Back to 1988

Chapter 192: [Extra] Travel together to the 3rd tree


Ding Hao started praising him so much that Bai Luochuan felt embarrassed for him. He couldn't help but look up at his cousin's reaction. His cousin looked normal and even smiled as he listened.

When it comes to other things, Bai Luochuan has never lost to others, but when it comes to children, he really can't compare with Ding Hao.

Xiaobai always couldn't win against him, and he felt a little unhappy.

When he sent them to the hotel at night, Bai Luochuan inevitably looked up and down at Ding Hao with a critical eye. In his heart, he compared Ding Hao with the people next to him and looked down on him. It was not Bai Luochuan's fault. The people standing next to him were either Bai Bin or Mi Yang. Both of them were high-scoring people. Ding Hao didn't have Bai Bin's temperament, and he wasn't as obedient and sensible as Mi Yang. Relying on his good looks, Xiao Bai was very polite to give him a score on the edge of the passing line.

There was a small accident along the way.

Bai Luochuan forgot something and when he turned back to get it, he saw his cousin and Ding Hao kissing in the corridor.

Bai Luochuan understood: "Oh—"

The two people opposite: "..."

Bai Luochuan took his things and nodded to them, saying, "Excuse me, cousin. I've checked out of the other room. Have a good rest and see you tomorrow."

Ding Hao covered half of his face with his arm and hesitated, but his cousin Bai Bin stood there and remained polite. He nodded and said, "Okay, see you tomorrow."

Bai Luochuan thought that this matter might have been started by his brother.

The people in the Bai family usually take the initiative, and seeing that Ding Hao's face turned red after being caught just now, the initiative is clearly in his brother's hands.

Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang went back and mentioned it to Mi Yang on the way. Mi Yang's reaction was calmer than his. He nodded and said, "I was wondering why they always come together. So that's how it is."

Bai Luochuan found it incredible, "How come the two of them are together?"

Mi Yang smiled and said, "I think they are a good match, both are very handsome, and Ding Hao has a very interesting personality, so it's not boring to be with him."

Bai Luochuan said: "My cousin is just too good. I always feel that he should have someone better by his side."

Mi Yang teased him: "If you say so, shouldn't you also find someone better? It would be best if he is a top talent like you, a young master of everyone."

Bai Luochuan held his hand and kissed it on his lips, saying, "No, I already have the best one."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "Your cousin must think so too."

Bai Luochuan nodded and said, "I think so."

Although he said so, when they got together to play the next day, Bai Luochuan couldn't help but observe Ding Hao from the corner of his eye. There are many entertainment venues in Shanghai, but Bai Luochuan didn't want Mi Yang to go to places that are too complicated. In this regard, Bai Bin and he thought the same thing. Compared with Bai Luochuan, he divided the protection area more carefully. In addition to some entertainment venues, he didn't even plan to let Ding Hao play some dangerous sports.

After searching for a long time, they finally went to a horse farm and went horseback riding together.

Bai Bin is good at horse riding, and Ding Hao has good motor skills as well. They teach and learn one by one, and have a lot of fun. After a while, they can trot around in a circle, and look pretty good doing it.

Because they have been raising Wule in Shanhai Town, Bai Luochuan and Mi Yang are no strangers to horses, especially in the past two years, there are a few more ponies in their hometown, all of which are small black horses like Wule, and they are very lively. Bai Luochuan often watches them with Mr. Bai through video, and there is no need to say much about equestrianism, riding horses is already a common thing for him.

Mi Yang took carrots to feed the ponies in the farm and spoke to them in a low voice with a smile on his face.

Bai Luochuan moved closer, took the carrot from Mi Yang's hand and said, "Do you miss the little ones at home?"

Mi Yang nodded: “Well, grandpa sent a lot of videos, and Wu Le also secretly ate the little candy.”

Bai Luochuan laughed, "He doesn't act like a father at all. Go back and teach him a lesson."

After Mr. Bai's health passed the critical period, he slowly recuperated and got much better after a few years of persistence. Now he keeps up with the times and has learned to use WeChat. He often takes videos of Wu Le and the ponies and sends them to them. The old man lives a very comfortable life in Shanhai Town. Probably because he is in a good mood, his complexion has also improved a lot.

Bai Luochuan had gotten used to some of Mi Yang's little tricks when he was with him privately in the past few years. When he was talking to Mi Yang, he saw a blade of grass on his chest, so he picked it off and muttered in a low voice: "I don't see what's so good about Ding Hao. Why is my cousin so indulgent? He learned the riding posture on the spot. It seems that he doesn't exercise much normally. He must be cramming at the last minute..."

