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Chapter 29: Uprising (3)


After Mi Yang returned home with the fundraising money from the class, he did not try to be stubborn but went straight to find Mi Zehai, gave the money to his father and asked the adults in the family to help buy stationery.

Yonezawa was startled and asked, "Did the kids in your class collect this?"

Mi Yang nodded and said, "Yes, we took the toys and books we didn't want anymore and put them up for charity sale. I sold my little frog toy and the checkers that my grandma gave me." The checkers were still sold piece by piece, and each glass ball was worth 30 cents in the raffle. He didn't tell Mi Zehai about this.

Mi Zehai patted his son's head and said with a smile, "Of course, you have a quick mind, you can even think of this."

Mi Yang said: "Dad, I'll make a list for you, and you buy these for me, mainly notebooks and pencils."

Yonezawa nodded and agreed, "Don't worry, leave the shopping to me and I'll send it to school for you later."

Perhaps because he thought his son had good organizational skills, Mi Zehai told Cheng Qing again in the evening and specially made a braised pork for dinner. Cheng Qing learned this braised pork from the elders at home, and it was considered a specialty. The lean pork belly was stewed until it was greasy, and some potatoes were added. When it was served, the small bowl was bright red, soft, glutinous and sweet, and the mouth was full of meaty aroma when you took a bite.

Mi Yang likes to eat rice with the broth from the braised pork. The potato cubes are stewed until they are soft, and it is the most delicious thing to scoop a bowl of the rice with a spoon and eat it.

Cheng Qing was happy to see that the father and son liked the food, so he picked up some meat and passed it to Mi Yang, saying, "Yangyang, don't always eat potatoes, eat some meat too, otherwise you won't be able to grow as tall as Luochuan. You are only two months younger than him, but he looks like he is half a head taller than you..."

Yonezawa Kaido: "My son is tired from studying. He is skipping a grade and has to learn a lot of things every day." He seemed quite proud.

Cheng Qing smiled and said, "Luochuan is also studying. I heard from Sister Luo that she plans to skip the third grade next spring."

Mi Zehai thought for a while and said, "My son jumped early!"

Cheng Qing said: "Your son is shorter than others, why don't you say anything... Yangyang, don't spit out the mushrooms, swallow them."

Mi Yang's attempt to take the opportunity to be picky about food was stopped again. His parents stopped arguing and stared at him closely, not allowing him to be picky about food. He could only chew it twice and swallow it.

Mi Zehai acted quickly. The next day, he contacted a friend who was in charge of purchasing in his previous army and asked him to help wholesale some stationery.

Mi Yang and the class monitor went to receive the stationery. Mi Yang also knew the uncle who helped deliver the things, so he went over to greet him. The uncle was wearing a military uniform and was helping the boss of the wholesale stationery to unload the goods. He smiled and asked Mi Yang, "Yangyang, where should we put it? Should we send it to your class or directly to the school warehouse?"

Mi Yang said: "In the warehouse, there are teachers there to count, we can just say we are from Class 1, Grade 3 when we get there."

The young squad leader followed along, and when he saw Mi Yang bending over to move things, he wanted to move them too, but was stopped immediately. The uncle smiled and said, "No, you two are too young to move these, just walk in front and lead the way for us."

Mi Yang didn't bother to be polite with him and immediately took the lead and ran forward. Sure enough, the uncle behind him followed very quickly. They had trained a lot in the military camp, so this amount of weight was nothing. It was still not as hard as going to the mountain for training.

The warehouse was in a separate empty classroom at the northernmost end of the first floor. A lot of supplies were already stored there. Mi Yang and his friends had a lot of stuff, so more than ten boxes were moved in and stacked there, looking very spectacular.

Mi Yang took the list from the boss and calculated with the squad leader. There were 12 boxes in total, 4 small boxes were pencils, and the remaining 8 boxes were notebooks. Of the 500 yuan, 200 yuan was used to buy 4,000 pencils, which was 5 cents per pencil on average; the daily exercise books such as new characters books, pinyin books, and Tianzi grid books were wholesaled, ranging from 5 cents to 10 cents per book, and 3,000 books were bought; the thicker books such as the big script and composition books cost 25 cents each. The uncle who helped the army heard that they were donated to the mountain school, so he paid out of his own pocket to collect 500 books for them and packed them in boxes and sent them to them.

