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Chapter 20: Fried cake


With the arrival of Grandma Mi Yang, this small home seemed more crowded with one more person, but Cheng Qing was obviously much more relaxed. She had free time to read and review. After all, she was still young and always wanted to do her job better.

Old lady Cheng cooked delicious meals. Mi Yang ate them at home very well. His face became fatter. When he went out to play with other children, he brought more and more snacks with him. They were all different. Peanut sticky candy, fried cakes, baked egg rolls, red bean crispy cakes... They were much more advanced than the egg pancakes Cheng Qing had used to fool Mi Yang. The old lady made a new one every day so that he could eat fresh ones. She was happy to coax him to eat more.

These are what Mi Yang was used to eating when he was a child. In his previous life, he was brought up by Old Lady Cheng. He said everything the old lady cooked was delicious and he ate it with relish.

Mrs. Cheng not only made Mi Yang's portion, but also made some extra for him to share with the other children.

There are many children of military officers living here. Some of them are well-off and would share some imported chocolate candies with Mi Yang. When the old lady saw this, she wanted Mi Yang to share some with his friends as well.

Although it’s not as good as what others give, it’s still a nice gesture.

Actually, Mi Yang didn't like playing with children. Usually, when his parents were at work, he would be alone at home reading or watching TV. But when Grandma Cheng was around, he would try his best to act like a child and take out some snacks in a box and share them with the children.

Bai Luochuan has always been a bully among these little kids. Whether they are the kids who have always lived in the military compound or the kids who occasionally come to visit their relatives during the winter and summer vacations, they have all been conquered by him with his fists, and he quickly established his position in the compound. Because Mi Yang follows Bai Luochuan, everyone subconsciously has a sense of prestige towards him, especially because Mi Yang always looks like a good guy with no temper, and he is willing to help. The kids like to play with Mi Yang more than Bai Luochuan.

In fact, Mi Yang was playing with them like taking care of children. If he saw anyone crying or making trouble, he would call them over and give them fifty lashes each. However, this left an impression of "fairness" in the children's minds.

Especially now that they bring out snacks every day, the little kids who play with them love to hang around Mi Yang. There is even a trend of "Mi Yang's snacks" in the compound. Many children go home and ask for the snacks made by Mi Yang. The ones bought outside are not good enough, even the "big roll" bubble gum is not good enough. They must have the fried cakes that are shiny red, with the edges a little burnt and crispy, and the brown sugar juice flows down when you bite it - the very capable Mi Yang eats this kind!

Cheng Qing was asked many times in a row, and only then did she know that her family's fried cakes were famous. She didn't know how to make the edges of the fried cakes crispy. When she went back to ask, Mrs. Cheng was amused and waved her hands and said, "Oh, there is no secret recipe. I was a little slow and fried it for too long!"

Cheng Qing also laughed along.

Anyway, this little trend of homemade snacks has remained popular even after several months, and basically everyone with children in the compound has made countless fried cakes.

Sometimes when Mi Yang stayed at home studying and doing math and didn't come out to play, the little kids would stand on tiptoe and knock on the window, calling him from outside: "Mi Yang, come out to play, you're the only one missing!"

Bai Luochuan was quite dissatisfied with this, but the snacks that Mi Yang left for him were always packaged separately, and they were also the most complete and sweetest ones, so he reluctantly allowed the people around him to get close to Mi Yang.

Bai Luochuan was quite proud.

He leaned close to Mi Yang and asked, "Come to my house later. There are chocolate beans and Jianlibao. I'll open two bottles for you."

Mi Yang tilted his head and looked at him, smiling without saying a word.

Bai Luochuan thought about it and asked hurriedly, "Do you want to go? How about going to play?"

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Okay."

This was the point that Mi Yang insisted on. Bai Luochuan was quite overbearing in his previous life, and would often do things that he didn't like. Now that he was still young, he should take the opportunity to cultivate some small habits. The first thing to do was to ask others and get their approval before taking action.

But this is just Mi Yang's self-perception. As for Master Xiaobai, he has already started to happily gesture and tell him how many candies he has at home.

Young Master Xiaobai was sitting on the edge of the playground, chattering to Mi Yang. He was at the age when he loved to talk, and he would talk for half a day about everything. Many of the things he said were things only children could understand. Mi Yang could respond to most of them, and if there were some that he didn't understand, he would just keep an expression of "Wow, so awesome", and Young Master Xiaobai would continue talking proudly.

They played the war game for a while. Bai Luochuan was still the commander, but this time after Commander Bai captured the "bunker", he did not dare to let Mi Yang stay behind. He led the team to the last position, sat on the highest mound, put hats made of branches on himself and Mi Yang, and with a wave of his hand, he declared himself the king of the mountain.

The loser on the opposing team was taken to the back of a mound and "shot". He had to use a small wooden gun to gesture at himself and shout "Ah" and that was the end of it.

Mi Yang watched as those little actors twitched and fell down, one more professional than the other, and acted out the four words "I don't want to die" from their hair to their fingers. He almost spit out a mouthful of water from the small kettle in his hand, and he was so happy.

Bai Luochuan glanced at him, then suddenly turned back and said to the kids who lost, "Die again."

Those kids: “???”

Bai Luochuan said: "Today's new rule is that if you lose, you die twice."

