Back to 1988

Chapter 25: Yidege ink


After the midterm exam, our homeroom teacher, Mr. Wang, rearranged the seats based on everyone's grades as he had said before.

Mi Yang got the first place in the exam, but the teacher did not let him sit in the "throne" in the middle, but let him sit in the first row by the window. Tang Xiao had good grades, but he was tall, so he raised his hand and asked to sit back a little, and sat in the third row by the window, with one person between him and Mi Yang.

Mi Yang's deskmate was replaced by the girl who was the class monitor. Perhaps because she had lost the top spot in the class, she listened to the lectures very seriously every day. With such hard work, Mi Yang felt embarrassed to be lazy.

Sometimes Tang Xiao would pass little notes across a row, and occasionally during self-study classes he would switch seats with the students in the row in front of him and push his desk forward, wishing he could squeeze in between Mi Yang and the class monitor, so that there were three of them in a row, and he would talk to Mi Yang in a low voice under the pretext of asking math questions.

The squad leader was very angry and said, "Tang Xiao, you want to remember my name again, don't you?"

Tang Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "I'm talking to Mi Yang, not you. Why are you so excited?"

The monitor ran to the blackboard and wrote the names of Tang Xiao and Mi Yang.

Mi Yang: “…”

Mi Yang felt that it was quite unlucky for him to be caught between these two unlucky kids.

The class monitor was responsible for maintaining order during self-study classes. He waited for a while, squinted his eyes and observed, and quickly erased Mi Yang's name with the blackboard eraser, leaving only Tang Xiao.

Mi Yang was lucky. As soon as his name was erased, the head teacher came in and saw Tang Xiao's name on the blackboard. He frowned and said, "Tang Xiao, who told you to change your seat without permission? Stand up to study!"

Tang Xiao curled his lips and went back to his seat. He was well behaved for most of the class.

When Teacher Wang turned around, she deliberately stopped at the class monitor and Mi Yang for a while. She leaned against the window, with more of her eyes on Mi Yang.

The monitor girl next to Mi Yang didn't know that when she saw the teacher coming in, the first reaction of a good student was to straighten her chest and work hard on her homework, being a good child. Mi Yang felt a little uncomfortable after being stared at for a long time, so she looked up and happened to meet Teacher Wang's eyes. Although there was no obvious disgust, there was some criticism and dissatisfaction.

Teacher Wang took the homework from Mi Yang's hand and checked it. There was nothing wrong with it. It seemed that he had not given up. He looked at Mi Yang's hand again and frowned, saying, "You write with your left hand? What does this look like? There is no manners at all. Change it now."

Mi Yang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously explained: "Teacher, I have been writing with my left hand since I was a child, and I write..."

Teacher Wang interrupted him and said, "Since childhood? You are just a child now. Don't make excuses. Do you think this left-handed habit is good or bad? Is the teacher trying to trick you? I think you have read too many newspaper reports about how it is smart to write with your left hand? You believe that kind of fake news."

Mi Yang was choked by her, his brows furrowed and then relaxed, but he still obeyed her and changed his hand.

Teacher Wang stood there and watched him write a few strokes, then hummed, "By the way, practice diligently from the basics, this is the duty of a student."

Mi Yang opened his mouth, but swallowed it back in the end and didn't argue with her.

Teacher Wang quickly finished his inspection of the classroom and walked to the teacher's office next door with the clacking sound of his wedge-heeled leather shoes.

In the office, several teachers were sitting there, some were preparing lessons, and some were chatting. They were all very polite when they saw her come in. After all, Teacher Wang was older and had been in the school for many years, so everyone subconsciously showed her more respect.

A young female teacher smiled and said, "Teacher Wang, the newspaper your class ordered has arrived. Here, it's on your desk."