These were much cheaper than those sold in the shops around the school, and the quantity was far beyond their expectations. The class monitor's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he whispered to Mi Yang: "Mi Yang, your uncle is amazing!"

Mi Yang laughed and said, "If you buy more, it will be the wholesale price, which is much cheaper."

After handing over the task to the teacher in charge of statistics in the warehouse and getting his signature, Mi Yang returned to the classroom with the class monitor.

The donation task has been completed. During the class meeting in the afternoon, Teacher Wang looked at everyone on the podium, frowned slightly and then relaxed his brows, saying, "I have heard about the donation from the class monitor. Everyone has done a great job."

Many of the children in the class breathed a sigh of relief. They still had a natural respect for the teacher deep in their hearts, and they looked up and listened attentively.

Teacher Wang mentioned a few students and praised them casually. When it was Mi Yang's turn, she said with a stronger tone: "Some students may think that they are different from other students because of their excellent grades, so they act boldly and recklessly when doing things." She called the name, "Mi Yang, stand up and tell me what you did wrong?"

Mi Yang stood up and said, "Teacher, I don't know either."

Teacher Wang said: "Other students are trading second-hand items, what about you? Look at what you did, drawing a lottery is equivalent to gambling, is this what a primary school student should do? If you don't pay attention when you are young, you will break the law when you grow up..."

Mi Yang looked at her and asked innocently, "Teacher, there is a welfare lottery booth at the entrance of our school. Is it illegal?"

A classmate next to me whispered, "There's also a lottery in the school canteen!"

The boys in the back row raised their voices a little: "Yes, we also drew a sticker today. The one sold by the school is the same as Mi Yang's. What did Mi Yang do wrong?"

"Mi Yang donated all of it. He didn't make any money from it."

The canteen was opened by the principal's relatives, and those who could open welfare lottery booths outside were also people with connections. Teacher Wang naturally didn't dare to say anything, but her face became even uglier when she heard the student's rebuttal. She was about to say something when she heard two knocks on the door outside. The principal and a director walked in with a smile. The principal seemed to be in a good mood. Seeing that everyone was there, he smiled and asked, "Teacher Wang, are you having a class meeting? That's perfect. I'll disturb you for a few minutes and say a few words."

Teacher Wang softened his expression, made way for him and said, "Of course, please."

The principal walked to the podium, unfolded the newspaper in his hand, and said with a smile: "You, the children in Class 1, Grade 3, are amazing. You are all in the newspaper. Look, you are praised so highly. I think we can't just let outsiders praise you, so I came here in person to praise you as well." He looked up and saw Mi Yang still standing there. He still had some impression of this well-behaved child. His eyes lit up and he said, "Oh, I was just about to praise you by name, Mi Yang, right? You organized it very well this time. Your class donated the most items in the whole school, and it was very caring and the way was novel..."

The principal praised a lot, and in addition to Mi Yang, he called on a few other children to stand up. They were all little guys whose names had appeared in the newspapers, and he praised them a few words.

This time, standing up no longer resulted in criticism from the teacher. The children whose names were called felt particularly honored and they all puffed out their chests.

When the roll call was called, Xiaopang stood up and couldn't believe his ears. He had poor grades and was usually criticized for standing up. This was the first time he was praised by the principal. His eyes turned red for a moment, but he immediately grinned, his eyes narrowed into two slits, and he was so happy.

The principal said, "You have done very well this time. Next Monday, the school will present your class with a collective honor certificate after the flag-raising ceremony. Don't be late. If you are late, you won't be able to get it."

The whole class burst into laughter and shouted, "We will definitely be there on time!"

After the principal left, Mi Yang and the others sat down. All the children in the class looked at Teacher Wang, waiting for her to speak.

Teacher Wang's face turned red and white. When the school bell rang, he said in a low and angry voice, "School is over!"

