Back to 1988

Chapter 188: [Extra] Child 3 is pushed


After Master Xiaobai had his fill and regained his spirit, he became a troublesome little devil again.

After two years of carefree days, the two little ones were soon old enough to go to kindergarten.

Most of the people in the division headquarters kindergarten were acquaintances, and Young Master Bai was getting along very well there. Even Mi Yang retained his permanent position as "Adjutant Mi".

Each classroom has a row of small cabinets with toys and sketchbooks for the children to play with. The teachers lead the children to clean up at the end.

The young teacher who taught Mi Yang's class had just started working and was full of energy, but she soon discovered that her class was different from other classes. The children in other classes would rush to grab toys when it was time for activities, but her class was a little chaotic on the first day. On the second day, they began to line up consciously, following a child named Bai Luochuan. After he had finished choosing the toys, the other children lined up to take them. When returning the toys before school was over, it was also different. The other classes had to be accompanied by the teacher, but her class was accompanied by a child named Mi Yang, who sorted out the toys one by one very neatly, and even consciously arranged a duty roster.

There are only two things in the class that are firmly occupied by the little bully Bai Luochuan.

It’s still Mi Yang, and it’s still the little red wooden horse that Mi Yang likes.

Mi Yang is an adult psychologically, so he doesn't like to play with any toys. He tries hard to show "I just like this little Mamu" because he is afraid that Master Xiaobai will go around snatching new toys for him.

Little Bai Luochuan was wearing a smock, pushing the wooden horse with his hands, and asked him with sparkling eyes: "Is this fun?"

Mi Yang riding on the wooden horse: "..."

Mi Yang: “It’s fun.”

Mi Yang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, feeling that he had good intentions.

When they were in kindergarten, they were separated for a short period of time.

It wasn't long, just a week, before Mi Zehai finally got a few days off to take his wife and children back to Shanhai Town to visit relatives, so he stayed for two more days. When Mi Yang left with his family, he went to greet Master Xiaobai, who agreed that day, but started to get mad the next morning and refused to go to school no matter what.

Luo Jiangjing was troubled by the commotion: "Luo Chuan, you can't do this. You agreed to it yesterday."

Xiaobai Luochuan denied it: "No!"

Luo Jiangjing: "What do you mean nothing? I was listening right beside you. Yangyang said he was going back to his hometown for a few days and asked you to go to school by yourself. You can't not go to school once Yangyang leaves."

Young Master Xiaobai held back his words and cried two tears.

Luo Jiangjing softened his heart and patted his head: "Be obedient, Yangyang will be back in a few days, let's go to the kindergarten first, okay?"

Xiaobai Luochuan rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, "How many many days is it, wuwuwu!"

Luo Jiangjing couldn't answer this question. She wanted a specific number. Bai Luochuan was such a stubborn child. If Mi Yang had come back that day, it would have been fine. But if he hadn't come back, wouldn't he have made a big fuss

Bai Luochuan didn't get the answer he wanted, so he cried and refused to eat. Naturally, he couldn't go to kindergarten on the first day.

Luo Jiangjing was not worried about his studies. Her son was very smart since he was young and had learned much more than other children of the same age. She was just afraid that he was too independent and wanted him to interact more with other children. He was fine before, but as soon as Mi Yang left, the little devil showed his true colors and was very uncooperative.

After Mi Yang left for a few days, Young Master Xiaobai made a fuss at home.

It is impossible to go to kindergarten or something like that by yourself.

Luo Jiangjing was really fed up with Mi Yang's annoyance, so he gritted his teeth and made a phone call to Shanhai Town. It took him a lot of effort to contact Mi Yang's family.

Bai Luochuan was already aggrieved over the phone: "Why haven't you come back yet!"

Mi Yang coaxed him: "It's almost time. I'll be back in a few days. I wrote you a letter. Didn't you receive it yet?"

Xiaobai Luochuan: "What letter?"