Teacher Wang walked over and took a sip of tea, then slowly picked up the newspaper in her hand and flipped through it. She ordered two newspapers for the class, one for elementary school students and the other for daily life. There were also many places for students to submit their articles, and one or two essays by elementary and middle school students were often posted. This time, an event mentioned in the newspaper quickly attracted Teacher Wang's attention. She read it attentively for a while, and then sighed: "Look, it's exactly what I thought!"

A male teacher nearby asked, "What's wrong? Any news?"

When there was no Internet, television and newspapers were the channels for all information dissemination, and everyone was very interested in the news in the newspapers.

Teacher Wang showed him the page in the newspaper and said, "Did you see that? The 13-year-old 'little genius' who was admitted to Tsinghua University last year was expelled! It was written in the newspaper, saying that he couldn't take care of himself except for studying. What's worse is that his mother had to accompany him to study and run to the dormitory to help him with washing and cooking... I said at that time, children should do things according to their age! Can being young and having good grades mean everything?"

The male teacher next to him read it and passed it to other teachers. Everyone treated it as news and did not take it seriously. When the teacher returned the newspaper to Teacher Wang, he suddenly said, "Hey, I remember there seemed to be a 'little genius' who skipped a grade in Teacher Wang's class. He was also very smart."

Teacher Wang snorted coldly and said, "Those with good grades were sent back after entering university. Did they do the right thing in the junior classes? He was admitted to Tsinghua University at the age of 13 but was still expelled. Did you see it? It's in the newspaper!" She shook the newspaper, making it rustle, as if she had received a huge help from heaven and proved herself.

The other teachers looked at each other in bewilderment and were silent. If it were them, they would have wished to have such a smart child in their class. Not only would their teaching results improve, but they would also be so proud to talk about it to others.

The male teacher smiled and said, "I went to class last time and saw Mi Yang... That child is called Mi Yang, right? I think he is very sensible and better behaved than other children."

Teacher Wang waved his hand and didn't respond.

She always felt that Mi Yang's young age was the biggest problem. Even if such a child could keep up with the intelligence, could he keep up with other things? Being "ignorant" would only cause trouble for the class. Especially when she first met Mi Yang, she couldn't help but frown at the way this child was spoiled by his mother. She still remembered that Mi Yang was pushed into the school gate, and he was sitting and eating while watching, with no intention of walking down. It was really that his parents spoiled him too much.

Mi Yang never thought that just eating a sesame bun that day would cause such a strong disgust.

There was an art class in the afternoon. Everyone brought the rice paper and ink they had prepared in advance and were particularly looking forward to this class.

When we took out all the tools and poured the ink into the plastic tray as required by the teacher, the classroom was filled with a strong scent of ink. Most of the students brought ink from Yidege, and a few bought large bottles of "stinky ink", which is the cheapest and not expensive to use. It can be used for a long time and is enough for the whole school year.

Mi Yang also brought ink, but his was in a small glass bottle, which was different from the others. This ink smelled very light, with a faint scent of pine smoke, and when you smelled it carefully, there was also the smell of borneol and musk. Mi Yang was very careful when using it. This ink was enough for his mother's monthly salary. The day before yesterday, Master Bai didn't know where he got the third grade curriculum from. He heard that he would use it in art class, so he "stole" some of the fine pine smoke Hui ink in Master Bai's study.

Mi Yang opened the ink and poured it into the white plastic dish next to him that looked like five-colored petals. He then followed the teacher's instructions and began to wash and moisten the brush, learning how to write big characters.

The art teacher was a young woman who had just graduated from an art school. Her classes were much more interesting. After giving a general introduction, she asked everyone to draw lots. Five people formed a group and put the small desks together to complete the calligraphy homework together.

This form made the children very happy, especially when drawing lots. There were exclamations and regrets one after another. Unexpectedly, Mi Yang's cheers were the loudest, probably because the halo of the first place was still there. Everyone stared with sparkling eyes, breathed on their palms, and tried their best to draw Mi Yang.