She walked out first, and just after she took two steps, she heard a burst of cheerful cheers from the class. It was just the sound of joy at receiving a certificate, but to her, it sounded like being deliberately humiliated by the students. She pursed her lips, and a trace of anger flashed across her face.

Mi Yang left early this time and went to the gate of the first grade to wait for Bai Luochuan. Some children he knew saw him but did not dare to say hello. In their minds, Mi Yang was already a "big kid" in the third grade.

Bai Luochuan came out soon, and on the way home, Mi Yang suddenly asked him, "Have you told Auntie about our flea market?"

Bai Luochuan asked: "What's wrong?"

Mi Yang said: "It's nothing actually, I just felt a little strange that the principal suddenly came to our class today to praise us."

Bai Luochuan raised the corner of his mouth, looking like he was waiting for praise.

Mi Yang looked at him and said, "Or did you do something?"

Master Bai raised his chin and said, "I learned it from you."

Mi Yang was puzzled and asked: "Ah?"

Bai Luochuan glanced at him and said with a little pride: "Didn't you submit an article to the newspaper and ask for praise? I followed suit and wrote one too. Then I took the newspaper and put it in the principal's mailbox. He will definitely come to praise you when he sees it."

Mi Yang was immediately delighted and gave a thumbs up to Master Bai. This guy was really awesome. He demonstrated it to him and the students immediately learned the importance of controlling public opinion. He was in charge of things outside the school while Master Bai was in charge of things inside the school, and they controlled comments very well.

Perhaps because of the embarrassment he made in the class meeting, Teacher Wang ignored Mi Yang for a long time and did not let him answer questions in math class. He was completely marginalized.

This had little impact on Mi Yang, not to mention that he could answer questions with his eyes closed. Even if he really needed to make up for the missed lessons, Wei Xian's famous teacher would tutor him at night. Because he was no longer called on, Mi Yang spent some time at ease. When it came to the final exam, Mi Yang was first again without any surprise.

After handing out the final report cards, Teacher Wang talked about some things to pay attention to during the winter break, and then said to everyone: "Students who need to attend winter break cram school can go to the class monitor to sign up. It is not mandatory. But you have to know that while you are having fun during the winter break, other students are still working hard. You can't relax even during the break, understand?"

After everyone agreed, she announced the end of the get out of class. Then everyone could go home after waiting for their winter vacation homework to be distributed.

When Mi Yang got his winter vacation homework, he saw the monitor took a notebook to register names. The little monitor, who usually was the first to rush into everything, hesitated this time and did not write his name first.

Mi Yang was her deskmate, and when he saw her, he asked curiously, "Aren't you going to cram school?"

The class monitor curled his lips and said, "I don't want to go to Teacher Wang's house. I don't like her anymore."

Mi Yang was stunned for a moment and asked, "Do you take extra classes at the teacher's home?"

The class monitor took a pen and made two marks on the notebook, then said in a muffled voice, "Yes, oh, you just came here and you don't know. Every semester, during the winter and summer vacations, we go to Mr. Wang's house for tutoring. It costs two hundred yuan for ten days."

Mi Yang smacked his lips. Two hundred yuan in 1995 was not a small amount. Cheng Qing had just received a salary increase recently, and with the night shift allowance, it was only about four hundred yuan a month. Teacher Wang only charged half a month's salary for ten days of tutoring, and it was not an individual tutoring session. It sounded like there should be quite a few children going there at once.

Several classmates came over to sign up, including Sun Qian, who looked reluctant.

While writing his name, the class monitor asked, "Mi Yang, you're not going, are you? You did so well in the exam, you can get full marks in the test after you come back without tutoring..."

Mi Yang didn't understand and was about to ask more questions when Tang Xiao, who came from behind, grabbed his neck and said to him, "Grandma Wang gave them a cram school that week. When school starts, the test will be based on the questions that were taught in the past few days. Those who have attended the cram school are fine, as they can always improve their scores. If they didn't go to the cram school and didn't do well in the test, they will be criticized."