Mi Yang smiled and said, "I think he is quite funny."

Bai Luochuan was dissatisfied: "What's the good thing?"

Mi Yang thought for a moment and said, "I'm really lucky."

Bai Luochuan: "... That's true, otherwise how could I meet such an outstanding person like my cousin. I just don't quite understand, they really don't look like the same kind of people." The cousin was too outstanding, Bai Luochuan had been led by him for two years before, and he was in awe of him. The more he was in awe of him, the more he felt that no one was worthy of Bai Bin.

Mi Yang said: "You and I don't look like the same kind of people."

"Who said that?" Bai Luochuan moved closer, pinched Mi Yang's face and coaxed him, "If you don't go with me, who will you go with?"

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, Bai Luochuan looked up. This time it was Ding Hao's turn to ride on the horse and look down at them.

Ding Hao blinked, smiled and said in a long tone: "Oh - did I disturb you?"

Bai Luochuan: “…”

When we gathered together again for lunch, it was everyone's turn to formally introduce the people around them.

Bai Bin shook Ding Hao's hand and said, "This is my love, Ding Hao. We have been married for several years."

Bai Luochuan was silent for a moment, "That's a coincidence, we are too." He poured a glass of water for his cousin, and showed the ring on his hand and said, "Mi Yang and I are also married, and grandpa and the others know it."

Because of this relationship, the relationship between them quickly became closer. Bai Bin gave them a gift, and Bai Luochuan also discussed with Mi Yang to give one in return. Mi Yang was careful and picked out a set of baby products to give back to the other party. Xiao Bai was always a little jealous, and he was actively "making a baby" for several days. He also liked to touch Mi Yang's belly with his hands and deliberately asked him if he was pregnant.

Mi Yang's response was to bite his shoulder or chest, and sometimes when he got angry he would bite his throat. The next day Mi Yang would feel embarrassed when he saw the marks, but Xiao Bai didn't care at all and wished they could be clearly seen in the open.

The Bai brothers are all workaholics. They talk about work every time they meet. Ding Hao would drag Mi Yang to play with them. They still have to stay in Shanghai for a few days. Bai Bin is busy with work, so he feels more at ease when Ding Hao goes to play with Mi Yang.

Compared to Bai Bin, Bai Luochuan was a little more worried, as if he was afraid that Ding Hao would abduct Mi Yang and make him learn bad things. He called him three times a day to ask where they had gone. If he wasn't busy with work, he would probably have wanted to be the driver and keep an eye on them himself.

Mi Yang didn't notice anything, but Ding Hao was shocked when he saw this, "The one in your family is really strict."

Mi Yang was texting and said as he typed, "Not bad."

Ding Hao rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "It's boring to always go riding. Mi Yang, is there a bar street nearby, or a shopping mall with game consoles on the upper floor?"

Mi Yang was a little surprised: "Yes, it just opened last year, have you been here?"

Ding Hao blinked and said, "I know a lot. I played with it for a while when I was young... Well, I mean a few years ago."

Mi Yang was even more puzzled: "Weren't you in the capital a few years ago?"

Ding Hao scratched his head, "Hey, don't worry about it. Anyway, those were just ridiculous years when I was young. Now that I'm older, I've started to take care of my health and don't go to those places very often. You don't know that Bai Bin bought me a pair of thermos cups for my birthday this year." He sighed for a while, then said excitedly, "How about we go out and play today? I know a good place, I'll take you there to have some fun."

He said he would go out in a while, and said hello to Bai Bin, and was about to drag Mi Yang out with him. Normally, Bai Bin would definitely have someone follow him, but this time Mi Yang was there too, so he nodded after a little hesitation, and reminded him on the phone: "Don't run around, call me if you have anything."

Bai Luochuan also replied to the text message, saying concisely, "My cousin and I have something to do this afternoon. I'll pick you up after I'm done."

After getting the approval, Ding Hao, this naughty monkey, acted as if the seal had been opened, and went out to run wild with Mi Yang.

The place for fun that Ding Hao mentioned was not easy to find. After searching for a long time along the winding paths, Mi Yang finally found the place that he had never been to in all his time in Shanghai. The sign next to it was full of lights and wine. Mi Yang narrowed his eyes and said hesitantly, "Do you really want to go in? Otherwise, forget it. I have something else to do..."

Ding Hao quickly grabbed him and said with a smile: "Since you are here, come in. Let me tell you, the chef's cooking skills are really good!"

Mi Yang was dragged over by him, and then he saw that Ding Hao was not going to those colorful entertainment venues, but a store in a small alley next to it. There was no special sign on it, just four words: haircut and pedicure.

