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Chapter 186: [Extra] Child 1


When Mi Yang first learned to crawl, he couldn't control his body flexibly. The baby's small body couldn't move in a coordinated manner. He wanted to move forward but ended up crawling backwards.

Xiaobai Luochuan next to him clapped his hands and giggled, looking at Mi Yang with his big round eyes, as if he was looking at his own crawling electric panda, full of curiosity. He especially liked to watch Mi Yang crawl backwards and laughed whenever he did.

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang didn't believe it, so he tried again, crawling backwards very quickly.

Xiaobai Luochuan started laughing again. When Mi Yang lay there motionless, he called out "Ya Ya" twice to urge him.

Mi Yang tried this for the whole afternoon, and in the end, not only was Xiaobai Luochuan watching there, but even the adults from both families came to watch, marveling at it.

Cheng Qing, the new mother, was very proud. When Mi Zehai came back from get off work, she asked Mi Yang to perform for her son. "My son is great!"

Yonezawa Kairen gave a thumbs up, feeling proud of himself: "Great!"

Mi Yang felt tired, so he crawled two steps and then lay down lazily. He was very tired after moving his arms and legs all day.

Cheng Qing also thought about this problem at night. She hesitated a little and laid another small blanket for Mi Yang.

Mi Yang didn't understand what was going on. He just thought his mother was caring about him. He also felt that it was very comfortable to sleep softly. He had a regular sleep pattern. When it was time, his eyelids would fight and he couldn't open them. His little head was about to fall asleep. In a daze, he heard Cheng Qing say worriedly, "The child is tired from playing during the day, so will he wet the bed at night?" Mi Yang wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth sleepily and spit out a bubble, and hummed softly as a protest.

Mi Zehai poked his son's chubby face with his finger. The child had already fallen asleep. He couldn't help feeling the pain no matter how hard he looked at him. He smiled and said, "It's because he peed. If he wets his diaper, I'll change his blanket for him. There are so many at home. I can afford to feed my son!"

Cheng Qing spat at him and laughed.

Bai Luochuan's family and Mi Yang's family both lived in the army and had a very good relationship. Sometimes when Luo Jiangjing bought clothes for his own baby, he would also buy two pieces for Mi Yang. The two children wore clothes of similar size, the same colors and styles, and it was a pleasure to see them sitting side by side like two dolls.

Luo Jiangjing quickly fell in love with this game of dressing up children. Her son Bai Luochuan had just turned one year old and could already utter a few words intermittently, especially the word "no", which he said very clearly. If she brought over some clothes that the child didn't like, the little master would turn his head and say one word firmly: "No!"

Luo Jiangjing turned the small clothes in his hand around and coaxed him: "Luochuan, look, this is so cute, there are little ducks, two on the pockets of the clothes, and two on the knees, let's put it on, okay?"

Xiaobai Luochuan hugged his toy and turned his head to look the other way: "No!"

Luo Jiangjing thought about it and then set her sights on Mi Yang. She couldn't manipulate her own son, but the child of Captain Mi was very obedient, as obedient as dough, and could wear anything. She took out a set of the same small clothes from the bag, put them on Mi Yang first, and coaxed him, "Look, your brother is wearing them, how beautiful he is, why don't you wear the same as your brother?"

Mi Yang, whose arms were lifted to put on clothes: "..."

This is really the case of sitting at home and having clothes come from heaven.

Xiaobai Luochuan was really attracted. He was still holding the toy in his hand, but his eyes were already darting back and forth on Mi Yang. After a long while, he reached out and touched the little ducks on Mi Yang's new clothes. There were two furry, light yellow ducks embroidered on the clothes and they felt very soft to the touch.

Xiaobai Luochuan: “Yeah?”

Luo Jiangjing quickly coaxed him: "Yes, this is Yaya, we have it too, how about wearing it with your brother?"

Seeing that her son was not so resistant anymore, she quickly changed the clothes for him. Little Bai Luochuan looked at what he was wearing, then turned his head to look at what Mi Yang was wearing. After he put them on, he rarely took them off.

When Cheng Qing went to make milk powder for Mi Yang, she came back and saw that Mi Yang had changed into a small set of clothes. She said a little embarrassedly, "Sister Luo, you've wasted money again. You don't have to buy anything for Mi Yang. He has enough clothes to wear!"