Mi Yang had never encountered such a thing in the school he attended before, and this was the first time he heard of it. The only thing he spent money on when he was in school was being sent to the Children's Palace to learn a special skill. This compulsory form of tutoring made him feel very uncomfortable.

Tang Xiao looked down and saw his old military bag. He hooked his finger and asked, "Why do you keep using this?"

Mi Yang said: "I like it. This is the prize my dad won in the basketball game. His name is printed on it."

Tang Xiao was curious, so he asked him to open it and take a look. He saw the pink and white words printed inside and was in awe: "I also want to join the army in the future, carry a gun, wear leather shoes, and be handsome."

Mi Yang was happy and said, "You have great ambitions, come on, little comrade!"

Tang Xiao smiled and hooked his neck again, talking to him: "You and Bai Luochuan are also going to apply to the military academy, right?"

Mi Yang said, "I don't think so." In his previous life, he was a little shortsighted, did not join the army, went to an ordinary university, and found a job to make a living after graduation. His only hobby was his little handicraft of repairing books. As for Bai Luochuan, Mi Yang thought about it. In his memory, Master Bai did not seem to join the army either. He took over the family business and lived a prosperous life. His photos were often seen in financial magazines.

Mi Yang was just thinking about it when Bai Luochuan came. Their winter vacation homework was distributed quickly, so he came to pick up Mi Yang in advance. He came over and directly pushed Tang Xiao aside and reached out to hold Mi Yang's hand, saying, "Have you packed up? Let's go home?"

Mi Yang said: "There is still one Chinese homework left...Okay, let's go."

Tang Xiao waved goodbye to them and shouted, "Come out and play football during the winter break if you have time. Do you remember my home phone number?"

Mi Yang nodded, but before he could reply, he was dragged a few steps by Master Bai. He asked curiously, "Why are you so anxious today? What happened at home?"

Bai Luochuan said after a while: "Grandpa Wei is leaving today."

Mi Yang then remembered that Teacher Wei Xian had told them a few days ago that he would go back to Shanghai during the winter vacation, and his children might come back to visit him. If they didn't come, they might go abroad to celebrate the Spring Festival and reunite with them. It would take at least two or three months before they could see each other again. Mi Yang suddenly felt a little reluctant to leave. They had studied with Wei Xian for more than half a year and got along very well.

In the evening, Mi Yang went to the Bai family and said goodbye to Wei Xian together with Bai Luochuan. Bai Luochuan usually seemed to be unfriendly, but when the teacher left, he could still see some disappointment, which made Wei Xian feel flattered and reluctant to let him go.

Wei Xian gave each of them a small box and said, "The school has already assigned winter vacation homework, so I won't ask for much. Once you finish it, take a good rest and go out to play. Oh, by the way, Xiaoguai, keep an eye on Luochuan and don't let him go to play on the ice. Later, grandpa will take you to the skating rink and ski resort. The ice there is solid and you can step on it casually."

Mi Yang nodded and agreed.

Bai Luochuan looked uninterested and didn't respond much.

After Wei Xian left, he fiddled with the small box for a while, opened it and took a look. Inside was a small golden bean strung on a red string.

Mi Yang teased him deliberately: "It must be because you cried last time and Grandpa Wei saw it, so he gave you this."

Bai Luochuan took his and opened it. It was also the same little golden bean. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, then this must have been given to you by Grandpa Wei because you cried in a nightmare last time..."

Mi Yang was a little embarrassed. He had only cried a few times since he was a child, but Bai Luochuan happened to see him. He only remembered that he cried, but he couldn't remember what he dreamed about. He had to wait for a long time to calm down after waking up. Master Bai had never teased him about this before, but this time he suddenly mentioned it, and Mi Yang wanted to close the lid, but Bai Luochuan grabbed the little golden bean and put it on his wrist first, and then put his own on Mi Yang, saying, "I'll give it all to you. You cry more than me."

Mi Yang refused to accept and wanted to resist, but he was suppressed by the little thug who was two months older than him and he had no power to fight back.

Mi Yang's face flushed red, and he was still struggling on the bed, panting and taking out his trump card: "Let me go, I, I want to go home!"