Xiaopang was one of them. He rubbed his palms together, opened them carefully after winning, and said with a red face: "Mi Yang! Mi Yang is in the same group with me, hahaha!"

There were exclamations of "Wow" all around, and all the children's eyes were on Xiaopang, full of envy.

Mi Yang took his own brush, ink and rice paper and walked to Xiao Pang's side, where an empty seat had been cleared for him. Xiao Pang said excitedly, "Come on, Mi Yang, sit here!"

Tang Xiao stood beside him, put a clean brush to his mouth, and made a face at him, which made Mi Yang laugh.

Their group's good luck was not over yet, and probably because they thought Xiaopang had good luck, they let him draw the next team member. Xiaopang lived up to everyone's expectations and drew the class monitor, which immediately attracted a lot of envious sighs - although the class monitor remembered people's names, his grades were really good, and he was very good in every subject!

The monitor girl came over holding her things, her face very serious, as if she was ready to take first place in the group this time.

With the monitor, the efficiency was improved. She always urged the group members to write diligently. If they didn't write well, she would point out and rewrite. There were three boys and two girls in their group. The other girl next to the monitor had a dirty school uniform, messy hair, and spoke in a very low voice. The monitor pointed out twice that her handwriting was wrong and asked her to rewrite. Tears welled up in her eyes and she whispered something.

The monitor girl didn't hear clearly, but she was used to being upright, and her family's education model was "Who says girls are inferior to boys?", so she couldn't stand the crying and immediately frowned her delicate little eyebrows and said, "Don't cry!"

The girl was so scared that she dared not cry anymore. She said with tears in her eyes: "I, I don't have any rice paper anymore."

Xiao Pang asked curiously: "The teacher asked us to prepare more, why didn't you bring any?"

The girl rubbed her red eyes and said, "I don't have any at home."

Xiao Pang wanted to ask more, but Mi Yang stepped on his foot. He gave half of his rice paper to the girl and whispered, "You can use mine. I'm almost done. Two sheets will be enough."

The girl hesitated, but after observing her, the monitor waved his hand and said, "We can't let Mi Yang use all his cards. Let him use one, and I use one. Tang Xiao and Yuan Yu both use one. Three cards will be enough for everyone to complete the task."

She had a clear division of labor, and took the lead by taking one and giving it to the girl next to her. Little Fatty Yuan Yu's family was in business, so he brought a lot of rice paper. He took two sheets and said with a smile: "This is for Brother Xiao and me. Take it. We are in the same group after all!"

The girl's face flushed and she thanked him softly.

The class monitor raised his head and looked at her again, saying, "Speak louder!"

The girl immediately said, "Thank you!"

The young monitor was satisfied and continued to write big characters very seriously.

Their group progressed quite smoothly. Mi Yang had been involved in calligraphy and painting for a while as a hobby, and his left-handed writing was not much worse. The shapes of the characters were all there, and it was more than enough to handle elementary school homework. The class monitor had obviously practiced before, probably because his family taught him well. He wrote with his wrist suspended, and his writing was better than Mi Yang's left-handed writing. Mi Yang couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The other ones written by Tang Xiao and Xiao Pang were a bit miserable, they could only be considered passing marks, and they were barely recognizable as characters. Especially Tang Xiao's, it was upgraded from dog crawling to official dog crawling at best.

Tang Xiao still had some extra rice paper, so while the teacher wasn't paying attention, he secretly gave a piece to Mi Yang and said, "Mi Yang, help me quickly."

Mi Yang pushed the paper back and gave him a look. Tang Xiao understood and immediately changed seats with him. The fat boy next to him also looked at Mi Yang with shining eyes as he picked up the pen. He took a new piece of rice paper and spread it on the red checkered cushion, wishing he could write a few big words on his face: "Dad, save me!"

The young squad leader looked up at them, frowned, and had an intense mental struggle over whether to report his own team.

However, the girl next to him had already relaxed her brows and was covering her mouth as she smiled secretly.