Ding Hao: "Come here, let me tell you, we have hired a master chef from Yangzhou, his skills are very good! He can also massage your shoulders and loosen your back, I guarantee you will feel great!"

Mi Yang: “…”

It was Mi Yang's first time to come to such a place. After pushing the door and entering, he felt like he was back in an old shop in the early 1980s. The decoration style was also very simple. The chef enthusiastically brought water for them to soak their feet. Then he began to shake the towel, draped it over their shoulders neatly, and knocked on it a few times, and asked loudly: "Is the strength okay? Brother, can you bear this strength?"

Massaging the shoulders and relaxing the back was quite comfortable, but when it came to massaging the feet, Mi Yang felt a little uncomfortable. He was most ticklish on the soles of his feet, and he would pull back as soon as they were pinched, causing his face to turn red.

Ding Hao closed his eyes comfortably and comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, just get used to it!"

Mi Yang was so embarrassed that he simply closed his eyes and tried to relax a little. Although he still felt itchy, pressing the acupoints was still very relaxing.

Ding Hao didn't even order any cold drinks. He and Mi Yang each had a cup of red date and wolfberry tea, which can be said to be very healthy.

However, just as this health-preserving journey ended, the Bai brothers came to arrest people.

Bai Bin stood at the door and didn't wait for him to come in, but heard Ding Hao bragging to Mi Yang in the cubicle: "Do you feel that you are in a very good state? You are very energetic even after staying up all night? I told you that this Yangzhou master is very good. Let's go, gather enough energy, and go drink later. Can you dance? No, I..."

Bai Bin rubbed his forehead, feeling a little headache. He reached out and knocked on the wooden door twice. Ding Hao's words immediately changed: "Actually, I don't know how to go there either. I've never been there, really."

Bai Luochuan stood at the door with a dark face.

Bai Bin took Ding Hao away, and Bai Luochuan came in, bent down and helped Mi Yang put on his socks himself.

Mi Yang hid for a moment and said with a smile: "No, I'll do it myself, I'm ticklish."

Bai Luochuan said unhappily, "You're ticklish yet you let others touch you."

Mi Yang said: "It's actually quite comfortable, do you want to try it?"

Bai Luochuan snorted: "What are you trying? Drinking? If I hadn't come, would you have gone to the bar with him?"

Mi Yang pinched his young master's jealous handsome face and said with a smile: "No."

Bai Luochuan looked up at him, his expression still not good.

Mi Yang's soothing skills are first-rate, and he coaxed people back with just one sentence: "I'm waiting for you to come, and I'll go with you."

The little fire in Bai Luochuan's heart was extinguished in an instant, and he felt as comfortable as eating ice in the dog days of summer. However, he still put up a warning line in his heart. Ding Hao was a dangerous person, and he couldn't let him lead their little cutie astray.

On the other hand, after Ding Hao returned, Bai Bin gave him a light punishment, but no other punishment. He just ordered an extra dish of fried shredded carrots for dinner.

Ding Hao was most afraid of eating this, and his face immediately turned into a bitter gourd. He stuffed a few chopsticks of shredded carrots into his mouth and stood up to leave.

Bai Bin called him: "Come back."

Ding Hao stood there motionless, "Hmm?"

Bai Bin pinched his cheek and said, "Chew it up and swallow it."

Ding Hao: “!!”

Ding Hao protested: "Bai Bin, you are doing this on purpose. I don't eat carrots..."

Bai Bin smiled and said, "Supplementing some vitamins is good for your body. This way you will be energetic even if you stay up all night."

Ding Hao felt that he was too wronged, so he just massaged his feet and drank some wolfberry tea. He hadn't done anything yet, but he was punished. After being fed half a plate of shredded carrots, Ding Hao's mouth was not idle, "Indifference, hypocrisy, is it the decline of morality or the extinction of humanity? What exactly did you go through to become who you are now? Bai Bin, you have changed, do you know that?"

Bai Bin: "Yes, because you are disobedient."

Mi Yang, who was very obedient, was taken by Mr. Xiaobai personally back to Shanhai Town to ride a pony, while Ding Hao, who was very disobedient, ate carrots for half a month.

The author has something to say: The extra chapters of Bai Bin and Ding Hao are also finished! Spread the flowers~ Wish everyone a happy new year in advance^口^

Thank you all for your company over the past few months. I will take a two-day break. I haven’t thought about a new article yet, so you can bookmark the author’s column first. You will receive update notifications as soon as there are new articles. Kisses, love you all!

Once again, thank you to all the friends who left flowers, comments and threw mines, and thank you to the friends who went out of their way to make up the points. I bow!

Then, see you next time~=3=!!

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