Bai Luochuan pretended not to hear and stretched out his hand to tickle Mi Yang. Mi Yang broke down in a second and started laughing. At first he was shouting that he wanted to go home, but soon his stomach hurt from laughing so much that he had no choice but to beg for mercy, "No, no!"

Only then did Young Master Bai let him go. A smile appeared on his face, and he seemed to be in a much better mood than before.

Mi Yang spent a few days comfortably at home during the winter vacation, and then he received a call for help.

The call was from Fatty. He asked someone for Mi Yang's landline number and called several times before finding Mi Yang. He begged on the phone, "Mi Yang, help! I don't know how to solve a problem. If I can't solve it today, I'll get beaten."

Mi Yang asked him: "Aren't you taking extra classes with Teacher Wang? Why doesn't she teach you?"

Xiao Pang said, "She taught me that, but I just couldn't understand. She said that if I didn't write it right again tomorrow, she would call my parents! My dad really beat me up. Help, Yangyang!"

Mi Yang asked: "Where is Tang Xiao?"

Xiao Pang cried and said, "Brother Xiao taught me a lesson for the whole morning, and then he said I was a useless person, so I ran away in anger."

Mi Yang was so happy that he nodded and said, "Come on, do you know my home address? I'll be at home today."

Xiaopang hung up the phone with many thanks. Less than half an hour later, he came over with his schoolbag. He parked his bicycle in Mi Yang's yard, went in and drank a large glass of water before he could catch his breath.

Mi Yang's home was not heated very well. In addition to his sweater, he also wore a thick fleece coat. His hair was soft and his face looked soft and white. When he smiled, he had a shallow dimple on the right side. He looked younger than he did in school. He poured another glass of water for Xiao Pang and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Drink slowly."

Xiao Pang shook his head and said, "I can't be slower. If I'm a step slower, my dad will beat me to death."

He was extremely anxious, so Mi Yang asked him to take out the book and calculation book and taught him seriously.

This question is not difficult, but Xiaopang has a poor foundation. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but he just couldn’t understand it.

"The area of a triangle = base x height ÷ 2, that is, s = ah ÷ 2," Mi Yang glanced at him and saw that his eyes were wandering again, and suddenly understood, "Have you memorized the formula?"

Xiao Pang shook his head guiltily, so Mi Yang took a piece of paper and taught him to recite the formula from the beginning. He patiently explained the meaning of each symbol to him, and waited until he could repeat it before explaining the next one.

I spent an afternoon working on one question, but in fact I learned a lot of basic knowledge that I had missed.

Mi Yang changed the topic and asked Xiao Pang to write it again. This time, it was not difficult and he finished it. Mi Yang nodded and said, "That's right."

Xiaopang was very excited and said gratefully: "Thank you, Mi Yang! I think your teaching is great... better than what Old Lady Wang taught, I understand it all!"

Mi Yang laughed and said, "Practice it twice more tonight. Don't be nervous. You will definitely get it right tomorrow."

Xiaopang thanked him repeatedly, and seeing that the time was almost up, he quickly packed up and left: "I'll go to Old Lady Wang's house in a while. She has guests coming to her house today, and asked us to go over tonight. Don't worry, I will definitely not embarrass you. I know this question by heart, and I can definitely do it right!"

Mi Yang said: "It's so late, be careful on the road."

Xiao Pang uttered "Hey!" and nearly bumped into someone when he was pushing his bicycle out. He steadied himself and took a look, only to see that it was Bai Luochuan. He said repeatedly, "Luochuan, I have something to do, so I'll leave first. I'll come and play with you guys later."

Bai Luochuan watched him ride away in a hurry, turned around and asked, "He came to see you? What's the matter?"

Mi Yang walked home with his neck shrunk, exhaling white air and said, "He came to ask me a question. I taught him for a while. Why are you here? Didn't Aunt Luo say someone was coming to our house today?"

Bai Luochuan said, "My cousin sent me a new computer, saying that I could use it to get online through a lottery, but I couldn't get it working after trying for a long time. I felt bored, so I came to find you."