Luo Jiangjing took a camera to take pictures of them and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just a small set of clothes, it's just right for their age. If they get older, they won't listen to instructions. Hey, Luochuan, don't pull your brother's clothes!"

Young Master Xiaobai didn't listen to instructions at this moment. He clearly had two little ducks in his own pockets, but he didn't look at his own. He was still reaching out to touch Mi Yang's, pulling the ducks towards him by their mouths. Although he was small, he was very strong and Mi Yang almost fell over.

Cheng Qing helped him up and said with a smile: "It's okay, Luochuan will play with his brother later, let his brother drink milk first, okay?"

Xiaobai Luochuan's nose twitched. His stomach was still full and he had no interest in the bottle.

Cheng Qing gave the bottle to Mi Yang, who held the baby in his arms and drank. Little Bai Luochuan soon lost interest in the little yellow duck in his pocket and turned his attention to Mi Yang's bulging belly, even reaching out to touch it.

Mi Yang has a good temper and doesn't argue with him about these things while drinking milk.

Cheng Qing had been watching from the side. Although Mi Yang looked gentle, he was very stubborn about some things. Now he had to hold the bottle himself to drink milk. She could only give him some support and let him do it.

Luo Jiangjing on the other side was also talking to his son: "Yes, touch him gently, your brother is drinking milk, don't disturb him."

Maybe because the adults had stopped him too many times, little Bai Luochuan touched Mi Yang's belly twice, then went to pick the little yellow duck in his pocket, happily amusing himself.

Mi Yang drank half a bottle of milk and played for a while. Then Xiao Bai Luo Chuan began to yawn and rub his eyes, looking like he couldn't open his eyes. Luo Jiang Jing was used to him taking a nap at this time, so he put him on the small bed beside him and said, "Are you sleepy? Let's go to bed."

Cheng Qing watched with envy. Her Mi Yang was the most energetic at the moment. He jumped up and was about to crawl out. He was so agile even when crawling backwards!

Cheng Qing picked up Mi Yang and put him over, patted him twice and coaxed him, "Look how well-behaved your brother is during his nap. Why don't you sleep every day? Go to sleep quickly so that you can grow faster."

The mothers put the two little ones on the bed in the bedroom and let them lie down. They also used guardrails to cover them and coaxed them to lie down and sleep. During this time, Mi Yang tried to turn over several times, but was ruthlessly suppressed. In the end, he was so tired that he lay there motionless.

Luo Jiangjing and Cheng Qing looked at them for a while, and seeing that they fell asleep, they tiptoed to the living room outside, and sat together to knit sweaters. Luo Jiangjing was responsible for providing new patterns, and Cheng Qing, who was good at hands-on work, was responsible for knitting them. The two divided the work and cooperated, and finished the work quickly and well.

On the small bed in the bedroom, little Bai Luochuan turned over with a grunt. His big eyes with long eyelashes blinked, and he looked very alert, not sleepy at all.

Mi Yang turned around and was about to crawl away. He was really impressed by this little devil. How could he have been so good at pretending since he was young

He had called for adults before, but when they called the adults over, Xiaobai Luochuan had already fallen asleep again, and he was the only one with his eyes open. Cheng Qing even tapped him on the forehead and said he was naughty. Mi Yang vomited blood when he thought about it. If this was the story of the boy who cried wolf, he would be the innocent lamb, okay!

There was a guardrail around the small bed, so Mi Yang couldn't climb up anywhere. He retreated to the corner after a while, and was blocked by Xiaobai Luochuan. He got too close, so Mi Yang pushed him with his hand. He did this twice, and the other party giggled again, thinking that Mi Yang was playing with him.

They were still wearing the same clothes and socks, and Master Bai's attention shifted to them. As soon as he started talking, he pulled Mi Yang's clothes and said they were his, and then he pulled his socks and said they were his, too. Everything he touched was his. He didn't stop there, and he pulled Mi Yang's hand. Little Bai Luochuan said seriously, "Mine!"

Mi Yang was angry: "... Puff!! (Watch the fight)"

The two little ones were fluttering around in there and making quite a lot of noise, so the adults came over soon. Seeing that neither of them were asleep, they simply picked them up and sent them home.

This time, it was no use for Young Master Xiaobai to rub his eyes and pretend to be asleep. Luo Jiangjing did not indulge him. Soon, a string of protesting "No, no, no" was heard, but it was still useless. The next sound was the sound of crying loudly. This time he was really sad.

Later, their home moved to the division headquarters, where conditions were much better.

