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Chapter 49: red dates


Mi Yang was very surprised and walked over and asked, "Why are you here?"

Bai Luochuan stood there and waited for him to take two steps, then said, "I'll come with Grandpa to take a look."

Mi Yang asked, "Is Grandpa Bai here too?"

Bai Luochuan nodded, his eyes fell on the big bag in Mi Yang's hand, and frowned, "What is this? Is it heavy?" As he spoke, he reached out and picked it up in his hand out of habit. They grew up together, and Mrs. Bai often said that he was the older brother. As an older brother, he naturally had to take care of his younger brother.

Mi Yang said: "It's not heavy, it's the dried red dates that make it look more numerous."

Mi Yang wanted to go and say hello to Mr. Bai, but he didn't see him. Only Mrs. Bai was there. Mrs. Bai smiled with relief when she saw him. She also got out of the car, touched his little face, and said distressedly: "Yangyang has lost a lot of weight. Your family..." She turned her eyes to Mi Yang's sleeves, which were covered with black gauze, and sighed, comforting him: "Good boy, you have worked hard. Are your parents here? I want to go see them."

Mi Yang nodded and led Mrs. Bai and the others over.

Mrs. Bai originally came to visit a seriously ill elder and brought a lot of gift boxes of nutritional supplements. The old lady of the Mi family had passed away, and Mi Hong was not in good health either, so the things could be used, so she kept them all, paid her respects, and left some money for Mi Zehai and Cheng Qing.

Mi Zehai refused, and Mrs. Bai said, "Take it. This is the custom in our hometown. I am a married daughter-in-law, and I understand this."

Cheng Qing looked a little tired. He didn't look fat, but his face seemed swollen and he didn't look very well. Mi Zehai had to take care of his father, so Cheng Qing took Mrs. Bai to the room where they lived, poured her some tea, and talked with her for a while.

Mrs. Bai asked about the old man in a low voice. Although Cheng Qing lowered her voice, her eyes turned red after she spoke a few words. Mi Yang saw it, jumped off the stool, took Bai Luochuan's hand and said, "Let's go out? I'll take you out to play."

Bai Luochuan nodded in agreement. He hadn't spoken much to Mi Yang since he arrived, as if saying, "I'm still angry and haven't made peace with you yet." But since Mi Yang took the initiative to talk to him, he still had to look at him a few more times. Now that his hand was held, he didn't let go and let Mi Yang hold his hand and walk into the courtyard.

Mi Yang saw the bag of red dates on the stone table in the courtyard, slapped his forehead and said, "Oh no, I forgot about this. Wait for me, I'll go wash the dates."

Bai Luochuan immediately said, "I'll go too. Wait for me and I'll get my clothes."

He stood up and was about to leave, but Mi Yang picked up the bag of red dates. They both looked at each other's hands and felt something was wrong.

Mi Yang asked curiously, "Why are you washing dates with clothes?"

Bai Luochuan frowned and asked, "What did you take? Something for the bathroom?"

Mi Yang was delighted when he heard this and said, "I'm not talking about the bathing ones. I'm talking about the red dates." He held up the bag to show him, "The kind that can be eaten."

Bai Luochuan nodded and asked, "Where are we going to wash?"

Mi Yang carried the bag over and said, "It's in the yard. There's a small pond with well water. It's cool and very comfortable."

Bai Luochuan was originally standing aside, but after hearing Mi Yang call him twice, he sat on a small bamboo stool beside him with an expression of "I'll give it a try reluctantly" and reached out to scoop up the well water to play with it for a few times. It was icy cold to the touch, and he said in surprise: "It looks like it could be used as a small refrigerator if I put some ice cubes in it."

Mi Yang said, "Yes, in a few days we can get a watermelon to eat cold, press the water here... Yes, press it twice more and the water will go into the wooden basin." Mi Yang instructed him to get water while shaking the bag to pour all the red dates into it to soak, "Isn't this wooden basin big? We can soak two watermelons, the smaller ones, cut in half and eat with a spoon. I ate a watermelon yesterday, it was so sweet, I can now pick the watermelons by their sound, they are definitely ripe!"

While he was working, he kept talking to the young master, telling him everything, and trying to coax him. After all, he hadn't been home for too long, and he couldn't help feeling a little guilty for the person who was waiting there.

Xiaobai Luochuan was easy to coax. Knowing that Mi Yang still put him first, he was not angry anymore. The two of them became familiar with each other again after a while, and their relationship was so good that it seemed as if they had never been apart.

Mi Yang picked out the largest red date, wiped the water off it, and handed it to Bai Luochuan, "Would you like to try it?"

Bai Luochuan was pumping the second basin of well water, and was playing happily with this toy. When Mi Yang handed it to his mouth, he opened his mouth and ate it. After chewing it twice, he said, "It's sweet."

Mi Yang also took a red date and ate it himself, and asked him, "Are you well now? What caused you to be sick? Is it serious?"

Bai Luochuan said: "It's just a cold. I accidentally caught a cold from the wind. I'm fine now."

Mi Yang didn't understand: "How could you catch a cold? Didn't the driver always pick you up from school?"

Bai Luochuan said: "I caught a cold at night."

Mi Yang had stayed at his house so many times that he was more familiar with it than his own home. He frowned when he heard him say, "That's not right. Aunt Wu checks the doors and windows every night. The quilts are also sufficient. Did you sneak out..."

Bai Luochuan closed his mouth and refused to say anything.