Mi Yang: "It's a letter written to you. There's also a card with the address of our kindergarten."

Xiaobai Luochuan: "..."

Mi Yang: "... You didn't go to school?"

The young master was angry and held the microphone without saying a word. He had never been to school for a single day after Mi Yang left. Now he felt a little regretful.

Mi Yang was happy: "Then go to school quickly and see if you can still find the letter. The card is from Transformers, it's very pretty."

Bai Luochuan nodded, "Okay!"

The young master talked to him for a while, and after waiting for the call to be hung up, he climbed down from the sofa and hurriedly went to find his schoolbag: "Mom! I want to go to kindergarten, and I want to go now!"

Luo Jiangjing was extremely surprised and said immediately: "Okay, I'll take you there right away!"

After she asked the reason on the way, she was also amused and praised him repeatedly: "Yangyang is really thoughtful. Oh, he is really smart. I didn't think of this. I should have called him earlier."

Xiaobai Luochuan sat in the car and stared ahead. He nodded seriously, "Mi Yang is very good."

When he arrived at the kindergarten, he found the letter that Mi Yang had mailed to him. Xiaobai Luochuan read it over and over again like a treasure, feeling very happy. Other children had never received a letter before, and they thought it was very magical. They watched for a long time. Xiaobai was very generous and took out the Transformers card to show everyone. Although it was in an envelope, it was a postcard with a triangular army stamp on it, not the stamp on the envelope, and it was also very beautiful.

Just when the comfort brought by the letter was about to wear off, the wonderful Mi Yang finally came back.

Bai Luochuan came to Mi Yang's house that day carrying his small schoolbag, had dinner with them, and stayed for a nap at night. He hugged Mi Yang tightly with his two little hands and kissed him very much.

Mi Yang teased him: "Is that letter funny?"

Xiaobai Luochuan nodded.

Mi Yang asked again: "Do you still want to believe it?"

This time the young master shook his head vigorously. He hugged Mi Yang and said in a muffled voice: "No, I want you."

Mi Yang tickled him, and little Bai Luochuan tried to hold it in at first, but soon he started giggling and became his usual lively self again.

In a blink of an eye, it is the Chinese New Year again. At this time, many people come to the military camp to visit their relatives. Some people even get married in the military camp. The leader gives a speech in the auditorium and everyone has a meal together. It is very lively with many young people. The groom's face is flushed and the bride also smiles shyly with her lips pursed. It is as happy as holding a wedding at home.

One of Bai Jingrong's soldiers was getting married. Since his hometown was Guizhou and it was too far to travel back and forth, the bride was from the same village as him and brought her own clothes and jewelry to hold her wedding.

Bai Jingrong naturally supported it. It was not easy for soldiers to find a partner. They could not take care of their families for many days throughout the year. Since the girl was here, they could not let her down. He did not know much about these things, so he consulted with Mi Zehai and held a wedding for the young couple at the division headquarters.

The bride was very cheerful. She stood there without any shyness and said with a smile, "I'll just pick a date during the Chinese New Year. Commander Bai, there's no need to pick a date for us. I'll marry him tomorrow!"

The soldiers around laughed in good faith, and some who were familiar with the groom pushed him twice, pretending to be jealous, and said, "You are so lucky, go ask your sister-in-law if she has any other girls, so that she can introduce them to us!"

The groom-to-be stood firmly, adjusted his military cap on his head, and looked at his bride with a silly smile.

Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang also went along to join in the fun, and the two of them were responsible for sitting on the wedding bed.

Mi Yang's pocket was stuffed with a lot of wedding cakes. Their task was to sit here for a while, and preferably take a nap to add some festive atmosphere. There was nothing else to do and it was very relaxing.

Mi Yang took out the wedding cake and took a bite of it. He gave it to Bai Luochuan, but the young master was obviously hesitant. He just took a bite from Mi Yang's hand like a picky eater and refused to eat any more.