Mi Yang changed his position, changed his pen and ink, and started writing with Tang Xiao's. He didn't ask for it to be good, just steady. Anyway, no matter how he wrote, it would be better than Tang Xiao's chicken claw-like handwriting.

Tang Xiao sat beside Mi Yang and pretended to pick up a pen. He also took a look at Mi Yang's handwriting. He only thought it was neat and beautiful, and he couldn't see anything special about it. But after looking at it for a while, he noticed something different and asked curiously, "Hey, Mi Yang, your ink seems to be different from ours."

Xiao Pang was curious, so he leaned over to take a look and said, "Why is it different? Isn't it also quite dark?"

Tang Xiao touched it and it was dark but without any luster. He was puzzled and said, "It is quite dark, but not shiny."

Mi Yang took a look and said, "This is the ink I brought from home. Well, it's the kind used for painting. It's most suitable for painting landscapes. This kind is like this, not bright."

Xia Pang asked curiously, "What is this called? Which one is better than our ink?"

"It's just a little ink ground from an ink stick," Mi Yang said vaguely while writing, "It's not necessarily the case. Look, our teacher used Yidege ink to teach us to write big characters and draw little swallows. The paper is particularly shiny, and I think it looks very beautiful."

Xiaopang and Tang Xiao both took a look at the teacher's demonstration painting on the podium and felt that what he said made a lot of sense, because the words he wrote were really beautiful.

The class monitor couldn't help but look up out of curiosity.

In fact, Mi Yang's pine smoke Hui ink is more suitable for writing, but during the practice stage, the children all used Yidege ink, and he didn't want to stand out too much and wanted to blend in.

The girl next to her also looked up with envy. She brought a large bottle of smelly ink and was a little envious of the small bottle of Yidege ink that everyone was using.

However, there are differences among the inks of Yidege.

In the group of five at the table in front of them, there was a boy who used the golden bottle, which was particularly small and looked more expensive. He poured a full plate for himself, and then poured some ink for the student next to him, and said proudly: "My aunt brought me this from the provincial capital. It smells really good. If you don't believe me, try it! It also looks really good when you write..."

He was so proud of what he said, and was busy showing off his ink to other students, that he soon bumped into Mi Yang. Because they were back to back, they couldn't see each other, and the bump was particularly heavy. If Mi Yang hadn't picked up the brush quickly, the calligraphy would have been ruined. Mi Yang just breathed a sigh of relief, and before he could write the last word carefully, he was bumped again. This time, the brush was directly knocked crooked, and a hole was poked in the rice paper.

Mi Yang: “…”

Monitor: “…”

Without saying anything, Tang Xiao stepped forward and pushed the other person, saying, "You want to die!"

The man didn't react for a moment, but soon stiffened his neck and said, "Tang Xiao, why are you scolding me?"

Tang Xiao was very strong. He pulled him over and pointed at the homework that was stabbed. He said, "Look for yourself. You just bumped it once or twice. It's not over yet, right? You broke this homework. You want to pay for it?"

The boy blushed, and couldn't break free from Tang Xiao's hand. Looking at Mi Yang still holding the brush next to him, he said, "I didn't mean it. Besides, why do you always side with this little guy?"

Tang Xiao: "Nonsense, this is my homework!"

Tang Xiao was confident and righteous. Seeing that the other party was still unwilling to apologize, he went up to teach him a lesson. When he started, the fat boy next to him did not hesitate either. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and rushed over, saying "Wow!", just like a little follower! The three of them started fighting in the class - in fact, it was a one-sided lesson. Tang Xiao was tall and was very good at bullying people.

The boy was hit twice and became angry. He overturned the table while waving his hand, knocking over a large bottle of smelly ink on the table. The girl next to him screamed with tears in her voice.

The class monitor was quick with his hands. He picked up all the remaining completed homework of his group and raised his voice and shouted, "Stop fighting! Otherwise, I will go and tell the teacher!!"