Mi Yang thought for a moment, then moved closer and asked him, "Did you sneak into my house at night?"

Bai Luochuan stopped pumping water into the well, threw down what he was holding, and said with a straight face, "This is not fun, I don't want to play it anymore." After that, he turned around and left.

Mi Yang sat there and thought for a while. How long would it take for Xiao Bai Luochuan to wait for him to come back in the middle of the night? Just imagining the pitiful and stubborn look of the child waiting for him to come back, Mi Yang's heart softened.

He sighed, packed up the red dates and placed them on a plate, then went to find Bai Luochuan.

Young Master Bai didn't go far. He stood at the door of Mi Yang's house, looking at a tree, wishing he could see flowers on it.

Mi Yang walked over, looked up at the tree and said, "This is a pomegranate tree. My grandfather planted it for me. Every time I come back, I can get a big pomegranate. The skin is dry, but the inside is very sweet. But once I choked while eating it, and it scared my grandparents so much that I said I didn't like it anymore." Mi Yang smiled and sighed, "They didn't believe it either. Every time they dug out the pomegranate seeds, squeezed out the juice with a small spoon and fed it to me mouthful by mouthful."

Bai Luochuan said dryly: "Oh."

Mi Yang went to hold his hand, and asked him with squinting eyes: "The pomegranates are not ripe yet this year. We have to wait until the fifteenth day of the eighth month. Can I save one for you?"

Bai Luochuan was about to nod, but immediately raised his eyebrows angrily: "Do you still want to stay until the Mid-Autumn Festival?!"

Mi Yang silently calculated the time, and before he could speak, he heard the young master beside him getting even angrier: "You still want this!"

Mi Yang rubbed the tip of his nose and chuckled softly.

Bai Luochuan was annoyed by him and shook off his hand to leave, but Mi Yang held on tighter and coaxed him: "I'm just saying, I want to invite you to my house and eat pomegranates, isn't that good? I don't know when I'll be back, I have to ask my parents, and only after they say it counts."

Bai Luochuan turned to look at him, there seemed to be little flames dancing in his eyes, and his cheeks turned red with anger.

The two little ones reconciled and quarreled, quarreled and reconciled. No matter what, Mi Yang temporarily appeased the young master. When Cheng Qing sent Mrs. Bai out, Bai Luochuan took Mi Yang's hand and went over together, saying, "Mom, Xiaoguai, come with us."

Mrs. Bai leaned over and said to him, "Mom can't make the decision. You have to ask Xiaoguai first, and then ask your Aunt Cheng."

Bai Luochuan walked over holding Mi Yang's hand and asked carefully, "Aunt Cheng, Xiaoguai and I have agreed that he will come to my house tonight and we will come together tomorrow, is that okay?"

Cheng Qing has been busy during this period, and Mi Yang has been helping her as much as possible. She never runs around, let alone plays with other children. She is so well-behaved that it makes her feel distressed. When she heard Bai Luochuan say this, she nodded and agreed, "Of course, how long will you stay here?"

Bai Luochuan was always a little reserved in front of his elders. He stood there like a little adult and answered, "My mother said I can stay for a summer vacation."

Cheng Qing said: "Then let Yangyang play with you for two more days."

Bai Luochuan was surprised and said, "Really? Thank you, Aunt Cheng!" He thanked her quickly, as if he was afraid that Cheng Qing would regret it, and he didn't forget to flatter her, "Aunt Cheng is the best!"

Mrs. Bai smiled and said, "Listen, I've been busy for so many days, and I haven't heard a single good word. Now the best person is your Aunt Cheng, right?"

Bai Luochuan achieved his wish and praised her generously, "Mom is the best!"

The best Mrs. Bai went to the Bai family's old house with her two children.

The Bai family's old house covers a large area. When you step through the high threshold, it feels like you have stepped into another world, separated from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. You can only feel the tranquility of the courtyard. The old trees in the courtyard are lush and leafy, and you can hear the crisp sound of birds singing.

Mi Yang looked around as he walked. He had been here several times, but it was too big and he didn't walk around like he did this time. Most of the places he went to were on the top floor of a newly built building on the right, which was also where Bai Luochuan usually rested and entertained. Although the appearance was consistent with the old house, it only had a wooden exterior and the interior was still made of reinforced concrete. The interior decoration was very stylish and modern, and cocktail parties were usually held there, and most of the people who went there were young people.

But it is still early, the small building where Bai Luochuan lives has not been built yet, and the old house has not been renovated in the previous life, and still maintains its original simplicity.

Mi Yang looked up, with a bit of curiosity and comparison, and it slowly overlapped with his memory, and some places felt familiar. He and Bai Luochuan walked into the inner courtyard together. The murals on a stone screen at the corner were mottled in color. Mi Yang was sensitive to these old objects and looked up for another look.

Bai Luochuan frowned, looking at the large and empty patio in the yard. The weeds and gravel here had been cleared, but it didn't look good when it was empty. Bai Luochuan hummed softly, "We should build a pond here and plant flowers next to it to make it look nice."

Mi Yang looked at him in surprise and blinked.

Bai Luochuan really did this in his previous life. After he took over the old house, he really dug a pond here, raised fish and lotus flowers in it, and planted many varieties of precious flowers around it, which bloomed all year round. He brought him to see it several times, and his expression was very proud.

The author has something to say: I received the nutrient solution, I’m happy, I’ll update more!

Book a wake-up service for a thousand people, and I’ll write when I wake up!