Back to 1988

Chapter 191: [Extra] Travel together with 2 trout


The driver waited downstairs for more than two hours, but only received a call from Mr. Xiaobai, who said that he would not go to the company today and asked him to leave first.

The driver drove away as if he had been pardoned.

He has been driving for Mr. Xiaobai for some time and knew that he was in a bad mood recently. Usually when that gentleman was not around, their prince's mood was not very good and his mood was changeable. But today he had been holding back his anger, and when he was asked to leave, he left immediately.

Bai Luochuan continued to be busy in the bedroom for another hour.

Mi Yang was too lazy to move his fingers at last. He soaked in the bathtub and felt drowsy. When he cleaned up and returned to bed, he was like sleepwalking, half asleep and half awake. He was very tired after coming back early. He couldn't open his eyes when he lay down. He fell asleep next to the bed. Bai Luochuan hugged his waist and turned over to sleep next to him. The empty space in his heart was finally filled, and it felt like it was beating again. He hugged Mi Yang and took a nap.

He hadn't slept well during the days when Mi Yang was away from home. Now that he was finally back, he could finally relax.

When the two woke up, it was already dark. Mi Yang moved, and the person behind him yawned and came over to kiss him: "Are you awake? Are you hungry? I'll go make something to eat."

Mi Yang smiled with his eyes closed, "Are you going to cook? Forget it, you should just sit in the restaurant and wait for the food."

Bai Luochuan also smiled and gently bit his ear: "Who are you looking down on? At least I can cook some noodles."

Mi Yang smiled and ignored him, put on his clothes and went to the kitchen to cook. Master Bai said the same thing last time, and he insisted on showing off his skills. He couldn't even cook instant noodles into a lump. He really didn't dare to believe this man's words.

And cooking is not a big deal. Mi Yang likes to cook at home. Usually, there will be an aunt to cook and clean up, but he usually cooks dinner himself. He simply stir-fried two dishes and steamed rice. He saw some fruit in the refrigerator, so he took it out, washed it and put it there. It was just right to cut it for dinner.

Bai Luochuan ate with great relish, and he became more interested when he saw Mi Yang eating.

Mi Yang ate half a bowl of rice when he heard Bai Luochuan say to him, "Little cutie, do you have time this weekend?"

Mi Yang: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Bai Luochuan said, "My cousin, the one who studied in Beijing before, Bai Bin, is coming over for a meeting to attract investment or something. It's rare to see him once, shall we have dinner together this weekend?"

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Okay."

After dinner, Bai Luochuan went to wash the dishes. When we say washing, he just threw them into the dishwasher. It was very good for the young master to do this without getting his fingers wet. If Luo Jiangjing saw it, he would definitely praise him again.

Mi Yang was used to seeing this. From outside, the two of them seemed as if Mi Yang was taking care of Young Master Bai, but in fact, when it came to taking care of someone, Mi Yang was the one being taken care of.

Mi Yang showed Bai Luochuan the photos of this trip and told him about the interesting things that happened along the way. Bai Luochuan saw a strange face and couldn't help but turn back to take a closer look, "Who is this?"

Mi Yang looked in the direction of his finger and said, "Oh, this is Xiao Ren, Ren Jingnian, Professor Zhang's grandson. He came here specially to help."

Bai Luochuan asked again: "How old are you? What do you do? Why haven't I seen you before, but you are here now?"

Mi Yang looked up at him.

Bai Luochuan raised his eyebrows, "Can't we just chat?"

Mi Yang laughed: "Why are you talking about Xiao Ren? He has a girlfriend."

Bai Luochuan half believed and half doubted, staring at this person. Who said that among this group of people, there were old and young, only Chen Baiwei and this person were good looking, especially this person with distant and cold eyebrows, just standing sideways behind them and accidentally entering the camera, you can see his heroic spirit through the screen.

Mi Yang put away the camera, "I was telling you about the murals. Why do you keep looking at Xiao Ren? He really has a girlfriend. Senior Brother Chen told me."

Bai Luochuan sneered: "You believe what Chen Baiwei said? There is not a single truth in his mouth."

Mi Yang retorted: "At least half of what Brother Chen said is true, and when he said it, Xiao Ren was right beside him. Xiao Ren doesn't like to talk much. This time he came because Professor Zhang is not in good health. Our professor is too responsible. He was just hospitalized a few months ago. It was said that there was a small shadow in the intracranial blood vessels. The doctor wanted to persuade him to rest, but Professor Zhang refused. He said that time is not much, and if there is any remaining time, he should use it to do the most important things."

Mi Yang's voice lowered as he spoke and he sighed.

Bai Luochuan pinched his earlobe, hesitated for a moment, frowned and said: "Next time, if Professor Zhang needs help, you can take me with you."

Mi Yang smiled and nodded.

At the weekend, Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang went to pick up their cousin, but it was not Bai Bin alone who came. Bai Bin was accompanied by someone who looked very familiar. He waved and greeted Mi Yang enthusiastically from a distance.

Mi Yang was also quite surprised when he saw this, and he smiled and said, "Ding Hao, you are here too."