The two little balls started to grow up, they were cute and adorable, Mi Yang was well-behaved and lovable, and Xiaobai Luochuan was like a little angel when he sat quietly without saying a word, but when his eyes rolled around and he had something bad in his heart, he was no different from a little devil, making people love and hate him. However, when he stood there accepting the punishment, people couldn't get angry and at most they would just scold him and let him go.

They are still inseparable, just like when they were kids.

Mi Yang wanted to leave for a while, but as soon as he left, Master Xiaobai immediately dropped his toys and shook his head back and forth to look for him. When he couldn't find him, he got very anxious and no one could coax him. Xiaobai Luochuan was stubborn and would only keep his own territory if he decided on something, otherwise he would lose his temper.

Sometimes there were a lot of kids playing together, and if someone touched Mi Yang because he was small, Bai Luochuan would reach out and push the person down, without any courtesy at all.

Luo Jiangjing received many complaints about this and even went to apologize in person. It took a long time to educate his son before he could change his son's domineering character a little.

Later, fewer people came to complain at home, and Luo Jiangjing was relieved for a long time, thinking that her education had paid off. It was not until a long time later that she accidentally discovered that it was not her Bai Luochuan who had changed, but the group of children in the division headquarters compound - these children had been accustomed to following Bai Luochuan since childhood, and would cry a few times and then get up and continue to play with him. Those who went home to complain, Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang would not take them to play, and gradually no one complained anymore.

Among them, Staff Officer Mi made great contributions and put forward many ideas.

Mi Yang was truly innocent, because no matter whether Bai Luochuan beat the child of Staff Officer Zhang or Political Commissar Liu, when the children cried and complained, they would never say that Bai Luochuan was the only one who beat them. No matter how hard they cried, they would always say, "Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang beat me." As an accomplice, he felt very wronged. There was really no way out, he could only rack his brains to think of some games that children like to play, or tell them some stories, and coax everyone to form a small group together.

We are all part of the same group, so how can you have the nerve to complain

Mi Yang went out to be the leader of the kids again today. They were tired of playing the game of charging into battle, so everyone started to urge Mi Yang to tell stories.

A child said with sparkling eyes: "Adjutant Mi, tell me one! We want to hear about the one who caught the phone thief yesterday!"

Mi Yang didn't have so much children's literature. He couldn't think of any, so he made up some stories about fraud cases he had heard about on the Internet in his previous life and told them to the children. Sometimes they told about telephone fraud, sometimes about child trafficking, which was like giving them a lesson in advance. The children were easy to please and were willing to listen to the same story several times. He was happy to be idle and too lazy to make up a new one. He sat in the shade of the tree and continued to tell the children the story of telephone fraud yesterday.

A group of children listened with great interest.

There was a child who tried to get closer to Mi Yang, but was quickly looked at by Bai Luochuan. He was so scared that he quickly said with a smile: "I, I'll hand the adjutant a slate and sit more comfortably~"

Bai Luochuan nodded in agreement, but the slate could be passed over, as he was the only one closest to Mi Yang.

Bai Luochuan, the little bully, doesn't just bully other kids on a daily basis. Most of his bullying is related to Mi Yang, and his territory is quite solid.

"Because he believed what the other party said on the phone, Passerby A went to the bank to transfer money to the other party without checking, and lost 200 yuan. He was very upset afterwards." Mi Yang finished telling the adapted story while sitting on the stone slab, cleared his throat and asked: "So, let's summarize it in the end. What should we do if we encounter such a thing?"

The children in the military compound actively spoke up: "Looking for the guard at the sentry box!"

"Find my dad and lead the troops to catch him!"

"No, my grandfather said that he should be sent to a military court!"

Mi Yang's words "Call the police for help" were stuck in his throat and he couldn't utter them.

Damn it, it’s too cruel to send him to a military court just for two hundred dollars!

Xiaobai Luochuan had heard the correct answer before, so he snorted and said, "Call 110 to report the incident!"

Mi Yang immediately said: "Yes, we should call the police. Bai Luochuan said it very well!" He took the lead in applauding. Several children in a circle scratched their heads and began to applaud. They all felt that their answer was correct, but Commander Bai's authority was there, and no one dared to refute it.

Xiaobai Luochuan glanced at Mi Yang, and seeing that he was clapping the loudest, he curved his eyes and smiled.

He knew that Mi Yang was best friends with him!