The art teacher was out and not in the class. The class monitor, holding her homework, pressed against the wall like a little crab and tried to open the door to find the teacher. As soon as she touched the door handle, the door was opened from the outside. The head teacher, Mr. Wang, walked in with a sullen face and said, "What's going on? What's the commotion? Go out and have a listen. Your class is the most noisy on the whole floor. Is that reasonable?"

The whole class gradually quieted down, but some whispers could still be heard.

Teacher Wang walked towards the place where the table fell with a gloomy face. That place was indeed the worst-hit area. The table turned over, and many books fell out of the hole in the table. Two glass marbles also rolled out. However, it was now stained black by the ink spilled on the ground, and it also emitted an unpleasant smell of stinky ink.

A girl with braids was squatting next to her, wiping her tears with a rag, wiping them twice and then again, crying quietly.

Teacher Wang looked around, looking at Tang Xiao and the other three boys whose uniforms were torn and breathing heavily, and then looked at Mi Yang who was standing against the wall with a few books saved - he was probably not innocent either, with a large piece of ink on his sleeve. Teacher Wang frowned even more and said sternly: "What the hell is going on?!"

The class monitor squeezed over with his homework in his arms, raised his hand and answered, "Teacher! It was Sun Qian who was walking around in his seat during class and bumped into Mi Yang first, damaging Mi Yang's calligraphy homework. Then Tang Xiao had a quarrel with Sun Qian, and then they..."

Teacher Wang waved his hand, and without waiting for the end of the conversation, he immediately turned to look at the boys with a dark face and asked, "Sun Qian ruined Mi Yang's homework, why did Tang Xiao go up to fight first?"

The fighting boys were silent, even Sun Qian, who was beaten up, did not say a word. Fighting was one thing and copying homework was another. Copying homework was not involved in grudges, so they all kept their mouths shut and said nothing tacitly.

Teacher Wang became even angrier. She looked at the three fighting boys, then at Mi Yang, and after a long while she smiled and said, "Well, you guys are really capable. You're so young and you're fighting, and you're covering up for each other. Do you want to be juvenile delinquents?!"

Mi Yang felt that her words were too harsh, so he stepped forward and explained, "Teacher, it's not like that, we just had a little friction."

The girl who was the monitor of the class was also biting her lip and looking at Teacher Wang with her clear black and white eyes wide open. She also wanted to plead for her classmates.

Teacher Wang snorted coldly, "Minor friction? From childhood to adulthood, your parents sent you here to receive education. If you make a mistake, you must be punished!" She looked around for a while and then said, "I don't know who else has taken action. Now, anyone with a large amount of ink on their body, go out and stand in the corridor as punishment!"

Many people around were implicated. Mi Yang, Tang Xiao and the other two stood in the first row, standing at attention against the wall.

In order to protect her homework, the class monitor got a large stain of ink on the hem of her clothes and was mercilessly driven out to the corridor by Teacher Wang. She bit her lip in anger and her eyes were red.

Mi Yang glanced at the monitor and whispered to comfort her: "It's okay, isn't there still one person in our group in the classroom? It's not a complete annihilation."

Before he could finish his words, he heard a loud cry and the girl with braids came out crying. Her eyes were as red as a rabbit and tears were falling down her face.

Xiao Pang was surprised and asked, "How come you were kicked out too? Didn't Old Lady Wang let you stay in the classroom because she felt sorry for you?"

The girl rubbed her eyes and cried, "Teacher Wang said that my crying was too annoying and asked me to come out and cry."

The class monitor said angrily: "Teacher Wang is not fair at all."

Well, there is a row of people standing against the wall, and even the squad leader has rebelled.

The author has something to say: Two chapters merged and updated!

Yesterday's 1,000 words + today's 2,000 words, a total of 3k words added~ Thank you for collecting the author's column, the update is completed as of 41,600! If there are more collections, I will add more, muah!