The kids didn't have any objections. They would definitely be scolded if they got home after their clothes were dirty. They fell to the ground several times but it was the same thing. So they did it again. Bai Luochuan looked back at Mi Yang and saw that he had curved eyes. Sitting next to him, he looked more and more like the puppy in the guard camp, well-behaved and obedient. No, he was much better than that!

Bai Luochuan said again: "Die again!"

The kids were not convinced: "Why are you still here? Didn't we agree to die twice?"

Bai Luochuan argued: "I didn't see it clearly just now, try again!"

children:"… "

After three consecutive times, Mi Yang called for a stop and the game ended.

Bai Luochuan asked: "You don't want to watch it?"

Mi Yang was a little strange, but he soon figured it out and nodded, "I won't watch it anymore. I'm going home to eat."

When Bai Luochuan heard what he said, he grabbed Mi Yang's arm and left, but he insisted on taking Mi Yang back to his home first. He had only one reason: he had to let Mi Yang taste the new kiwi fruit that had been sent to his home.

"It's different from the previous ones. This one is extra sweet and soft." Bai Luochuan gestured as he walked, "I ate two in one go yesterday and left the biggest one for you."

Mi Yang guessed that Young Master Bai usually ate a lot of good food. He was only two months away from death, but he was so strong that he almost pulled him down. He could barely keep up with him and was about to say something when he heard the sound of a bicycle bell next to him. He looked up and saw Cheng Qing.

Cheng Qing had just gotten off work and came back from buying groceries. When he saw the two of them, he smiled and said, "You're out playing again. Yangyang, remember to come home for dinner. The meal will be ready soon."

All the mothers seemed to be accustomed to saying "it will be ready soon" for a period of half an hour or so. Mi Yang nodded when he heard it: "Got it!" The little hand of Master Bai next to him was clenched tightly, and he probably wouldn't be able to go back home without going there.

Xiaobai Luochuan respected Cheng Qing as an elder. When Mi Yang stood and spoke, he said goodbye politely: "Goodbye, Auntie." After saying that, he thought for a while, raised his head and asked, "Auntie, can I go to your house for dinner? Just one bowl."

Before they even separated, they had already planned to go to Mi Yang's house to play in the evening.

Cheng Qing smiled and said, "Okay, come on."

Their two homes were not far from each other. Bai Luochuan took Mi Yang back to his home first, picked out the kiwi fruit that he had specially reserved for Mi Yang, and scooped out the flesh with a small spoon. Seeing that he was about to feed it to Mi Yang, Mi Yang quickly took the spoon and did it himself. He took two bites, and the young master Bai next to him lay on the small table with his head resting on his arms, tilted his head and looked at him, smiling: "I'm not lying to you, it's very sweet!"

It's as if he had eaten it himself.

Mi Yang took a bite, and his eyes followed the spoon up and down. Mi Yang was happy. When he ate the softest and sweetest part of the yellow core, he scooped a spoonful of flesh and fed it to his mouth: "Try it?"

Bai Luochuan didn't hesitate and just opened his mouth and ate.

Mi Yang took back the spoon and continued eating. He had shared a bottle with Master Bai when he was a child. He had eaten like this since he was a child, so he was immune to it and it became a habit, and he didn't notice anything wrong.

After finishing the meal, Mi Yang cleaned up the peels, wiped his hands and wanted to leave. Bai Luochuan grabbed a handful of Yiguolian candies and stuffed them into Mi Yang's pocket. When his pocket was full, he said calmly, "Let's go home and eat."

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang felt that this guy had treated his home as a canteen, and he said the word "eat" with more confidence than himself.

Mrs. Bai couldn't stop them, so she just gave up and asked the guard to bring a box of fruit and send it over with the child.

However, when we asked the guards to pick them up after dinner, two were sent over, and the number that came back was still two.

Young Master Bai cried until his eyes were red, and he held onto Mi Yang's clothes tightly, looking like he had been wronged, with his mouth pursed and ready to cry again. Mi Yang next to him didn't say a word, but he was holding his little pillow, looking a little unhappy.

Mrs. Bai hadn't seen him crying like this for a long time. She thought it was quite funny and teased him, "What's wrong? Didn't Commander Bai win the battle this afternoon?"

Bai Luochuan sniffed and held onto Mi Yang tightly: "I want him to sleep with me."

Before Mi Yang could say anything, he added sadly, "Mi Yang hasn't slept with me for several days."

Mi Yang turned his head to look at the carrot head who was crying like a little cat, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

Mrs. Bai looked at the guard next to her, and the guard said, "I've told Mi Yang's mother about it. You don't know. He was laughing during dinner, but he burst into tears when I went to him. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he didn't want to go home and wanted to sleep with Mi Yang. Captain Mi's house is small, and the old lady and Mi Yang also sleep on the small bed together, so there's no room for a third person. Captain Mi coaxed him and he started crying even harder. I quickly asked Mi Yang to bring his pillow over to our place..."

Mrs. Bai said patiently, "Luochuan, Yangyang has a family too. This time Yangyang's parents agreed, so forget it. Don't make such a fuss next time, okay? Crying can't solve all problems. It won't help if you cry next time, understand."

Bai Luochuan held back his tears and sobbed, "I don't want to, Mom, please let Xiaoguai come to our house!"

Madam Bai said, "Yangyang has a family too."

Bai Luochuan choked up and said, "Then, then I will go and be his child..."

Mrs. Bai flicked him on the forehead and was so angry that she laughed herself out of it.