Mi Yang ate most of the wedding cake by himself, then lay down to take a nap contentedly.

Master Xiaobai was particularly curious about the red quilt they were covered with and touched it several times. "Red."

Mi Yang said casually: "Yes, it looks good, right?"

Xiaobai Luochuan nodded seriously: "It looks good." He gave half to Mi Yang, "You build it too."

He was used to giving half of any good things he had to Mi Yang, so Mi Yang took a sweet nap with him wrapped in a little red quilt.

Cheng Qing came to see them in the evening. In the army, there was no need to let children sleep all night. They could just wait until they fell asleep and then take them home.

Mi Yang and the other two slept for a long time in the afternoon, and they were still quite energetic at this moment. They listened to Cheng Qing and the others chatting and asked curiously about the bride.

Cheng Qing teased him, "Why, Yangyang is anxious too, are you planning to get married?"

Mi Yang's face flushed, and everyone around him laughed. Xiao Bai Luochuan laughed too at first, but soon he became unhappy. He went over and grabbed Mi Yang's hand and called him aside, saying, "What's good about marrying a wife? She's just like Dong Qingqing and the others. She cries when she's touched, and she even touches your little wooden horse... Girls are not good, Yang Yang won't marry a wife."

Mi Yang: “…”

Xiaobai Luochuan was still adding chips: "If you don't get married, I will let you play with my game console for a week, and you can play it alone."

Mi Yang was happy: "A game console in exchange for a wife?"

Xiaobai Luochuan was stunned for a moment, "Then what do you want?"

Mi Yang thought for a while and said, "You have to let me play for two weeks at least."

Master Bai was very happy and nodded, "Okay!"

The two children walked slowly hand in hand behind the adults, and Master Bai was still humming: "Why did you keep asking about getting married?"

Mi Yang was actually thinking about Guizhou. He had been there once when he was teaching there, and he missed it a lot. However, he couldn't tell the truth, so he just said perfunctorily: "Ah, I just want to ask where she is from and how old she is. I heard that once she reaches the legal age for marriage, she can get married."

Xiaobai Luochuan snorted: "No matter what, Mi Yang can only come with me."

Mi Yang comforted the child: "Okay, okay."

After returning to the Bai family, Luo Jiangjing teased his son and asked, "Luochuan, is it fun to sit on the wedding bed?"

The young master nodded and raised his chin dignifiedly: "Not bad."

Luo Jiangjing smiled and said, "Then when you grow up and meet someone you like, you can get married."

Xiaobai Luochuan thought for a moment and said, "I already have someone I like."

Luo Jiangjing was curious: "Oh? Who is it?"

Bai Luochuan said seriously like a little adult: "I like a kid in our class the most. I want to marry him in the future, but I can't tell my mother. I plan to work hard on my own first."

Luo Jiangjing: "How do you work hard?"

Little Bai Luochuan thought for a moment, then counted carefully on his fingers: "I will help him finish his drawing homework, eat the snacks he doesn't like, and if there are kids in kindergarten who bully him, I will bully them."

Luo Jiangjing couldn't help laughing and nodded, "Okay, then you keep working hard."

With this as his goal, Master Xiaobai nodded seriously, raised his little chin and went upstairs to do the small handicraft homework assigned by the teacher. Their class had to fold paper airplanes, and he wanted to make one for Mi Yang that would fly the highest!

Even many years later, when they grew up together, their hands were always tightly clasped together.

They just had rings with each other's names engraved on them.

And the faith to walk side by side throughout life.

The author has something to say: The second extra chapter is finished! Spread the flowers and wish everyone a happy Little New Year~^口^

Here's a little poem I like very much~

The Story (1934)

I remember when I was young,

I love to chat and you love to laugh.

Once we sat side by side under a peach tree,

The wind is blowing in the treetops and the birds are singing.

We didn't know how we got sleepy.

How many flowers fell in the dream.