jewelry from me, including brooches, bracelets, and earrings. He bought them all as gifts. He even ordered his wedding ring from me. He has a good aesthetic sense, and I admire him very much."

Wu Shuang emphasized the word "marriage", but Bai Luochuan, who was standing opposite, only raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded, "So it was you who did it."

Wu Shuang said: "Yes, has Mr. Bai seen it?"

Bai Luochuan said: "He wears it every day, how can we not see it?"

Wu Shuang: “…”

What's with this tone that's even more proud than Mi Yang's

Wu Shuang hesitated for a moment and tried to say in a roundabout way: "Mi Yang is a very good person. To be honest, I had a very good impression of him when I first met him a few years ago."

Bai Luochuan indeed looked up at her with caution.

Wu Shuang began to emphasize the words again: "It's just that he has a girlfriend and is now married. As a friend, I am willing to bless him. I think it's really not easy for a person to meet a relationship. Mi Yang likes the other person very much and also values the other person. The person is also good enough. Although I haven't met her, I have heard Mi Yang mention more than once how beautiful she is, how gentle and considerate she is. They are really a perfect match..."

Bai Luochuan watched her gaze change from sharp to strange. He stared at her for a long time before saying, "Tell me."

Wu Shuang was stunned. "What?"

Bai Luochuan held the golf club and asked expectantly, "How did he praise his girlfriend to you? Tell me more specifically."