Mi Yang said "oh", he really missed the world with Internet. Nowadays, all computers are big-headed and especially bulky.

The closer it gets to the Chinese New Year, the busier the hospital gets. Cheng Qing is on night duty again today. Mi Zehai is on holiday, but he is worried about his wife, especially since the weather forecast says it will snow heavily. He took some thick clothes and said he would send her another coat. He didn't mention coming back, so he probably stayed in the hospital to accompany her. This couple has always been like this, and they can't live without each other. Mi Yang is used to it.

The adults were not at home, and Mi Yang was looking after the house alone. Seeing that Bai Luochuan couldn't take anyone back, he decided to stay and cheat.

Mi Yang was afraid of the cold in winter, so his quilt was thick and soft. When he curled up in it, he was like a little hamster. The tip of his nose was slightly red. When he sneezed, he would curl up a little more, wishing he could curl up in it.

Bai Luochuan lifted the quilt and crawled into Mi Yang's side, feeling warm and comfortable.

Mi Yang shivered and stretched out his hand to push him: "It's too cold, go over there and warm up before coming over here."

Bai Luochuan rubbed his hands vigorously twice and pinched his ears to warm them up: "It's hot."

Mi Yang: “…”

It's just self-deception!

Mi Yang shivered as he began to warm him up, but fortunately, Master Bai had been in great shape since he was young, and after a while he began to heat himself up, like a small heater. Mi Yang then relaxed his body, became less stiff, and moved closer to keep warm.

Bai Luochuan was used to being close to him. The person he had with him most often since he was a child was Mi Yang. He was like his favorite toy, or a part of himself. They were so familiar that they could not be separated. They felt at ease when they were together and fell asleep quickly.

Mi Yang slept for a while and sneezed twice. Bai Luochuan closed his eyes and reached out to pat him, as if to comfort him. He reached out and groped for him, put his hands on his forehead, tested the temperature, and said vaguely, "It's not hot."

Having said that, when it was time for breakfast the next day, Bai Luochuan went back again and brought back some medicines, including honeysuckle injections and isatis root granules, and asked Mi Yang to stay and drink some.

Mi Yang, still wrapped in a fluffy ball, nodded in agreement.

But at noon, a few more children came knocking on the door. This time it was Xiaopang who led the group, and the others behind him were familiar faces, all students from Class 1, Grade 3.

Xiao Pang was a little embarrassed and said: "Mi Yang, I solved a problem this morning according to your instructions. No one else could do it except me, but I can't explain it clearly..."

Mi Yang nodded, let them in, and said, "I'll tell you all."

Bai Luochuan stood aside a little unhappy, listening to Mi Yang sitting there explaining the topic, frowning and watching for a while, and when he heard Mi Yang cough, he immediately said: "I'll explain it, you go take the medicine."

Mi Yang said: "It's okay, it will be fine soon."

Bai Luochuan stood there without saying a word. When Mi Yang finished speaking and stood up to drink water, he went to Mi Yang's seat and sat down, rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'll explain the next question."

Xiao Pang looked at him in confusion, scratched his head, and said, "This is a third-grade question, Luo Chuan, do you know how to do it?"

Bai Luochuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course, I can do whatever Mi Yang can do. The questions my teacher at home gave me are much more difficult than this, and I always got full marks in every exam." He added, "Mi Yang also got full marks."

The children around him exclaimed and looked at him expectantly.

Master Bai unfolded a new page of exercise paper and said, "I will start now. Please listen carefully."

When Mi Yang brought water to everyone, he saw a group of little kids studying hard in the living room. Bai Luochuan was sitting in the main seat with his sleeves rolled up and his brows furrowed, looking very serious. The kids next to him were probably frightened by his sudden severity, and none of them were distracted. They were all listening and writing carefully.

Mi Yang put the water on the cabinet outside, stood at the door and watched it with interest for a while, and then he was happy first.

The author has something to say: Two updates combined into one, celebrating in advance that the author has 42,000+ collections, bow and thank you for the collection!

In addition, I will book a wake-up call service for 1,000 people. I will update more after I wake up today^口^