Ding Hao was wearing a military green long cotton coat, jeans and Martin boots, looking casual and handsome, full of youth like a college student. The airport was heated, so he didn't dress properly. His cotton coat was open and his shoulders were almost exposed. The sweater inside was deliberately old and had holes. Bai Bin, who was pushing a suitcase beside him, was dressed neatly and seriously. The two looked completely different. One was too lively, while the other looked like a young master from an aristocratic family, with rules in every move.

Bai Luochuan went over to help Bai Bin push the luggage and spoke to his cousin in a low voice. He always maintained an obedient appearance in front of this cousin.

Ding Hao came over very familiarly, hooked his arm around Mi Yang's shoulder and said with a smile: "We meet again. It's been a while since we separated in the capital last time, right?"

Mi Yang smiled and nodded: "Yes, I haven't seen you for more than two years."

Ding Hao scratched his face. He probably didn't expect it to take so long. He laughed and said, "It's been so long. I thought it was only a few months. You seem so kind. I'll give you a gift later. It's really good. The kind that money can't buy."

Bai Luochuan stopped and looked back at them, his eyes fell on Ding Hao's hand and he frowned slightly.

Bai Bin also saw it, coughed and said, "Haohao, put your hands down and walk carefully."

Ding Hao shrugged and walked side by side with Mi Yang, talking to him in a low voice all the way.

When they arrived at the airport gate, Bai Bin stopped and reminded: "Zip up your clothes."

Ding Hao did it casually, but Bai Bin was not satisfied. He went over to check it himself and put the hat on him: "The temperature difference outside is big, be careful to catch a cold."

Ding Hao leaned back and didn't want to wear a hat. "How old am I? It's only the beginning of winter. I'll just wear a down jacket for show. Who wears a hat? Bai Bin, look around here, who's wearing one?"

A family of three walked over next to them. The child, who was hurriedly being held in his father's arms, had a fluffy knitted hat on his head with a ball of fur on it that was shaking on top. He bit his fingers and looked at Ding Hao curiously, but was soon carried away.

Ding Hao: “…”

Bai Bin chuckled and said, "Be obedient. If you catch a cold, it will be contagious when you go back."

Ding Hao seemed to remember something and immediately put on his hat without any resistance. He looked proud again, "Yes, there are children at home. We can't infect the baby."

Bai Luochuan brought two cars and left one car and driver for Bai Bin and his friends to use during their stay in Shanghai. He and Mi Yang drove their usual sports car. As he sat down and started the car, he asked, "What did Ding Hao say to you just now?"

Mi Yang smiled and said, "He was talking about the children at home."

Bai Luochuan was a little surprised: "He's married?"

Mi Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know. I haven't asked him yet. I heard him talking about it on the way."

Bai Luochuan said, "He talks a lot, what else did he say?"

Mi Yang: "He said his children are very cute."

Bai Luochuan snorted and did not comment.

Is it just a boast that your child is good-looking? You should present the facts and let everyone comment on it.

Although he didn't quite agree with it, Bai Luochuan always felt something was odd, and this feeling reached its peak when they had dinner together in the evening.

There were no outsiders in the private room, and Ding Hao enthusiastically gave Mi Yang a small gift: "Come here, Mi Yang, let me show you a photo of my baby. This one is for you. The child was just taken recently. It's very beautiful, right? You can't buy it even if you have money. This is limited to internal use. Ordinary people can't get it unless they are relatives or friends!"

Bai Luochuan didn't expect this man to be so shameless that he even gave photos of his own children as gifts. He was a little disdainful at first, but after taking a glance, his expression became strange.

The reason is simple: the child in Ding Hao's family looks so much like his cousin Bai Bin.

Bai Luochuan looked at the photo, then raised his head to look at his cousin and Ding Hao, especially looking at Ding Hao for a while longer. He even had some doubts now: Could it be that this child was born to Ding Hao for his brother

Bai Bin drank the tea and said slowly, "He is Bai Jie's child, and he recognizes us two as his godfathers."

Bai Luochuan suddenly realized that Bai Bin and Bai Jie were brothers. Bai Jie was about the same age as him, so he should call him cousin.

Mi Yang didn't understand, Bai Luochuan whispered to him: "It's the one I took you to see during the last physical examination. He opened a pharmaceutical company, took your blood sample and made some solid...hiss."

Mi Yang twisted his leg, and Xiao Bai stopped talking, but he couldn't help smiling.

His little darling doesn't seem to be hurt at all, and his bluffing and intimidating look is so endearing.

Ding Hao was so proud that he kept praising his godson: "Oh, you don't know, the child has started to learn to talk now, he is very well behaved, he wears his own food bag when eating, and he learns to talk quickly. I took him out for a walk, and I met several people who asked if they wanted to star in a milk powder commercial... Now I understand that raising a child is really interesting, but you won't understand even if I tell you now. You have to raise a child yourself to know the fun of it."

Bai Luochuan didn't have one, so he naturally refused to accept it: "It's not your biological child."

Ding Hao didn't take it seriously and waved his hand, saying, "You're just too young to understand, right? We're not biological children, but we're better than biological children."

Bai Luochuan: “…”

What he couldn't understand was Ding Hao's inflated self-confidence. Where did this man's confidence come from? After all, this kid's last name was Bai, so he was a relative of his!